For those of you who like what you read here, I have another book for you to read. Thinking and Destiny was written by Harold Percival during the late 1940s and it was published in 1954 because of paper shortages from World War II. This work, like mine, is all channeled information from Spirit.
The information in Thinking and Destiny, hereafter called T&D, is unique; you will not find similar insights in any other book. T&D is “gated”; meaning that you cannot go any faster than it will let you. I my case, sometimes I had to read a particular paragraph or page several times before I could continue. Frequently, I was put asleep after completing one of these “read-many-times” episodes. I suspect this was to allow my Spirit-mind to absorb or process the information.
If you have been lead to this blog and are being prompted (from within) to read this book, know this; you can do it. It may take a while, but persevere and it will be worthwhile. There are, perhaps, 2,000 people who have completed this book, but the energetic shift has already happened and it is easier to read now.
Reading, thinking about and “Grokking” the insights in this book while enable you to advance faster and further through Adept, Vertical Master, Horizontal Master and Mahatma degrees of Fire-power.