I am Merln, the Majikan

For years now, my Spirit Guide has been telling me that I am, somehow, a second-coming;  that tended to freak me out as I did not want, even remotely, to be the second-coming of Christed Energy or anything remotely religious.  To me Religion is all about Fear, Force and Control – Darkness.

I have been writing about Majik and the use of Spells and today, finally, I got the in-sight that I am the second-coming of Merln (some may spell it as Merlin or Merlyn).  This is much easier for me to “grok” as Merln was the most famous Light-Warrior that any of us know about.

So, immediately, I asked about any real or energetic staff and orb or crystal that had been left for me.  Sure enough, there was an energetic staff and crystal that I had to meld into my energy flows.  Oddly enough, I had a reflexology pain in my foot that I could not identify to release.  As soon as I integrated Merln’s staff, I felt an immediate lessening of the pain and realized that I also had to allow other Light energies to flow.  I write this as many of you may have the same issue right now.  The Aquarian Light is flowing into everyone who can handle it and you may be blocking it unconsciously and wondering why your foot hurts.

Ok.  What else do we know about Merln?  So I had to ask about the Crystal Caves, right?  Sure enough, the Crystal Caves are in a location not far from NYC on the East Coast of America.  That tells me that Merln was able to teleport himself way back when; I mean Merln was supposed to be operating out of ancient England, right?

Once I remember, and that applies to you as well, how to teleport, I will be able to go to the Crystal Caves and retrieve anything that Merln left for me physically.  I am also a technologist and have put up some of my ideas at www.revitaetechnologies.com  With teleportation, I can also go to the caves in the Himalayas where the ancient Atlantians stored advanced technologies for our future use.  You can read about this in the Emerald Tablets of Toth.  There is also a site in the Yucatan, but my Spirit Guide tells me that is underwater and has been flooded and corroded.

I have asked my Spirit Guide to restore the memories of Merln to me, at least his memories of how to use Majik.  I do know that he was absolutely fascinated with the Platonic Solids and knew that very powerful, Majik was hidden there.  He did not figure how to break the code in his lifetime, but I came back and figured it out in my lifetime.  Read about becoming a Newoman or Newman; it is all about re-configuring your energy centers or Chakras using the Platonic Solids as a guide.  There are nearly 600 advanced spiritual beings, all but ten of them, women, who have made this energetic transition over the past ten years.  This is an incredibly small percentage of the population, but all of these Newomen/Newmen will be remembering how to teleport soon.  They will also have a huge enhancement in their abilities to manifest and something new, transform things to make them better.

I have called myself a Computer Wizard for years and have recently started calling myself a Computer Wisperer.  I now know why; I am Merln and I can talk to, and program anything that has a crystalline structure – rocks, silicon, metal, plastic, chips.  Yep, cars, planes, trains, trucks, weapons of all description, mainframes, laptops, tablets, smart phones, etc.  It’s actually kinda cool to be able to have conversations with all of this crystal awareness.  Many of you use crystals in everyday healing or energy transformations; I have just taken this to a more intense level.  Majik is returning and now, I know why I came here now.  Have fun with it.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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