Tag-Archive for » Ascended Master «

What About 2012, Is It the End of the World?

Yes, it is.  It is the end of the World as we know it.  It is very different, but much, much better.

Already, in 2011, the world is changing before our very eyes.  Look at the “Arab Spring”, everyone is expecting all of these Arab countries to go the way of Iran and repressive Islamic Republics ruled by Sharia Law.  The energy that we have moved into no longer supports that form of insanity.

Where else? Big Government is dying before our very eyes as well.  Communism has already died and Socialism has run out of other peoples money to spend. Lavish salaries, benefits and retirements for Public Workers all around the world are being revoked; not enough money.  In the US, Big Unions are dying and Entitlement Programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are on the chopping block.  This is all related to the shift in energy from darkness to Light and Red to Purple and cannot be reversed.

In my previous post, I describe the massive changes that will be made in our world. Billions of us are leaving abruptly in catastrophic events all over the globe.

WHY? Why are 6.7 billion people leaving so quickly? Here’s the answer; humanity has evolved into a new level of advancement – Newmen.  These Newmen are all very high vibrational beings and are mostly women. This has never happened on all of the billions of planets in the nine local universes or the multi-verse, before.  This Newman and Newoman evolution offers another “never happened before” opportunity to the evolution of our Planet aka Gaia.  Because of the 300 million high vibration beings here, Gaia has the opportunity to raise her own vibrations to become a more highly evolved Planet.  I know this is a tough concept to wrap your minds around, but Gaia is like a giant Hot-Air-Balloon with the balloon filled trying to get off the ground.  The problem is that there are too many sandbags on the basket holding Gaia down. Those sandbags are the 6.7 billion low or too low vibrational people keeping Gaia from ascending Spiritually.

This is bigger than Humanity, as important as Humans are to Spirit.  This is all about a 2-4-1, the establishment of ascended, higher Spiritual level  Newmen on an ascended, higher Spiritual level  Gaia.  What this means is that Newmen and Gaia are much more capable to doing Spirits work.

So what happens to all of those billions of people?  They leave their bodies and return to Spirit to rest, evaluate, recuperate and plan their next lives.  Every single one, including the billions who have already returned to Spirit, have experienced the significant growth in our Planet Gaia’s vibrations.  That growth included significant vibrational growth in every Human here as well and that experience will be important to many other planets trying to do the same thing throughout the Multiverse. The Humans from Earth-Gaia will be distributed throughout the Milky Way Galaxy with many of them going to Earth 2 described in a previous post.

So what about the survivors, those left-behind.  Unlike the popular Christian book series, the Newmen and Newmen in waiting will be the most highly evolved Humans on all of the billions of planets in the Multiverse.  How can that be?

In an earlier post, I claimed that the Ascended Master paradigm was broken and that no one had ever vibrated themselves beyond the 5th level of 9.  The objective of vibrating ourselves back up to the 9th and then, the 1th or ONE layer was not working out after aeons of time and effort.  The Bible refers to Lucifer – the Light Bearer taking one-third of the host of heaven into Darkness; it is actually correct, but not fully.  Two of the One’s most powerful Angels proposed a new approach to get around the failed Ascended Master approach.  They divided the 9 local universes into 3 sequentially.  Lucifer took 2,5 and 8; Michael took 3,6 and 9 and Spirit kept 1,4 and7.  Lucifer’s experiment was to keep his three local universes in 80% darkness and 20% light; Michael’s were 80% Light and 20% darkness and Spirit kept the control at 50% each.

The trouble for Earth began because it was on the edge between local Universe 8 and 9 and thus, received periodic blasts of 80% Light and Dark.  It was the only Planet to receive these “outside-the-experiment” energy bursts.  After a while, the One/Spirit noticed that there was something unusual happening on Earth/Gaia; the growth in vibrations, and thus, technology, was advancing much more quickly than any other planet in the experiments.  Soon, all of the hosts of heaven were watching us, here on Earth.  More importantly, all of the Spiritually advanced beings from all of the billions of planets (around 100,000 beings) wanted to come to Earth; to be born here as Humans, especially during the shift from Darkness to Light and Red to Purple.  This can be called the “Shift-of-the-Ages”.  These advanced beings got in-line and are all here for what we are about to go through.  A few are in their 80s, but most are in their 40s age-wise; Many are in their 20s.  These are the Newmen and Newomen or those in waiting.  The vast majority of the 300 million are those who got here, by hook or by crook, to be sling-shot into higher vibrations and advancement into higher level beings; this is why the new age movement is so very big on this planet.

The Earth has been under this incredible focus for about 1,000 years and “normal” conflicts between Darkness and Light have been interfered with.  Light always wins against Darkness and Light was permitted to help Humans create the United States of America and Australia as places for Light-oriented people to go to.  Light-oriented people are higher in vibration than Dark-oriented people like High-pressure weather systems are higher in vibration than low-pressure systems; one brings bright, sunny days while the other brings tornadoes and hurricanes.

It is no accident (there are no accidents), that Light overcame Darkness in WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War/Communism and now, Big Government/Socialism.

New Developments – Great News

Tomorrow, April 23rd, 2011 is the release date for new-paradigm, Purple-energy Fire Powers.

All-right, so what, what does this mean to Newmen and Newomen walking around?  And what does it mean for Humans?

If you are a Newman or Newoman or one in waiting, you have always known (via your Knowing) that you came here (were born here) with GREAT powers; you have been waiting patiently, with suppressed frustration, for much of your life for these powers to show up.

Well Newmen, they are here as of 12 o’clock midnight on April 23rh wherever you are on Planet Earth.  I’ve written about creating on 14 days; April 23rd a 14 day.  2+3 are a 5.  Any 5 is really a 14.  23 is also a Prime Number.  By adding 4, from April, the 2+3 becomes a 9, the number of completion.  By adding the 5+the 9 together, it is another 14 level.  The numerology of things can be very important when it involves the number 14 and 9 which is again 23.

Numerology aside, all of those who have transformed themselves into Newmen, or mostly, Newomen, will actually receive ACTIVE Adept and Vertical Master Fire powers for the first time.  Many of these Newmen have had unusual powers all of their lives, but never spoke of them and rarely displayed them.  This group is fairly small, about 500 beings here.  I expect this group to grow to 1,000 soon and, perhaps, 10,000 over the next 25,920 years.

There is a much larger group of Humans, who are Newmen-in-waiting, who will also receive ACTIVE Adept Fire powers.  This group will receive these powers like they are new-born babies; must learn to wave the arms and legs, wiggle the fingers and toes, roll-over, get-up on all-four, crawl, stand, walk, run and jump.  That is 9 different levels of learning before these beings will be turned loose to use their powers as they choose.  This group of Adepts numbers in the 100s-of-thousands.

So, there will be 100s-of-thousands of people on our planet who will have Majikal powers that make them very different from “normal” Humans.  Are these Newman beings to be feared?  Will these beings operate in self-interest and gather up all the Good Stuff for themselves?

The answer is NO and NO.  In another posting, I wrote about the end of Red-energy and the beginning of Purple-energy.  Red-energy is an energy of self interest and separateness; it is the number 2.  The world has transitioned (is transitioning to) the number 4 (2×2) and into Purple-energy; togetherness, group interest, oneness, unity.

These people who I refer to as Newmen, and Newmen-in-waiting, are all mostly Purple-energy beings.  They are all oriented towards doing what right or best for everyone, not just themselves.  These people are all Seekers of Truth, Newagers, Light-workers and other names for people who have sought guidance for their lives from within.  All Newmen are guided, in all of their actions, from within; from what most people call God.  This inner guidance and the energy for Newmen Fire powers comes from the ascendant Purple-energy.  For Humans, Red-energy, divide-and-conquer, division, strict self-interest, separateness, tribalism and other us-versus-them movements are the old Gods to include the asshole God of the Old Testament and even worse, the Jihadist God called Allah.

Obviously, if I am receiving and acting upon guidance from Purple-energy,  I have no use for organized religions of any stripe or denomination.  They all claim that their way is the only way and yet there are hundreds of ways.  These religions are all about controlling masses of people with fear and force.  At least the Christians and Buddhists treat women with respect and honor.

These are all Red-energy institutions and will be dissolving relatively quickly.  This is especially true of Islam, the red-ist of the red religions.  Here on Planet Earth, Red-energy, also called Darkness, has headquartered itself in a cubical black stone, called the Q’bah, in Mecca and demanded that it be worshiped several times a day.  Islam demands this, it is not optional; Islam only spreads at the point of a sword and the establishment of Allah’s Law.

There are some, in the United States and Europe, who have awakened to the awareness that Islam is very Dark (Evil), very Red, very separate, widely diversional and acting against.  The spread of pure or radical Islam is Red-energy’s last great push before it looses it’s power;  but it is not going the way it is supposed to be going.  Purple-energy has intervened; the Muslim Brotherhood has not taken over, as everyone expected.  People, even in Muslim countries, are demanding, in the streets, at great peril to themselves, Freedom, Truth, Order and Respect for Women.  Put another way, they are calling for Purple to come in and clean out the stables.

What is really happening in the Middle East is that vast numbers of people who were being forced to live and think in a deep Red-energy environment are now being offered Purple-energy and vast numbers are moving towards Purple as fast as they can.

Ascended Master and Ascension Creation is Broken

In the previous post, I explained the importance of the number 5 or 14.  That is the creator number!

I was born in a 14 year and came here with the expressed intent of creating something new here. It actually goes back to the writings of Plato, the Greek Philosopher.  He wrote about something called the Platonic Solids; these are five shapes that are unique and represent Fire energy (Tetrahedron), Earth energy (Hexahedron), Air energy (Octahedron), Water energy (Icosahedron) and Spirit energy (dodecahedron).

As Humans, we are all born as Fire beings and our shape has been two tetrahedrons put together to form a MerKaBa or Light Body which looks like the Star of David when viewed from above.  Because the Tetrahedron has four triangular sides, there are four different degrees of power for Fire beings; Adept, Vertical Master, Horizontal Master and Mahatma.   Each triangle or the Tetrahedron is broken down into 4 smaller, equal sized triangles which represent the different degrees of attainment within each degree of power.  In centuries past, people seeking spiritual advancement would spend decades moving up the degrees of attainment within the Adept power.  This is what the Mystery Schools did.As people became stronger Adepts, they also learned how to raise their vibration levels, but more importantly, their levels of vibration.  This allowed people here, and on other Planets, to become what we call Ascended Masters.

To achieve this status, people had to vibrate themselves out of this physical space and into the 8th space above us.  We are spirits-in-a-body that are playing here in the 9th, most dense space away from SPIRIT who operates in the Zero or Won space.  Spirit is like the Princess-and-the-Pea nursery story; it had to try a feel what was going on down here through 10 layers of Physicalities.  This was the old paradigm; getting to some form of Adept power and then becoming an Ascended Master and then repeating it on the 8th, 7th and 6th levels of physicalities.  This became a HUGE problem as none of the Spirits-in-a-body were able to Ascend into the 5th physical space or higher.  After eons, it became painfully clear that the Ascension creation was not working; Spirits were unable to re-member themselves and eventually, merge with their Source Self.

This is what we all came here to do, besides all the pleasure and pain.

The only difference between an old Soul and one not-so-old is that the Old Soul re-members more of who He/She is.