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More on Earth Changes

Recently, I wrote about the coming of Permanent Winter or a new, Mini-Ice Age; it is actually happening now or the beginning is. In the past, I wrote about Earth Changes and a Polar Shift; they did not happen, … yet.

OK. Go look at a couple of web sites: and . I have been led to these sites recently. You can download “By Ice, Not by Fire” for free; DuckDuckGo it. They both talk about a coming Magnetic Reversal that tends to coincide with rapidly increased volcanic activity in our oceans and on land, coming severe ice ages, the extinction of many species and the evolutionary leap of new species. The oceans heat up, make a lot of water vapor, the volcanoes on land push a lot of cooling ash and gases into the atmosphere and glaciers form and expand rapidly. This increased volcanic activity is caused by a weakening of our magnetic field which is weakening rapidly and may soon flip-flop (North Pole to South Pole – magnetically).

I did not realize that the Pole Shift info that I was getting was not physical pole flip, but magnetic; a Magnetic Reversal.

What does that mean to us as Earthlings? It means that the cold will come faster and be more intense; the Permanent Winter in the northern and southern reaches of the planet will be here soon.

With more ice, the ocean levels will drop, not rise. The Global Warming stuff is wrong and is political propaganda anyway; when Communism/Socialism failed, the Deep State/Cabal had to come up with a new “Ism” and we got Environmental-ism or Global Warming-ism.

There are many catastrophic things that can come with a Magnetic Reversal like more cosmic rays messing with our communications and technologies; these have been the probable cause of evolutionary leaps in species.

My Spirit Guide is telling me that our next ice age will be a mini one and that it will last 99 years. I am also being told that our communications-computer technology will survive the magnetic pole shift. The sunspot activity will increase and our magnetosphere (magnetic field) will become strong again.

Having said that; there are going to be some serious Earth Changes related to the magnetic Pole Shift. As stated above, there is already a significant increase in volcanic activity worldwide, especially in the oceans. This is particularly true in Central America and Indonesia. This activity will increase and bring major earth quakes; all related to increased cosmic rays/decreased magnetic field. Most of Central America and Indonesia/Philippines will collapse into the sea (subduction). Most of the western Caribbean (Jamaica, Caymans, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico) will collapse along with most of Panama, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Belize and most of Guatemala. When this happens, it will be sudden and all of the land will be thousands of feet underwater. There will be 1,000 miles of open ocean between Columbia and Mexico along with new currents. When? After or during the Magnetic Pole Reversal; sooner than we know.

What then? These subductions and/with the Magnetic Reversal will provide enough energy to trigger more Earth Changes. There will be a gigantic Earth Quake(s) in California that creates the Isles of California. Talking about 14-16 on Richter Scale. The LA Basin will be under 4,000 of water, the Central Valley will be 2-300 feet deep, San Diego and Santa Barbara will be islands, the Redwoods will be an island and the Sequoias will be safe. San Francisco, Silicon Valley and Sacramento will be toast.

These Earth Quakes will travel down the San Andreas Fault to Mexico City and will be equally destructive. Then, they will travel east to Montserrat, where the volcanic eruption will destroy the island. Oddly enough, this energy will continue to travel east to Mount Vesuvius, near Naples, Italy. There will be a catastrophic volcanic eruption there with very destructive ash and pyroclastic flows, even across water.

In the past, I have called these the Trigger Events. The subductions in Central America and the Caribbean will set the stage, energetically, for the subduction of the Amazon River Basin (to become the Amazon Sea). Same for the subductions in Indonesia/the Philippines; they will set the stage for the subduction of China.

In China, there will be a rapid rise in volcanic and earthquake activity related to the Magnetic Reversal and energy building subductions. Another gigantic Earth Quake, in the 16-18 Richter range will destroy the Three Gorges Dam. All of that water (500 feet deep, 1/2 mile wide and 120 miles long) will suddenly be released to flow down the rivers of China. Never mind the destruction by flood; the weight of this sudden displacement of all of that water weight will cause China to buckle, bend and break in many places and cause the subduction of most of China into the China Sea. Taiwan, Okinawa, South Korea (now, an island) and Japan will survive this holocaust.

Are we done? No. One more huge event. The Magnetic Reversal combined with all of the volcanic/earthquake/subduction energies will be enough for the Earth to expand from her present size to something 40% larger. Think of going from a basket ball to a beach ball; the spherical model will go from 25,000 miles in circumference to 40,000 miles.

This has happened several times before. Early on, the Earth’s Continents touched each other (Pangaea) and then they “drifted” apart as the Earth’s sphere/physicality grew larger. This is just one more iteration in growth. Many people have been getting information about this as the Ascension of Gaia or the Earth.

When the Earth suddenly expands, there will be a lot of water moving in destructive waves. Seek high ground for safety; most people live on or near the ocean. That will not be safe.

There will be major additional subductions in Africa, the Middle East and India during the sudden expansion. Africa will have three large islands; one where Kenya is, one across from and with Madagascar and one in South Africa. All of Northern, Eastern and Central Africa will collapse beneath the waves. All of the Saudi Arabian Peninsula will be under 300-500 feet of water; this includes large portions of Somalia and Egypt. Much of Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Iran will become shallow seas. The Red Sea and the Persian Gulf will disappear into a larger sea. The Caspian Sea will reconnect with this new sea. This new sea will also impact Pakistan and India in coastal areas.

Last topic: Evolutionary Leaps. This website is all about New Beings (Newomen and Newmen) who are advanced spiritual beings who have moved/are moving beyond what it means to be Human. It is important for all New Beings to read/re-read the Newman Manifesto. Coincidentally with this Magnetic Reversal, our World (Gaia/Earth) has moved/is moving from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius, from Left-Spin to Right-Spin dominated, from male to female dominated and from fear to trust.

Fear not; we have just entered a new Golden Age. The transition is going to be a bit rough.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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Happy NewBeing Year!!!

NewBeings, Newomen and Newmen; this is the YEAR we have been waiting for since 2000. That was a long time ago. Please search this site for the Newman Manifesto post.

This is the year that Aquarian Energy is fully in charge. After each Age (the last one was Pisces) there is a five year transition which is a bit spotty and then a sixth year where the transition is completed; 2018 was that sixth year.

OK. Now, we are in the Age of Aquarius; what does that mean? It means that women are dominant. It also means that we can go our own way or choose our own way. It also means that the dominant energy is Right-Spin (spins like the clock) and is characterized as more Freedom, Choice, Truth, Integrity, Not Corrupt/Cheater/Lier/Thief, Self-Responsibility, Self-Reliance and, generally, always Doing-the-Right-Thing.

This sounds a lot different than what we have been through, doesn’t it? In the past, there were just two Houses of the Zodiac or Ages that were Right-Spin; Leo and Aquarius. See my Great Year page. Each Age is 2,160 years and all twelve are 25,920 years. After Leo, our last “Golden Age,” we have been in five Ages with Male Domination, follow the leader and differing credentials needed for success and wealth. In that 10,800 years, women had few rights and little wealth.

In the last three (6,480 years), we were in Taurus with the Bull and the following heard, Aries with the Ram and the following flock and Pisces with the Schooling Fish which followed Males, but some Females as well. If you think about it, that is where the noun School comes from; there are many types of schools and schooling and it all ties back to Pisces which started 2,166 years ago (sorry Christians).

Yea for us. We have come through 10,800 years of Darkness or Left-Spin Energy which can be characterized as Fear, Force, Control and resisting Doing-the-Right-Thing (always Doing-the-Left-Thing). Now, you see how and why our world is so very messed up; the men have been in charge.

Right-Spin is like a high pressure weather system; lots of blue sky, wispy clouds and sunshine. Left-Spin is like a low pressure weather system; lots of dark clouds, rain, driving winds (Gales, Tropical Storms and Hurricanes). Everything is a mix of both and we cannot have one without the other. As Left-Spin energy was dominant for so long, most Humans (95%) have opted to be Left-Spinners as their life would be easier.

All of that changed three days ago. The energy of the world now support women being in charge. That energy is called Right-Spin energy and it is 80% of the energy now; Left-Spin energy only has 20% now (after having 80% for the past 10,800 years).

The Left-Spinners have all of the wealth, power and position. They have all of the money, land, attend the best schools and universities and have the most powerful, well-paid jobs. Another name for this is Deep State and why not? If you had 4/5ths of the power in the world for the last 10,000 years, wouldn’t you or your family be among the ruling elite?

This is all changing and it has already begun. Donald Trump won and the Deep State has been trying to kill him or take him down ever since. Then, there is the dissolution of the European Union starting with Brexit, the almost departure of Italy and the huge unrest in France and Belgium with the Yellow Vests movement. The Deep State decided that their complete take-over would take too long under Christianity and opened the door to massive immigration by young, military age Muslim men; they decided that the Muslim Religion had to be imported via a reverse invasion. This plan has worked well in Europe, but not so well in the United States or Canada or Australia or New Zealand.

This is all starting to fall apart now. The energetic support for the EU is no longer there. The energetic support for the United Nations (UN) is no longer there. The energetic support for the US GOVERNMENT is no longer there. The energetic support for the Deep State, the Cabal, the Globalists, the Bilderburgers, the Davosmen, the Jackson Holers, the Rothchilds and all of the Banksters, in general, are no longer supported.

All of a sudden, the people who were so easily controlled for centuries are no longer doing as they are told to do; even by their Deep State-controlled elected representatives. This is happening everywhere. This is not an aberration. It is a shift in the energies. It is a Shift of the Ages.

Welcome to the New Golden Age.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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How to be Demon Free

Many of us have demons that mess with us all of the time. It does not matter what your religion is or whether you consider yourSelf to be a Light Worker. If you are a Right-Spinner, you probably have at least one Demon who has been messing with you for a long time. Darkness had the power and put them into us. Frequently, they have been the cause of poor vision, hearing, balance, Diabetes, shortness, balding, smallness, etc.

How do you know or find out if you have a Demon inside of you. If you do things to make the people around mad or suddenly enraged; it is two Demons pushing each others buttons. OK. In past posts, I have written about establishing a dialog with your Spirit Guide. There are two approaches that I recommend; one is to tune into your head nodding and shaking. The nod is a yes and the shake is a no. This is an advanced form of muscle testing or Kinesiology. The other is to use your thumb and forefinger. If they slide, that is a No. If they lock, that is a Yes. Using either of these methods allows you to ask Yes or No questions of yourSelf (Spirit Guide). It is important that you remove yourself from the decision or trying to guess or direct the answer; just let yourSelf come through.

When I teach someone about this in person, I always ask them to ask themselves if their name is their name. In my case, I ask if my name is Merln and get a strong Yes. Now, if I ask if my name is John or Bob, I get a strong No. These types of questions are just for calibration. You can ask yourSelf any question about anything; sex, money, family, whether someone is good for you, whether someone is lying or stealing, etc.

What about being lied to by Spirit when you have asked in the past? This happens to all Spiritual Seekers. Why? If you are a Right-Spinner, Darkness or Left-Spin knows who you are. Up until today, Darkness has had 80% of the power in our world, even with some residual power right up until December 31st. When Darkness had that kind of power, it could intrude on your conversation with yourSelf; perhaps as often as 4 time out of 5.

Now for Left-Spinners, the conversation was always with Darkness as Darkness had most of the power.

As of today, January 1st, 2019, Light or Right-Spin has 80% of the powre in our world. Now, Right-Spinner conversations are always with Light or Right-Spin. Now, the inner conversations of Left-Spinners will be hi-jacked by Right-Spin powre as often as 4 out of 5 times. The Left-Spinners have all of the money; that is being hi-jacked by Right-Spin as well.

So…… Now, you can ask yourSelf if you have any Demons in you and, if you are a Right-Spinner, you will get a truthful answer. If you are a Left-Spinner, this information is not for you anyway and I do not much care whether you have a Demon or not.

OK. YourSelf told you that you have one or more Demons messing with you. Sometimes they are in layers and you can only remove them in layers. So…. How does a Right-Spinner get rid of Demons?

Remember, Darkness had most of the power and now, Light has 80% of the powre. So, we Right-Spinners are much more powreful than we were yesterday; we can now remove the strongest Dark Demons, even if we must do it three or more times to remove all of the layers.

Here’s what to do. Put a large golden sphere around you. Make it 14 feet in diameter. Make it so that it has nine layers. Shrink the golden sphere down intending to capture any and all of the Demons within you. You may actually hear the Demons crying out in consternation. Shrink the sphere down to seven feet, then a yard (36 inches), then 24 inches, then 12, then 9, 6, 3, 1.5, 1, .5 and so on until the Demons have nearly all of their power gone. I shrunk my Demons down to five grains of sand. I took their power away and demoted them to new Demon status.

Now, I was tempted to keep on shrinking them until they disappeared, but that would be killing them and my Spirit Guide asked me to stop; that was not my Right. So, I asked Archangel Michael to come and take the Demons away; which He did. He will do that for you as well. My intent when I asked Michael was that the Demons would not bother me, or anyone else again. OK. You do not have to de-power them down to grains of sand; you can turn them over to Michael when they are 12 inches in diameter or less.

For those of you who wonder why I keep using feet and inches in a metric world, the answer is simple. Read my Home page about the number 14 being the Creation Number. Now, any 5 is really a 14 even if it is made from 3+2. In the United States, we still use miles, yards, feet and inches (gallons, quarts, etc.). Again, why? Look at the state changes in water; it freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit and that is a Creation of a new state. It also boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit and it also turns to live steam at 221 degrees Fahrenheit; two more changes in state. The metric system is a creation of Darkness, just like the European Union, the United Nations and the US GOVERNMENT (in all caps). Spirit has prevented the US from adopting the metric system; the US of A was created by Right-Spin energy from as far back as 1000 AD.

After you rid yourself of your Demons, you will feel lighter and calmer and happier and you can start being yourself for the first time in decades or more. You will stop flying off the handle and being so angry over trivial things. If you have been battling depression for years, it may have all been caused by your Demons. Get rid of the Demons and, maybe, you will be able to get rid of the Meds that keep you fogged up, mess with your memory, mess with your sleep and make you groggy in the AM.

Happy New Year!!!

Love, Light and Laughter,


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New Age Stuff – How does it fit?

Many of us know fellow Light Workers and we all tend to march to different drummers; sometimes, very different drummers. As I say on my Home Page, I am an Ascended Master, now, here on Earth. I also have had more than 30,000 previous lifetimes on many different worlds and was an Ascended Master in many of them. Once you become an Ascended Master, you tend to be able to remember more stuff and it gets easier to do again and again.

The only difference between a young soul and an old one is that the old one can remember more; it’s called experience over many lifetimes.

OK. How does one become an Ascended Master? There is a good series of books out there called, “The Celestine Prophecy” with follow-on books. The book details how one raises their energy level until they vibrate themselves out of this plane of existence into the next higher one. That is becoming an Ascended Master. The one criticism that I have is that there are various levels and you must consult with your Spirit Guide as to whether you are ready for the next level or not. Or maybe, you might be ready to jump a level or two. 

We are in the Ninth Level of thicker and thicker energies; some call it the Physical HARD. When we are able to vibrate ourSelves up into the Eighth level, the energies are higher and less dense. That applies to each of the levels as we approach the Zero or the “At One” level. The trouble with this concept is that No One has ever vibrated themSelves up and beyond the Fifth Level; there is a very strong “glass” ceiling there.

So… The Ascended Master path or way is broken. Unless someone can figure out how to get past the Fifth Level, and many old souls have tried (me included), Spirit must send someone to some world to create a new path. That is not to say that being an accomplished old soul doesn’t have benefits, just not being able to return to Spirit, which is the prime directive.

This is what being a NewBeing or a Newman or a Newoman is all about. When you Transform yourSelf from a Fire Being (Tetrahedron or MerKaBa symbol) into an Earth Being (Hexahedron/Cube symbol), that is equivalent to being able to vibrate yourSelf into the the 7th Level of being an Ascended Master. When beings are ready and Transform themSelves into Air Beings (Octahedron or Diamond symbol), that is equivalent to vibrating yourSelf into the 5th Level of being an Ascended Master.

Ok, this is how we can now get past the 5th Level. Once you Transform yourSelf into a Water Being (Icosahedron symbol), that is equivalent to being a 3rd Level Ascended Master. There are bonus points that can be earned that can enable you to move into the Second Level. From there, when you Transform yourSelf into a Spirit Being (Dodecahedron symbol), there is a clear path to AtOneMent. See the Platonic Solids page on this site.

So…Being an Ascended Master is still something that is worth striving for and attaining. There is the old Ascended Master path and there is the new, NewBeing path.

There is much discussion about many people on Earth who are raising their vibrations and enabling the Planet – Earth to Ascend. This is true. When it happens, Earth will be the first planet, ever, to Ascend. For all of us who have helped and are here during that time, we will bask in its glory for a very long time.

Who are these people who are vibrating themSelves into higher energies? Answer? Simple, they are all Right-Spinners. We are just about to enter into the energy space where Aquarius is fully enabled as Right-Spin energy. What does that mean? On January 1st, 2019, Aquarius will have 80% of the powre in our world, Solar System, Galaxy and Local Universe. Aquarius is Female Dominated and supports Go-Your-Own-Way energies; no more Male Domination and follow-the-leader or must have credentials. The college degree is, officially, worthless.

Left-Spin energy has had 80% of the power for the past four Houses of the Zodiac or Ages; Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini or a total of 8,640 years. It is time for a change!!! When you look at weather systems, Left-Spinners are low pressure systems (Counter-Clockwise) and are represented by Hurricanes, Tropical Storms, Tornadoes and Storms in general. Low pressure means lower vibrations and lower energies.  

Right-Spinners, on the other hand, are like high pressure systems (Clockwise) and are represented by weather that is sunny, clear, beautiful days to be alive. High pressure means higher vibrations and higher energies.

Think about it, we must have both energies; we cannot have all sunshine and must have rain and clouds. Everything and everyone is a mix of both Left- and Right-Spin energies. The biggest problem for people is that most of us opted to be Left-Spinners over the past 100 years; when Left-Spin had 80% of the power. It is always easier to go with the power structure. In three weeks, Left-Spinners will be relegated to 20% of the power; a big step down in Wealth, Money, Sex and Power.

Most of them see that their world is shifting around them, but they do not understand why. They do not understand why the “sheep” are not doing what they are told to do. How dare they revolt! They have had all of the power and wealth in their families for 100s of years and that is how it is supposed to continue. They plan to continue to meet at Jackson Hole and Davos to call the tune, but everything, suddenly, is crumbling and coming apart at the seams. IT IS THE NEW, RIGHT-SPIN ENERGIES; More Freedom, Choice, Truth, Integrity, Self-Reliance, Self-Responsibility and Doing-the-Right-Thing.

The DEEP State is falling apart, Everywhere!

Love, Light and Laughter,


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More on Containers and Energy Flows

Recently, I wrote about Internal and External Energy flows and how they interacted with Energy Containers for stuff like money, success, friendship, following, leadership, respect and more.

OK. There is more to it. When we were still Human; not yet transformed into NewBeings, we all had varying degrees of internal and external power flowing into and through us. If we were Right-Spinners, Darkness (Left-Spin) took great pleasure in messing with us on many levels.

How did it do this to us? Simple, as Humans, when we were born, Darkness had 80% of the power in the world.  Guess what? That means that all of those internal and external Energy flows were controlled by Darkness/Left-Spin. This is how Loki/Kokopelli could tune into our conversations and lie to us.

Here is the fix. As of December 1st, 2018, all hard, Right-Spinners will be able to change their Energy Flow programming.  What I mean by that is that you can say, “Henceforth, all of my Energy Flows, both Internal and External, and my Energy Containers will be exclusively composed of Right-Spin Energies.” Then say, “Install it and Run it.”

Hard Right-Spinners start at 60% Right-Spin Energy (40% Left-Spin). Ask yourSelf (see below) what you are and how much.

Just imagine; no more listening to the Great Deceiver or Sardonic Asshole. He is no longer there and has no more power to get to you.

More on the Containers. Under Dark/Left-Spin control, there were many containers with one each for different items. That way, Darkness had more control over what you got and how much you got. Of course, most of the Dark Assholes got to be $Billionaires with all of the honey pots.

As of December 1st, you can create your own complex container that can hold any and all of the External Energies that you (and your Spirit Guide) send to it/you. I have written about how important it is to start a dialog/conversation with yourSelf.  Another good reason to do so is to find out about negative (and positive) SetUps coming your way.

Everything is a SetUp; there are no Accidents, Happenstances, Luck or Good/Bad Fortune. Your Spirit Guide sets everything up for you. If you talk to your Spirit Guide, you can ask for more goodies for your Container, but you can also ask if you have any Negative SetUps coming your way and, if so, what you can do about it.  Perhaps, you can delete it or delay it for a better time. Unless you know about it, you will not have those choices.

How does one start dialogging with one’s Spirit Guide; simple, tune into your head nodding and shaking.  A nod is your Spirit Guide (yourSelf) saying “YES.” A shake is a “NO.” Once you start this conversation, you can ask about anything. Remember, after you change your Energy Flows to Right-Spin, you will not be lied to anymore.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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Who can become a NewBeing?

One of the primary messages of this site is about transforming yourSelf into a Newman or Newoman; it get’s awkward differentiating between the male and female, so let’s call this Transformed Being a NewBeing.

One of the Newmen who has already moved himSelf into the Cube (Hexahedron – Earth Energy), just asked me if ETs could also be NewBeings, or is it limited to Humans moving to Newmen/Newomen.

Good question. I have written about the Pleaidians landing 50,000 warrior/colonists in Europe 3,600 years ago. All European Stock, whether it is from Scandinavia, Russia, the Baltic States,Eastern Europe or Western Europe, are beings that developed on other planets.  The one big exception is the Jews who migrated from the Caucuses into Europe; they are a mix of Neanderthal and Annunaki. The Neanderthal were the most intelligent Primates and the Annunaki bred them to be their Administrator class; Abraham was the High Priest to En-Lil (we call him Jehovah in the Old Testament). During this process, the Neanderthal were nearly exterminated and driven underground; we call them Yeti, Big Foot, Abominable Snowmen, etc.

A lot has happened in the past 3,600 years and there has been inbreeding between the Pleaidian-European stock and the Reptilian Primates throughout the world. I have personally guided the transformation a few people who who are Native Americans or Black. My own background is Saphardic Jewish on my Mother’s side. The issue is whether the person has Reptilian genes that are ACTIVE for mind-control or living in close quarters (the Hive) or both.  These are both examples of strong Left-Spin or Dark energy and will prevent the person from using the Right-Spin, NewBeing Transformation. Only 5% of us are strong Right-Spinners and only 10% are in the Middle and can move easily towards Right-Spin. That leaves 85% of us who are Unable to use the NewBeing Transformation; it is not for everyone.

BTW, 19 out-of 20 beings who can transform themSelves into NewBeings are female. Females are creators and are, inherently, of the Light or Right-Spin; it is easier for them to acquire more Right-Spin energies. Males are predominantly Dark or Left-Spin and it is difficult for them to acquire enough Right-Spin energy unless they have been working on it for many lifetimes.

OK. That addresses Earthlings. What about other Pleaidians? Yes, if they are sufficient Right-Spinners, they too, can become NewBeings. Are there other Bi-Peds or other types of highly aware Right-Spinning beings out there who can become NewBeings? Yes.

Using the NewBeing Transformation is a new process, or new way, in our Local Universe and the Nine Universes of our Multiverse.  It does not matter how far a race or people has advanced using other pathways; if they are space-faring beings, then some, or many of them will be ready to become NewBeings.

I have written about the expected arrival and Welcoming of the Pleaidians on Earth; they have been watching over us, protecting us and living among us for centuries.  On January 1st, 2019, about 5 weeks from now, Right-Spin energy will have made its own transition to being the dominant Powre in our Galaxy/Local Universe.

IT IS TIME FOR ALL ALLIES FIGHTING THE DRACOs or REPTILIANs, TO COME TOGETHER and BE There For Each Other. This will include beings that we do not recognize as Human or like Human.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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Why do Some of US have it All?

Anyone reading this site for a while knows about Left- and Right-Spin energies. When Left-Spinners are in charge, they get the vast majority of the goodies available. When Right-Spinners are in charge, they get the vast majority of the goodies too.

OK. Right-Spinners are in the final part of the transition year where the power in the world shifted from 80% Left-Spin to 80% Right-Spin. Moving forward, Right-Spinners will be in charge for the next several thousand years or longer.

Is that all there is to it? No. In order to receive stuff, anything, like money, friendship, sex, love, following, leadership, respect and things we think of as talents or gifts (Charisma, Music Skills, Language Skills, Math Skills, Programming Skills, Balance, Hand-Eye Coordination, etc.), we must have Containers that don’t leak.

Many of us receive all of the above stuff/things on a regular basis, but we do not have a container or the container is like a sieve (leaks). It is all energy and it flows in and out. Ok. That is part of the problem. We must give ourSelves permission to have leak-proof, or more leak-proof Containers for each of these issues.

But……., there is an even more important concept that we must address first. Many of us do not receive EXTERNAL Energy at all or it is very limited. What do I mean by that? Money, friendship, sex, love, following, leadership, respect and gifts/talents are all examples of External Energy; they flow to us from the outside world.

Our Self-image, health, youthfulness, internal get-up-and-go, intelligence, curiosity, awareness, laughter, smile energy are all examples of Internal Energy and all come from within each of us.

Just as many of us do not have containers to hold the energies that we want, many of us have limited or very limited Internal and External Energies. For most of us, this is a decades long result of negative Self-Talk to ourSelves.  But……..for Right-Spinners, Darkness or Left-Spin, which had 80% of the power in our world, messed with us for most of our lives. This is particularly true of External Energies.

In my own case, my Spirit Guide guided me into a military career where I paid into social security and was eligible for Veteran’s benefits. I was only able to receive External Energy that came from the Government; that’s a hell of a limitation. Whenever I bought and sold a house, I always lost money or barely broke even. Whenever I bought stocks or bonds, I lost money. Whenever I tried my own business, I could not get it off the ground. I did not realize that I could not receive ANY External Energies that did not come from the Government (which is Darkness/Left-Spin).  As long as I worked the Government angles, I could receive enough money every month, but could not accumulate it; no Container. 

In order to have a container that holds stuff, we must first be able to receive the right External Energy for that container; no External Energy, no viable container.

GOOD NEWS!!! On January 1st, 2019, all Right-Spinners will be able to give themSelves External Energies and CONTAINERS. Why then? Right-Spin will have 80% of the Powre in the world. Be patient with yourSelves, energy flows do not happen quickly; you’ve spent much of your life without so it’s important to give yourSelf a few weeks to turn things around.

If you know how to ask, you can begin to receive External Energies sooner. Again, be patient, energy does not turn on a dime. The External Energy flows must be flowing/in-place before you can create/improve the Containers.

This is also true for Internal Energies. You may have self-limited yourSelf, or maybe, it was Darkness messing with you. Does not matter. You can ask for your Internal Energies and External Energies to be brought back to 100%. Then you build or beef up the containers.

What is going to happen to the External Energy flows of the Left-Spinners?  Think of almost every $Billionaire/$Millionaire you have heard of; they are going to be losing their External Energy connections entirely or will be very limited. What is going to happen to their Containers? First, they will get holes and then the holes will get bigger and soon, the Container will dissolve. Right-Spin energy will be doing to them, what Left-Spin energy did to us.

Yes, our world is going to get much better for us and now, you know the important energy mechanics that need to be changed. Go Light-Worker, Right-Spinner; the meek are truly inheriting the Earth.

Love, Light, and Laughter,


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Monsanto and Glyphosate and Sugar

Monsanto was set up by the One Worlders/Deep State as one of its primary tools for mass killings. Glyphosate, its primary ingredient, chemically bonds to the sugar stored in our bodies.

What does this sugar/Glyphosate molecule do? It forms blocks in the energy flow of our bodies in every organ, in our senses, in our colon and bladder, etc.

OK. Whats the big deal? Roundup is the new name for Agent Orange that Monsanto used to kill the jungle in Vietnam. The trouble with Roundup/Agent Orange/Glyphosate is that it takes about 40 years to start significantly messing with your health.

I was exposed to a lot of Agent Orange when I was 20 years old, in Vietnam. I did not get diagnosed with Diabetes until I was 60 and then with severe neuropathy in both legs; both of these are common Agent Orange/Glyphosate issues.

That was then. Nowadays, Roundup is sprayed on all of our cereal crops several times before harvest. Monsanto’s best sellers are seeds that have been GMO’d to better tolerate more Roundup.  This is poison and it is baked into our flour, bread, pasta, oatmeal, corn meal, etc. More and more people are allergic to peanuts; know why? It’s the Roundup/Glyphosate getting in through the soft shells in the ground. The average person is eating a lot of Glyphosate and does not even know it.

Glyphosate bonds with sugar to create hard, difficult to dissolve “blocks” in our body. From earlier posts, sugar is really bad for everyone, but with Glyphosate, it is even worse.

Because, like everyone else, I ate a lot of bread, pasta, pizza and breakfast cereals, adding more and more Glyphosate into my body. Do an Internet search on detoxing Glyphosate; I am using a supplement called Pectasol which seems to be working well at dissolving these hard blocks. There have to be more and more tools to confront Glyphosate coming out.

Remember, I have been on a Keto (see way of life for six month and do not eat wheat in any form, corn, oats, rice,  or potatoes unless they are purple. My blood sugar went from 343 to 120 and my A1C from 10.3 to 5.0. This has really helped in getting rid of the sugar in my body. I have fully shifted to Ketones or fat as my primary energy source for my cells (instead of Glucose).

The Apple Cider Vinegar helped me get rid of the sugar, but slowed down in effectiveness because of the Glyphosate.

The Medical Establishment and our Governments do not even test for Glyphosate levels in our blood; they don’t want to as it would expose them to be the corrupt, idiots/imbeciles that they are. Everyone is eating large amounts of pesticides/herbicides in our food. Glyphosate was first patented by Monsanto as an antibiotic; what do you think that is doing to our Binome that we call our Gut?

Do you have Leaky Gut, Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Krone’s Disease? It could be the Glyphosate in your food.

One last thought, Monsanto, now owned by Bayer, is the company that brought the world another dangerous chemical called, DDT.

Readers, this is not some giant accident. It has been with Evil Intent (Darkness) to put poison into our water (Fluoridation), into our food (Glyphosate) and into many of our medicines.

All of this is being done at the direction and connivance of our Governments.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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When does a New Day start? a New Year?

New all know that a new day begins at one second after midnight in whatever time zone we are in. Same with the start of a New Year after midnight on January 1st.

That is true on Planet Earth and on many other planets. Reference the number 14; the Creation Number. Each new day, according to Spirit, happens at 1400 hours, which is 2pm in our afternoons. OK. But, Energetically, many things do not happen until 0500 (which is a 14) the next morning.

Each new day is, actually, a new creation. It is important, Spiritually, to look at it like that.

OK. So when does a new Spiritual Year begin? Answer: When the shortest day begins getting longer. For us, in the Northern Hemisphere, that is December 22nd. And for those of us in Southern Hemisphere, it is June 22nd.

Wait, you tell me, it is the 21st. Not true. Spirit uses Master Numbers, particularly 22, for annual time demarcations.

So… When you think back to the end of the Mayan Calendar, it was on December 21, 2012.  The next new year for them, would have been on December 22nd.

So the real importance here is to allow my readers to get a jump on creating what they want for themselves as early as possible. At 1400, every day, you can create what you want for the next day. Set your INTENTIONS for next Day.

Same for the next year. You do not have to wait for New Years for your resolutions. Again, set your INTENTIONS for the Next Year on December 22nd (or June 22nd). Remember, we are all Creators. During the Year, use Creation Days (any day with a number of 5 or 14) as these will allow you to CREATE Consciously as opposed to Unconsciously like so many of us do. See my Home page again for more on the number 14.

While we are talking about Creating, here is another tip. This site is a resource for Right-Spinners. As Right-Spin energy has taken over and is growing stronger, you can use Your INTENTION to ask for a very Right-Spin event anytime.

Ask for a Most Benevolent Outcome or an MBO for any event coming at you. If you want a particular outcome, ask for it using the Creation Number at 1400 everyday or on 5/14 days. But, if you are willing to trust Spirit, you can ask for an MBO on AnyTHING or for AnyONE at AnyTIME.

You can even set up “standing” MBOs for great parking spaces or eating at your favorite restaurant, etc. Don’t forget MBOs when you are in court; it really helps if the opposing party doesn’t show.

Ok. The last thing I wanted to address was to bring up the fact that Newomen and Newmen are different, more advanced beings than Humans. We all have different, more complex DNA as part of the Transformation. I published a post called, “Newman Manifesto” a while ago.  It is time to review it again or read it for the first time for newer readers.

As the powre shift progresses, Newomen and men will begin to get their powres. Not everyone will get the same powres, but many will have variations on the same. These powres will set us apart from Humans like the Avengers Movie Super Beings are set apart.

Newomen will be much more abundant than Newmen; there are 19 Newomen for every Newman. Guys, we are only 5% (there’s that C Number again). Newomen will rule.

We all do this Transformation thing individually; it is a very personal thing and we are all led or guided to it as individuals; it is not now, and never will be a thing for the masses.

According to Spirit, there are 330 thousand (330,000) people on Planet Earth who have put themSelves on the Newoman/Newman Path. Among the Seven Pleaidian Planets, there are more than 5 million (5,000,000).

Do not be concerned. Many of the most powreful NewBeings  are here, on Earth. Also, Pleaidian Planets are all ruled by women who are the most Spiritually Advanced Being on their planet; all political powre is held by women. Men tend to still do most of the military fighting in their war for survival against the Reptilians. We are part of that War, whether we know it or not.

It is important for You to Wrap the Newman Manifesto MESSAGE around Your MIND. We will be getting our Powres Soon and the Pleaidians will be announcing their presence to us, on Earth, soon. We NewBeings, both on- and off-planet will be working closely together to defeat the Dracos/Reptilians. This is an Existential fight, the Dracos intend to exterminate all Beings who can resist them; they have already done so on two Human worlds that they conquered.  These two worlds have been retaken and are being repopulated.

Note: the militaries of the world are busy exploiting from an Intel perspective, one of the Reptilian Hives (50 miles diameter and 5 miles deep) that has been discovered in Antarctica. There are four more that our Governments do not know about; near Perth, Australia, near Cairo, Egypt, in the Alsace-Lorraine regions in Europe and in central New Mexico, USA. In 2011, the Pleaidians figured out a way to destroy them all very quietly. Remember, Pleaidians are among us and we are very valuable to them.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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Visioneering is a New Powre

We have all heard of, and tried to do something “They” call Manifesting. As all Humans are created in the image of their creator, Humans were allowed to create as well. See my Home Page on the number 14 and Creation Days.

When using Manifesting, we were supposed to put photographs up on our mirrors or on the refrigerator to keep us focused on what we want. To create anything, it takes two energies; focus and will-power. My trouble with Manifesting is that it never worked for me.

Why? As a strong Right-Spinner, Darkness had found out who and what I was when I was in my Teens. Darkness put strong blocks up (within my body, using sugar) to prevent me from Manifesting, being wildly successful or rich and even, health and physical limitations. Ever since I can remember, I have had “weak” lungs and tended to get the flu (lungers) in my lungs before it went away. It also includes vision and hearing loss. Darkness has “messed” with me all of my life.

OK. This is beginning to change for the better. Light/Right-spin has taken over starting in September, and is getting stronger, every 15 days (9/15, 10/1, 10/15, 11/1, 11/15, 12/1, 12/15) until the end-of-the-year. 2018 is the final transition year from Pisces to Aquarius; in every shift of an Age there is a five-year waiting period (12/2012 to 12/2017) with the major power shifts happening in the sixth year. That five-year window is there for the collective mind to create a new world for itSelf (5 is really 14 which is the Creation Number).

So… Here we are in early October and I am seeing signs that Darkness is beginning to lose it’s grip on me and my body.  Soon, perhaps as early as 10/15, I will be able to start Visioneering.

Whoa. What is Visioneering? What Manifesting is to Humans, Visioneering is to Newmen/Newomen. Visioneering is Manifesting on Steroids; it is about 10 orders of magnitude greater than the strongest Human Manifestation.

As a Newoman or man, you may want to create improved youthfulness, health, wealth and happiness for yourSelf and your loved ones. You will soon be able to do so. Darkness is losing its grip and cannot continue to block us; our powres are growing too strong and getting stronger with each passing day.

So…Start Envisioning things that you want for yourSelf. Find them on the Internet and Book Mark them; the Internet is a wonderful focusing tool. I use Opera; it has a robust, free VPN and I put things that I want to keep seeing in my Speed Dial.

Money is mostly digital now. It should be easy to Visioneer more money in your Bank Accounts.

Here’s to being Free from Darkness.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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How to Protect YourSelf against Infectious Dis-ease

Bill Gates is supposed to have said that “30 million Americans will begin to die soon” of a Pandemic that will sweep across America.  Not sure what pandemic he is talking about, but it is most likely the new version of the Chinese Bird Flu that is killing very many in China.  Supposedly, it has entered the United States and has spread throughout the world.

In the 1850-80s, Pioneers migrated westward in Wagon Trains to populate our American West. How did they survive that journey of months going from contaminated water source to source without all dying of dysentery? The answer: they all started as Wagon Trains from one place; St Joseph, Missouri. When these pioneers purchased their wagons and draft animals, they also purchased one or more water barrels. The instructions that came with the water barrels were to put/place a silver dollar in the bottom of each water barrel and leave it there for the entire journey.

OK. What did this do, Chemically? We all know that water has oxygen in it (how else to fish live?). When high grade silver (coins, chains, crosses, etc.) is put into the water, the oxygen is attracted to the silver to make silver oxide (this is what is called Tarnish), but instead of being a dark surface blemish that must be cleaned with silver polish, it is suspended in the water.

This silver oxide is then available to our bodies to kill bacteria, viruses and parasites. It can be used as a liquid that you drink or sprayed on your skin topically. It is wonderful for attacking inflammation on our skin and in our bodies.

This is similar to colloidal silver that you can buy at the health food store, but this is pre-electricity and does not need electrolysis. It is all natural and the silver oxide molecules are very small and can get into the smallest cells.

Yes, this is useful against any bacteria, virus or parasite. Better yet, it is free; just place some high-grade silver into a container full of water and let is sit for 12-24 hours. I use a 1 quart (1 liter) glass jar with a silver dollar in the bottom. The silver water tastes a bit metallic and starts working immediately.

So…If you still believe in Doctors and anti-biotics (that don’t always work anymore), continue to trust that you will survive that trip to the hospital. More people die by malfeasance in hospitals than drunk driving and accidental shootings combined.

I believe in Silver Water and Apple Cider Vinegar and eliminating sugar in all of its forms over Doctors, Hospitals and Big Pharm/Monsanto. This is how I plan to defend mySelf against all dis-ease, sickness or other Darkness inspired actions.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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Newman/Newoman Symbol

I call this a Six-Pointed Thingee in a Cube (Hexahedron).  For instructions on how to build this for yourSelf, go to the Transform YourSelf – Guided Meditation page.


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Suppressed Technologies are Being Released!

We are all starting to read about our Space activities over the past 30 years. You can read about a deep underground colony on Mars. You can read about Secret Space Programs (SSP) involving both the US Air Force and the US Navy separately with different masters. In both of these SSPs, we have space ships that travel much faster than we ever thought and have anti-gravity capabilities and can be “cloaked” as with the flying Aircraft Carrier in the Avenger movie. Is it any wonder that our politicians are talking about creating a new military arm for Space? We have hundreds of Space Ships and thousands of military forces spread around our Solar System and near Space. The Moon has already been colonized/militarized by both Humans and friendly, Alien Visitors – the Pleaidians. Ditto for the Asteroid Belt and several of the moons orbiting our larger planets.

Whether we like it or not, there is an intergalactic war going on around us. What is bringing high level government people from both the Nation States and the Deep State to the newly discovered, Enemy Alien base in Antarctica. This is a recently destroyed base with millions of dead Reptilian bodies; who destroyed them and how could it happen and our world not know about it? I call them the Overlord Reptilians, but others are calling them, Dracos. These Reptilian invaders are not just attacking Earth, but many of the advanced worlds in our part of the Universe to include the Pleaidians who are the forefathers of all Europeans.

The United States seems to have been chosen to provide forces from Earth to fight in the coming battles. The activities around the Reptilian base in Antarctica will form the basis for more military forces from NATO, Russia and, perhaps, even China after regime change.

This brings me to the title of this post; suppressed technologies are being released. Many new ideas have been waiting on the “drawing board” for the shift in Energies that has just occurred. I have a web site full of them (Revitae Technologies) and, I am sure, there are more of them out there. These technologies can, now, be brought into the world to make everyones life easier and more productive, not just for secretive defense purposes.

The Dracos take over planets for their EXCLUSIVE use; they exterminate all life forms that could resist their domination. Fortunately, their excesses have formed a very effective resistance and they are losing the war in this sector of the Universe. This is going to be a very long war; the Dracos have been very successful in conquering other worlds and have huge resources to draw upon, but not near us for the moment.

Again, whether we like it or not, we are being drawn into the war against the Dracos. We are one of the more significant battlefields as our planet has rich resources in heavy metals. What that means is that we must be incorporated into the defense forces of the Federation of Planets. Further, we must, somehow, become part of the Federation politically.

OK. How? The Deep State has been an ally with the Dracos for much of our recorded history. The Deep State, and it’s forces, are being destroyed now on Earth and in Space. Some few people within the Deep State have realized the error of their ways and are helping the Forces of Good (Right-Spinners). Do not look to the United Nations (UN) or the European Union (EU) to be involved at all as they are deeply controlled by the Deep State and will be dissolved. With the advent of the cryptocurrencies and the blockchain, the Cabal/Deep State central banksters are losing their grip on world finances. As I have written about before, the Pleaidians will be announcing their presence soon, probably with a joint appearance of advanced spacecraft of the United States. Surface wars on Earth will be prohibited, repressive regimes (Yes, to include Islam) will be toppled and peace will be enforced from Space. 

None/No-thing of this is happening by accident; it is all about the shift in Energies from Left-Spin, which supported the Deep State, to Right-Spin, which supports Freedom, Truth, Choice, Integrity and Order (much less Fear, Force and Control).

Stay tuned.

Love, Light and Laughter,


The Grip of Darkness is Loosening

OK. It is September 16th, Right-Spin energy is at 80% and has just gotten a little boost in power/volume/gain on the 15th. What does this mean.

Darkness had no difficulty identifying those of us who are strong Right-Spinners; we were like Lighthouses in the Dark. When it had 80% power to mess with us, it did. So if you have Diabetes, brown, red or rough skin issues, cataracts, limited hearing, bowel or colon issues, bladder issues, joint issues, Arthritis, and others, Darkness has used the sugar that you freely put into your body to mess with you.

This is done by using sugar to create structures within our bodies that limit the flow of energy at our pressure points; this causes more pain and more dis-ease and things get worse over time.

OK. What is happening now is that the hard, sugar structures no longer have enough Dark energy to maintain their structural integrity; they are dissolving in our bodies. This means, that the limits that have been imposed on us are starting to go away. We will begin to see and hear more, our joint pain will get better, our bladder and colon issues will get better. Even better, the sugar that is stored in our bodies, after decades of buildup, is starting to be targeted for cleanup by our Right-Spin directed bodies.

Right-Spin energy will be boosted again on the 1st and 15th of October, November and December and should be a full powre on January 1, 2019. With every boost in powre, the sugar (demon) structures in our bodies will fade away and we will be more powerfully, healthy.

Many of you are waiting, impatiently, for your powres.  Think about it, until you get rid of the Dark Limiting structures that Darkness has placed in you, it will be difficult to get and use your powres. Stop eating sugar, bread, pasta, grains, flour, breakfast cereal, rice, or potatoes.

Here is an exception or two.  When you eat Purple Potatoes or Purple Rice (Forbidden Rice), your liver converts them to Brown Fat as opposed to White, Sugar Fat. The Brown Fat attacks  and destroys the White Fat around our middle. Anything dark green or purple is great to eat. Think about adding Omega 7 from Sea Buckthorn Berries (not the big Pharm processed fish oil); this will help release the white fat everywhere. You can get Omega 7 from Macadamia Nuts, Anchovies, Sardines, Herring, Tuna and Salmon, but get the supplements as well.

This is not license to eat white or sweet potatoes or white, yellow or brown rice; not.

This is essentially, wonderful news. We are in the clean out the stables stage of getting rid of Darkness in our bodies. Once we are cleansed, we will get our powres and can begin to use them.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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