Archive for » September, 2019 «

End of the 4th Reich

Hello. I’ve been a bit quiet for a while. Yes, this is a Spiritual site, but I do get to comment on the demise of Darkness from time to time.

Let’s talk BREXIT. It is supposed to happen on October 31st, 2019. It looks like the Globalists are doing everything in their power to prevent the departure of Britain from the EU.

Let’s get back to my timetable; as of September 15th, Right-Spin had 30$ of the powre in our world (actually, our local Universe). On October 1st, it will go to 35% and on October 15th, 40%.

Now, remember, Light already has 40% and has been messing with Darkness for the past two and a half months (Darkness only has 20%). For whatever reason, Light was not able to use it’s powre against Darkness until it got to 40%. The same applies to Right-Spin’s 40%; it will not be usable against Darkness until after the 15th of October (say 10/19 or 10/22 as they are the next 14-Days/Creation Days).

You ask how Light has been messing with Darkness? Italy and Hungary. The departure of May and arrival of BoJo. The coming collapse of China. The increasing win-win-win by Trump in all areas, especially the US Economy. Then there was the G7 for another win.

What about my title? We all know that twice in the last century, Germany tried to conquer Europe; we call them the First and Second World Wars. Hitler called his Germany, the Third Reich. Starting with the ashes of that defeat Germany was allowed to rapidly develop while the rest of Europe was shackled by Socialism. This led to the development of the European Free Market which was free trading between European countries and became a free movement of people and goods.

Somehow, this European Customs Union morphed into the European Union which gradually seized control over the political processes of its member nations. Members of the EU Parliament cannot propose laws, can only vote on final acceptance. The bureaucrats make the rules upon rules upon rules independently. The EU has now set its sites on becoming an “Empire.”

What people do not realize is that the Germans have, finally, conquered Europe; it is called the European Union (EU). Germany is the most equal of equals. Britain is, now, about to escape the control/bondage of the EU. People question whether it will happen, or not. It is not a question of if, but, rather, when. Light and Right-Spin energies are both supporting the destruction of the EU, the Party of Davos and the Chicoms (all of the Globalists).

What is control/bondage? Just another form of Fear, Force and Control or Darkness. What was “normal” in the past is no longer being supported; Darkness only has 20% and, soon, both Light (40%) and Right-Spin (40%) will be able to mess with everything Darkness has built over the past thousands of years. Light will always tend to go after natural buildups of power and use earthquakes, ice ages (low solar radiation), tsunamis/floods and subsidences to oppose Dark powers. Right-Spin will be able to go after many of the man-made efforts like the United Nations, the EU, the Chinese Communist Part (CCP) and the Banksters/Deep State/Rothchilds.

Light workers will be supported by Light, but they are also the foundation of those who become Right-Spinners. The Light Forces will have 40% of the powre. But….the Right-Spinners will also have 40% of the powre.

Just a note to tell all of you that we are still on track for gigantic changes that are coming at us. Yes, we do, live in INTERESTING TIMES.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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