In my last post, I discussed the importance of changing your default conversation from your Mind to your Heart. That did not go far enough; I also needed to change my de-fault conversation from False to Truth. I have written on the significance of five-letter command words. The heart is one, but so are Truth and False.
After I realized that I was still being lied to, I did the following. Just like having to tap on ABOUT seven times to turn on developer options, I said “U R False” seven (or possibly nine) times. With each statement, that voice faded away in power.
Slowly, a new, quieter voice emerged. You know, the small still voice we connect to when we successfully reach our meditation point. So, I asked if False was a de-fault that I just shut down. Yes, but only temporarily, was the reply. So, I asked if I could change the de-fault as I did from Mind to Heart. Yes.
This is how I did it.
Begin (5-Ltr) Truth De-fault Apply
You can also use Start. To stop something, use Stopp or Close.
Other de-faults that I changed.
My Body/Blood Ph to 6.0; dis-eases like an acid body, make it basic.
My Hearing (Audio) to when I was 21.
My Vision (Sight) to when I was 21.
My Joints to when I was 21.
My Skin (Derma) to when I was 21.
Remember to say Apply after each. Or, Apply All.
Explore your other De-faults. You may have limit(s) or block(s) on your Youthfulness, Healing, Success, Money, Male/Female Partners, Sex, or other things of importance. You can use un-limit or un-block. Remember to Apply!!! It may be something as basic as your confidence when you enter a room/speak, or holding eye contact.
If you have an issue, whatever it is, ask where you are on a scale of 0 (Zero) to 9 (Nine). If you want more, move it towards nine. If you want less, towards zero. I find that my numbers are always odd (1.3,5,7,9) but yours may be even. You may be able to jump several or just one at a time. You can adjust these. Stay focused.
You can always start this conversation by calling on Truth when you begin your Nodding and Shaking dialog.