The Templars will Come Out into the Open/Light

Almost everyone has heard that Friday, the 13th is an evil day; what most people do not know is that it is based on an actual event.  On Friday, October 13th, 1307, (more than 700 years ago), the French King and the Avignon Pope moved against the Knights Templar and had them declared “outlaw.”

This is like having the United Nations and all of the major banks declared “outlaw” today.  The impact on the populace was astounding; the Templars were rich, powerful, warrior-monks, and, most importantly, escorted money between important cities.  This service allowed for the safe transport of many goods and it disappeared overnight.  We remember Friday, the 13th because of the breakdown in commerce and the sudden increase in lawlessness when the Templars had to flee.

The Templars had spent most of their 100-year history battling the Moors of Spain and Portugal into submission.  Their last act in that theater of warfare was to drive the Muslims out of the Balearic Islands.  Consequently, after a few Templar leaders were made an example of, nearly all of the Templars in Spain and Portugal changed their name to the Knight of Christ and continued on.  The Spanish Crown seized many of the Templar lands, but quietly handed them back because the deeds were still in Templar hands.  In Portugal, the Templars remained in charge, behind the scenes, until the 20th Century.  They are still a force to be reconned with there today.

In England and France and most of the rest of Europe, the Kings and Nobles seized all of the Templar holdings; in those days, land and rents from it were the wealth.  As in Spain, the Templar holdings were seized, but the deeds of ownership were not.  This created a huge legal problem; the new owners could hold the land, but could not transfer it to a new owner.  This worked well for about 50 years, but the land could not be sold or developed.  No investor was willing to risk his capital without legal ownership to the land.

The Templars took their treasure (and Deeds) and went underground; the headquarters of the new organization went to Scotland and continued its lucrative banking operations as well as sponsoring pirates and privateers, especially against the French and Pope ships of the day.  Templar Knights restarted their escort services, but as private, for profit, mercenaries.  As commerce grew, the Templars moved into the warehouse and dock business everywhere.  They also expanded into Crime; remember, they had been declared Outlaw.  The Templars created the Masons to guide the intelligent members of society towards Freedom and Prosperity.  In Italian, the first letter of “MAFIA” is Masonica.  As Outlaws, the Templars took both the high and low roads, but established rules and order in both. Wherever the Mafia was in control, there were clear rules of behavior that allowed commerce to flourish.

So… For the last 700 years, the Templars have been in control of the underworld and have profited immensely without having to pay taxes on much of their income. The leaders of both the criminals and police were either Masons or Templars and it should be no surprise that they cooperated together.  In about the 1360s,  when all the people who seized their lands were dead, the Templars created corporations who had the Deeds of Ownership and began, quietly buying back their vast land holdings at discounted rates.

In a previous post, I disclosed that the Templars hold a Deed to North America; the claim is for all of Canada, the United States and Mexico, but could extend as far south as Belize, Guatemala and Costa Rica.  Panama, used to belong to Columbia and would be considered to be South America.  The Templars know the value of that deed and will use it when they come out into the open.

Today, the Mafia has come under attack by competing criminal, police and governmental organizations and has quietly withdrawn; this is a policy decision by the Templars.  When they come out into the open, they will have clean hands.  We have all heard about the Drug Lords, Gangs and the Russian Mob; they have taken over the criminal activities, but they do not cooperate with the police, they pay them off.

We are about to experience a complete melt-down of the financial world starting in China/Japan, extending to the European Union/Russia and the US/English speaking world.  The Central Bankers have blown up the ultimate bubble by creating trillions of dollars, euros, yen and yuan out of thin air using something called derivatives.  This scheme is about to collapse of its own weight and with it, the collapse of all the currencies listed above.  All of the Central Bankers will default on their debt including the United States Treasury.

The $17 Trillion US National Debt will be wiped out at a stroke, but the vast majority of that is phony, digital money created by trading derivatives.  The value of corporations, land and precious metals will be retained, but at a far deflated value.  Instead of paying $1,000,000 for a home, it will be $10,000; instead of $5 for a loaf of bread, it will be $0.05 or a nickel.  Many things will cost less than one penny.  The digital banking and credit card system will remain in place, but with many improvements.

The Bitcoin, and its subsequent iterations, will be the only viable currency left.  The Internet will allow digital Barter to flourish as well.  Yes, we will still have electricity and broadband Internet and streaming video and lights and refrigeration/air conditioning and cars/trucks/planes/ships.

As I have said before, Darkness has been in control for 10,800 years and, now, Light is taking over.  Do not look to Government, at any level, for answers, it is Darkness.  The financial collapse, the pandemics, the Governmental collapse, the trigger Volcano/Earthquakes, the Pole Shift and Earth Changes are all part of the cleanup that is necessary.  The Templars have been guided by the Light since their inception.  They will be stepping forward to provide structure, help and guidance during the coming days of turmoil.

Many of you will worry how you will survive without Big Government handouts; you have become dependent on them, by design.  Along with the collapse of the currencies, the Governments will collapse.  Fear not, put your trust in Providence, or Spirit or Light, it will provide shelter, food and clothing going forward, just as it has in the past.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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