We are all watching the collapse of Twitter, Disney, and Netflix; the Woke are being told to find other jobs. Be offended on your own dime. We are also watching the purge of the RINOs (Republicans in Name Only); Trump-endorsed candidates have won 58-1, so far. The Russians have been driven out of Ukraine’s second-largest city; Kharkiv. The Russians have depended on their artillery to destroy infrastructure and defenses, but now, Ukrainian artillery outranges them by 30km to 18km. First, it was their tanks blowing up around them; now, it will be their artillery, fuel, munitions, food, and replacement men/materiel.
When these new NATO weapons get into the fight, the Russians will not know what has hit them. They will collapse rapidly; totally demoralized. The Ukrainians will be cutting off 1000s of Russian troops and causing mass surrenders. Russia is collapsing from within.
Everyone is starting to realize that food shortages are coming. Stock up on rice, beans, and pasta now. Yes, and canned meats as well. Here’s some good news; the harvest in Ukraine and Russia will be disrupted, but not destroyed. A good portion of the wheat and other grains will get out to market. Russia cannot win and will surrender soon. Sanctions will be lifted at incredible speed and the flow of food, oil, and gas will resume. The Europeans will get most of the food leaving much of the rest of the world to struggle with food shortages.
The Europeans have just received a massive wake-up call. Expect the EU to disintegrate rapidly as most countries do not want to give up their sovereignty to the Germans or French. Slovakia and Hungary have already stated that “their” food is for them. Romania, Poland, and Italy are not far behind.
Reduced sunspots and increased cosmic rays are taking their toll; the entire Earth has moved into a period of increased seismic activity. Volcanoes have gotten more active and earthquakes are ramping up. Expect huge activity in China, India, Indonesia, and the West Coast of the United States. Big ones are coming. Africa will be a hornet’s nest of activity and pain.
All of this is part of the movement into Aquarian energies; the old world of fear, force, and control is collapsing. Big Government, Globalism, MultiNational companies, and Wokeness are fading quickly. Russia, China, the EU, and the UN are all tent poles that are all falling down. The US GOVERNMENT is one as well, but it is being transformed; taken back from within.
The financial world is on the verge of total destruction; what happens when interest rates go to 20% overnight? It happened back in the 1970s and saved the system, but this time we have the derivative bombs. Over leveraged banks, companies, and countries will default and collapse. The savers are not putting their money into banks; not enough return on investment (interest) or trust. China will kick this off as its real estate sector has dropped 75% from a year ago; that is a $45 Trillion loss. Japan and the ECB will collapse almost immediately afterward. Wall Street and the Federal Reserve will try to hold out, but will not be able; all of their tools have been destroyed. Gold, silver, and Bitcoins will surge. Buy lots of ordinary coins; they will be worth far more than now. People are worried about inflation now, but we are all headed toward massive deflation. The money will all disappear suddenly and become very valuable in its scarceness. Yes, we are going back to bartering.
When the dust settles, the dollar will emerge again along with the pound. This will happen as the US has a unique circumstance; it cannot be invaded by land, controls oceans on both sides, has huge food production, and has a water/road transportation network larger than the rest of the world combined. The Germans will be very damaged by the collapse of the Euro. That and a huge lack of trust; after all, the EU was the 4th Reich attempt. Poland and Britain will become the new European powers and will, probably be allies.
I know, it looks like things are getting worse, but this is the darkness before the dawn. We are almost to the light at the end of the tunnel. For the survivors, we are going into a new Golden Age.
Love, Light and Laughter,