It means many volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis; the two active volcanoes and the earthquake in Nepal are just the beginning.
Oddly enough, this activity will not be focused on the “Ring-of-Fire”, but, primarily in Asia. Mount Fuji and other Japanese volcanoes will explode with great violence causing multiple giant tsunamis. Yes, I know, that is the Ring-of-Fire, but it will travel West into China and South into the Philippines, Brunei and Indonesia. It will skip over Indo-China and strike India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan. In general, the mountainous regions of Western Asia will be hit hard.
Iran will be especially hit hard. Iran has been very active in doing the will of Darkness and will be punished severely.
Why these areas? They are the “Darkest” regions of our planet. Communism still reigns in China and Islam has taken “root” throughout these regions. Yes, Islam is closest to the Heart of Darkness.
This seismic and volcanic activity will extend to the Saudi Arabian Peninsula, and to many parts of Africa.
Light is not just cleansing the land, it is cleansing the people. Billions of people who worship Allah will be killed off; they are all oriented towards Darkness and will not be allowed to stay here on Earth.
My timing information of often off, but I am getting that there will be an earthquake/volcanic activity every month for the rest of the year. The Earth is purposefully ramping up it’s internal resonances in preparation of the coming Planetary Expansion.
Love, Light and Laughter,