Even More Changes!

Just look at what is happening in the Middle East; the Endless Wars are ending. The Deep State Wars are ending. The Petro-Dollar is almost finished. The US will be pulling its military forces out of the Persian Gulf with all the Peace that is breaking out.

The US is energy self-sufficient now and will not be spending $Billions on defending the Middle East further. Look for the 6th Fleet to leave and re-deploy to India’s East Coast. Perhaps it will be co-located with the Russians.

The Dam hasn’t broken yet, but the CCP is on its last legs; it has lost the “Mandate of Heaven.” Floods, floods, and more floods. Not enough food. With all of that muddy water, do you want to buy contaminated chips from China? Millions and millions of chips and silicon wafers (still unmade chips) have been rendered unusable (unreliable) by the floods. Don’t buy the cheap phones and other stuff that will be coming from China.

Brexit looks to be increasingly “Clean” or “No Deal.” The EU looks to be collapsing from within; Germany will not pay and Italy will not stay. What is Ireland going to do? The only way it has to get products to the EU is via Britain/UK or air freight. Not good choices; Ireland will be leaving the EU rapidly. Look for it to join the New Commonwealth.

Is Europe going to step up and protect its oil delivery pipeline from the Middle East? Or, will it get more from Russia? Or, will it get more from the US? Or both. Will the Middle East turn towards China? Not likely, it is like a popped balloon. Look for hyper-inflation in China, but it will be with the “digital” Yuan; printing by pressing keys.

Bitcoin will get to $20,000 USD soon and may get to $50,000 by the end of next year (2021). This will be coupled with a rapid rise in the price of gold. When an ounce of gold gets to $20,000, the US Dollar has been tremendously devalued. All other currencies will be devalued as well. Move to silver and gold as fast as you can.

The Federal Reserve Note will be abolished soon. It will be replaced with Treasury Notes that are backed by Gold. Yes, Trump has enough gold. The new Gold Dollar will continue to be the Reserve Currency. Coins are disappearing because a Quarter (¼ Dollar) will buy 20 or 30 times what it buys now; start saving your coins. A penny may actually buy what a dollar does in the future.

The Central Bank system will collapse when Trump moves to the new Dollar (Dollar Reset). The Federal Reserve will be forced to declare bankruptcy wiping out 20 or 30 $Trillion of US National Debt. This forced bankruptcy will happen worldwide. Again, you will probably want to get into silver or gold.

Don’t buy Chinese Gold; it is/will be counterfeit.

Lastly, one of my predictions has come true on time. Today, before the end of Summer, this site has more than 50,000 subscribers (50,002).

Am still being told by Spirit that SHTF is coming; prepare accordingly. Be safe.


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