Light-Turquoise Have Taken Over

Yesterday, the forces of Light and Turquoise merged their powers, irrevocably, to create a two-thirds position against Darkness (with one-third).  This is a huge change in our world.  Formerly,  there was just Darkness and Light and, most of the time, Darkness had 80 percent of the power in the world.

Now, today, Darkness will only, ever, have one-third of the power in the world.

In the past, Darkness had 80 percent of the power in every House of the Zodiac except Aquarius and Leo; Darkness had 80 percent of the power in five-sixths of the time and space that we, Humans, and our planet, lived in.

Now, today, Darkness only has one-third of the power and one-third of the Houses of the Zodiac;  Light has one third and Turquoise has the other third.  But wait, Light-Turquoise have two-thirds of the power in all twelve Houses of the Zodiac.

What the hell does this mean?  It means that Fear, Force and Control as a force of Nature will be diminished to about 40 percent.  Just as sunshine must be balanced by rain, freedom must be balanced by fear.  To create order, some control must be in place.  But…., we sure a hell did not need, nor want 80 percent of the fear or control which is what we have had for millions of years.

I’ll put it another way.  We now have 60 percent of Freedom, Truth, Love, Integrity, Self-Responsibility, Self-Reliance and similar attributes; the underlying energy has changed amazingly and mankind can now change for the better.

Start looking for these changes; they will be coming fast over the next several months.  All of our institutions and organizations will be changing as they are all based on the dominance of Darkness (fear, force control and resistance to change).  Our Governments (at all levels) are way out-of-control in terms of laws, regulations, taxes and spending; this is all related to fear, force, control and safety/Darkness.

Do we need prisons? Do we need Law Enforcers?  Do we need all of these Judges and Lawyers and Lawmakers (who are one and the same)?  Do we need all of these laws, regulations, taxes, bureaucrats, staffers, lobbyists and consultants?  Do we need all of these meetings and conferences where nothing gets done except expensive travel and luxury stays?

Oh, yes, we will still have people doing bad things to each other, but …. there will be the freedom and trust to take community action against bad people locally and swiftly, like it was in the old west.  The underlying change in the energy from Darkness to Light-Turquoise is the enabler here.

The old ways of doing things will become less limited with fewer steps in the process; many limiting steps were inserted by the resistance, fear, force and control requirements of Darkness.  This is true for everything from chemical reactions to interactions between people.  Many things that are very fear inspiring, like Nuclear Weapons or Radiation/Dirty Bombs or Biological Weapons or other weapons of mass destruction will be made inoperable.  The energy that supports them now is being withdrawn; it is really that simple.

We do have a major problem ahead.  There are far, far, far too many people who have more than 40 percent Darkness in their makeup.  This is understandable as Darkness has had 80 percent of the power until just recently.  When planning a life on Earth, more than 90 percent of the people chose to come here with the power of Darkness on their side.

Now that the power has shifted, most of these Darkness-oriented people will have to/must leave Earth and go to another planet where Darkness still rules; this involves dying and being reborn and is based entirely on decisions they made before they were born here.  There is no blame here.  These people are not bad people; they just made a choice and must, now, live/die with it.

Some communities will only lose a small portion of people, but others will be wiped clean.  If, in fact, it is 90+ percent of us leaving, that is a lot of people leaving.  One way to look at this is to embrace the “Left Behind” book series.  Just think of it as being transported up into Heaven with the righteous and leaving all those who did not qualify behind.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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