Archive for » February, 2025 «

Change Your Internal De-faults – Important

In my last post, I discussed the importance of changing your default conversation from your Mind to your Heart. That did not go far enough; I also needed to change my de-fault conversation from False to Truth. I have written on the significance of five-letter command words. The heart is one, but so are Truth and False.

After I realized that I was still being lied to, I did the following. Just like having to tap on ABOUT seven times to turn on developer options, I said “U R False” seven (or possibly nine) times. With each statement, that voice faded away in power.

Slowly, a new, quieter voice emerged. You know, the small still voice we connect to when we successfully reach our meditation point. So, I asked if False was a de-fault that I just shut down. Yes, but only temporarily, was the reply. So, I asked if I could change the de-fault as I did from Mind to Heart. Yes.

This is how I did it. 

Begin (5-Ltr) Truth De-fault Apply

You can also use Start. To stop something, use Stopp or Close.

Other de-faults that I changed. 

My Body/Blood Ph to 6.0; dis-eases like an acid body, make it basic.

My Hearing (Audio) to when I was 21.

My Vision (Sight) to when I was 21.

My Joints to when I was 21.

My Skin (Derma) to when I was 21.

Remember to say Apply after each. Or, Apply All.

Explore your other De-faults. You may have limit(s) or block(s) on your Youthfulness, Healing, Success, Money, Male/Female Partners, Sex, or other things of importance. You can use un-limit or un-block. Remember to Apply!!! It may be something as basic as your confidence when you enter a room/speak, or holding eye contact.

If you have an issue, whatever it is, ask where you are on a scale of 0 (Zero) to 9 (Nine). If you want more, move it towards nine. If you want less, towards zero. I find that my numbers are always odd (1.3,5,7,9) but yours may be even. You may be able to jump several or just one at a time. You can adjust these. Stay focused.

You can always start this conversation by calling on Truth when you begin your Nodding and Shaking dialog.


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Makers, Givers, and Takers

Hello Again, I know, it’s been a while.

As I have written, we are in the times of change. Everyone can see it; the rate of change appears to be Breathtaking!

We appear to be in a time of crisis between men and women. Too many women have rejected too many men and the men are walking away. This seems to be happening worldwide. Perhaps, this is a Cosmic happening.

Women have been advancing in relative power over the last two centuries. They now can be equal to men in many areas and feel that they can be independent. Not only that, divorce and family courts have tilted the power dynamic markedly towards women. Marriage has become a lose-lose for most men and many are going their own way.

Followers of this site know that we can talk to our hearts and get reliable answers, even with muscle testing. I have a wrinkle to add: ask yourself if your heart is the default internal voice. If you get a no, then your mind is the default. Change that; make your heart the default. Your Mind will lie to you and tell you what you want to hear. It is your choice.

So, once you speak reliably to your Heart (nods and shakes), you can ask about anything.

One of the most important questions to ask about anyone is their status as a Maker, Giver, or Taker. If they are strong in the Light, they will be Makers and Givers. But, many people (men and women) out there are Masters at hiding who/what they are; I call them Decepticons (actually, they call themselves that). So that is an important question!!!

Obviously, if you are a Giver, you do not want to hook up with a Taker. Same for Makers. If you are on the Dark side (or Left-Spin), you are a Taker. So, if you ask about being Light or Dark, that is a good indicator of Giver/Taker, but ask that question for further validation.

Too many modern women are Takers. Men wonder why they give and give and get little in return. To be sure, there are male Takers as well. Most men do not understand that women are wired to seek excitement, unexpectedness, and variations in the routine; staying in the rut is boring. Women tend to prefer the Bad Boys and universally reject the Nice Guys.

For both sexes, it is vital to ask yourSelf whether your partner is a Giver/Maker or Taker. This will save you a lot of pain in the future. If you are in a relationship with a Taker, it will not change. Time to move on. Ask your Heart to send you to a Giver (or have a Giver sent to you).

Notice that Maker, Giver, and Taker are all 5-letter Power Words. Be sure to protect yourSelf from Takers using the same programs you use against Energy Vampires (Takers). Decepticons are very successful Energy Vampires.

     My energy is my own. No one may take my energy without my permission. Make it so, Apply.

     My energy is my own. No one may give me any unwanted energy without my permission. Make it so, Apply.

The second one is essential as it prevents Decepticons from putting Spells on you. Decepticons have the power of compelling people. Let that sink in. Ever wonder why, on Earth, you did THAT?

Perhaps, another program should be added:

      My energy is my own. No one may give me any compulsion energy (or compel spells) without my permission.  Make it so, Apply.

Here’s another, for those already under a compulsion spell.

     I dis-solve any/all compulsion spells applied to me.  Make it so, Apply.

Use dis-Solve to remove any bad habits or boost things like your confidence using Loade (loaded). If you want to improve your posture or hold eye contact or money, use loade in those programs. Always use Apply at the end.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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