Today, 1 August, is the Tipping Day

Since December 22, 2012, I have been writing about Light (and Turquoise) taking over from Darkness.  If you start counting from December 1st, 2012, it is now nine (9) months since the start of that December energy envelope.  On August 22, 2013, it will be nine months, to the day.  9 is the Spiritual number of completion. Effective today, Light has taken over completely from Darkness.

The whole concept of making yourself into a 5th Dimensional being by reconfiguring your energy centers (I call that becoming a Newman or Newoman) is being born into this Multi-Verse on August 22nd.

Ok…Is something different going on, now?  Yes.  The trigger events will happen in August.  The shift of money and success will begin in August. The pandemics will begin in August.  Those people who have already transformed themselves into Newmen and Newomen will, finally, begin to receive new powres/capabilities, again, in August.

What’s so special about August?  In 2013, which adds up to six (6), the 8th month is 31 days of creation days (6+8=14).

For those who have made themselves into Newmen/Newomen, they will begin to receive Adept, Master and Mahatma powres that come from the Light, today.  Today, is the shift of the Ages.

If you have been sitting on the sidelines to see what happens, start paying attention.  Our world is getting ready to become something far different than it was; something far better.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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