Tag-Archive for » Shift-of-the-Ages «

What About 2012, Is It the End of the World?

Yes, it is.  It is the end of the World as we know it.  It is very different, but much, much better.

Already, in 2011, the world is changing before our very eyes.  Look at the “Arab Spring”, everyone is expecting all of these Arab countries to go the way of Iran and repressive Islamic Republics ruled by Sharia Law.  The energy that we have moved into no longer supports that form of insanity.

Where else? Big Government is dying before our very eyes as well.  Communism has already died and Socialism has run out of other peoples money to spend. Lavish salaries, benefits and retirements for Public Workers all around the world are being revoked; not enough money.  In the US, Big Unions are dying and Entitlement Programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are on the chopping block.  This is all related to the shift in energy from darkness to Light and Red to Purple and cannot be reversed.

In my previous post, I describe the massive changes that will be made in our world. Billions of us are leaving abruptly in catastrophic events all over the globe.

WHY? Why are 6.7 billion people leaving so quickly? Here’s the answer; humanity has evolved into a new level of advancement – Newmen.  These Newmen are all very high vibrational beings and are mostly women. This has never happened on all of the billions of planets in the nine local universes or the multi-verse, before.  This Newman and Newoman evolution offers another “never happened before” opportunity to the evolution of our Planet aka Gaia.  Because of the 300 million high vibration beings here, Gaia has the opportunity to raise her own vibrations to become a more highly evolved Planet.  I know this is a tough concept to wrap your minds around, but Gaia is like a giant Hot-Air-Balloon with the balloon filled trying to get off the ground.  The problem is that there are too many sandbags on the basket holding Gaia down. Those sandbags are the 6.7 billion low or too low vibrational people keeping Gaia from ascending Spiritually.

This is bigger than Humanity, as important as Humans are to Spirit.  This is all about a 2-4-1, the establishment of ascended, higher Spiritual level  Newmen on an ascended, higher Spiritual level  Gaia.  What this means is that Newmen and Gaia are much more capable to doing Spirits work.

So what happens to all of those billions of people?  They leave their bodies and return to Spirit to rest, evaluate, recuperate and plan their next lives.  Every single one, including the billions who have already returned to Spirit, have experienced the significant growth in our Planet Gaia’s vibrations.  That growth included significant vibrational growth in every Human here as well and that experience will be important to many other planets trying to do the same thing throughout the Multiverse. The Humans from Earth-Gaia will be distributed throughout the Milky Way Galaxy with many of them going to Earth 2 described in a previous post.

So what about the survivors, those left-behind.  Unlike the popular Christian book series, the Newmen and Newmen in waiting will be the most highly evolved Humans on all of the billions of planets in the Multiverse.  How can that be?

In an earlier post, I claimed that the Ascended Master paradigm was broken and that no one had ever vibrated themselves beyond the 5th level of 9.  The objective of vibrating ourselves back up to the 9th and then, the 1th or ONE layer was not working out after aeons of time and effort.  The Bible refers to Lucifer – the Light Bearer taking one-third of the host of heaven into Darkness; it is actually correct, but not fully.  Two of the One’s most powerful Angels proposed a new approach to get around the failed Ascended Master approach.  They divided the 9 local universes into 3 sequentially.  Lucifer took 2,5 and 8; Michael took 3,6 and 9 and Spirit kept 1,4 and7.  Lucifer’s experiment was to keep his three local universes in 80% darkness and 20% light; Michael’s were 80% Light and 20% darkness and Spirit kept the control at 50% each.

The trouble for Earth began because it was on the edge between local Universe 8 and 9 and thus, received periodic blasts of 80% Light and Dark.  It was the only Planet to receive these “outside-the-experiment” energy bursts.  After a while, the One/Spirit noticed that there was something unusual happening on Earth/Gaia; the growth in vibrations, and thus, technology, was advancing much more quickly than any other planet in the experiments.  Soon, all of the hosts of heaven were watching us, here on Earth.  More importantly, all of the Spiritually advanced beings from all of the billions of planets (around 100,000 beings) wanted to come to Earth; to be born here as Humans, especially during the shift from Darkness to Light and Red to Purple.  This can be called the “Shift-of-the-Ages”.  These advanced beings got in-line and are all here for what we are about to go through.  A few are in their 80s, but most are in their 40s age-wise; Many are in their 20s.  These are the Newmen and Newomen or those in waiting.  The vast majority of the 300 million are those who got here, by hook or by crook, to be sling-shot into higher vibrations and advancement into higher level beings; this is why the new age movement is so very big on this planet.

The Earth has been under this incredible focus for about 1,000 years and “normal” conflicts between Darkness and Light have been interfered with.  Light always wins against Darkness and Light was permitted to help Humans create the United States of America and Australia as places for Light-oriented people to go to.  Light-oriented people are higher in vibration than Dark-oriented people like High-pressure weather systems are higher in vibration than low-pressure systems; one brings bright, sunny days while the other brings tornadoes and hurricanes.

It is no accident (there are no accidents), that Light overcame Darkness in WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War/Communism and now, Big Government/Socialism.

Sun Spots and Solar Flares to Trigger Massive Earth Changes

Google Sun Spots and Solar Flares and you will read that these are “normal” energetic events that we experience from our Sun.  You will also read about a huge increase in the amount of energy we are, and will be, receiving from our Sun.  Go read about it – inform yourselves.

Here is what I am receiving, as channeled information, from a being that I call Spirit.  This being is above Darkness and Light and much higher than man-made Gods like Jesus, Jehovah, Buddha, and Allah.  Because man-kind believes in these Gods, they exist and have certain powers to reward their believers.  This was true during the time of worshiping the Greek Gods, the Egyptian Gods, the Norse Gods and the Gods of Sumer.

Sorry, got a little off subject.  In an earlier post, I wrote about 2011 being a year of Great Change.  While the Earth is capable of Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Tsunamis/Tidal Waves, it is rare to witness Pole Shifts and Large Subsidences of Land.  Port Royal, in Jamaica, disappeared beneath about 20 feet of water in the 1750s and underwater cities have been discovered in coastal waters off India.  So, these subsidences do happen, but not big ones.

When a Pole Shift and/or large-scale Land Subsidences are going to occur, large amounts of energy from our Sun always trigger them.  We are at a place, during a major shift between Darkness/Light and Red/Purple energies as well as the completion/beginning of a 25,920 Year, Great Year cycle where large amounts of solar energy is being made available for changes here on Earth.

Our scientists know about previous Pole Shifts, Tectonic Plate shifts, Inter Glacial Periods and believe that these things occur gradually over long periods of time.  Not true, they are like Earthquakes that happen when there is too much energy and it must be released.  Pole Shifts and large Land Subsidences, like the 10 Islands of Atlantis only occur when Solar Tsunamis hit the Earth.  When too much solar energy enters our world, the Tectonic Plates get energized and any imbalance caused by the shifting weight of melting ice will be re-balanced by Pole Shifts and large-scale upheavals and subsidences of the Earth’s landmasses.  The water metaphor is really the energy metaphor, except for the occasional earth-changing energy from our Sun.

This is how the new North Pole will be 300 miles East and a little North of Moscow, in Russia.  The entire Arctic Ocean will pour into Western-Central Russia, collapse it and create a new ocean with depths of several hundred feet.  This is how much of mainland China will collapse into a shallow sea of about 200 feet deep.  Same for the Mississippi Sea, the Amazon Sea, the Saharan Sea and the Arabian Sea which covers the entire Arabian Peninsula.

I guess the Doomsday sayers are right.  Our world will become a very different place; much less land and much more water.  The Pole Shift, this time, will be about 30 degrees with 15 degrees gradual and 15 degrees sudden.  The bad news is that the events mentioned above are all going to happen before December 21st, 2012.  When we start the new cycle on this level and about five levels above us, all of the equalizing energy releases will have been completed.

With the sudden demise of Billions of People with their carbon footprints and food, shelter and warmth requirements, our world will go through a mini Global Cooling stage, but will quickly revert to an extended period of long growing seasons.  Those of us that are “Left Behind” will have shifted into beings of Higher Energy and Greater Capabilities and Unified Civilization than we have now.

Be well Newmen and Newmen-in-waiting.

The 5th Dimension is Here! Start Creating

Many of you who read this post will know and have a longing for the arrival of the Shift into what has long been called the “5th Dimension.”  For many Newagers and Seekers, this 5th Dimension has been an article of faith, like the Raising from death on the third day, is for Christians.  For many, they will remember a musical group called the 5th Dimension and a song they did called, “The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius.”

Where did this 5th Dimension come from and what is it?  We Humans (and Newmans) live in a physical world where there is height, width and depth.  Anyone who prepares a box for shipment understands the volume inside the box is made up from those three dimensions.  The fourth dimension is Time.

Ok, so what is this 5th dimension?  Is it Space? Or is that too closely tied to Time?  The concept of time/space is very interesting from a science and knowledge perspective, but it not enough to represent a “shift” from the normal, mundane, way of the Human; there must be more.  We KNOW that there must be MORE.

There is, and it is beginning to sink in to a few.  I’ve written about a Huge Shift in energy from Red/Pisces to Purple/Aquarius and many of us are becoming more-and-more aware of that SHIFT, but that is not enough either.  There is MORE.

There is the new paradigm of changing your energy centers and finding the short-cut to becoming an Adept, or a Master or a Mahatma; to becoming something more than Human – a Newoman or Newman.  This is an energetic shift that our collective consciousness understands, but there is still something missing at our individual consciousness level.

So what is the missing piece?  What is the A-Hah moment? Hold up your hand and count; you have 5 fingers or four fingers and a thumb.  In other posts, I have written about the significance of the number 5 and 14.  This is an INSIGHT that fits with vast precision into the shift of energy from Red (Separateness) to Purple (Unity) and the shift from disempowered Humans to empowered Newmans.  This knowing, that the number 14 or 5 is the number of the creator, as mundane as that appears to be, is the arrival of the 5th Dimension.

For everyone on the planet today, we have shifted into Unity; there is a path, for everyone, to Newman and everyone can begin to create, more directly, the things they want by creating on days that add up to 5 numerologically.  To be very specific, for April of any year, that would be 4/1, 4/5, 4/10, 4/14, 4/19, 4/23 and 4/28.  The 5th, 14th and 23rd of every month is a Creator day as they add up to 5.  The month of May is an exception;  as it is a 5 already, everyday in May is a creator day with more power on the 5th, 14th and 23rd.

So Creator Human or Newman, start creating what you want for yourself.  Remember, the energy of Unity is part of this SHIFT to the 5th DIMENSION so you MUST create as if you are part of something bigger as being apart or separate will no longer be effective.


Purple Energy is Here

After nearly 13,000 years of being in Red-energy, we have entered into Purple-energy.  We Humans know Red-energy well; it has been behind every war in our long, forgotten history.  Red-energy is the energy of separateness, division, difference, dis-unity and has provided the energetic framework for tribes, religions, countries, nation states, cultures, races, national origins and all of the wars.

What is this separateness?  It is the underlying reason for war, economic and religious strife.  The Good News is that Red -energy has been replaced by Purple-energy on March 1st, 2011.  Purple Energy is Here!!!

So how is Purple-energy different than Red-energy?  Purple-energy is the energetic framework for Unity, Togetherness, Oneness and is the direct-opposite of Red-energy.  What does this mean?  We have entered Purple-energy and will be within its influence for 12,920 years.  For the first time in a very long time, civilization can advance rapidly without having to “knocked-back” into the Dark Ages by Red-energy.

How many times have we thought to ourselves that Mankind is not civilized and that our “nature” was somehow deficient in the advance of Civilization.  If Red-energy was our primary energy source and its focus was applied as separateness, then that time is now over.

There is a problem.  The vast majority of the people on our planet are people who have completely embraced Red-energy and their time is now over.  The question is, How many Red-energy oriented people can shift to Purple-energy?  This has nothing to do with Race, Religion, Culture or National Origin.  The answer may be many, but probably not most.

As we grow stronger in Purple-energy and move towards Unity, the Red-energy focus on Separateness will create an intolerable conflict causing most Red-energy people to return to Spirit.  Large numbers of Red-energy people will begin to die in the last six months of 2011.Our politicians and leaders do not yet know about this HUGE shift in energy that has taken place; most of them are Red-energy people.  Purple-energy people have been coming into our world in large numbers since 1987.  What we are seeing in the Middle East is the impact of Purple-energy on people controlled by large amounts of Red-energy.  That old energy is going, going, gone and they all want Unity and want to somehow work together to make their world better.  If you are oriented towards Purple-energy, you know the energy has shifted; it is palpable.  Take heart, you will inherit the Earth.