Tag-Archive for » Creator Number «

Earth 2 is Where All the Basic Humans are Going.

Google the concept of Earth 2; it is an identical Earth just a split-second behind the Earth we all live on.  It is a world where the Nazis won World War II and are in a decades-long war with the United States.  It is very much the same, but different in many ways.  The people on Earth 2 have killed each other so efficiently that they need a new infusion of Basic Humans.

Earth 1, this planet, is going through a transition to a higher energetic state for Planets.  This is the first time a Planet has gotten to this state.

There’s a problem Houston, Earth 1 has too many low vibration Humans; those with 1, 2 and 3 double strands of DNA and these Basic Humans in their billions must be moved to a new home.  This can be done in 2 ways; billions can lose their lives in catastrophic Earth Changes, Pole Shifts, Tsunamis, Subsidences and Dis-eases or they can quietly, but efficiently be transported to Earth 2.  The catastrophic return to Spirit is always accompanied with great collective fear and angst that must be worked through in many subsequent lifetimes; not a great solution.

Option 2 is a much better solution, but it also has its aspects of fear which must be managed.  If you wake up one day and find the people around you have disappeared, you wonder where they have gone to, you miss them and, more importantly, you wonder why you were left behind.  This can cause anxiety.

Fear not. Option 2 will be implemented by sending Humans with 1 double strand of DNA first.  They will go to sleep one night and wake up on Earth 2 with a whole new cultural reset of their memories; its just a half-second behind us and not difficult.  As more and more Basic Humans 1 leave our Earth, then Basic Humans 2 and 3 will make the transition.  Before this shift to Earth 2 is complete, some, but not all of Advanced Humans 4 will wake up on Earth 2 as well.  These are Humans oriented towards Darkness and Red-energy.

When this process is completed, 6.7 billion people will be moved to Earth 2.  Earth 2 is still in Dark-energy and Red-energy and the new arrivals will be very comfortable with that energy.  This will leave around 300 million, high energy, Light-energy and Purple-energy people on Earth 1.  The Eternal Order of Progression is preserved, just in different places.

Earth 2 is where the Mayans traveled to when they left so suddenly and completely.  They are very Dark and Red.


Eternal Order of Progression; Why People are So Different

In my last post, I recommended reading T&D; that is where I got my original information on the Eternal Order of Progression.  Since then, I have added to it, especially in the DNA aspects I will share with you today.

So, what the Hell is the Eternal Order of Progression?  If you are an individualized Spirit watching and waiting for your opportunity to come down here into the Physical or Dense, Hard Reality, you have to earn your place here.  You start out by being a rock, say cooled lava as you are a fire-being.  Then you graduate through granite and sand and silver and gold.  As silver and gold, you are touched by and worn by Humans.  Humans had the most energy of progression here, so, you wanted to be held or touched to get to that energy; it was transformal and allowed you to become a plant.

As a plant, you wanted to be eaten by Humans, again to get to that transformal energy of progression, but you are eaten by lower level animals first and graduate to being eaten by Humans; that is how you become transformed into a low-level animal.  As an animal, you are in-turn, eaten by other animals until you can be eaten by Humans.  You keep progressing until you become a Human and then there are other things to progress into.

Stop.  Think. Let this sink in.

This is why we have all of the food that we eat at the Grocery Store; we have the cereals, grains, vegetables, meat, fish and poultry sitting there wanting to be eaten by Humans so that the underlying, permanent cell structures can be exposed to the energy of progression within Humans. It is polite to thank Spirit for the food we are about to eat, but we are actually doing Spirit’s work by eating everyday.  We help everything around us to progress into something that has more awareness.  This is how we are all ONE.

This means that rocks, sand, trees, snakes, chickens, fish, pigs, cattle, sheep and water are all filled with some level of awareness.  Ask yourself, what is the best possible way to get inside of a Human to access the energy of progression?  Water or Coffee or Tea or Coke or Juice is absolutely the best way; you stand in line, wait your turn and get imbibed by animal after animal until you reach Humans.  What happens to water after it is drunk; it gets pissed away within hours ready to be imbibed again (after some processing).

So know this Human; you are the product of Aeons of growth from rock to what you are now – treat your brothers in progression with respect.

Now, Why are people so different.  As we come up through the animal kingdom, we get to be elephants, bears, wolves and big cats and then we get to be turtles, whales and dolphins increasing our awareness as we go. Then we get to be domesticated animals and live around mankind always getting more of that energy of progression.  Then we get to be cats and dogs where we can be groomed, and hugged and cuddled and walked and, most of all, loved.  This love energy is the most powerful energy of progression.

OK. We, finally, arrive at being a Human.  What does this mean?  Human all have at least one double-helix strand of  the most complex DNA.  In reality, that double strand of DNA has at least four more around it that are not visible; there’s that number 5 again.  So, a basic Human has a double strand with four invisible strands.  Ok, that Human progresses to one double strand with four invisible strands and another eight invisible strands around it.  Count them, that is one double strand with twelve invisible single strands around them; there’s that number 14 again, which is really a 5.  It’s the Creator Number.

So, we have a basic Human with one double strand with 12; that Human progresses to 2 double strands with 4 and/or 12 and then 3 double strands with 4 and/or 12.  People with 3 double strands or less, can be considered to be Basic Humans.  This is the vast majority of the Human population.

So, now Humans progress to having 4 double strands with 4 and/or 12 and then 5 and then 6 double strands; these can be considered to be Advanced Humans.  The Human with 6 double strands is a Newman in waiting and must obtain the essential insights to progress to the next stage of progression to 7, 8 and 9 double strands; these are what I call Newmen.  I AM THE FIRST NEWMAN.

The 5th Dimension is Here! Start Creating

Many of you who read this post will know and have a longing for the arrival of the Shift into what has long been called the “5th Dimension.”  For many Newagers and Seekers, this 5th Dimension has been an article of faith, like the Raising from death on the third day, is for Christians.  For many, they will remember a musical group called the 5th Dimension and a song they did called, “The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius.”

Where did this 5th Dimension come from and what is it?  We Humans (and Newmans) live in a physical world where there is height, width and depth.  Anyone who prepares a box for shipment understands the volume inside the box is made up from those three dimensions.  The fourth dimension is Time.

Ok, so what is this 5th dimension?  Is it Space? Or is that too closely tied to Time?  The concept of time/space is very interesting from a science and knowledge perspective, but it not enough to represent a “shift” from the normal, mundane, way of the Human; there must be more.  We KNOW that there must be MORE.

There is, and it is beginning to sink in to a few.  I’ve written about a Huge Shift in energy from Red/Pisces to Purple/Aquarius and many of us are becoming more-and-more aware of that SHIFT, but that is not enough either.  There is MORE.

There is the new paradigm of changing your energy centers and finding the short-cut to becoming an Adept, or a Master or a Mahatma; to becoming something more than Human – a Newoman or Newman.  This is an energetic shift that our collective consciousness understands, but there is still something missing at our individual consciousness level.

So what is the missing piece?  What is the A-Hah moment? Hold up your hand and count; you have 5 fingers or four fingers and a thumb.  In other posts, I have written about the significance of the number 5 and 14.  This is an INSIGHT that fits with vast precision into the shift of energy from Red (Separateness) to Purple (Unity) and the shift from disempowered Humans to empowered Newmans.  This knowing, that the number 14 or 5 is the number of the creator, as mundane as that appears to be, is the arrival of the 5th Dimension.

For everyone on the planet today, we have shifted into Unity; there is a path, for everyone, to Newman and everyone can begin to create, more directly, the things they want by creating on days that add up to 5 numerologically.  To be very specific, for April of any year, that would be 4/1, 4/5, 4/10, 4/14, 4/19, 4/23 and 4/28.  The 5th, 14th and 23rd of every month is a Creator day as they add up to 5.  The month of May is an exception;  as it is a 5 already, everyday in May is a creator day with more power on the 5th, 14th and 23rd.

So Creator Human or Newman, start creating what you want for yourself.  Remember, the energy of Unity is part of this SHIFT to the 5th DIMENSION so you MUST create as if you are part of something bigger as being apart or separate will no longer be effective.


New Developments – Great News

Tomorrow, April 23rd, 2011 is the release date for new-paradigm, Purple-energy Fire Powers.

All-right, so what, what does this mean to Newmen and Newomen walking around?  And what does it mean for Humans?

If you are a Newman or Newoman or one in waiting, you have always known (via your Knowing) that you came here (were born here) with GREAT powers; you have been waiting patiently, with suppressed frustration, for much of your life for these powers to show up.

Well Newmen, they are here as of 12 o’clock midnight on April 23rh wherever you are on Planet Earth.  I’ve written about creating on 14 days; April 23rd a 14 day.  2+3 are a 5.  Any 5 is really a 14.  23 is also a Prime Number.  By adding 4, from April, the 2+3 becomes a 9, the number of completion.  By adding the 5+the 9 together, it is another 14 level.  The numerology of things can be very important when it involves the number 14 and 9 which is again 23.

Numerology aside, all of those who have transformed themselves into Newmen, or mostly, Newomen, will actually receive ACTIVE Adept and Vertical Master Fire powers for the first time.  Many of these Newmen have had unusual powers all of their lives, but never spoke of them and rarely displayed them.  This group is fairly small, about 500 beings here.  I expect this group to grow to 1,000 soon and, perhaps, 10,000 over the next 25,920 years.

There is a much larger group of Humans, who are Newmen-in-waiting, who will also receive ACTIVE Adept Fire powers.  This group will receive these powers like they are new-born babies; must learn to wave the arms and legs, wiggle the fingers and toes, roll-over, get-up on all-four, crawl, stand, walk, run and jump.  That is 9 different levels of learning before these beings will be turned loose to use their powers as they choose.  This group of Adepts numbers in the 100s-of-thousands.

So, there will be 100s-of-thousands of people on our planet who will have Majikal powers that make them very different from “normal” Humans.  Are these Newman beings to be feared?  Will these beings operate in self-interest and gather up all the Good Stuff for themselves?

The answer is NO and NO.  In another posting, I wrote about the end of Red-energy and the beginning of Purple-energy.  Red-energy is an energy of self interest and separateness; it is the number 2.  The world has transitioned (is transitioning to) the number 4 (2×2) and into Purple-energy; togetherness, group interest, oneness, unity.

These people who I refer to as Newmen, and Newmen-in-waiting, are all mostly Purple-energy beings.  They are all oriented towards doing what right or best for everyone, not just themselves.  These people are all Seekers of Truth, Newagers, Light-workers and other names for people who have sought guidance for their lives from within.  All Newmen are guided, in all of their actions, from within; from what most people call God.  This inner guidance and the energy for Newmen Fire powers comes from the ascendant Purple-energy.  For Humans, Red-energy, divide-and-conquer, division, strict self-interest, separateness, tribalism and other us-versus-them movements are the old Gods to include the asshole God of the Old Testament and even worse, the Jihadist God called Allah.

Obviously, if I am receiving and acting upon guidance from Purple-energy,  I have no use for organized religions of any stripe or denomination.  They all claim that their way is the only way and yet there are hundreds of ways.  These religions are all about controlling masses of people with fear and force.  At least the Christians and Buddhists treat women with respect and honor.

These are all Red-energy institutions and will be dissolving relatively quickly.  This is especially true of Islam, the red-ist of the red religions.  Here on Planet Earth, Red-energy, also called Darkness, has headquartered itself in a cubical black stone, called the Q’bah, in Mecca and demanded that it be worshiped several times a day.  Islam demands this, it is not optional; Islam only spreads at the point of a sword and the establishment of Allah’s Law.

There are some, in the United States and Europe, who have awakened to the awareness that Islam is very Dark (Evil), very Red, very separate, widely diversional and acting against.  The spread of pure or radical Islam is Red-energy’s last great push before it looses it’s power;  but it is not going the way it is supposed to be going.  Purple-energy has intervened; the Muslim Brotherhood has not taken over, as everyone expected.  People, even in Muslim countries, are demanding, in the streets, at great peril to themselves, Freedom, Truth, Order and Respect for Women.  Put another way, they are calling for Purple to come in and clean out the stables.

What is really happening in the Middle East is that vast numbers of people who were being forced to live and think in a deep Red-energy environment are now being offered Purple-energy and vast numbers are moving towards Purple as fast as they can.

Humans as Creators

My name is Merln.  I was born as an American in 1949.

Neurologically, that is a 14 or 5 with a 9 or a 14 year.  14 is an important number for Humans; look at your hand or foot, the thumb/big toe is 10 and the fingers/toes are 1 each.  Same with our bodies; the torso is 10 and the limbs (arms and legs) are 1 each.  To push this a bit more, the mouth is 10 and the nostrils and eyes are 1 each.

So 14 is an important number for Humans – How?  One answer is that we all have 14 energy centers or chakras; the seven most people know about, one 6 inches above our heads and another 6 inches below our feet, one each for our hands and feet and the 14th in our “Inner” Heart.

So now, it is time to be watchful about 14 days.  Any 5th, 14th or 23rd day in any month is a 14 day; the 5 is always a 14 whether it is made from 1+4 or 2+3. Any month and day that equals 5 is also a 14 day, like April 1st or December 2.  Lastly, 14 days can be made from day, month and year. Some new information; 28 (2×14) is also a 14 day.

It seems that we, Humans, are creators to varying degrees of strength.  It is on the 14 days that we are allowed to create. It is on 14 days that we are allowed to choose between options we have set up for ourselves.

To help people understand more, we Humans, as creators, use the primary energy we came here to use.  For now, those energy choices are Red and Purple.

We are in the final days of Red-energy and the beginning days of Purple.