Darkness is always at War with Light; even in our Bodies

I have been a “Light Warrior” ever since I can remember. I knew that Darkness was the status quo, don’t change-for-the-better, fear-based, force-based and the master controller.

Over time, I even knew that Darkness had messed with me physically  and financially and, even, with my Websites. Yes, even with my love life and my career.

Overtime, I learned that we were going to be transitioning into a new energy space; Aquarius and that started in 2013.  That transition to this new energy would take 5 years. See my home page; 5 is a 14 and 14 is the creation number. Here we are in August, 2018 and, yes, Light/Right-Spin has, finally gotten to 80% of the powre in our world.

What I had not realized was the level of “limitations” that Darkness had been able to impose on me or how difficult it would be to free myself  of these blocks; they were all imposed on me at an 80% level  which was renewed last year, before Darkness started losing it’s power.

I have written about sugar/sucre as poison or toxic to Humans, but it is even worse than that. Sugar get a free pass into our bodies when we eat it; it is not attacked by our auto-immune systems and it gets processed into fat and fuel for our cells. Our bodies produce a hormone called insulin to turn sugar into fat and help our cells to use it. It is not only stored as fat, but in our skin as eczema, psoriasis, and many other skin conditions. It is the raw material for Darkness to mess with our health and external energies from within our bodies.

When we eat sugar or foods that make sugar (rice, potatoes, wheat, flour, bread, pasta, pastries, etc.), it goes into our bodies as a tool that Darkness uses to make us sick. We all know that sickness or dis-ease tends to get worse and worse over time until someone dies. This is because sugar gets stored in our bodies and Darkness uses the sugar to create energy blocks in our organs, our senses, our nervous systems, our balance and throughout our bodies.

Think about it, sugar is used to fuel inflammation; both of them belong to Darkness.  If sugar is stored in our bodies, it is there to be used by inflammation.  Inflammation can be caused by energy blockages; that is where the stored sugar comes in. Inflammation is, somehow, able to mix stored sugar with toxins from the liver to create structures that  make us worse.  These structures  are built on, over time, to make us even worse.

When we are born, we are of the Light and Darkness takes on the task of killing us as fast as it can. To do this, it has two major tools; inflammation and cancer.  Both of these are fueled by sugar which includes fructose, sucrose, glucose and all of that stored sugar that has accumulated over decades.

I am a Diabetic and I realized  that I could not continue to try to manage my sugar intake and declared war on sugar. I stopped eating sugar, bread, pancakes/waffles, potatoes, rice, anything with flour in it and switched to a Ketogenic way of eating. Lots of fat (butter, heavy cream, sour cream, MCT/Coconut Oil, Avocado Oil, Macadamia Nut Oil, Olive Oil, all meats, fish and seafood (the more fat the better) and lots of salad greens, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts and many other low-to-medium carbohydrate veggies.

After one week on this new way of eating, my Blood Sugar number went from 347 to 171 and it keeps going down. More importantly, my body started burning my fat to keep its sugar number up and I began to lose pounds and inches from all over my body.

As a Diabetic, my Blood Sugar numbers fluctuate from day-to-day and the real number that my Doctor is interested in is my A1C. Finally, I asked him what the A1C measured;  it is a 3-month moving average that measures the background sugar in  your body. It is much more difficult to lower as it is a snapshot of all of your stored sugar.

The Doctors do not know what causes Diabetes; they just know how to give us drugs and tell us to keep eating 100s of grams of carbohydrate a day. When that doesn’t work, they add more drugs and then, insulin and then, more insulin.

So, after three months on the Keto Way, I find out that the root cause of Diabetes is something called a Fatty Liver which includes a Fatty Pancreas. These two organs get plugged up with fat and slow down a lot.

Fortunately, I have been guided to take supplements like Berberine and Turmeric which have helped clean out my liver and pancreas. I have also been using Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) regularly; this helps the liver and pancreas a lot.

OK. So now, I am eating 70% fat, 25-28% protein and 2% Carbs (less than 20 grams per day). My body (cells) has shifted from processing sugar and carbs for energy to processing Ketones. My sugar fat is being transformed into Ketones and my belly fat is disappearing at a good clip.  But….

What about all of that sugar that I have been eating for 50 years or more. How much sugar do I have that is being stored? And, how to I get rid of it?  I am just starting to realize that my stored sugar is being used against me to make me sick and sicker.

I have had a form of inflammation attack on my arms and legs for the past 4 years. It is a very virulent form of skin blisters that get red and infected and then disappear to re-appear a week or two later.  What was happening was the formation of several layers of inflammation. I tried everything, but nothing worked well.

Then, I noticed that things were getting better when I took the ACV twice or three times a day. I realized that these Eczema or Psoriasis skin formations were stored sugar.  Just like sugar, the body gives vinegar a free ride and when it enters the blood stream, it attracts sugar and carries it away. This apparently applies to the sugar structures that Darkness uses against us in our skin, organs, senses, etc.

Apple Cider Vinegar, and perhaps, other vinegars are a way to get rid of the potentially massive buildup of sugar in our bodies and get rid of those physical blocks and energy blocks that Darkness has inflicted on us for decades.  The blocks on your money, success, health, youthfulness, manifesting/visioneering, sex, etc. may, actually, be within your physical body.

Be patient, the stored sugar has been built up over decades, give yourself some time to get rid of it. I take two ounces of Bragg’s ACV with twelve ounces of water three times a day. It is not wonderfully tasting, but my skin disorders are healing very rapidly and, I believe, that my background sugar storage is being reduced rapidly.  My Spirit Guide tells me that all of the Limitations that Darkness has imposed on me are being lifted with the dissolution of the sugar blocks.

Will have my A1C tested in about a month.  I will let you know.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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