The Corner Discussion

I wrote about some of this in a Post called A Physics Lesson, in May, 2016. Click to follow the link.

James Clark Maxwell is a distant cousin of mine, but we carry the same DNA. Maxwell’s Equations were new information that the world did not have; they were “channeled” to Maxwell from his creative self or being. This download of information started happening to him when he was 18 years old. Before Maxwell, there were no Electrical Engineers.

When they measured the speed of light back at the beginning of the 20th Century, they were actually measuring the speed of heat (they used incandescent light bulbs). How fast is the Light coming from an LED device?

Our world is based on three physical dimensions (height, depth and width) which are all 90 degree dimensions which we can easily see by looking at a corner on a package, desk or ceiling.  There is another dimension which is much more difficult to see, but we measure it all of the time.  That is Time/Space and it is a 45 degree dimension coming out of the corner point.

The point in a corner is the “Still” point that we go to when we meditate.  It is also the Zero-Point-Energy or ZPE point.  It is also the Quantum point and it is also SPIRIT.

Think of any imaginary point in space; it is really a corner where the three physical planes come together. Each of these three physical planes have their own properties that represent the six fundamental forces in our physical world.

These are Darkness and Light, Hot/Heat and Cold, and Gravity and Magnetism. Each of these is a binary opposite of the other; this may be a new idea for Gravity and Magnetism. BTW, Cold is not the absense of Hot (Heat), but is it’s own fundamental force with it’s own unique properties.

Look at a corner that is on the ceiling or imaginary.  The left vertical wall is always Darkness and Light.  The right vertical wall is always Hot and Cold. The horizontal plane (whether on ceiling or floor or wherever) is always Gravity and Magnetism.

There are six fundamental forces. Darkness flows away from the corner and Light flows towards the corner. Hot (Heat) flows away from the corner and Cold flows towards the corner. Gravity flows away from the corner and Magnetism flows towards the corner.

Mankind has “dominion” over three of these Fundamental Forces; the ones that flow towards the corner, Light, Cold and Magnetism. The other three, Darkness, Heat and Gravity are much more difficult for us to achieve breakthrough technologies.  Yes, we were given the Gift of Fire and we have done well with it, but we have just begun making designer alloys.

What we call the Speed of Light (186,000 ft/sec/sec) is actually the Speed of Heat (Hot). The next tier up is the Speed of Cold, which is twice (2x) the Speed of Hot. Then, there is the Speed of Darkness, which is three (3x) times the Speed of Hot. Then, Speed of Light, which is 4x the Speed of Hot. Then, Speed of Gravity which is 5x the Speed of Hot and lastly, Magnetism, which is 6x the Speed of Heat.

This new information kind of takes Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, E=MC² and makes it much more relative.

Many people who are interested in physics know that particles and waves are impacted/changed by a viewer viewing them. What we do not understand, generally, waves are properties of the fundamental Magnetism plane/force and particles are properties of the fundamental Gravity place/force. Again, these two forces are binary equal and opposites like ones and zeros.

This should be helpful to the Quantum physicists, but will probably be resisted with all of their power.

Note: this ties in with the channeled information provided in the Maxwell Equations; they do not just apply to electro-magnetism, but to all of the fundamental forces/planes. Yes, when current is applied to a wire, many fields are created; not just the right-hand rule magnetic field. More on this in subsequent dialog. And yes, the “Light” that we receive from the Sun  has Ultra-Violet, X-Ray and Gamma Rays; it has it all.  It also has rays for each of the six forces in the corner; hot/cold, dark/light and gravity/magnetism.

This also ties in with the Platonic Solids as described in Timeaus; particularly in the Earth shape or Hexahedron (Cube) as it has eight corners. Could there be different, new properties associated with each of the different corners?

Love, Light and Laughter,



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