Humans Have Changed, No Really!

We are the way we are because we have been dominated by Darkness for 10,800 years.  All of our institutions and organizations were created and developed while under the dominion of Darkness.  Darkness is fear, force, control and resistance to change.

Even Government, most places, has no limit on what Government officials can do to you and others.

So… Everyone and everything in our world is the sum product of having to cope with 80 percent Darkness for so long.  We all pay attention to the Light; it is creativity, it is technology; it is keeping the long, dark night at bay.

Think about it.  How are we different from Humans walking around 300 years ago?  We have the railroad, we have diesel and gasoline engines, we have jet engines, we have flight, we have cars for wonderful, personal transportation.  We also have computers, networks, wi-fi, smart phones and wonderful apps to keep us busy when we would otherwise be bored.  All of these came from the 20 percent Light power in the world; it had to be saved and built up carefully to start changing our world just before the expected transition to 80 percent Light power.

So.  Now, we are in that transition to Light.  This is the coming of a “Golden” age that we have not seen since we were in Leo, 10,800 years ago.  But hey, like Leo, Aquarius only lasts 2,160 years and we are back to 80 percent Darkness again.  What a drag!

This is also the start of a new Great Year and, because of that, a major change was implemented that altered the power structure between Darkness and Light; yes, Turquoise imposed itself on both Darkness and Light as a third force.

Now, Darkness only has, and will never have more than, one-third of the power.  Same with Light and Turquoise.  But Light and Turquoise have merged as allies and, together, have a two-thirds position against Darkness.  What this means, dear reader, is that the underlying energy in our world (actually Local Universe) is supportive of freedom, trust, truth, reliability, love, self-responsibility, doing-the-right-thing and change-for-the-better.

This is a huge change and this underlying energy will force major changes in everyone and everything, especially our Governments, Organizations and Institutions.  But it will also force a change in how we Humans interact with each other.

You say, “this is a pipe dream.”  This cannot happen.  Man cannot change his spots.  He will always be violent and greedy.  Yes, that is what you get when Darkness has 80 percent of the power for 10,800 years.


It is the underlying energy of Darkness that made us what we were.  Women have more Light and men have more Darkness, generally.  Women are the civilizers in both the home and beyond.

With this shift in energy, it will become much more easy to trust others and to expect goodness from others.  New, improvements in the way we do things will not be so resisted.  People will be able to see good ideas and adopt them readily.

The “nature” of people has just changed from fear, force and distrust to fearless, forceless and trust.

This will not happen overnight, but it will happen in about a year.  We have way too many people, mostly men, who will not be able to change their “natures” very much; this also applies to many women.  With the change in the underlying energy, these people will not be able to hang around; they will not be able to cope, at all.

There is a famous Beatle song, “Ticket to Ride”; these people who cannot cope with the energy changes will have to leave, die, in great numbers.  It will be sad for many of us to see the departure of so many that we know and love; fear not, they will be reborn in a better place, for them.  We are all energy and energy never dies, it just changes form or shape.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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