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Once Upon a Time…………….

Most people on this planet have heard of Lucifer, the Archangel that fell from grace. He was supposed to have taken one-third of the host of heaven and taken them to the Dark Side.

Well folks; this is actually a limited truth.  Here is what happened.

The original idea was for Spirit to break itself into various entities/beings and for each of those entities/beings to have a Way to find their way home,; to become one again with their creator. The primary way home for Humans-in-a-body was the Ascended Master path.  Read the original Celestine Prophecy to get a good description of what it is like to become an Ascended Master. I have been an Ascended Master in many lifetimes and on many different planets; each time you successfully Ascend, you keep more memories and it becomes easier.

On Planet Earth, right now, there are approximately 300,000 Ascended Masters. Whoa, normally there are two or three on a planet at any given moment. What is going on?

Let’s go back to the Lucifer Experiment.  The Ascended Master path worked well until you got to the fifth level of nine and then, everyone hit a “glass ceiling.”  We start out here in the “hard” and vibrate ourselves into the next level; the Eighth or the Forms World. We use the same technique to vibrate ourselves into the 7th, 6th and 5th and then we stop. This has been true for Eons and Eons.

Lucifer went to Spirit and suggested a different approach; Spirit, essentially, had given equal power between Darkness/Left-Spin and Light/Right-Spin on all of the billions of planets in the Multi-Verse (Nine Local Universes). Spirit had lets everyone and everything choose whether to be of Darkness or Light.

The issue for Lucifer was that the process was taking toooo long and the log jam at the 5th level was being caused by something. So…He proposed a grand experiment; He would take one-third of the planets in each of the local Universes and change the power distribution from 50-50 to 80-20. He wanted to use Darkness or Left-Spin  as the primary energy in his  experiment. Darkness can be defined as Fear, Force, Control and a Resistance to Change.

Archangel Michael stepped forward and asked for the third of the planets using 80% Light or Right-Spin energy as prime.

Spirit kept one-third as the “Control.” That was about 300,000 of our years ago.

So… the Experiment happened and nothing much changed at the 5th level of Ascension, until about 500 years ago on Earth.

Out of billions of planets in the Multi-Verse, Earth was the only planet that spent significant time in both Lucifer’s zone and Micheal’s zone.  In any Great Year (25,920 years), Earth was in Lucifer’s zone during the Gemini, Taurus, Aries  and Pisces Ages (Houses of the Zodiac). That is 4×2,160 or 8,640 years. So, for the past 8.5 thousand years we have been in 80% Darkness. Is it any wonder that our world is so Fear-based?

In the other eight Houses of the Zodiac, Earth was in Michael’s Zone which was focused on Freedom, Choice, Truth, Integrity, Self-Reliance, Self-Responsibility and Changing-for-the-better.

So. Earth kept passing into and out-of Darkness and Light for a long time (in our terms). Again, Earth was the only planet doing this.

Suddenly, about 300 years ago, Earth started popping like a bag of popcorn in a microwave oven. This popping was heard in Spirit and it got Everyone’s attention.  Every Advanced Spiritual Being from any/every where started planning to get here (Earth) during our present times by hook or by crook.

Why? We are in the crescendo of the popping now.  We are also in the final stages of the transition from Pisces to Aquarius or from 80% Darkness to 80% Light or from Male to Female, but this time, something is very different (the popping).

Part of what is happening this time is that Earth, Gaia, the Planet Goddess is Ascending.  What does that mean?  She is raising her vibrations and will suddenly expand when she is ready.  This is the first time, ever, that a planet has Ascended.

Earth is the most happening place to be in all of Spirit and on all of the planets; it has become the central focus of the One and all of Her Creations.  You are here. You are extraordinarily fortunate to be here.

No one knows what it means to be on a planet that is Ascending, but everyone expects it to be thrilling to be part of (from a Spiritual perspective).

BTW, Spirit or the One, decided to end the Lucifer Experiment on December 22nd, 2012. Now, all of the Host of Heaven (planets) will have either 67% or 80% Light or Right-Spin; that will be the follow on Experiment. We, Earth will be 80% during Aquarius (the next 2,155 years). What we will be during Capricorn is up-in-the-air, but I am betting on a continuation of 80%.

Who am I and where am I getting this information?  I have lived more than 30,000 lives and have been an Ascended Master for many of them.  I have hit the “glass ceiling” at the 5th level several times.

I was sent here, to Earth, at this time, to find a new Way or Path to reconnect to the One. This website is for Newmen and Newomen who have been guided to that new way forward.

For every Newman, there are 19 Newomen; the dynamics of relationships are going to be different!!!

Love, Light and Laughter,



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Pushing through the “Still” Point

A couple of posts ago, I shared the Corner Discussion and discussed the importance of the actual point in the corner; it is the “Still” point, but also the Zero Point of all Energy (ZPE), the Quantum point and, most importantly, the place where you can connect with Spirit, who is the Creator of the Multi-verse, not just some tiny planet.

I suggested that you put your awareness into a corner, imaginary or actual, and push towards the corner to get to your Still Place.  In an earlier post, Visual Meditation, I describe how I got rid of my Monkey Mind with all of its distractions.

You are pushing your awareness towards the corner until you break through and get to your Still Place. This is an important realization or completion as it sets you up for further breakthroughs.

I have described various Powers that Newmen and Newomen will be getting in this new energy. Whether you think of it as Aquarian Energy or Right-Spin Energy, new Powers will be coming to everyone who is able to stay here. Whatever your level, pushing through the Still Point is the best way for most of us to access these other Powers.  To do so, you must be able to push yourself into your Still Place first.  Once there, you can achieve more push throughs to access these other Powers.

One Power many of us will have is the ability to Jump as in the Movie “Jumper.” Another is Teleporting, which is the ability to move things from point A to point B or to Point Z. These are non-linear, vector Powers.  To access these powers, you must start working on Pushing into the Still Point and then pushing beyond that.

This is my first “How-to” on gaining access to more Powers. All of us are Creators, but there are many levels of Creating abilities.  Many of us will still be in the Fire Being stage where we have Adept powers or Vertical Master or Horizontal Master or Mahatma powers.  There are many thousands of us who have transformed themselves into Earth Beings which have six degrees of power; Keeper, Grower, Miner, Smelter, Builder and Transformer.

Each of these degrees of power has sub-degrees.  Fire Beings have 4 sub-degrees for each of the four main degrees.  Each Earth Being power has 9 sub-degrees. Many of us have done the hard lifting in many previous lives and can breeze through many of these sub-degrees and degrees.

That is why all of those who stay here on Earth will have a very extended lifetime in a youthful body. The purpose of all of us here is to find a way to advance on this Newman and Newoman Path towards transformation back to the One.

There is lots for all of us; after Earth Being, there is Air Being, Water Being and, finally, Spirit Being. Do not be dismayed about the number of sub-degrees and degrees. All of us will find inSights that allow us to Jump ahead.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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The Nine Fields

I started out in communications when the world was still using Morse Code as it’s primary communications mode.  I was a Morse Code Intercept Operator and got good enough to hold 200 characters in my  mind while I typed them in a format on a manual typewriter. I became expert at all kinds of antennas and arrays as well as Medium Frequency, High Frequency, VHF, EHF, SHF and then, back into Low Frequency and Very Low Frequency.

I was an Intern to the Director of the National Security Agency back when it spied on Foreign enemies/potential enemies. I am not happy, nor support the NSA spying on the American people.

This period, from 1969-1993, was a time of great change as we moved from automatic Morse to primitive computer networks and into the extended Internet/WiFi/Cellular Data network we have today. I was in the Intelligence world and got the most advanced computers, modems, communications and network equipment. I was on ARPANet before it became the Internet.

I was the Collection Manager for the US Space Command and was responsible for pointing many satellites in different directions to meet various information requirements.

I give this background to lend credibility to this observation; we use copper to flow electrons and bits/bytes from our amplifiers and we use aluminum to send and receive our signals (Hertz).  Here’s an odd thought; neither copper nor aluminum can be magnetized. How can it be that we are using the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum?

Think about it, we use aluminum antennas and copper wire to carry the signal and, yet, neither of them are magnetizable. Yet, we have all been taught that we are using the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum. We have been self-limiting ourselves for more than a century.

Let’s look at it from a different perspective; to transit or receive a signal, we must first create a “carrier wave.” Then, we modulate or demodulate data on that carrier wave.  Yes, the Muxing and DeMuxing is putting magnetic data from computers, data bases and communication devices on that carrier wave, but what is that carrier wave? It is certainly not magnetic.

So… We know how to use a Carrier Wave and have done so for more than 100 years.  We first used it on Telegraph wires; had to get the “carrier wave” up before we could send those dits and dahs. We know it will carry the data over a distance in wires and wirelessly and are supremely confident that the packets will get there.

Obviously, we know how to use the first field to convey or propagate over distance, but we do not know that we are using it.  The question is, can we use the first field to do other work? How about for propagating wireless power?

Some elements have electrons that spin in opposite directions in various rings. I propose that when we put current into a copper wire or photons into a fiber wire, we are creating several fields that spin in opposite directions; just like the electrons in the different electron rings.

Luckily for us, the first field that we encounter is a left-hand rule field; it propagates our signals in an omni-directional or directional mode depending on the antenna we are using.  This field, the Propagation Field, uses the changing properties of the air, it’s moisture, it’s coolness, it’s dust, whether it’s daytime or night to transit the electro-magnetic data that has been modulated onto the signal.

That data is modulated onto the second field, the Data Field or Modulation Field which is a right-hand rule field. Both of these fields are pushed out to the antennas on both sides of the wireless communications signal.  Are there more fields being sent that we are not using?

Ok. So we know how to use two of the fields that we have created. Great! What about the other fields? Are there more? How many? Do these other fields have different properties like the first two?

Shifting to Wired Communications (twisted pair, cable and fiber)

Can we use these fields, around the wire (fiber) to send data and/or power around the wire instead of through it? If so, can we send very high bandwidths at very high bus speeds?

Here is a great question, If we can send data and/or power around the wire (fiber), is Ohm’s Law a factor?  Yes, we know that resistance creates heat when current is put into a copper wire; that is Ohm’s Law.

Maxwell’s Equations are the basis for all of our electrical engineering. He just assumed that there was just one field being created; what if there are as many as nine? What if his equations still apply to all the fields being created, but if different ways because of the different properties.

What if, by putting power around the wire instead of through it, the power was not “grounded?” What if linesmen could not get electrocuted if the power was not in the line (but around it)?

Anyhow, this is my very different take on what we think we know about communications, computers, data bases, chips, and networks. Just imagine not having to deal with heat by sending the electrons as data or power or both around the wire. Chips that do not produce heat as they process billions of floating point operations per second.  Heat is the universal enemy of any electronic device; perhaps, solved.

Love, Light and Laughter,



The Corner Discussion

I wrote about some of this in a Post called A Physics Lesson, in May, 2016. Click to follow the link.

James Clark Maxwell is a distant cousin of mine, but we carry the same DNA. Maxwell’s Equations were new information that the world did not have; they were “channeled” to Maxwell from his creative self or being. This download of information started happening to him when he was 18 years old. Before Maxwell, there were no Electrical Engineers.

When they measured the speed of light back at the beginning of the 20th Century, they were actually measuring the speed of heat (they used incandescent light bulbs). How fast is the Light coming from an LED device?

Our world is based on three physical dimensions (height, depth and width) which are all 90 degree dimensions which we can easily see by looking at a corner on a package, desk or ceiling.  There is another dimension which is much more difficult to see, but we measure it all of the time.  That is Time/Space and it is a 45 degree dimension coming out of the corner point.

The point in a corner is the “Still” point that we go to when we meditate.  It is also the Zero-Point-Energy or ZPE point.  It is also the Quantum point and it is also SPIRIT.

Think of any imaginary point in space; it is really a corner where the three physical planes come together. Each of these three physical planes have their own properties that represent the six fundamental forces in our physical world.

These are Darkness and Light, Hot/Heat and Cold, and Gravity and Magnetism. Each of these is a binary opposite of the other; this may be a new idea for Gravity and Magnetism. BTW, Cold is not the absense of Hot (Heat), but is it’s own fundamental force with it’s own unique properties.

Look at a corner that is on the ceiling or imaginary.  The left vertical wall is always Darkness and Light.  The right vertical wall is always Hot and Cold. The horizontal plane (whether on ceiling or floor or wherever) is always Gravity and Magnetism.

There are six fundamental forces. Darkness flows away from the corner and Light flows towards the corner. Hot (Heat) flows away from the corner and Cold flows towards the corner. Gravity flows away from the corner and Magnetism flows towards the corner.

Mankind has “dominion” over three of these Fundamental Forces; the ones that flow towards the corner, Light, Cold and Magnetism. The other three, Darkness, Heat and Gravity are much more difficult for us to achieve breakthrough technologies.  Yes, we were given the Gift of Fire and we have done well with it, but we have just begun making designer alloys.

What we call the Speed of Light (186,000 ft/sec/sec) is actually the Speed of Heat (Hot). The next tier up is the Speed of Cold, which is twice (2x) the Speed of Hot. Then, there is the Speed of Darkness, which is three (3x) times the Speed of Hot. Then, Speed of Light, which is 4x the Speed of Hot. Then, Speed of Gravity which is 5x the Speed of Hot and lastly, Magnetism, which is 6x the Speed of Heat.

This new information kind of takes Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, E=MC² and makes it much more relative.

Many people who are interested in physics know that particles and waves are impacted/changed by a viewer viewing them. What we do not understand, generally, waves are properties of the fundamental Magnetism plane/force and particles are properties of the fundamental Gravity place/force. Again, these two forces are binary equal and opposites like ones and zeros.

This should be helpful to the Quantum physicists, but will probably be resisted with all of their power.

Note: this ties in with the channeled information provided in the Maxwell Equations; they do not just apply to electro-magnetism, but to all of the fundamental forces/planes. Yes, when current is applied to a wire, many fields are created; not just the right-hand rule magnetic field. More on this in subsequent dialog. And yes, the “Light” that we receive from the Sun  has Ultra-Violet, X-Ray and Gamma Rays; it has it all.  It also has rays for each of the six forces in the corner; hot/cold, dark/light and gravity/magnetism.

This also ties in with the Platonic Solids as described in Timeaus; particularly in the Earth shape or Hexahedron (Cube) as it has eight corners. Could there be different, new properties associated with each of the different corners?

Love, Light and Laughter,



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More on the 14 Creation Number

Esoteric is a word that describes hidden things that are in plain sight. The 14 Creation Number is a great example.

The Creation Number is 14 or 5; anytime you see a 5, it is really the 14 Creation Number.

A couple of posts ago, I told you that the power shift was occurring in increments of 5%; that is the Creation Number at work.

Think about the importance of the number 5 and 14 in our lives.  There are five work days in a week. There is 14 days in a fortnight or a typical vacation.  Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit; the 3+2=5 which is a 14 Creation Number.  Water changing state to a solid is a new creation. What about boiling water? It is a change in state as well; it boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit. Again, 2+1+2=5 which is a 14 Creation Number.

OK. Let’s look at the Human body. We have a torso and two arms and two legs; there’s that five again. We have hands that have a thumb and four fingers and feet that have a big toe and four little toes. Do you know that there are fourteen (14 Creation Number) bones that are used to make our fingers and toes?

Our faces have a mouth and two nostrils and two eyes.  We are born with 32 teeth.  When we have our “wisdom” teeth taken out, we are left with 14 teeth up and down.

14 is a number that is part of us in many ways and yet, it is hidden in plain sight. Most of us never notice.

Alright, what does the Creation Number do for us? Answer: All of the major religions on Earth talk about man and woman being made in the image of their creator.  This is a dis-enabling dodge. If we are the Creators Image, than we are Creators too/two.

The fancy word for creating used to be called Manifesting.  Anytime a word starts with Man…, it means using your hands as in manufacturing or manicuring. How did one manifest things, good or bad? Again, most of us do not know or care because we Create things for ourselves unconsciously (UN-CONSCIOUS-LY).  Many of us have tried pictures of things we want on the bathroom mirror or refrigerator, but mostly with mixed success.

There is a higher vibration world called the Forms World. We all live in the hard, physical world; it is the 9th world out from the One or Spirit. The Forms World is the next one in or the 8th world. The Forms World is where we Create our stuff before it can be brought into our 9th world. All of Creations are created first as vibrations, in the Forms World.

By creating things in the Forms World, we can start them, stop them, change them or even, put them on hold.  Sometimes we start a creation with the best of intent, but the creation gets turned into something we do not want. Once a creation is started, nearly no one/none of us knows how to prevent them from coming into our world.

That is where the 14 Creation Number comes in; on days that add up to 5 or 14, we can CONSCIOUSLY Create.  For example, tomorrow is March 14th; the 14 is a Creation Number Day. Every month has a 5th, 14th, 23rd and 28th (2×14); these are called single 14-days. So…On single 14-days, we can start something, change it in mid-course, delay it, cancel it or stop it or make it complete and bring it into our world.

Every month also has double-14 days and triple-14 days. April 1st is known as April Fools Day, but it is a double-14 day; 4+1=5.  Our next double 14-day is March 20th; 3+2=5. Our next triple 14-day is  March 18th; 3+1+8+2+0+1+8=23 which is a 5.   2018 adds up to a 2; 3/18/2 is also 3/9/2 which is 14. Every month has 3-4 double- and triple 14-days. In a given years, around 30 percent of the days are 14 Creation Days. That means that we can CONSCIOUSLY or unConsciously  create in 3 out of 10 days.

Single 14-days are great for money and things creations. Double 14-days are great for relationships; weddings, partnerships, joining an organization, getting a job. Triple-14 days should be used for complex things and relationships. Double and Triple 14-days can be used for money and things and relationships as well.

In the new energy, whether it is called Aquarius or Right-Spin, many of us will have ENHANCED Creation Powers; we will still have to use the 14 Creation Days,  but there will be more gain or amplitude put into them. Perhaps, there will be more priority. I am calling this new, mental Creation tool, VISIONEERING.

The key take-away here is I want all of you to become Conscious Creators.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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We are Entering a Mini-Ice Age now and for next 99 Years

Historically, the Earth went through a Mini- or Little Ice Age between the years 1646 and 1715. What does that mean? Food production from growing crops was cut to about 30 percent and a lot of people were not able to get enough food for proper growth, disease control and just plain starvation.  During the last Mini-Ice Age, the European civilization experienced several bouts of the Black Death or Bubonic Plague; the rodents moved right into the houses looking for any food they could get.

Oddly enough, 1715  is the earliest date for the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Spirit always gives after it takes away.

Unfortunately, we are now entering a 99-year Mini-Ice Age. This year is a very odd year weather-wise. We will have an unusually cool spring and summer and fall. Many states above the Mason-Dixon Line will have snow in August. In Europe, most of France and countries north will experience these cold summers as well.

This year, it will be treated as an anomaly, but next year the farmers will have to plant winter wheat in the spring. The growing belt in the US and Europe will have to be moved much further south; the American South and Spain and Italy will become the new “bread” baskets.

The climate will change as well.  The Jet Stream will come further south and carry a lot more water into the American Southwest; the deserts will bloom and yes, food crops can be grown there. In Mexico, the Sonora Desert, which is huge, will also be better watered and will become a food production area.

New technologies may enable our current farmers to keep growing crops, but it will have to be done under an energy dome that keeps the crops from getting too cold.

Many of the great US and European cities will become too cold to live in and there will be mass migrations to warmer climes.

This Mini-Ice Age will also impact China and Japan, India, the Middle East, Southern Africa, Argentina and the Southern parts of New Zealand and Australia.

I have held off posting this as I hoped it was not true; but…….. it is happening.

Love, Light and Laughter,


Some more details on the Shift Transition

When dealing with Spirit, you have to ask the correct/”right” question. It is similar to the Internet; garbage in-garbage out.

OK. I was right/correct; 2018 is the transition year. From December 22, 2012 until December 22, 2017, Darkness still had the vast majority of the power in the world with a few exceptions.

So…. on January 1st, 2018, what happened?  The power of both Darkness/Left-Spin and Light/Right-Spin went to zero (0) percent between December 22nd, 2017 and the new year. On January 1st, 2018, both Left- and Right-Spin got 10% each; well actually, it was 5% on the 1st and another 5% on the 15th. So… On February 1st, 2018 both Left- and Right-Spin received 15% each. On March 1st, Left-Spin (Darkness) had 20 % and Right-Spin (Light) had 25%. On March 15th, Right-Spin will get the additional 5%.

OK. In March 2018, Right-Spin or Light has 30% and Left-Spin or Dark only has 20%; things are now starting to move towards the Right-Spin agenda, but still slowly.  Over the next five months the Right-Spin energy will grow to 80%; April 40%, May 50%, June 60%, July 70% and August 80%.

Darkness has 80% of the power on Earth for more than 6,500 years. Light will have 80% of the power for the next 2,155 years or longer, but it may get reduced to 67/33% for the next 100,000 years or so.

So… Right-Spinners will have 80% of the power on Earth by August 15th.  Remember, Right-Spinners are all about Freedom, Truth, Choice, Self-Reliance, Self-Responsibility, Integrity, and Doing-the-Right-Thing.

By the end of the year (2018), many things will be in the beginning of a Great SHIFT; the old ways of doing almost everything will be under pressure to allow more freedom and choice and truth and DOING-THE-RIGHT-THING.

Previously, I communicated that Right-Spin would have 80% of the power on January 1st, 2018; sorry, it is August 15th, 2018. At least I got the year right.

It is Great to be a Right-Spinner.

Love, Light and Laughter,



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The World is Changing; the Old is Dying

Really! Truely! For most of us, it is difficult to see.

I have an Android TV box and have Mobdro, Terrarium TV and Showbox installed as apps. Mobdro gives me 2,000 free, streaming channels to include all of the sports channels, premium movie channels, new channels and many more. Terrarium and Showbox give me free access to the latest movies and television shows as well as a huge library of older movies and shows.

I used to have cable or Dish, but now, I have cut the cord. Who needs those old dinosaurs?  They used to have a “lock” on content that was valuable, but now, that content is available for no money/free.

So….It’s not just thousands of channels of free content; it’s the huge increase in everyone’s bandwidth.  All of us are streaming content all of the time.

Think about this for a second; This is a huge advancement in the powre of Light/Right-Spin energies.

In many other areas, we see the demise of the old, Dark/Left-Spin world.  In Education, we have an entire generation enslaved to Student Loan debt with very little to show for it; the college degree credential is nearly meaningless. In Medicine, we see the growth of the low cost cooperatives; these are rapidly replacing the insurance model which has driven high costs for decades.

This is the year of change from Left-Spin control to Right-Spin, but the changes have been being made over the past five years (December 22, 2012).  Where we are in the shift is Light/Right-Spin 40% and Dark/Left-Spin 10% (as of July 1st).

By January 1st, 2018, it will be Light/Right-Spin 80% and Dark/Left-Spin 20%. Fear, Force, Control and Resistance-to-doing-the Right-thing are fading from the collective consciousness for the first time in at least 6,500 years (that is all of our recorded history).

For those of you who know this site, whenever you see a five (5), it really means 14 and 14 is the Creator Number.

We are on-course and our world is changing for the better.

Love, Light and Laughter,


When Earth Changes/Catastrophes Happen

I keep writing about Right-Spin energies taking over from Left-Spin; it is happening now and will be complete by January 1st, 2018.

So….out with the old in terms of many people leaving and significant changes to our planet. These events only occur when there is a great shift in energies; Light/Right-Spin will have 80% of the powre in the world (instead of only 20%). This is a huge shift and EVERYTHING will change as a result.

Our ideas about Government and Bureaucrats and Regulations will change (and already are). We just started moving back to a Vocational Educational system. Our Pharmaceuticals are being broken for pushing Opioid death and dependency. Our Medical system costs too much, has too many delays and is not very good.

The revolving door between Wall Street/Big Business and our Government is becoming more and more obvious, like the Fake News of our media.

More and more of us are realizing that the Deep State rules and it does not matter whether you vote Republican or Democrat or Tory or Labour.

I can keep pointing out what is broken, but what’s the point; it is all going to start changing rapidly as we move into the Fall and 2018.

You say, “Mankind cannot change”, it has always been like this and will continue.

This has been true; for the past 6,500 years (all of our recorded history) Left-Spinners had 80% of the power and they created all of the mess (mostly wars, financial crashes and governments out-of-control) that we see around us.

This is changing in 2017. The One Worlders, Oligarchs, the Banksters and all of the movers and shakers are not going to believe that they have lost their power; the world does not change for them. 

Yet, by January, they will only have 20% of the power in the world. They will not be making wealth and power and policy decisions any more. Will they be able to hold on to their great wealth? No.

Will everything change over-night? No, but in 5 years, you will not recognize our world anymore. Hang on Right-Spinners; the world will start to be a much better place for you very soon.

When shit starts to happen, find a way to get to the United States. The U.S. was created by Light/Right-Spin and it will be the only surviving technological society.  What about Europe? No.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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What’s Happening; a bit more detail

Yesterday, I wrote about the 5% in May thru December. Here’s more detail.

The 5% is energy in our world (actually multiverse) which can only be used by people on the new path; Newmen and Newomen.  The 5% that we got in May was not available to use until June.

Here’s the power math; Normal Right-Spin got 20% on April 1st and Left-Spin got 5%. OK, we got 5% in May and another 5% in June. So, on July 1st, we will have 10% available.

On July 1st, Normal Right-Spin will get another 20% (40%) and Darkness/Left-Spin will get another 5% (for a total of 10%).

So … Essentially, we will have as much or more as our old enemy, Darkness/Left-Spin.

How can this powre be used???  A small piece of it can be used to direct the 20% (soon to be 40%) of Normal Right-Spin energy.

The idea is to make Earth a much better place. How does one accomplish that???

Simple, get rid of all the really Dark, strong Left-Spinners.  The problem is that there are so many of them.

Enter the Great Return program where Left-Spinners are sent back to Spirit (die) on a random basis. We all have an immortal piece that guides our rebirth, but not on Planet Earth for Left-Spinners.  There are two very targeted programs that will “run” with the Great Return; the Darkest-of-the-Dark and the Energy Vampire programs; these will get the really strong Dark Assholes.

These programs are “running” now using the 5% that we got in May along with the 20% that Right-Spin got in April.

What other things are being done to make our world better???

There are other programs  that are set to “run” which will target the structures of the Elites/Globalists who have been our masters for so long.  These include the Dissolution of the United Nations, the European Union, the IMF, the World Bank, the World Health Organization, the World Trade Organization, the Rothschild’s, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations and others like the Davos Group.

There is also the coming Dissolution of Islam, but that will have to wait until 2018 when Right-Spin will have 80% of the powre.  I have written posts about Islam being the embodiment of Darkness/Left-Spin on our planet. Allah lives in a 6 foot by 6 foot, black obsidian, cube with hard chines; it is called the Qu’ba and is located in Mecca. Every Muslim must bow down and worship in its direction several times a day. Every Muslim is supposed to make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime. When Pilgrims get to Mecca, they walk around and around the Qu’ba in a Counterclockwise direction. Yes, Allah is THE Left-Spinner and all of his followers are strong Left-Spinners.

We all see Islamic Terrorism in the news everyday. It seems to a be intractable problem; the Muslims will not assimilate. Why, because they Worship Darkness and the West is a civilization based on Light.

What I am saying here is that the Islamic Terrorism problem is not going to be as difficult as it seems; larger forces are at work.

What about all of the wealth and power that the Left-Spinners have accumulated? Is that going to be redistributed, somehow, to Right-Spinners. Yes, that is a program called the “Great Reckoning” and it will be “run” in October 2017. Meanwhile, Newmen and Newomen are getting more and more powre each month that only they can use.

Start July by giving yourselves more wealth, success and powres; the powres of the Universe are now behind you and supporting you.


I have been silent for the past two month as this redistribution of powre has been taking place. Now, the new powre structure is in place and I can talk about it. There is nothing that the Left-Spinners can do about it; they will not be able to harm us.


Love, Light and Laughter,


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Hello Again

Back in April, I did a routine WordPress plugin update and got the fatal error that you have all been seeing for a while. My Spirit Guide told me to leave it alone (not fix it) until it was the right time.


For the past 6,485 years, our planet (and Solar System) have been traveling through Taurus, Aries and Pisces Houses of the Zodiac; now we are in Aquarius. Each House of the Zodiac is 2,160 years long or an age.

OK. While we were in Taurus, Aries and Pisces, the energy that was supported was male dominated, follow-the-leader, and 80% dominated by Fear, Force, Control and Resisting Doing-the-Right-Thing. This is why we have so many wars and the people have been crushed by the Elites/Oligarchies/Globalists.

These people are beginning to wonder what is happening to their carefully controlled world. First, BREXIT, then Donald Trump, TPP and, now, the Climate Change Agreement.

In December 2012, we entered Aquarian energy. It has taken four years to transition through Fire, Water, Air and Earth energies and we started 2017 in a new, neutral state. I call the male dominated, follow-the-leader, Fear, Force and Control energy Darkness or Left-Spin; it went to zero % on January 1,2017. Same with Light, Right-Spin energies which are female dominated, go your own way, and oriented towards freedom, truth, choice and doing the Right Thing.

On April 1st, Darkness got 5% and Light 20%. This will happen again on July 1st, October 1st and, finally, on January 1st, 2018. So 2017 is the transition year and by 2018, Light, Right-Spin will have 80% of the powre in the world. The Elites are very right to be concerned; they have, essentially, lost all of their power.

OK. For this site; some more detail. You should be familiar with Newmen and Newomen energies and they are at play here as well.  On May 1st, June 1st, July 1st, August 1st, September 1st, October 1st, November 1st and December 1st, Right-Spin Newman energies can be added into the energy mix of the world for a total of 40%.  This is energy that is reserved for Newmen and Newomen and is subtracted from the 80% that is Right-Spin energy for everyone. Darkness, Left-Spin will still only have 20%.

So… each month Newmen and Newomen will be getting more and more powre and things will begin to get better for each of us.  By 2018, we will have 40% of the powre in the world; Right-Spin powre for everyone will be 40%; and Left-Spin power will be 20%.  The Elites do not know what is hitting them.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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Humans have EVOLVED

2017 is a year of major EVOLUTIONS. We have moved into Aquarian energy which is Female, not Male and go your own way instead of following the Herd, Flock or School.

We have more than 100,000 Humans who have transformed themselves into, mostly, Newomen (95,000). That is kind of the 100 Monkeys rule on steroids. Whether we like it, or not, Newomen will rule our planet in all things moving forward.

Oh, BTW, we have moved from Fire-Being energy to Earth-Being energy. What does that mean?

Heretofore, all Humans were born on Planet Earth as Fire-Beings and we were immersed in Fire-Being energy. The Tetrahedron, the Fire-Being symbol, was our energy symbol, think MerKaBa.

All of our technology growth has evolved  using fire more and more effectively.

But now…….we have several thousand Earth-Beings running around and just starting to learn who and what they are. The presence of these Earth-Beings (Newomen and men) has caused a shift in the overall energy of Earth.

Yes, it is a higher vibration energy that only Earth-Beings can access.

So… What about the billions of Fire-Being still here on the planet? Are things going to change for them?

HUGELY. First off, Aquarius is Female, it is go-your-own-way, it is oriented toward more Freedom, Truth and Choice, it supports doing-the-right-thing. People who are stuck in the rut of Male domination, hierarchical structures, fear, force or control, following the herd or flock or school will be very unhappy and will feel like they have lost their way. The energy that they have known and followed is no longer here and they must adapt or perish.

OK. Who can become a Newoman or man? That’s a bit tougher to answer. Anyone who is a Right-Spinner can keep getting stronger and stronger, but will not be able to transform themselves into a Newoman or man until they get to approximately 95% Right-Spin. The good news is that anyone who has at least 41% Right-Spin energy can stay, live an extended life time in good health and move towards the goal of getting more Light (Right-Spin). People who want to move to 95% will be given many opportunities to do so.

What about the Fire-Being energy? Is it going away? No, it will remain, just as it has been, but there is a new energetic layer on top that is the Earth-Being energy.

So what’s different in the Earth-Being energy? It will be much, MUCH more MAJIKAL. Instead of having to do things like making things in a manufacturing plant or food processing plant or growing food or catching fish, Earth-Beings will be able to do them using Majikal apps using teleporting and “jumping” things and people from A to B.

It is hard to explain, but many of the limitations of our physical world will NO LONGER APPLY.  One example to try to wrap your mind around will be mental control of electricity and data in our machines (phones, tablets, PCs, databases and communications). Just imagine the fun we can have with Bureaucrats from everywhere.

For those of you who follow my Inventions, I will be Visioneering them; this is an improved form of manifestation and applies to prototyping as well as production. Oh, if someone tries to cheat or steal, I can set a Majik app to make the device INOPPerative based on their intent. Who needs patents?

Love, Light and Laughter,


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We all come into this Life as Fire-Beings

The Fire-Being shape is the Tetrahedron, see my Platonic Solids page. Everyone born here comes into the world as a Fire-Being. The Mer-Ka-Ba is a spinning construct of two Tetrahedrons that are point up and point down and slightly out of phase with each other.  One represents male and the other female, or Ying and Yang or maybe, Ones and Zeros or “on” and “off” or one of the other Binaries.

My point here is that we are all, except a few, Fire-Beings. OK. What does that mean?

We use fire to keep ourselves warm and to make all of our metals. Think about it; after learning how to chip flint to make arrow- and spear-heads, we figured out how to smelt copper, then bronze/brass, then iron, then aluminum and now, we use many kinds of steel.  All of them are made with fire.

OK. What do we do with these metals? Copper is essential for electricity and communications. Solder, which is made from copper and tin, is essential for circuit boards and our modern electronics. Silicon is also a material made by fire. My point is that our entire civilization is based on technologies that are fire based.

The one technology that is different is concrete; it can be cement and stones, but is normally re-enforced with iron re-bar. Concrete is also an Earth-Being technology.

This site is dedicated to helping people, who are ready, to transform themselves into Earth-Beings or more powerful Fire-Beings.  As of today, there are more than 100,000 people, on the planet, who have turned themselves into Vertical Masters, Horizontal Masters, Mahatmas or put themselves into the “Cube” or Hexahedron and turned themselves into Earth-Beings.

As Fire-Beings, we developed fire-based technologies, mostly metals, to make our lives easier and more productive. Even though the Elites do not want us to know, we have also developed and used Magical powers to influence people (Politics) and create great wealth ($Billionaires).

So… now, today, we are fully into a new age; the Age of Aquarius.  With that, comes a new dominant energy that can be called Majik. It is similar to Magic, but does not operate on fear, or force or control.

What is also happening is that more and more people are transforming themselves using the new path explained in this site. Say there are 7 Billion people on Earth; what percentage of that is 100,000? Answer: .0014%. That is almost non-existent, statistically.

Yet, many of these 100,000 people have transformed themselves into Earth-Beings. These are the people who will be strong in the new, Majikal powres. These are the people who will be bringing the new, Earth-Being technologies into the world.

If this intrigues you and you want see what some of these Earth-Being technologies look like, take a look at my Intentions site, Revitae Technologies.  I have broken the site into two groups; alloys, which are still Fire-based, but mixed with Earth-based energies and electrical fields which tend to be more Earth-Being based energies.

These and other Earth-Being based technologies will start coming into our world soon. One of the things you will notice is that these technologies are very disruptive to the current status quo. There are many ways of doing things now that will be overturned by these new, Earth-Being energies.

In with the New and Out with the Old.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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The SHIFT Begins; 2017 is the Real Deal

I have writing about the SHIFT in Energies that is occurring for a while.

Those shifts were actually occurring and have been a series of energetic taps in the Right direction.

It is now the end of January 2017 and today is a Triple-14 day and tomorrow is a Double-14 day; these two days represent a completion of many programs or creations started as long as five years ago.

I’ve written about “energy envelopes” and we are about to enter a significant energy envelope on February 1st. We are still in a gradual buildup of the dominant, Right-Spin energy and February will be stronger than January and so on until June 1st, when the buildup will be completed. May, being a 5, is a Creation Month.

Up until now, Light/Right-Spin energy has been acting in a Macro or Big-Picture perspective; re BREXIT and Trump. In February, it will still be acting in the Macro with the active start of the Great Return program wherein Left-Spinners at 60% or more/greater will have to leave Earth/Return to Spirit/Death as unwanted by the new dominant energy. In March, the Great Reckoning will begin the redistribution of wealth, money, land, and the power that come with it from Left-Spinners to Right-Spinners.

Perhaps, more importantly, Right-Spin energies will also, for the first time, be able to operate in the Micro or Individual perspective. Starting in February, strong Right-Spinners will be able to begin to receive money and success in several areas.  Who are these strong Right-Spinners?  If you have made yourself into a Newman or Newoman, you are at least 95% Right-Spin.

YOU will start to receive your Powres soon; you may have to wait until, as long as, the Spring Equinox, which is another kind of energy envelope.

The next two days represent the completion of the energetic setup of these and many other programs that have been waiting for the “Right” time to be released into the World. That time starts on February 1st and culminates on February 22nd (222); this will be a Majikal Time for the Earth and the Return of Right-Spin energy.  It is also the Return of the Majikans, aka Wizards and Witches (both very GOOD).

Love, Light and Laughter,



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