More on Sugar

Sugar comes from Darkness; it is all about Fear, Force and Control, but at a fundamental, what we eat perspective. The Medical World already knows that sugar is the fuel for Inflammation. It also knows that Cancer cells eat 10 times more sugar than regular cells; if you starve the cancer cells of sugar, they die.

What about Blood Pressure? If you are a Diabetic, you have a high A1C, which is a 3-month moving average of your Blood Sugar; that is BS, it is a snapshot of your background sugar storage in your body. What goes along with Diabetes is higher Blood Pressure.  Think about it, if you have a lot of sugar floating around in your blood, your blood is going to be a lot thicker, like syrup. In order to pump that syrupy blood to all of your cells, your blood pressure must be increased. The Docs do not know what causes Hyper Tension; its the sugar.

A bit more complex, but High Cholesterol, particularly the LDL and Triglycerides are also related to sugar. If you dump sugar from your diet, your blood pressure and cholesterol numbers will drop to “normal” or below.

Same for heart disease, strokes, bowel related issues, rough or bumpy skin issues (the Docs call them “Skin Blisters”, but they are really Sugar Blisters or Bumps). I am not sure, but my Spirit Guide tells me that sugar is the primary cause for ALL of our diseases.

Whoa, you are saying that sugar is the number one enemy to good health and the Doctors do not know it!!! Yes, Darkness has pulled off this Big Lie for all of our lives and the lives of our parents and grandparents. The Doctors are taught nothing of this in their schools. They even give out Diabetes drugs so that you can continue to eat 300-500 grams of carbohydrates (sugar) per day and still control your blood sugar. What happens if it does not work so well? They put you on more, different drugs and then, more and more insulin shots. The one thing they do not tell you is to stop eating sugar.

Of course, sugar is in nearly everything you eat; that is also part of Darkness’s plan. And then, there is the Roundup which is sprayed on all of our grain crops; Monsanto called it Agent Orange in Vietnam. Unless it is Organic, most Wheat, Corn, Oats, Barley, Soy and Ripe (Canola) is contaminated with Glyphosites from Round Up. This also applies to Potatoes, Rice and Peanuts. In the United States, they actually spray Round Up on all of these crops just before harvesting; so…. most of the processed foods that you eat have been poisoned.

One of the primary goals of Genetic Modified Organisms (GMO) was to make them more tolerant of the RoundUp herbicide.  Did you know that Glyphosite, it’s primary agent, was originally patented as an antibiotic? Round Up actually kills all of the bacteria in the soil and our vegetables cannot get the nutrients from the dead soil.

The other Big Lie is our Governments telling us that we should be eating a low fat, high carbohydrate diet; that is a high sugar diet. Before 1950, the establishment going back 200 years told us to eat a hight fat, medium protein, low carbohydrate diet.

So…You see, Darkness has been in charge for the past 8,640 years. If was fairly easy for Darkness to put poison (sugar) in our diets and modify what Doctors were taught. And then, there is Big Pharma; that is also very Dark.

Light/Right-Spin has taken over. This is all very good news, we are waking up to the Big Lies of Darkness. There are 20 million people searching for Keto or Ketogenic on Google; soon there will be even more.

Collectively, we are starting to realize that SUGAR is POISON.

Love, Light and Laughter,



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