Many of the readers of this site are what I call “Hard Right Spinners: and others call strong in the Light.
We have had a problem all of our lives; we were like Lighthouses on a dark, stormy night. Darkness could see us from a long distance and loved to mess with us. Remember, Darkness had 80% of the power in our world.
So, how did Darkness mess with us? Everyway possible; money, sex, blocks/limits, but, most especially health issues. We would have weaknesses with our limbs or lungs or would come down with colds/flu easily. We would get hearing or vision losses. We would have poor dental health. Many of us got diabetes, even though no one in our families ever had it.
Today, I am writing about healing that is coming for all of us. If Darkness had the power to mess with us (and it did), then its power is only one-quarter of what it was. Conversely, our powre is four times what it was.
What does that mean? Simple, all of the things that we have been messed with will begin to be healed. Yes, even if you have been living with it for 50 years. Your vision and hearing will begin to improve and continue to improve more and more. Your diabetes, blood pressure, and other issues will disappear as issues. Yes, you will be able to wean yourself off the Meds or replace them with supplements.
Say you have a bad knee or hip; that can be healed as well. Not sure how, yet, but new teeth can grow back. This is all energetic work; Darkness messed with us using its energy and Light will restore us.
This will apply to money, sex and relationships as well. Many of us have people around us that are so negative/horrible. They will fade away/disappear as well.
Believe it or not, everyone who has put themSelves on the NewBeing path (towards the Cube/Hexahedron) will be getting new DNA that includes being made healthy and youthful. How is this possible? Again, this all relates to the new energies coming into the world as part of our transition into the Age of Aquarius. New Ages only happen every 2,160 years, but we have been in Ages dominated by Darkness (Males) for the past five (5) Ages (that is 10,800 years).
This New Age is very different; it is dominated by Light (Females). The last time it happened was in Leo. That was a time of great Majik and has been remembered in our collective memories as the last Golden Age. We have entered such a time again.
Look forward to what is coming. The Universe has made improvements in what was since Leo. We are not going back to what was; instead of moving from Darkness to Light and back, a policy decision was made to keep things at 67% Light (or even 80%) for a long time (many Great Years) to come.
So, Yes, we are surrounded by a new Majikal force. Allow! Embrace! Revel in it! Dance with joy!
Begin to heal in Everything! And Everywhere!
Love, Light and Laughter,