Read the Emerald Tablets of Thoth

If you are a Newman or Newoman, or one in waiting, search on Emerald Tablets of Thoth; its available on-line.  It is old-paradigm, but if you aspire to being a Purple-Light Adept, this is a must read.  Read it at least twice and more if desired.

Thoth was the last Priest-King of Atlantis, built the Great Pyramid at Giza and the Sphinx and ruled Egypt for 36,000 years.  He calls Egypt “Khem” and speaks about bringing the people of Khem from barbarous cave dwellers to a civilized people we called the ancient Egyptians.

He left Atlantis, as it was subsiding beneath the waves, with a small group of Priests and other survivors; they left in a Space ship and traveled to what we call Egypt today.  Thoth buried his space ship under or in close proximity the Great Pyramid at Giza and it awaits someone with Thoth’s power to be retrieved.

Thoth saw the coming destruction of Atlantis in advance and acted to preserve some of the Atlantean technologies in large caves in the Yucatan and the Himalayan Mountains.  The Yucatan repository is now underwater and is of little use, but the Himalayan one is fully available.

Thoth foresaw the advent of Purple-energy at the beginning of this new Great Year cycle and arranged to be born here on Earth at this time.  Thoth is among us now waiting for the right timing and turns-of-events.  The big problem with coming back as a child is that you must, somehow, remember who you are.  Then you must gather up the knowledge and things you left behind for your future use.


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