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Change Your Internal De-faults – Important

In my last post, I discussed the importance of changing your default conversation from your Mind to your Heart. That did not go far enough; I also needed to change my de-fault conversation from False to Truth. I have written on the significance of five-letter command words. The heart is one, but so are Truth and False.

After I realized that I was still being lied to, I did the following. Just like having to tap on ABOUT seven times to turn on developer options, I said “U R False” seven (or possibly nine) times. With each statement, that voice faded away in power.

Slowly, a new, quieter voice emerged. You know, the small still voice we connect to when we successfully reach our meditation point. So, I asked if False was a de-fault that I just shut down. Yes, but only temporarily, was the reply. So, I asked if I could change the de-fault as I did from Mind to Heart. Yes.

This is how I did it. 

Begin (5-Ltr) Truth De-fault Apply

You can also use Start. To stop something, use Stopp or Close.

Other de-faults that I changed. 

My Body/Blood Ph to 6.0; dis-eases like an acid body, make it basic.

My Hearing (Audio) to when I was 21.

My Vision (Sight) to when I was 21.

My Joints to when I was 21.

My Skin (Derma) to when I was 21.

Remember to say Apply after each. Or, Apply All.

Explore your other De-faults. You may have limit(s) or block(s) on your Youthfulness, Healing, Success, Money, Male/Female Partners, Sex, or other things of importance. You can use un-limit or un-block. Remember to Apply!!! It may be something as basic as your confidence when you enter a room/speak, or holding eye contact.

If you have an issue, whatever it is, ask where you are on a scale of 0 (Zero) to 9 (Nine). If you want more, move it towards nine. If you want less, towards zero. I find that my numbers are always odd (1.3,5,7,9) but yours may be even. You may be able to jump several or just one at a time. You can adjust these. Stay focused.

You can always start this conversation by calling on Truth when you begin your Nodding and Shaking dialog.


Makers, Givers, and Takers

Hello Again, I know, it’s been a while.

As I have written, we are in the times of change. Everyone can see it; the rate of change appears to be Breathtaking!

We appear to be in a time of crisis between men and women. Too many women have rejected too many men and the men are walking away. This seems to be happening worldwide. Perhaps, this is a Cosmic happening.

Women have been advancing in relative power over the last two centuries. They now can be equal to men in many areas and feel that they can be independent. Not only that, divorce and family courts have tilted the power dynamic markedly towards women. Marriage has become a lose-lose for most men and many are going their own way.

Followers of this site know that we can talk to our hearts and get reliable answers, even with muscle testing. I have a wrinkle to add: ask yourself if your heart is the default internal voice. If you get a no, then your mind is the default. Change that; make your heart the default. Your Mind will lie to you and tell you what you want to hear. It is your choice.

So, once you speak reliably to your Heart (nods and shakes), you can ask about anything.

One of the most important questions to ask about anyone is their status as a Maker, Giver, or Taker. If they are strong in the Light, they will be Makers and Givers. But, many people (men and women) out there are Masters at hiding who/what they are; I call them Decepticons (actually, they call themselves that). So that is an important question!!!

Obviously, if you are a Giver, you do not want to hook up with a Taker. Same for Makers. If you are on the Dark side (or Left-Spin), you are a Taker. So, if you ask about being Light or Dark, that is a good indicator of Giver/Taker, but ask that question for further validation.

Too many modern women are Takers. Men wonder why they give and give and get little in return. To be sure, there are male Takers as well. Most men do not understand that women are wired to seek excitement, unexpectedness, and variations in the routine; staying in the rut is boring. Women tend to prefer the Bad Boys and universally reject the Nice Guys.

For both sexes, it is vital to ask yourSelf whether your partner is a Giver/Maker or Taker. This will save you a lot of pain in the future. If you are in a relationship with a Taker, it will not change. Time to move on. Ask your Heart to send you to a Giver (or have a Giver sent to you).

Notice that Maker, Giver, and Taker are all 5-letter Power Words. Be sure to protect yourSelf from Takers using the same programs you use against Energy Vampires (Takers). Decepticons are very successful Energy Vampires.

     My energy is my own. No one may take my energy without my permission. Make it so, Apply.

     My energy is my own. No one may give me any unwanted energy without my permission. Make it so, Apply.

The second one is essential as it prevents Decepticons from putting Spells on you. Decepticons have the power of compelling people. Let that sink in. Ever wonder why, on Earth, you did THAT?

Perhaps, another program should be added:

      My energy is my own. No one may give me any compulsion energy (or compel spells) without my permission.  Make it so, Apply.

Here’s another, for those already under a compulsion spell.

     I dis-solve any/all compulsion spells applied to me.  Make it so, Apply.

Use dis-Solve to remove any bad habits or boost things like your confidence using Loade (loaded). If you want to improve your posture or hold eye contact or money, use loade in those programs. Always use Apply at the end.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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The Times of Change are Upon Us!

The Times of Change are Upon Us!

It’s late August of this transition year. For many of us, 2024 seems to be a year of more Darkness; don’t despair, the Shit is about to start flowing the other way.

A little history: Early in the 20th Century (1900s), we all got electricity. That allowed lights, cars, radios, mass-produced newspapers, and many time-saving appliances to enter our lives. OK, so what?

As this is a Spiritual site, you will not be surprised for me to begin talking about Demons. Demons have been with us forever and we have had to deal with them on a personal basis for 1000s of years. Even though THEY had 80% of the power, the Demons did not have the reach for mass control. That changes with the mass media age of the 20th Century; radio, telephones, megacities, television networks, big government, mainframe computers, personal computers, the Internet, cell phones, and now, the Network Age with digital apps that connect us all.

With these capabilities, the Demons were able to reach millions of us, not just at a time, but over long periods of time. Think SPELLs. How many of us ever wondered why the newscasters all said the same things on every channel? About 100 years ago, the Demons instituted the Federal Reserve (Banksters, Not part of the government), the Income Tax, and the IRS. THEY took over education and dumbed it down consistently. THEY turned it into Indoctrination! THEY gave us Big Pharma and maintenance drugs that do not heal. THEY took over health care and made it unaffordable. They, the Demons, have been pushing more and more Fear, Force, and Control the whole time.

THEY used their control over millions of us to set up the Democrat (DemonRat) Party to push socialism, and, ultimately, communism to seize all of our liberties. This is also where the Republicans in Name Only (RINOs) come from. THEY have done a bang-up job, haven’t they? Where did Critical Race Theory (CRT) come from? Wasn’t discrimination illegal? Black Lives Matter (BLM)? WOKEness? All, essentially, to divide us and do the opposite of what most of us felt was right. These Spells have gotten increasingly sophisticated as the Internet age expanded to everyone worldwide. The only way to break the spell was to stop watching the news/social media. Or, as many of us, did, self-curate what we wanted to receive/beam into us. Of course, this is where disinformation and censoring have come from, the Demons and their Demon Directed Ones, did not want you to access content that did not have Spells; think Google, Facebook, YouTube, etc. Fortunately, Musk seized X from Twitter.

So, in the United States, we have millions of citizens and non-citizens (illegal migrants) who are under Demon Spells to do as they are told. Not just in the US, but the UK, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the rest of the world. One of the major pushes of the Demons was to have a popular vote; one man/woman, one vote. This ensured that the megacities would control the politics everywhere. Rural areas are much harder to spread their Spells. Notice that rural areas generally vote against the Left (Left=Dark=Wrong). In our future, we will address this Wrongness by giving the rural areas 50% of the political powre in future elections.

All right, time for some good news! Light is already fighting back. It has 80% of the powre and Darkness only has 20%. The Angels will be attacking the Demons on September 1st, 2024. What does that mean? All of the Demon Directed people (Gates, Obama, Clinton, Soros, Starmer, Macron, and many others) will lose their Demon voices. This will be devastating for them as their long lives and good health will disappear as well. This may very well be fatal for them. Oh Shit, oh Dear! What about all the millions who are under Demon Spells? The Angels will be able to drive the Demons out of 80% of them and dissolve the Demon Spells. The Angels will choose which ones get to keep the Demons (20%); they will not have much power/wealth/influence.

So,……what does this mean? The Angels can tell them to return to their home countries. The Angels can tell them to stay home/don’t vote during elections. The Angels can give them Most Destructive Outcomes (MDOs) if they do not comply. Getting rid of unwanted migrants is not going to be so difficult. Remember, many of these are poorly educated and very superstitious; they are easily guided by their now, Angelic voices.

There are, perhaps, 50% (or nearly) of us who are resisting the DemonSpells. We still have our hearts/heads screwed on. The Angels will be able to clear out the remaining cobwebs. OK. Say the Angels succeed in removing the DemonSpells on 25 or 30% of the Leftees. That gives us 60-75% to defeat what the Demons have been working so hard to achieve. I believe the Angels will succeed in 40% of the DemonInfected which will give us ~80-90%; the Angels have 80% of the powre.

There is a movement to return to customs, traditions, and religions worldwide; this is Light taking over, slowly. The Demons are the beings behind Globalism and One World Government, the WEF, the EU, Communist Russia and China, and the UN. Under Globalism, populations moved into the megacities and stopped having children; there is no room for children in condos/apartments. Depopulation is what the Demons wanted and THEY have succeeded, haven’t they? Fear not, even with just 20%, we can reconstitute and keep our civilization intact. Many new advanced technologies are coming in with the shift in energies. Many more children strong in the Light or Right Spin will be born.

Many huge changes are coming from the attack on the Demons above. Our world will be a much better place. It might even be a new Golden Age. What an incredible time to be alive!

What else? This is the aw Shit part.

In China, there is a huge dam called the Three Gorges Dam; it will be broken asunder by an earthquake on August 28th (next week). Trillions of cubic meters of water will flow south killing as many as 400 million Chinese. Worse yet, the rapidly displaced water weight will cause a buckling in the crust causing a new kind of earthquake. These will be called Rolling Earthquakes. These will spread out from the former reservoir in all directions. When they hit the Tibet Massive, they will ricochet. These earthquakes will cause most of mainland China to collapse/subside/sink into the sea. These events will have a huge impact on the rest of the planet. This energy will hit the Himalayas and be amplified in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, and the Middle East. This energy will also head East along the Aleutian Chain to the United States West Coast; massive coastal earthquakes in Washington State, Oregon, and California. This will be the Big One! California will be turned into the Isles of California and the rampaging energy will hit Mexico hard. Isn’t it great that so many have been driven out/already left California?

There’s more. Search on Earth Changes on this site. Before everything is done, much of the Middle East, Africa, the Western Caribbean, and Central America will be subsided into the sea. Most of North America is unchanged. Europe, South America, Australia/NZ, and Japan/South Korea are largely unchanged. Taiwan, the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore will be largely intact. Indonesia, Brunei, and the Southern Philippines will experience many volcanos/earthquakes/subsidences.

I have been silent for a while, but have kept asking when I can post. Today, I was prompted to share this post with the very specific date for the beginning of the end for China and the start of many other Earth Changes.

Place your hand on your Heart and ask if it wants to talk? You should get a Nod; a Shake is a NO. Now, you can ask about Earth Changes and where to go/be. A Magnetic Polar Shift is coming as well; not sure of the timing yet. Read about Joshua and the walls of Jericho; the sun hung in the sky for one, maybe three days. That was the last time we had a Magnetic Polar Shift; it caused the walls to fall. Probably caused the destruction of Atlantis as well. The Earth’s orbit slowed down, stopped, and started spinning in the opposite direction; think of the momentum and all the sloshing water. Imagine the Sun rising in the West and setting in the East; that shift could have happened in Joshua’s time.

Love, Light, and Laughter,



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The CRASH – it will be worse than 2008

This Crash has already started in China. We are all watching Xi visit Putin in Russia and we wonder what is happening. It’s quite simple, the United States is having a slow (and not so slow) banking crisis; it started with inflation that was not inflation and a recession that was not a recession. That led us to five or six increases in the rate of interest rapidly. What that does tightens the amount of US Dollars everywhere. This also applies to the amount of currency available for most countries; the Swiss Franc, the British Pound, the Euro, and the Japanese Yen, but not China; it is printing vast amounts of Yuan deflating it against the dollar.

China is in the midst of a financial meltdown; their labor costs are very high, 1000s of companies are leaving for elsewhere, no one is buying real estate, no one trusts the banks or the stock-bond markets, and their ports are empty. Not just exports, but imports as well. Why? They have stopped being the factory of the world. They are unable to sell goods to receive dollars in return. This is critical as the Chinese import roughly 80% of everything in their economy; energy (oil, gas, coal, and nuclear expertise), food (and fertilizers to grow it themselves), raw materials, and technology which they normally steal (or try to). Chips are essential for an export economy and the US (and its Allies) have shut down all of the high-end and medium chips.

So what? China must have US Dollars to buy everything it needs from the world, most especially food, fuel, and raw materials like iron ore. After three years of lockdowns and Warrior Diplomacy, it is running out of dollars; the ports are empty and the foreign investment has dried up. All the big companies are fleeing, even Apple.

What can China do? It must keep buying food, fuel, and raw materials and if it cannot use dollars, well, somehow, get them to take Yuan. That means that the US Dollar must be destroyed (or Weakened) as the World Reserve Currency. Many people have been predicting this for decades, but the dollar is still quite strong against all other currencies.

What about Russia? The sanctions have finally hit Russia hard; it cannot ship most of its oil and gas to China or India; not enough ships and not enough insured cargo. Russian is staying afloat by selling lots of gold; they are one of the world’s largest gold producers. They put tons of gold on an airplane to pay for imports on the black market. Russia, too, is running out of US Dollars.

What’s the plan? Get BRICKs to come out with a new “Reserve” currency that will replace the US Dollar. That is what the Xi/Putin lovefest is all about. Is it going to work? Probably not.

Even with the looming banking crisis, the US has two oceans for protection, is the largest food exporter, has the most robust financial infrastructure, and many other factors that made it great. Think innovation; autocracies do not innovate well.

Ok. That’s the big picture on Russia and China. The EU is slowly dying (or not so slowly).

The US will be going through a huge financial crisis; everyone is somewhat concerned about the safety of their money. The banks have been trapped into holding low-yield bonds/Treasuries before the rapid run-up in interest rates. But that’s not all; the real estate markets in the US are collapsing. The commercial buildings are empty and mortgages are not being paid or rolled over. Defaults are coming in large numbers; these are assets for banks. The same can be said for the residential market; it is coming a bit slower but will catch up quickly. Look for a 50% drop with a worse case of 80%; it is going to be a “bloodbath.”

What happens when many banks shut their doors and people cannot get their money (or have to wait weeks for it)? While this is happening, the value of real estate is plunging. Many thousands of businesses will go under. We will enter another great depression nearly 100 years later.

This will happen everywhere and there is no way to stop it. The finances of the world are too interconnected. Bank failures will take down small, medium, and large banks; even those that were too big to fail, like Credit Swiss.

Get your cash out now, while you still can. If we are going into a Depression that means we are likely to experience deflation; more can be bought with our existing money. More and more things to sell chasing fewer currency bills. Stay in bills at 20 or less; a 20 will/may buy more (perhaps much more) than a 100 today. The 100s and 50s may not be redeemed at face value (or not at all).

China was the first to implement the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). How did that go? In China, no one has any privacy anyway, but the CCP had total power to track what everyone was buying, when, and where and could zero out anyone’s account with a keystroke. When the CCP wanted to inflate the Yuan, it could be done with a few keystrokes; they have “printed” trillions of Yuan digitally. Just imagine if a bank that was Woke and did not agree with your opinions (like Paypal) could seize your money. Now take that to a much higher level; say your Central Bank (and we all have one) does not like your attitude or your beliefs. Can they cut you off from your money? Perhaps they will not seize it, but they can stop you from using it. What about a political party that happens to be in charge (at the moment); could they mess with your digital money because you oppose them?

CBDCs are tyranny waiting to happen. They will try to outlaw currency/ies. Guess what. currencies will become very much more valuable. They will still be regarded as money for exchange. Hold on to your dollars/currencies; they will become very valuable indeed; people will be desperate to get around the tyrannical controls. Bartering will be outlawed as well. Do you think they can stop that?

Think about it, if they can outlaw currencies and bartering, what is next? You got it, silver and gold coins/bullion. Same for Bitcoin and other cryptos. Can’t have the serfs/slaves trading their time, effort, and creativity for anything but the CBDCs.

Last thought, how about credit cards? The banks are in trouble; do you think you will have a credit card (let alone two) when the CBDCs roll out? Will any of us have an individual credit line at all? Oh sure, the Elites will have them, but the rest of us will be using CBDC Debit cards. Start thinking of ways to get something better than CBDCs.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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What are you Broadcasting? Are you Pushing Away?

Are you sending what you want? Do you keep looking for something and it keeps eluding you?

Many of us wonder why something we think should be there isn’t. Why can’t we find a mate? Or money? Or sex? Or that job?

As usual, I will approach this from an energetic angle. First, review your communications with your Self or Guide; a nod is a Yes and a shake is a No. You start by tuning into your Nods and ask if your Self is trying to communicate with you. You will get a Nod and then, from that moment, you will be able to get answers to your questions.

OK. Keep working on that. For today, here’s a great question to ask. “Am I available?” Many of us have turned that switch OFF. If it is “Off,” turn it on.

You are available; Great.

Now ask if you are available for Sex or Love or a Family. Where are you on that scale from zero to nine? If you are close to zero, you can move it higher; try for seven.

If you are looking for a relationship, ask about that. Again, try for seven.

If you are looking for friends or people to help, ask about that. Again try for seven.

If you can only move up one or two at a time, keep coming back and moving it higher. Keep telling your Self/Guide what you want; never what you don’t want. Clean (CLEAN) on any past times of beating yourSelf up or any negative thought that keeps intruding.

So…., what have you done? You have increased your attractiveness. You have made yourSelf available and visible instead of invisible. It is hard to believe that you may have been doing all that crap to yourself, but if so, this is a relatively easy fix.

Alright, what about those other WANTS? Say you want more Money; say “I am wealthy and have lots of money.” Next, say “Apply.” Now go check where you are on the 0-9 scale. If you are near zero, move yourSelf up the scale. It will be worth the effort.

There is no such thing as Luck, Accidents, Hapenstances, or Coincidences. Everything is a Setup put there by our Self/Guides; good or bad. We all have a purpose and we tell our Guides what we want (frequently negative via self-talk).

What I am helping with here is a very concrete way of talking to your Guides and very specifically changing where you are in getting your desires.

This approach works for any of your desires; love, respect, leadership, sex, money, success, and more. For success in any of these, just Ask.

You may not always get a Yes, but you can be creative and ask it other ways. Your Guides always want you to be creative and will reward creativity.

You can also ask if there is some task or change in how you operate that will bring about the desired change. Remember, your Guide is doing all of the Setups.

If you are unhappy with your situation, your Guide may have a suggestion.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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Start “Hoarding” $20 Dollar Bills

The Yen, Yuan, and Euro will be collapsing soon. What does that leave as a store of value? The Swiss Franc and the British Pound will survive and are options. But the US Dollar will be the best Fiat currency moving forward.

There has been a lot of discussion about the end of the Central Banks. When the Euro, Yen, and Yuan collapse, that will bring down the Federal Reserve (a corporation, not a US Government agency). As a corporation, it can go bankrupt.

The US has already printed new money that is not a Federal Reserve Note. Instead, it is a US Treasury Note. It will be backed by Gold, Oil, and Gas reserves, and, perhaps, Bitcoin.

When the Globalist financial world collapses (think derivatives and the $100 Trillion that has disappeared and cannot be found), the US, Poland, and Italy will rapidly roll out their pre-printed money to replace Federal Reserve Notes and Euros. Everyone else will be caught flat-footed.

Everyone with stashes of $100 dollar bills will try to turn them in for the new Treasury Notes. Guess what? $100 and $50 dollar bills will be exchanged for new $10 and $5 dollar Treasury Notes; quite a haircut! There will be limits.

This is why I am telling you to convert your hundreds and fifties into twenties. $20 dollar Federal Reserve Notes will be exchanged for $20 dollar Treasury Notes one-to-one; same for $10s, $5s, and $1s. There will be a limit, I am thinking $25,000 in twenties (per person).

This will greatly reduce the amount of US Dollars in circulation making the new, Treasury Notes even more valuable.

When? Not sure, but could be as early as March 2023. It could be later but act fast. What else? The US is going to devalue its money during this changeover.

Think of what a dollar could buy in 1900. Think of perhaps an increase of 40 times in buying power. Your $20 dollar Treasury Note could buy $800 worth of existing Federal Reserve dollar bills. Now, you see why I am telling you to hoard the Twenties.

Every other currency will be forced to devalue as well including the Swiss Franc and British Pound. The price of gold, silver, and other precious metals will soar; think $40,000 US Treasury Note per ounce for gold.

Perhaps $300 Trillion (USD) will disappear overnight. All that wealth will vanish with a stroke of a keyboard press. The intent of this changeover is to eliminate inflation. Gold will be made valuable enough to cover all debts that haven’t vanished; this will make the US Government Debt into something much more manageable ($900 Billion), but much of that will disappear with the derivatives. We may end up with a $300 Billion (or less) debt in T-Bills.

That gold ring you are wearing will become very valuable. Those coins you have in a jar will all become 40 times more valuable; a Quarter will buy what a $10 Federal Reserve Note could. Yes, a Penny might buy candy again; certainly 2 or 3 Pennies. Those coins will be instantly exchanged into Treasury Note coins.

The old Central Bank trick of creating inflation of 2 percent per year that is 20% per decade) will go away. The intent here is to eliminate inflation and keep everything pegged to this huge increase in the price of gold. We will be having stable prices for everything for decades; what you save will retain its value. What you gain in value-added investments will grow.

I have been quiet for a while; I wanted all of you to see the changes that are happening for yourselves. Today, I was prompted to write this for all of you.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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The Old World Order is COLLAPSING !!!

Hello Fellow Right-spinners,

There are more than 89,000 subscribers now, but many, many more multi-level shares (think vector branching),

The old ways of doing things are rapidly falling apart. The finances of the world are failing. The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) has, somehow, lost $80 Trillion in Derivatives (actually, it is more like $200-300 Trillion). The Chinese Property Market was claimed to be $62 Trillion a year ago; with Shadow Banking it was more like $180-200 Trillion.  Today, it is only 10% of that, not lost derivatives; it is just lost digits that have vanished into thin air. But, hey, that is how our money is created by the Central Bankers/Banksters; what is a few Trillion here or there? The US Fed is raising interest rates steeply and the rest of the world is trying to lower them (Japan, China, India, and the EU/Euro). WTF? All the money will be heading to the USA. This situation cannot last the way it is for very long; everywhere inflation is wreaking havoc and the system appears to breaking down.

This is exactly what is supposed to be happening as we enter the new Aquarian energies. Our notions of employment, education, medicine, pharmaceuticals, a sane judiciary, police, energy prices, food prices, shelter prices, etc., are all falling apart Everything that has been “normal” for the past 30 or 40 years is busting apart wide open.

What about trade? China is totally dependent on exports for survival; guess what? So is the rest of the world whether it be raw materials, food, and/or manufactured goods. Yes, Europe has a mostly export economy. Yes, Germany is being de-industrialized. Demographically, most of Europe, Russia, China, Japan, and most of South Asia are aging rapidly; in 20 years, we will have one-third of the people we have now. There are exceptions; USA Boomers had kids. Add in Mexico and New Zealand.

What is going to happen to most $Billionaires when everyone wakes up to the crash in China’s Property Market/Economy and Derivatives Everywhere? They are going to be wiped out overnight. Oh yes, they will still own $Billions in shares, but nearly all of that is pledged against their derivative losses. Most $Billionaires are very strong in Darkness/Left-spin so it makes sense that Light/Right-spin energies will be hunting for them. The WEF will lose its influence overnight as well; all that wealth will be disappearing with a mouse click.

Where in the world do the $Billionaires (and all corrupters) store their money? Simple, only one place, the Cayman Islands. Do you think that Light/Right-spin knows this? Expect many/all of these accounts to be “hacked” and moved to safety for better use later. Just think, all of that ill-gotten wealth just disappearing; poof!

We are talking about the sudden disappearance of 100s of $Trillions; get ready.

What is this going to do to our governments? They are all corrupt and have had their hands out. They too have been stashing it in the Caymans (also buying big estates which can be seized).

So….., like everything else, our governments will be going through massive changes. We have concentrated our representatives in capital cities; which breeds corruption.  Cities are also forms of Hives which all have centralized control. All of a sudden, people are asking why the rural vote is so totally disenfranchised by the urban vote; how did that happen? Darkness!!! We have all seen how collective rights have been used to suppress individual rights; especially during Covid lockdowns, masks, and passports; they even denied us the opportunity to work. The Elites are already getting Covid 2.0 ready; they think we will all go along and do it their way again. NOT, we are in the new energies. They are already talking about Vaccine Amnesties? NOT. What will happen when all of the Evil that they have done gets out? It is already being leaked out in bits and pieces; hence the cries for amnesty. People will not need guns to hunt these disgusting people.

What do you all think about the Swamp Turmoil in Washington DC? McCarthy will get in, but as a figurehead who will not last long. This is also the end of the Deep State/Swamp EVERYWHERE; it is no longer supported by the new energies. Keep watching what the US Supreme Court is doing; it will be amazing.

Same for Brazil; the old corrupt regimes cannot survive in the new energies.

Same for Russia, China, and Iran.

People have no idea how many changes are coming; they will be coming fast and furious. Get ready physically and mentally.

Good news. If you are strong in the Light/Right-spin, you will be fine. Soon we will be getting additional capabilities/powres that will enable us to weather this and thrive. Keep your head up and converse within on what is coming and how you should adjust.  Tune into your head nods and shakes at a minimum.

Not sure how, but our governments will become more decentralized in the future. The Hive will be rejected. Cultural centers will replace cities as our civilization builders; not sure what that means yet. But, they will NOT be our governing centers; they will be much more local.

Remember, millions of us will be getting significant new capabilities/powres. What we do with them will be part of the massive changes coming.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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Merry Merry Christmas and a Blessing-filled New Year!!!!

Jesus Christ was sent to us from Spirit. He was real and his message has lasted down through an Age. It may have been corrupted along the way, but the essence of what He wanted us to know is there. Christmas time is still a Majikal time of year with carols, yule logs, Christmas Trees, and Midnight Mass. The music composed in His name is incredible and wonderful; it is a shame that we only hear them once a year.

This is the first Christmas in the new Aquarian Age. What an amazing time to be alive.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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More on Energy Vampires – What’s their new Strategy?

If you are strong in the Light, you know what Energy Vampires are. You may think of them as Energy Suckers, but they are the same people who suck most of your energy in a brief encounter. You learn to avoid these people as much as possible.

Search on Energy Vampires on this site and you will get two programs that you can install in your body to stop this suckcing. You may have to add the following: My energy is my own, No one (inculding Cloaked beings) may take my energy without my permission. The other program is: My energy is my own. No one (including Cloaked beings) may give me any unwanted energy without my permission.

For those of you who think this is just Hocus Pocus or nonsense, think about this. These energy sucker people walk up to us and drain us without touching us; this is an energetic transfer.  If they can do, so can we; we are putting up an energetic wall or block.

In the past, I have always asked if a new person in the group of people is an Energy Vampire; that is much better than asking if they are strong in the Light (they can become strong in the Light by sucking someone’s Light).

OK. What’s new? The Dark Assholes know that their time with 80% of the power has come to an END. Many of them have not figured out that they only have 20% now, but all of them have noticed a big change in what they could do and how they did it.

The Energy Vampires have gone underground. They will not overtly suck energy anymore; that is just too noticable. Their new strategy is an old one; get into a relationship with a strong Light Being and suck as much as they can, especially during sex.

But that old strategy has become more complex. More and more of us are asking if they are Energy Vampires. Their solution is to put up a spell that I call “Cloaking.” When they Cloak themselves, they do not look like Energy Vampires anymore; they look like strong Light Beings. It makes getting into a safe sucking relationship with Light Beings much easier.

I have been fooled by this new strategy several times in the past three months. I thought that I had met some other strong Right-Spinners, but after the first meeting, they avoided me totally instead of connecting with me. I thought that was a bit odd. That was all it took; I started asking if they had a “shield” up and my Guide said NO, but yes, sort of. Then the word “CLOAK” entered my mind. (a 5-letter power word)

Immediately, I asked if all of these new “Light Beings” were cloaked. All of the odd ones were Energy Vampires who had Cloaked themselves.

So……, the new main question to ask yourSelf is are they Cloaked? Ifs not just are they strong in the LIght, or Energy Vampires; those questions have been covered over by being Cloaked. So……if your lover is draining your energy, he/she is a Cloaked Energy Vampire. Just so you understand, over a long period of time, the Energy Vampire will suck all of our vitality; this will make us sick and we will die of cancer and other bad deaths. Essentially, the Energy Vampire will intentionally kill us while being married to us or in some other long-term relationship.

Here’s what you can do about it. Remember, we have 80% of the powre now. You can now use the command to drain all of the energy out of that person. When anyone is attacked, it is permissable to run a counterattack, even for Light Beings/Right-spinners. You choose how hard you want to counterattack.

OK. Here is what else you can do now. You probably already have a “Shield” up; if not put one up. This Shield can be made much stronger using the new energies. Program your  shield to prevent Energy Vampires/Suckers from hiding behind their Cloaks. Be sure to program your Shield to keep insects (mosquitoes, roaches, ants, termites, etc.) out of your living area. Include rats and mice as well. Shield your house/apartment/cabin, your vehicles, and all of your bank, credit card, and other accounts. If water leaking is an issue, you can shield against that as well. In the new year, you can also shield against cold temperatures; everything in your shield will be termperature controlled (the way you like it) and the rain/snow/storm can be kept out even if you are sitting on your porch/deck (outside, but within your shield). You can adjust the size of your shield to include your entire yards if desired. No more snow shoveling. What I am saying is that you will not need heat or air conditioning in the future. This applies to Verticle Masters, Horizontal Masters, Mahatmas (Fire Beings) as well as all Earth Beings.

Your Shield can also prevent any unwanted persons from coming into your space; that include thieves, Swat Teams, and anyone do not like.

Remember, there are around 50 million of us that will have these powres. That is a small percentage of the total population; at least for now. It is OK to share our powres with our communities; reach out to those you like and respect. Weed out the Dark Assholes vigorously; especially the Cloaked ones.

Love, Light and Laughter,



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A Gift for the World – A new Heating Device

Benjamin Franklin was a very famous man during his lifetime. One of the incredible things he did was to give one of his inventions to the world. Most of us do not know this. In his time, most buildings were made from wood and one of the most dangerous aspects of wood buildings was being destroyed by fire from lightning strikes. He invented a “Lightning Rod”, an iron rod grounded in the earth and extended up to the top of the building. It caught all of the lightning bolts and grounded their destructive power. We use this invention in every home/building today and don’t even know it. Lightning bolts burning down buildings became a thing of the past.

My gift is not so dramatic, but it could be as useful. I have come up with a new device for producing heat. It is based on the ubiquitous microwave oven. A microwave oven uses frequencies to heat water; it uses a lot of power and traveling wave tubes to vibrate water in food or drinks to get hot. My gift will be doing something similar but with air.

This device will target nitrogen which is a component of the air that we all breathe; it is 70% of the air.

This device is a cube (Hexahedron). It has four fixed sides; top, bottom, and upright sides 1 and 3. Sides 2 and 4 have a pivot in the center that allows them to open and close slightly. The intent is to make the air (really the Nitrogen) hot by hitting it with signals (frequencies) from transmitters in the top, bottom, and two sides. These signals are all very low power and employ different frequencies and timing to excite the Nitrogen to get hot. This makes the air hot in turn.

As the air gets hot, the hot air pushes against the air intake side; closing it. Simultaneously, it pushes the air exit side open to allow the hot air to escape. When the hot air is going/gone, the cold air intake side opens and the cycle begins again. It is a very simple concept and requires a relatively simple microchip to provide the correct timing and sequencing of the frequencies. This microchip will also be used as a thermostat; the hot air produced can be set as low as 120℉ and as high as 150℉. Either way, the heating cube will not get too hot to be a fire danger, but it should be used away from combustibles (on a trivet or ceramic holder) for safety. It should be operated on the floor; that is where the cold air is.

This is not a microwave oven, the frequencies used are all very low power; their combination and sequencing make the Nitrogen hot (but not too hot). This is an astounding claim; this device can be powered using wall sockets, but it is designed to use commercial batteries as its primary DC power source (just like your phones and PCs). With three 9-volt or 4 AA batteries, this heating device will run continuously for 3-4 months. If it runs out, put more batteries in. The batteries will only kick in after a power outage.

This device will come in two sizes; a 12-inch cube and an 18-inch cube. The 12-inch device will heat an average room with a 100-square-foot space. The 18-inch cube will heat an entire small apartment with the interior doors open. This will be a great heating device for sheds, barns, cabins, boats, and tents. There is no carbon being combusted. This is a zero-emissions device. There are no issues with Carbon Monoxide or Carbon Dioxide.

This new heating device is an invention of the new Agurian energies; so there is some Majik in the mix. This heating device will be created and stored in a form similar to digital storage. This storage vault will be accessible by everyone who has been able to put themSelves into the Hexahedron (Cube) or transform themSelves into Earth Beings. 

Effective on January 1st, 2024, Earth Beings can replicate these devices and teleport/transport them to a mental destination. Yes, we will not need a factory, warehouses, or a fleet of trucks. It may take a while for all of the Earth Beings to figure everything out, but it should not take long.

We are all experiencing an energy crisis and are looking for some other way to heat our spaces. This is a gift from Spirit to all of us. Welcome to the new Majikal Age.

All Earth Beings will be getting Majikal powres in the new year; some will get more than others, but all will be able to teleport things and replicate things stored in this new format. What kinds of things? Think food, water, fuel, seeds, feed, tools, stacks of dry wood, tents/building materials, these heating devices, and other new inventions. Add in frozen food and vehicles/tractors/boats. Our world will soon be a very different place.

Advanced Fire Beings on the New Being path will also be getting wonderful new powres like starting fires mentally, germinating plants, purifying water, and finding water for a well. Many more powres will be discovered along the way. All beings on the New Path will be able to erect shields that prevent unwanted people, animals, or natural occurrences (storms, floods, locusts, etc.). For the bandits of the future, it will be more difficult. Many of these shields will be the “Return to Sender” type that has a bullet (or any projectile) fired come back on the person pulling the trigger, even remotely.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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Merry Christmas as the Old fades away

I am Spiritual, not Religious. I grew up celebrating the arrival of winter at Christmastime; it has always been a magical time of year. We celebrate the arrival of Christ (New Testament) in our world and the positivity of three months of winter beginning (and coming to an end).

We all struggle with the concept of Darkness and Light, Good and Evil, Left or Right, Man or Woman, or other binaries. The not-so-simple conclusion is that they are all bell curves’ there is always a neutral. But what does that mean? There is always a middle ground. Instead of a bell curve, think of a circle where the two binaries are at the North and South Poles (0/360° and 180°). Most of us can accept the notion of polar opposites, but what about the neutrals? At 90°, we have a neutral that leans toward the negative (180°, Dark, Left, Male, etc.). Equally, at 270°. we have a neutral that leans toward the positive (0/360°, Light, Right, Female, etc.). Other binaries are on/off, hot/cold, moist/dry, running/still, awake/asleep, and many more.

That is different information, but most can wrap their minds around it. Here’s some more; the North spins upward, the East spin leftward/Westward, the South spins downward, and the West spins to the right/Eastward. Wow, there are two different neutrals and they are equal (but, different) with the two poles. Isn’t it interesting that all four points spin differently? What does that do to our notion of electron spins? Think about it, when we travel, we chose which direction we go in. When we go East or West, we are choosing a neutral direction; what does that mean?

The point that I am making is that Neutral has become more important than the binary poles. We are all seeing that in the shifting ascension of women as our leaders and the breakdown of what it means to be male or female; many old protocols are being discarded as they are no longer supported by the new energies.

I really wanted to foot stomp that there are two Neutrals, not just one. Yes, I know, we only think we have one neutral in our cars, but that neutral is either leaning toward drive or reverse. So…. has our world become more complex? Or, are we noticing more?

Moving forward the binaries are shifting to the East/West Poles; this is a gigantic change for Humanity. Now, everything is a shade of Grey/Gray and we can drop/stop many of the programs we run in our lives, cultures, religions, politics, regions, and nations. etc. The big shift from 80% to 20% from Left- to Right-spin is still happening, but the polar shift is as well. It is going to take all of us a while to wrap our brains around that!!!

I’ll give you one more brain teaser. When the spin shifts from upward, to Westward/counterclockwise,), to downward, to Eastward/clockwise, it must go through a zero spin point. Could that be Zero Point Energy (ZPE)? If so, there are four of them at 45°,135°, 225°, and 315°). Do all of these have the same properties? Unlikely. Wow, the compass points just got a whole lot more interesting!

Again, Merry Christmas and a Blessing-filled New Year!!!

Love, Light and Laughter,


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It’s been a while. This is a Status Update

First off, there are more than 87,000 subscribers to this website. Having said that, there are more than 5 million people who have put themSelves into the Cube/Hexahedron. They are all Earth Beings and got there via the New Being Path (Newomen/Newman). These Earth Beings are all on Earth. There are many more on other nearby planets; this Spiritual knowledge has been shared and has taken on a life of its own.

What about those of us who are still Fire Beings, but on the New Beings path.  There are around 50 million Mahatmas, 150 million Horizontal Masters, and 300 million Vertical Masters. So…..on a planet of approximately 8,000 million, we are a more highly advanced/higher vibratioin group of around 500 million (1 in 16).

I have written about 85% of the population (17 out of 20) having to leave because they had too much Darkness in their makeup. Light is taking over and will not tolerate so many strong in Darkness.  Good news,because so many of us have increased our vibrations and awareness, clemancy has been provided for those in the lower spectrum of Darkness. Formerly, 5% (1 in 20) were strong in the Light or Right-Spin and 10% (2 in 20) were in the middle (between 59% Dark and 59% Light). That 3 in 20 were going to be allowed to stay on Earth and continue their development.

Because of our success in building out our group, now, those people who are in the group of 60 to 69% Darkness will be allowed to stay (as long as they continue to move towards the Light). That allows an additional 20% (4 in 20) to stay. If you believe that we have 8 Billion people (I don’t), that means that 7 in 20 will be allowed to stay (not die). That is still a huge reduction in the Earth’s population, but the loss of people will go from 85% to 65%; now, it is only 2 out of 3 that will be leaving.

The Elites have been pushing their own agenda and have been working hard to get the planet down to 500 million as slaves to them; the Central Banks, our degraded education system, Covid, vaccines, masks, lockdowns, passports are all part of a coordinated bioweapon. You must also thhrow in the Green movement and Global Warming; as we are seeing now, this was always meant to kill many of us by freezing or starving to death.

What they did not realize is that a Shift of the Ages interferred with their plots. It is they who will be leaving along with all of thier followers. The poeple in the 60-69% group of Darkness are all good people who were oriented towards being fearful and being OK with being forced and liking to be controlled; most of these people are the salt of the Earth types. The fear, force, and control will drop to only 20% of the powre in the world. They will be able to feel and respond the 80% more freedom, truth/integrity, good choices, self-reliance/responsibility, and doing the right things.

Who knows. After we move into Aquarius in January, many of the people in the group from 50% to 69% will move quickly towards the Light. If that happens, some or all of the Dark people in the 70-79% may be given another chance. We all have choices; many have already been made, but others can still be made.

Note: The Dark Assholes in the 80% and higher will definitely be removed from Earth. We are all immortal Spiritual Beings and cannot die; we go back to Spirit and rest/recuperate before, eventually, coming back as a physical being on one of the millions of planets. There is Karma; I would not want to be one of these Dark Assholes. There next lives could be a real struggle.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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The Dark Side got caught Stealing Elections

We all watched the elections in Brazil. The guy who “won” was in jail for massive corruption. A corrupt member of the Supreme Court decided to let him out of jail; you know, Get Out of Jail Free card. This allowed him to run for President again.

What else? The Biden administration sent many of its operatives down to Brazil to work with the socialist/communist party, like the Democrats in the US. They were actually sent to set up the structure to steal the election, just like they did in 2020 against Trump.

It worked. They used the same playbook and stole the Brazilian Presidential election. Whew! Now, they have to hold on during the outrage. Millions of people in Brazil are out in the streets protesting this fraudulent election and demanding the military audit it. Why not rely on their Supreme Court; it is packed with 9 out of 11 communist/socialist judges who approved letting Lula get out of prison without serving his term. They vacated his conviction so that he could run. The Brazilian people have no trust in that court.

So, Brazil is on the edge of a civil war. The military must step in and they are. Shortly, they will announce that the election was fraudulent with proof of how it was stolen. This proof will implicate the Biden administration’s help in the steal. Lula will be put back in prison for a long time and the Supreme Court will be emptied and reconstituted for its role in the coup.

Yesterday, the US had an election; it too was stolen using the same playbook. Instead of focusing on a President, the Dems focused on Senators. Whew. They too must hang on during the outrage. This time, everyone was looking at the voting machine servers (and recording them remotely). They have forensic records on how votes were added (and taken away from) for the Dems. It will take a few days, but these files and videos will be coming out after the Brazilian announcements. This will trigger a massive uprising in the United States. There may actually be vigilante killings of corrupt election officials. Everyone was patient, but unbelieving after the 2020 steal; Americans are patient and tend to believe that the truth will come out.

But, they did it again. The permanent political party or the Uniparty in Washington DC has been desperate to take everyone’s guns away. If this theft is not addressed appropriately, there may be an uprising against our tyrannical system of government; this was another coup, just like in 2020 and after 2016.

I am not advocating for a civil war or revolution; I am just observing that the pot is boiling and could, very well, start overflowing. How does a democracy work when no one trusts its elections? This is especially true if one party has been stealing elections for 50 or 60 years.

Remember the playbook will be exposed; the Brazilians will expose it to the world. It will become easy for everyone to see it in their own elections. In the US, it takes until January 20th for the newly elected to take their seats; all hell is going to be released until then.

On Energy, on October 30th, Light got 80% (and Darkness still has only 20%). Darkness was still able to steal this election, but not so successfully as in 2020. Darkness had control over the development of voting machines and urban counties. Even before the lawsuits and exposures, the Dems lost the House, but more Republican/Right wins will be coming in both the House and Senate. The steal will not be allowed to succeed.

Now, Light has most of the powre and will expose the Darkness/Dem(on) steals everywhere. Light, like our world, is in transition; on January 1st, 2023, Light will become a more complex force, Right-Spin. Darkness will become Left-Spin. Both of these have a mechanism for working with shades of grey; there are two neutrals, one leans towards the Left-Spin pole and the other toward the Right-Spin pole.

So, this is the high watermark for Darkness. After this, they will only have one-quarter of the power they used to have. Oh shit, oh dear. Our world is changing for the better, even with all of the Earth Changes that are coming.

Love, Light and Laughter,



Are you an INFJ Personality? Maybe a Sigma as well?

I have just discovered that I am what people call a Myers-Brigg INFJ personality. I am also a Sigma male. Please look up INFJ as we can be either male/female.

I googled it today and found these sites. Very helpful.

This site is all about sharing spiritual insights. I will not (really cannot) use it for anything else. Everything on this site is free and always will be (except for some recommended books on Amazon). I will never exploit your trust, not even for ‘good” causes.
If any of you know about a website that allows we INFJ Personalities to connect with each other, please send me an email at: [email protected]. We have such incredibly high standards, we all need help. If many of you are INFJs, we all have the gift/curse of few real friends. Maybe we can befriend each other. I tend to think that Right-Spinners (5% of the population) correlates well with 2% INFJ (2% Female/1% Male).
Anyone who Groks being a Right-Spinner may also be an INFJ or Sigma personality.
Love, Light and Laughter,


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