Archive for the Category » Ascended Master «

Humans have changed; it’s actually happened

We all keep hearing that the Earth is billions of years old and that modern man has only been around for a few thousand years, at least, here on Earth. So…We tend to think that major changes in mankind must be made slowly, over time.

That is the view of the evolutionists; survival of the fittest, but gradually,over time.  There are scientists, however, that believe mutations can come along that can change things much more rapidly. The issue is the survival of the mutation and the spread of the mutation to a core group.

I am the first of these mutated Humans, but I wasn’t born with mutated DNA; I learned how to transform my own DNA. It did not involve any labs or test tubes or microscopes; it was all within me.

Back in May of 2002, I figured out how to re-configure energetic elements within my Inner Heart.  I have written a post on how to find your Inner Hearts. The Inner Heart is the 14th Chakra or Energy Center and it is also the control center for all of your body’s energy flows. Making changes in your Inner Heart makes changes throughout your body; that is where you go to make changes to your DNA.

I have a guided meditation for any of you who want to go to your Inner Heart and change your own DNA; I will post it as a new page on this site.

Ok. I am the first X-man, but in the past 12-years, Spirit has sent me 650 others who have transitioned into being X-men as well. Perhaps X-men is a misnomer as more than 625 of these new Humans are women.  I call these new X-beings, “Newmen or Newomen”.

This site is called Hexahedron1 as I was the first being to put myself into a cube; Plato refereed to the cube as a Hexahedron and it is one of his Platonic Solids and represents the Earth-being shape.

We all come here as Fire-beings and our energetic shape is the Tetrahedron or four-sided triangle. For those of you who know what a Mer-Ka-Ba is and what it looks like, it is two Tetrahedrons merged and phase-shifted with one representing female, one male and the merged two, Spirit.

I transformed myself from a Human Fire-being to a Newman Earth-being and you can as well. It is a matter of going into your Inner Heart, finding the screening room and installing the Newman/Newoman software. Even if you are not yet ready to put yourself into the cube, by installing the software, you put yourself on a new path. As I keep writing, it is all about Intent.

I am a mutant, but a self-directed one; I chose to transform myself. See my post on Newman Manifesto. My DNA is not 12 or 24 strands, it is 72 and much of it is invisible in this physical world.

Why am I writing this, now? Am I painting a target on my back? No. It has taken the world 12-years to get accustomed to my new Earth-being energies; by that I mean it has taken 12-years to have these new energies integrated into the old energies so that they could be used.

Finally, I can begin to use the powers/powres my Spirit Guide has been telling me about. For any of us beings here, 12 years is a long time to wait, but Spirit is amused at our impatience; it was but a blink of an eye. Having said that, it is a huge change in mankind here on Earth as well as on the thousands of other Human planets in our Multiverse.

What’s the big deal? We all have a piece of the Hologram that is Spirit when we are born; Human have a much bigger piece than Dolphins, Cats, Dogs, Horses and Whales. Everything; Chimps, Gorillas, Orangutans, Cattle, Sheep, Chickens, Sharks, Wolves, Bears even down to plants and rocks have a small piece of this awareness. Yes, we are all One.

By transforming yourself into a Newman/Newoman, you get a much larger piece of the Hologram than Humans; it is about 1000 times larger or ten orders of magnitude. Newmen are above Humans like Humans are above Dolphins.

Having said that, all of us Newmen have been Human first; none of us were born with this mutation.  We all know what it is like to be Human and not know what to do or where to turn to for answers.

Newmen/Newomen are much more “connected” to Spirit and KNOW where to go for answers and allow themselves to “guided” what to do.

Another important difference is that transforming yourself can only be accomplished by beings that are oriented towards the Light or Aqua; you must be a believer and practitioner in freedom, choice, truth, integrity, self-responsibility. You MUST be a Right-spinner. No crooks or corruption allowed.

As of today, no bullets, guns or bombs or SWAT Teams can harm me. They cannot capture me or inject me or lock me away; whatever “they” try to do on me, they end up doing to themselves.  It is a wonderful “boomerang” effect that applies to the sniper pulling the trigger or the pilot shooting a missile and those up the chain-of-command who ordered the action.

In the coming days, all 650 New-beings will have this same powre and others less defensive. Just imagine, instead of 5 or 6 X-men fighting the bad guys, it will be 650 and they will all be self-directed from within. Ruling through the barrel of gun or a knife, sword or spear is over.

Love, Light and Laughter,


Are you too, an Ascended Master?

Many of you who have found this site (or been lead to it) have been Ascended Masters in previous lifetimes. When you have achieved Ascended Master status in at least nine (9) lifetimes, you can proclaim that status in any subsequent lifetime. I was born here, this time, as an Ascended Master, but I chose to come without powers until I re-membered that I had them and could give them to myself here.

How do you know if you have been an Ascended Master before?

You go to your Inner Heart; go to the Screening Room and count the number of spinning Tetrahedrons that you have point-down on the line.  These spinning Tetrahedrons look a lot like spinning Martini glasses without the stem; yes alcohol is a gift from Spirit and the Martini is very Spiritual – it is the Fire Being symbol. We all come here (and anywhere) as Fire Beings and must figure out how to advance to becoming an Earth Being.

How does one find their Inner Heart?

If you have been an  Ascended Master before, you have a wonderful ability to image (imagine) things in your Mind.  Imagine a large Martini glass, without its stem. This Martini glass is a Tetrahedron spinning to the Right or Clockwise when you look down on it from the top. Take the sharp point of this imaginary Martini glass and stick it into your Heart. Now, imagine yourself on the rim of the Martini glass.  You are spinning to the Right and now must spiral down to the point of the glass to the Right, with the spin. When yo get to the bottom, step out of the point and you will find a doorway; it may be opened for you already, but if not, just say Open or Open Sesame. If you spiral down to the Left, against the spin, the door to your  Inner Heart will not open.

If you have at least four spinning Tetrahedrons, you can transform yourself into a Vertical Master easily. If you have at least six, you can transform yourself into an Earth Being (put yourself into a Hexahedron or Cube). Many of you will have many more than six because we kept getting more of them in every lifetime that we achieved Ascended Master status, but did not know what to do with them.

I had a large number of these spinning Martini glasses and came here, in this lifetime, to find out what to do about them. I figured out how to re-configure them to fit inside a Cube, than Diamond and so on. Use the Platonic Solids model.

If you can figure out how to re-configure yourself and put yourself into a Hexahedron, do so. I did and so can you. If you need some help, as in a guided Meditation, I am here to help. Feel free to contact me at [email protected]. I am quite happy to start a dialog with you to answer specific questions. With your permission and without your email, I will share our dialogs on this blog.

Planet Earth is the place where all previous Ascended Masters are coming to (or have come) to experience the Ascension of a Planet Being, Gaia, for the first time. It is this event that has allowed so many of us to congregate here.  It is also a wonderful opportunity to share the shortcut to the  Cube or Hexahedron; it is a much more powerful symbol than anyone knows on this planet or any other.

If you have been an Ascended Master at least twice before, you can give yourself Adept powers. This is important as Majikal powres will become the dominant technology of the next 20,000 years or so. What many of us do not realize is that all things related to computers and communications to include the Internet and social media are expressions of the new Majik in our world.

If this missive strikes a chord within, be sure to read all of the pages and posts on this site. I have been guided to put this information out there, but the insights are all over the place. I am still working on the eBook that has all of the pages and posts of this site; it will be ready soon.


The New World Order, its not what you think

I have written about Reptilian Mind-Control being used to “guide” our political leaders in the United States, Europe and other parts of the world.  Many of us know about the New World Order that Bush ’41 referred to as the efforts to install a centralized dictatorship onto the world using the United Nations, the European Union and the planned North American Union.

All of these are in the realm of the very Dark energy that is now, being replaced by very Light energy.  The visions of the ruling elite and their sycophants are not going to happen.  Light is taking over; what does that mean?

Well..For one thing, this notion of Democracy, where one man (or woman) has one vote to decide on who our political leaders are is going away.  In its current state, this enables the takers everywhere.  The makers do not have any good choices left; the takers have taken over; especially in Europe and, now, the US.

If we go back to what our Founding Fathers tried to put in place for us, it would be a Republic where only the makers had a vote.  I know; Women are the ultimate makers and they did not have a vote until the early 1900s.  But even the early US Republic was a compromise to try to limit the power of Government.  Over time, the rules have been changed and, now, Government is out-of-control – Everywhere.  There are too many laws and regulations and thousands more being added everyday.  This is the final outcome for Darkness; Darkness is Fear, Force and Control and resistance to Freedom, Truth and Choice.

Ok.  This site is dedicated to a new concept; Newmen and Newomen.  These are advanced energetic beings who have moved beyond the limitations of the mere Human; they have become Newmen, even though, the vast majority are Newomen.  Who and what are these Newomen?  Like me, they have all been Ascended Masters many times in previous lifetimes on many worlds.  They also have figured out how to reconfigure and synchronize their Energy Centers or Chakras; all 14 of them.

How many are there?  About 600 now with only 10 of them Newmen; yes Ladies, that’s 59 Newomen to 1 Newman. As you all know, men are much more challenged when trying to advance spiritually.  Men are the Dark sex and Women are the Light sex.

So.  What does it mean to be spiritually advanced?  The best answer is that we are connected with our Spirit Self or Spirit Guide 24/7.  It means that we are in a two-way dialogue asking for and receiving specific guidance from Spirit on anything of importance to either ourselves or to Spirit.

I know.  This is “crazy” talk. Everyone knows that it is “nuts” to talk to yourself and even more so to believe what you are talking about.  That was true in the realm of Darkness; you could not trust conversations dominated by Dark Forces; they lied.

Ok.  Newmen and Newomen have received incredible new powres with the transition into Light.  Most of them do not know they have these powres yet; that knowledge and how to use them will come when they are needed.

Are there more Humans that can become Newmen; yes, perhaps 1,200 more.  You have to have experience as an Ascended Master in at least six previous lifetimes.  That is 1,800 people out of at least 3 billion.

Ok. There are far too many people who are oriented towards Darkness on the planet; most of them are leaving/dying and going to other planets where the energy is more comfortable.  Those who are left here will have an energy make-up of at least 70 percent Light (30 percent Darkness).  Anyone who has more than 30 percent Darkness will be obliged to leave.

These 70 percenters will be encouraged to gather more Light within themselves until they get to 80 percent.  Once they get to 80 percent, they too, will have Majikal Powres and can continue advancing towards becoming a Newman or Newoman.

This is the New World Order; its based upon Spiritual Advancement.  The 70-80 percenters will still be Human, but with a lot of Light.  They will receive limited Fire Being Adept powres.  Those who have 80 percent Light, or above, will be Newmen or Newomen in waiting and will have significant new Majikal Powres.

Did you think that when Light took over from Darkness after 10,800 years, everything would be the same?

What about all of the billions of people who are oriented towards Fear, Force and Control and who resist change for the better.  Our Spirits are immortal; we just leave and get another body on our next planet.  Most of Spirit is incapable of handling being a Spirit in a Body.  To them, all of us Spirits in a Body are Rock Stars, even those of us who are very Dark.

There will be a brief rest and relaxation period (it is hard work being a Spirit in a Body) and everyone will be sent to a more appropriate planet.  Gaia, the Earth Goddess is Ascending and this is the first time a Planetary Being has done so – EVER!  Gaia cannot Ascend without the presence of concentrated, focused Light in all of her people.  The Dark people must leave or Gaia cannot Ascend.

What about the guns and bombs?  What about ruling through the barrel of a gun?  Its over, done, history.  Those with Majikal Powres will use (not abuse) their powres to settle issues; remember, these Newomen are being guided from within and do not have to look outside of themselves for answers.  The days of the male, hierarchical, authority figures are over, done, history as well.

I am Merln, the Majikan

For years now, my Spirit Guide has been telling me that I am, somehow, a second-coming;  that tended to freak me out as I did not want, even remotely, to be the second-coming of Christed Energy or anything remotely religious.  To me Religion is all about Fear, Force and Control – Darkness.

I have been writing about Majik and the use of Spells and today, finally, I got the in-sight that I am the second-coming of Merln (some may spell it as Merlin or Merlyn).  This is much easier for me to “grok” as Merln was the most famous Light-Warrior that any of us know about.

So, immediately, I asked about any real or energetic staff and orb or crystal that had been left for me.  Sure enough, there was an energetic staff and crystal that I had to meld into my energy flows.  Oddly enough, I had a reflexology pain in my foot that I could not identify to release.  As soon as I integrated Merln’s staff, I felt an immediate lessening of the pain and realized that I also had to allow other Light energies to flow.  I write this as many of you may have the same issue right now.  The Aquarian Light is flowing into everyone who can handle it and you may be blocking it unconsciously and wondering why your foot hurts.

Ok.  What else do we know about Merln?  So I had to ask about the Crystal Caves, right?  Sure enough, the Crystal Caves are in a location not far from NYC on the East Coast of America.  That tells me that Merln was able to teleport himself way back when; I mean Merln was supposed to be operating out of ancient England, right?

Once I remember, and that applies to you as well, how to teleport, I will be able to go to the Crystal Caves and retrieve anything that Merln left for me physically.  I am also a technologist and have put up some of my ideas at  With teleportation, I can also go to the caves in the Himalayas where the ancient Atlantians stored advanced technologies for our future use.  You can read about this in the Emerald Tablets of Toth.  There is also a site in the Yucatan, but my Spirit Guide tells me that is underwater and has been flooded and corroded.

I have asked my Spirit Guide to restore the memories of Merln to me, at least his memories of how to use Majik.  I do know that he was absolutely fascinated with the Platonic Solids and knew that very powerful, Majik was hidden there.  He did not figure how to break the code in his lifetime, but I came back and figured it out in my lifetime.  Read about becoming a Newoman or Newman; it is all about re-configuring your energy centers or Chakras using the Platonic Solids as a guide.  There are nearly 600 advanced spiritual beings, all but ten of them, women, who have made this energetic transition over the past ten years.  This is an incredibly small percentage of the population, but all of these Newomen/Newmen will be remembering how to teleport soon.  They will also have a huge enhancement in their abilities to manifest and something new, transform things to make them better.

I have called myself a Computer Wizard for years and have recently started calling myself a Computer Wisperer.  I now know why; I am Merln and I can talk to, and program anything that has a crystalline structure – rocks, silicon, metal, plastic, chips.  Yep, cars, planes, trains, trucks, weapons of all description, mainframes, laptops, tablets, smart phones, etc.  It’s actually kinda cool to be able to have conversations with all of this crystal awareness.  Many of you use crystals in everyday healing or energy transformations; I have just taken this to a more intense level.  Majik is returning and now, I know why I came here now.  Have fun with it.

Love, Light and Laughter,


We Are Energy Beings First – 6/8/11

Hello All,

This blog is a little different, but perhaps the most important post I have put up here.  We Humans/Newmans tend to think of ourselves as Physical beings; and we are.  BUT, WE ARE ALL ENERGETIC BEINGS FIRST!

When we start coming down with the Flu, we feel the scratching of a sore throat and we grab the medicine that worked that last time and try to head the flu off at the pass.  If it works, great; but if not, we take to our beds and go through all the aches and pains and feeling sick that we have brought on ourselves.

Most of us think of ourselves as a physical being named, in my case, Dave Maxwell, and we know all about our physical limitations, what we are allergic too, where our pain is, and what chronic issues we have.  We do not think or feel that we have much control over our bodies and any, little control, involves doing things like eating differently, exercising, meditating, going on vacations to reduce stress; somehow, it is always about DOING something different.  This tool is actually what we are supposed to be using as a Physical Body and most of us have our Internal Programming (yes, like a computer) set to a default setting where changes to our Physical Body can only be made by DOING.


For those of you who know how to connect with your Inner Beings, here is what I suggest you do; yes this is still a DO.  Ask your Inner Being if you can change from a default mode of DOING to a default mode of THINKING: by doing this one thing, you will have made yourself into an Advanced Being or, a much more Capable Being. Imagine, you can, now, get money without having to DO anything for it; you can go to a place by Orbing (you know, like Samantha) without having to get transportation to the airport, getting on the airplane and getting transportation again to your destination; THEY WILL HATE THIS, but you can skip Customs and Immigration.

By shifting to a THINKING mode, we are using our Energetic Bodies to control our Physical Bodies; not the reverse.

Eternal Order of Progression; Why People are So Different

In my last post, I recommended reading T&D; that is where I got my original information on the Eternal Order of Progression.  Since then, I have added to it, especially in the DNA aspects I will share with you today.

So, what the Hell is the Eternal Order of Progression?  If you are an individualized Spirit watching and waiting for your opportunity to come down here into the Physical or Dense, Hard Reality, you have to earn your place here.  You start out by being a rock, say cooled lava as you are a fire-being.  Then you graduate through granite and sand and silver and gold.  As silver and gold, you are touched by and worn by Humans.  Humans had the most energy of progression here, so, you wanted to be held or touched to get to that energy; it was transformal and allowed you to become a plant.

As a plant, you wanted to be eaten by Humans, again to get to that transformal energy of progression, but you are eaten by lower level animals first and graduate to being eaten by Humans; that is how you become transformed into a low-level animal.  As an animal, you are in-turn, eaten by other animals until you can be eaten by Humans.  You keep progressing until you become a Human and then there are other things to progress into.

Stop.  Think. Let this sink in.

This is why we have all of the food that we eat at the Grocery Store; we have the cereals, grains, vegetables, meat, fish and poultry sitting there wanting to be eaten by Humans so that the underlying, permanent cell structures can be exposed to the energy of progression within Humans. It is polite to thank Spirit for the food we are about to eat, but we are actually doing Spirit’s work by eating everyday.  We help everything around us to progress into something that has more awareness.  This is how we are all ONE.

This means that rocks, sand, trees, snakes, chickens, fish, pigs, cattle, sheep and water are all filled with some level of awareness.  Ask yourself, what is the best possible way to get inside of a Human to access the energy of progression?  Water or Coffee or Tea or Coke or Juice is absolutely the best way; you stand in line, wait your turn and get imbibed by animal after animal until you reach Humans.  What happens to water after it is drunk; it gets pissed away within hours ready to be imbibed again (after some processing).

So know this Human; you are the product of Aeons of growth from rock to what you are now – treat your brothers in progression with respect.

Now, Why are people so different.  As we come up through the animal kingdom, we get to be elephants, bears, wolves and big cats and then we get to be turtles, whales and dolphins increasing our awareness as we go. Then we get to be domesticated animals and live around mankind always getting more of that energy of progression.  Then we get to be cats and dogs where we can be groomed, and hugged and cuddled and walked and, most of all, loved.  This love energy is the most powerful energy of progression.

OK. We, finally, arrive at being a Human.  What does this mean?  Human all have at least one double-helix strand of  the most complex DNA.  In reality, that double strand of DNA has at least four more around it that are not visible; there’s that number 5 again.  So, a basic Human has a double strand with four invisible strands.  Ok, that Human progresses to one double strand with four invisible strands and another eight invisible strands around it.  Count them, that is one double strand with twelve invisible single strands around them; there’s that number 14 again, which is really a 5.  It’s the Creator Number.

So, we have a basic Human with one double strand with 12; that Human progresses to 2 double strands with 4 and/or 12 and then 3 double strands with 4 and/or 12.  People with 3 double strands or less, can be considered to be Basic Humans.  This is the vast majority of the Human population.

So, now Humans progress to having 4 double strands with 4 and/or 12 and then 5 and then 6 double strands; these can be considered to be Advanced Humans.  The Human with 6 double strands is a Newman in waiting and must obtain the essential insights to progress to the next stage of progression to 7, 8 and 9 double strands; these are what I call Newmen.  I AM THE FIRST NEWMAN.

Read a book called, “Thinking and Destiny”

For those of you who like what you read here, I have another book for you to read.  Thinking and Destiny was written by Harold Percival during the late 1940s and it was published in 1954 because of paper shortages from World War II.  This work, like mine, is all channeled information from Spirit.

The information in Thinking and Destiny, hereafter called T&D, is unique; you will not find similar insights in any other book.  T&D is “gated”; meaning that you cannot go any faster than it will let you.  I my case, sometimes I had to read a particular paragraph or page several times before I could continue.  Frequently, I was put asleep after completing one of these “read-many-times” episodes.  I suspect this was to allow my Spirit-mind to absorb or process the information.

If you have been lead to this blog and are being prompted (from within) to read this book, know this; you can do it.  It may take a while, but persevere and it will be worthwhile.  There are, perhaps, 2,000 people who have completed this book, but the energetic shift has already happened and it is easier to read now.

Reading, thinking about and “Grokking” the insights in this book while enable you to advance faster and further through Adept, Vertical Master, Horizontal Master and Mahatma degrees of Fire-power.

Read the Emerald Tablets of Thoth

If you are a Newman or Newoman, or one in waiting, search on Emerald Tablets of Thoth; its available on-line.  It is old-paradigm, but if you aspire to being a Purple-Light Adept, this is a must read.  Read it at least twice and more if desired.

Thoth was the last Priest-King of Atlantis, built the Great Pyramid at Giza and the Sphinx and ruled Egypt for 36,000 years.  He calls Egypt “Khem” and speaks about bringing the people of Khem from barbarous cave dwellers to a civilized people we called the ancient Egyptians.

He left Atlantis, as it was subsiding beneath the waves, with a small group of Priests and other survivors; they left in a Space ship and traveled to what we call Egypt today.  Thoth buried his space ship under or in close proximity the Great Pyramid at Giza and it awaits someone with Thoth’s power to be retrieved.

Thoth saw the coming destruction of Atlantis in advance and acted to preserve some of the Atlantean technologies in large caves in the Yucatan and the Himalayan Mountains.  The Yucatan repository is now underwater and is of little use, but the Himalayan one is fully available.

Thoth foresaw the advent of Purple-energy at the beginning of this new Great Year cycle and arranged to be born here on Earth at this time.  Thoth is among us now waiting for the right timing and turns-of-events.  The big problem with coming back as a child is that you must, somehow, remember who you are.  Then you must gather up the knowledge and things you left behind for your future use.


Ascended Master and Ascension Creation is Broken

In the previous post, I explained the importance of the number 5 or 14.  That is the creator number!

I was born in a 14 year and came here with the expressed intent of creating something new here. It actually goes back to the writings of Plato, the Greek Philosopher.  He wrote about something called the Platonic Solids; these are five shapes that are unique and represent Fire energy (Tetrahedron), Earth energy (Hexahedron), Air energy (Octahedron), Water energy (Icosahedron) and Spirit energy (dodecahedron).

As Humans, we are all born as Fire beings and our shape has been two tetrahedrons put together to form a MerKaBa or Light Body which looks like the Star of David when viewed from above.  Because the Tetrahedron has four triangular sides, there are four different degrees of power for Fire beings; Adept, Vertical Master, Horizontal Master and Mahatma.   Each triangle or the Tetrahedron is broken down into 4 smaller, equal sized triangles which represent the different degrees of attainment within each degree of power.  In centuries past, people seeking spiritual advancement would spend decades moving up the degrees of attainment within the Adept power.  This is what the Mystery Schools did.As people became stronger Adepts, they also learned how to raise their vibration levels, but more importantly, their levels of vibration.  This allowed people here, and on other Planets, to become what we call Ascended Masters.

To achieve this status, people had to vibrate themselves out of this physical space and into the 8th space above us.  We are spirits-in-a-body that are playing here in the 9th, most dense space away from SPIRIT who operates in the Zero or Won space.  Spirit is like the Princess-and-the-Pea nursery story; it had to try a feel what was going on down here through 10 layers of Physicalities.  This was the old paradigm; getting to some form of Adept power and then becoming an Ascended Master and then repeating it on the 8th, 7th and 6th levels of physicalities.  This became a HUGE problem as none of the Spirits-in-a-body were able to Ascend into the 5th physical space or higher.  After eons, it became painfully clear that the Ascension creation was not working; Spirits were unable to re-member themselves and eventually, merge with their Source Self.

This is what we all came here to do, besides all the pleasure and pain.

The only difference between an old Soul and one not-so-old is that the Old Soul re-members more of who He/She is.