New Info on Creation Days

Light/Turquoise have definitely taken over; Great News!

I asked Spirit if I was missing something important and got a big YES.  Apparently, I had to wait until Light/Turquoise took over to get this information.

I have written about 14-days being the days that we, Humans, were allowed to create on.  Any day that added up to a 5 was really a 14.  There are three types of days that add up to 5; there is the 5th, 14th and 23rd of every month and then there is is the month and day (like July 7th=14=5) and then there is the month, day and year (like July 10, 2013=7+1+6=14=5).  To keep it simple, I call the day only, a single 14-day; the month and day, a double 14-day and the month, day and year, a triple 14-day.

We are allowed to create on all three types of days.  Here is the new information, at least for me:  On single 14-days (5th,14th & 23rd), we are allowed to create Money and Wealth; On double 14-days (7/7, 7/16&7/25), we are allowed to create Success; and on triple 14-days (7/1/2013, 7/10/2013, 7/19/2013, 7/28/2013), we are allowed to create Sex/Love/Relationships & Health.

So… For those of you who were trying to bring more money into your lives, you must do the money creating on the 5th (today), the 14th or the 23rd.

Ok.  What about August?; it is the 8th month and 8 plus 6 (2013) equals 14.  In this situation, every day in the month of August can be used to create anything we want; money, success or sex/love/relationships & health.  Next year, this all inclusive month will be July.  In 2015, it will be June.  In 2016, it will be May.

Ok. What about May?; it is the 5th month of every year (a 14-month).  Each, and every month of May is also an all inclusive month for creating anything.  Every day in May can be used to create anything we want; money, success or sex/love/relationships & health.  In 2016, we only have one all inclusive month for creating.

So… What about World Peace? How do we create that?  We are allowed to create money/wealth, success, sex/love/relationships and health; these are all personal tools that we can use, with others, to achieve higher goals.

Spend some time creating more money for yourself and others, today!!!

Love, Light and Laughter,


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