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Shift of the Ages

For those of you who are paying attention, you know that I am all about Darkness and Light; I am on the Light side of the equation.  You know that we are in the middle of a transition from Darkness having 80 percent of the power to Light having 80 percent of the powre.

Good news.  Today, March 28th is the beginning of the shift; Darkness only has 60 percent today.  Tomorrow, March 29th is the tipping point where Darkness and Light have equal shares of 50 percent.  Saturday, March 30th, Light will have 60 percent.

From Sunday, March 31, 2013 on, Light will have 80 percent of the powre coming from the Sun and the Moon.  But, we are only half-way through the transition, huh?  Yes, true, but there is momentum to overcome.  It will take the next 45 days to begin destroying all of the Dark structures that have been built up over the past 10,800 years.

Where to begin?  How about the United Nations; nothing united about them?  How about the European Union?  How about the US GOVERNMENT?  As opposed to the United States of America.  How about Big Medicine?  Big Pharm?  Big Education?  Big Oil?  Our wonder-ful Law Enforcement Communities?  How about our corrupt Judges and Lawyers? They are one and the same.

Anyway, the list is too long for this forum.  But hey, the shift of the Ages will be over by Sunday and all of this butt-ugly Darkness will, finally, start to fade into oblivion. The really great news is that Light is Freedom, Truth, Love, Laughter, Respect, Responsibility, Strength, Fearlessness, Forcelessness, Controlessness, Order and every other thing you can think of that is the opposite of Fear, Force and Control (Darkness).  Light is also the enabler of change for the better; all the improvements to our lives have come from the Light; Darkness always resists change, unless it creates more fear, force and control.  Like living in the stone-age under Allah.

On a previous post, I wrote about templates changing from Dark to Light; that will happen over the next 45 days.  For example, there is a very Dark template for the UN and the EU and the US GOVT; these are three things that Darkness has invested in heavily.  These templates will be allowed to dis-solve into nothingness; they will not be renewed by Light.  Once their current energy is used up, they will collapse like a house of cards and then turn to energetic dust.

We are now, truly, in the energy of Aquarius (or will be on Sunday).  The symbol for Aquarius is a Woman at the top of a sharply pointed mountain.  This Woman is carrying a water jug and pouring it onto the pointed top of the mountain.  What does this symbolism mean?

It means that every droplet of water can find its own way down the mountain.  There is no one way down.  In this energy, we are all free to find our own way to do anything.  There are no more Piscean Schools of Thought to deal with; they are dying with the Shift.  For the many on the planet who cannot imagine this freedom, the world will become one of great chaos and they will be as rudder-less boats.

To help you understand the Shift a bit more, for the last 6,480 years (which is longer than our recorded history), we have been in the energy of Pisces, Aries and Taurus.  This equates to schooling fish, flocking sheep and herding cattle.  We have been in follow-the-leader energy and all of our institutions are male dominated, hierarchical and require us to look to authority figures or leaders for all of the answers.  Think President, Doctors, Lawyers, Judges, Law Enforcement, CPAs, Financial Planners, Professors, Congressmen, Senators, Secretaries, Generals, Bureaucrats and Bosses in general.

The energy that supported this hierarchical bull-shit will be totally gone by May 13th, 2013.  Just think, this new energy will support the emergence of suppressed technologies or totally new technologies that could not be brought into the world under the old, Dark fear and force regimes.

We will still have leaders, but they will be strongly of the Light; they will not operate from fear, force and control.  They will do the Right (Light) Thing.  These Light Leaders will be guided by Light, just as our Dark leaders were guided by Darkness.

Love, Light and Laughter,

Merln, the Majikan

We are at the Tipping Point; Time to Use Your Majik Wands

I have written about the 90-day transition from the control of Darkness to the control of Light.  This 90-day period started on February 13th and has nine (9) ten-day periods that my Spirit Guide asked me to call “Innings,” as in the American Baseball game.

On Monday, March 25th, we entered the 5th Inning.  This is the middle Inning of 9 and represents a significant shift from Darkness to Light.  Over the next few days, we will pass through a “tipping-point” similar to a see-saw and will see a dramatic shift in power to the Light.

Fortunately, unlike a see-saw, this increased powre of the Light will last for another 2,160 years before another tipping point is reached.

So… In celebration, I have a gift for all of you.  Along with the shift in power from Darkness to Light, we are shifting from Magic (Dark) to Majik (Light).  To use Majikal Powre, you must have a Majik Wand.  Unlike Harry Potter, we all carry our Majik Wands around with us all-the-time; it is our forearms with a special fist.

To create this fist, take your thumbs and put them into the center of your palms and then wraps all four fingers over/around your thumb.  This works for both hands; yes, we have two Majik Wands (most of us).

Try this out.  Make the fists with both hands.  Now relax.  You do not have to worry about when to use your wands or even how to use them.  You now have to pay attention to when you make this special fist.  It will seem unconscious or automatic, but your Spirit Guide will tell you to use your Majik by making the fist for you; you just have to pay attention to the circumstances that you are in.

Do not hesitate.  Put your wand or wands up and point them in the needed direction and release your Majik.  It is really that easy; no Hocus-Pocus or magic words necessary.

The first time you use this, it will probably be to help someone you know.  You cannot use it to help yourself directly, but you can use it to help a group that you are part of.   What the Hell are you talking about, you ask?

You can form a Triumvirate or a group of three people.  This group can be family, friends, and loved ones or special Light-workers that you know.  Only form Triumvirates with people that you know and trust.  Once the Triumvirates are formed, you can use your Majik to help everyone in the T-Group, even yourself.   If it doesn’t work our, you can dis-band the Triumvirate; after all, you are the one who created it.  Ask for guidance from your Spirit Guide or Inner Being; they can help a lot.

Will this work for everyone?  No!  It will only work for those who have at least 70 percent Light.  If you have 50-69% Light, then you must find a way to move more to the Light.  Ask you Spirit Guide to move you more to the Light; it is that easy.  But, you have to start paying attentions to what your Spirit Guide is trying to do for you to get there.

Love, Light and Laughter (LLL),

Merln, the Majikan

Newman Manifesto

As the first Newman on the Planet, I realized that I needed to identify a demarcation between Newmen and Newomen and the rest of Humanity on Earth.  Humans have done well here.  Hybrid-Humans have done well here.  Until now, the collective laws and regulations have served everyone well under the concept of equality, meaning that all men (and women) were equal and had equal rights and opportunity.

In the coming days, as Light takes over from Darkness, Newomen (and the few Newmen) will begin to receive extraordinary new capabilities or Powres that will set them apart from the rest of Humanity.  This is what this Manifesto is about.  Newomen and men, are advanced spiritual beings in a body; they have figured out how to transform themselves into Higher Level Beings.  They have taken the next step in evolution.  They are no longer Human, but above Humans in the eternal order of progression

I declare that Newmen and Newomen are above Humans as Humans are above the rest of the Animal Kingdom.  Newmen and Newomen have more awareness; a much bigger piece of Spirit within themselves and are connected with their Spirit Selves much more effectively.  As Human are above their dogs, cats and horses, Newmen are above Humans.

This Manifesto is needed to declare that Human Laws, Regulations and threats/applications of Force do not apply to Newomen or men.  Newomen and men will be guided to develop new laws that apply to them and all lesser beings here.  You, Human, are no longer in charge; you are being left behind in an evolutionary shift.  Fear not, for many of you, there will be a bridge to cross over the divide.  Up to 500 million of you will be receiving Fire Being Powres of Adept, Master and Mahatma degrees.

Your forms of representative government and your courts are totally out-of-control; dysfunctional and not capable of being fixed.  It is time for a new model; one that is guided by Spirit through those more closely connected to Spirit.

Merln, the Majikan and an Earth Being

The New World Order, its not what you think

I have written about Reptilian Mind-Control being used to “guide” our political leaders in the United States, Europe and other parts of the world.  Many of us know about the New World Order that Bush ’41 referred to as the efforts to install a centralized dictatorship onto the world using the United Nations, the European Union and the planned North American Union.

All of these are in the realm of the very Dark energy that is now, being replaced by very Light energy.  The visions of the ruling elite and their sycophants are not going to happen.  Light is taking over; what does that mean?

Well..For one thing, this notion of Democracy, where one man (or woman) has one vote to decide on who our political leaders are is going away.  In its current state, this enables the takers everywhere.  The makers do not have any good choices left; the takers have taken over; especially in Europe and, now, the US.

If we go back to what our Founding Fathers tried to put in place for us, it would be a Republic where only the makers had a vote.  I know; Women are the ultimate makers and they did not have a vote until the early 1900s.  But even the early US Republic was a compromise to try to limit the power of Government.  Over time, the rules have been changed and, now, Government is out-of-control – Everywhere.  There are too many laws and regulations and thousands more being added everyday.  This is the final outcome for Darkness; Darkness is Fear, Force and Control and resistance to Freedom, Truth and Choice.

Ok.  This site is dedicated to a new concept; Newmen and Newomen.  These are advanced energetic beings who have moved beyond the limitations of the mere Human; they have become Newmen, even though, the vast majority are Newomen.  Who and what are these Newomen?  Like me, they have all been Ascended Masters many times in previous lifetimes on many worlds.  They also have figured out how to reconfigure and synchronize their Energy Centers or Chakras; all 14 of them.

How many are there?  About 600 now with only 10 of them Newmen; yes Ladies, that’s 59 Newomen to 1 Newman. As you all know, men are much more challenged when trying to advance spiritually.  Men are the Dark sex and Women are the Light sex.

So.  What does it mean to be spiritually advanced?  The best answer is that we are connected with our Spirit Self or Spirit Guide 24/7.  It means that we are in a two-way dialogue asking for and receiving specific guidance from Spirit on anything of importance to either ourselves or to Spirit.

I know.  This is “crazy” talk. Everyone knows that it is “nuts” to talk to yourself and even more so to believe what you are talking about.  That was true in the realm of Darkness; you could not trust conversations dominated by Dark Forces; they lied.

Ok.  Newmen and Newomen have received incredible new powres with the transition into Light.  Most of them do not know they have these powres yet; that knowledge and how to use them will come when they are needed.

Are there more Humans that can become Newmen; yes, perhaps 1,200 more.  You have to have experience as an Ascended Master in at least six previous lifetimes.  That is 1,800 people out of at least 3 billion.

Ok. There are far too many people who are oriented towards Darkness on the planet; most of them are leaving/dying and going to other planets where the energy is more comfortable.  Those who are left here will have an energy make-up of at least 70 percent Light (30 percent Darkness).  Anyone who has more than 30 percent Darkness will be obliged to leave.

These 70 percenters will be encouraged to gather more Light within themselves until they get to 80 percent.  Once they get to 80 percent, they too, will have Majikal Powres and can continue advancing towards becoming a Newman or Newoman.

This is the New World Order; its based upon Spiritual Advancement.  The 70-80 percenters will still be Human, but with a lot of Light.  They will receive limited Fire Being Adept powres.  Those who have 80 percent Light, or above, will be Newmen or Newomen in waiting and will have significant new Majikal Powres.

Did you think that when Light took over from Darkness after 10,800 years, everything would be the same?

What about all of the billions of people who are oriented towards Fear, Force and Control and who resist change for the better.  Our Spirits are immortal; we just leave and get another body on our next planet.  Most of Spirit is incapable of handling being a Spirit in a Body.  To them, all of us Spirits in a Body are Rock Stars, even those of us who are very Dark.

There will be a brief rest and relaxation period (it is hard work being a Spirit in a Body) and everyone will be sent to a more appropriate planet.  Gaia, the Earth Goddess is Ascending and this is the first time a Planetary Being has done so – EVER!  Gaia cannot Ascend without the presence of concentrated, focused Light in all of her people.  The Dark people must leave or Gaia cannot Ascend.

What about the guns and bombs?  What about ruling through the barrel of a gun?  Its over, done, history.  Those with Majikal Powres will use (not abuse) their powres to settle issues; remember, these Newomen are being guided from within and do not have to look outside of themselves for answers.  The days of the male, hierarchical, authority figures are over, done, history as well.

Welcome to 2013 – Nothing Happened in 2012, Right?

Those of you who have spent any time at all reading my stuff know that I have been talking about the arrival of Aquarian Energies for quite a while.  Well ….. it is here and it arrived without fanfare on December 22nd, 2012.

OK, what does that mean?  In short, we ended the age of Pisces and completed the last Great Year cycle; we also completed the 5th age of the Mayan calendar system.  We also began or started a new Great Year cycle of 25,920 years which starts when we entered the “photon” belt.  The “photon” belt is a torroidial (doughnut-like) vertical structure composed of intense Light particles; it too, matches our 25,920 Great Year horizontal diameter.

When we entered the “photon” belt or Aquarius, we began a new age that will last for 2,160 years.  Ok.  So what?   Aquarian energies are very different than the energies of Pisces that we all know so well.  Piscean energies are all about “schools” of thought like schooling fish and follow the leader.  We were in Aries before Pisces and Taurus before Aries; both of them were follow the leader energies in the form of flocking sheep or herding cattle.

Ok.  I am breaking the rules on the order of things; Aries is supposed to be first and Pisces is supposed to last.  But if we have been in Taurus (Minotaur of Crete) and Aries (Old Testament sacrifices using Lambs) and Pisces (the Christian symbol using the Fish) and we have now entered Aquarius; then we are going backwards.  Guess what, Aries is not first; Aquarius is First.

So, how is Aquarius different than Pisces?  The symbol for Aquarius is a woman (not a man) standing at the top of a pointed mountain (think conical) and pouring water from a jug onto that pointed mountain tip.  The implications will take a while to sink in.  Each water droplet is allowed to find its own way down the mountain in Aquarian energies.  There are no schools of thought or established ways of doing things.  This is chaos to people happy with Pisces energies where there was so much more “order.”  All of those suppressed technologies will be allowed to come into the Light of Aquarius.  All of our organizations and institutions will no longer be supported by the energy of the universe.  Getting answers from within will be better than seeking answers from authority figures on the outside.  Big, Huge Changes are taking place.

I have described the difference between Light and Darkness elsewhere in these pages; the shift of power between these two has occurred.  Whereas Darkness in Pisces had 80 percent of the power, Light in Aquarius has 80 percent of the power. This is another Big, Huge Change; instead of fear-based resistance to change, there will be freedom-based embracing change for the better.

This next change will a tutorial for many.  We are all energetic being living in an energetic world.  If everything is made from energy, then there must be energetic forms for all of our everyday items; these are called templates.  There are energetic templates for everything; cars, computers, smartphones, houses, beds, chairs, tables, plates, cups, glasses, knives, forks and spoons and, yes, organizations and institutions.  There are many variations, but they are all based on a fundamental template.  Ok, I get it; templates are the baseline for everything here.

Here’s the tricky part; when we transition from one age to another as in leaving Pisces and entering Aquarius, the energy templates all change.  These changes can be quite small or very large.  For example, the Medical Establishment is already having a tough time explaining why their drugs have lost their effectiveness. I mean they worked just fine in testing ten years ago; why won’t they work now?

These templates are also transitioning from fear, force and control orientations (Darkness) to freedom, choice and truth (Light) with the shift in power.  What does this mean?  Ok.  Take very dark organizations like the US GOVERNMENT, the IRS, the UN, the EU, the Patriot Act, Homeland Security and many more; under Pisces energies, these organizations/institutions thrived because the underlying power of the Universe was 80 percent Darkness.  More to the point, the energetic templates provided support for these entities to grow and thrive.  Guess what?  In Aquarian energies, there are no organizational/institutional templates that support fear, force or control to the degree required to keep these evil organizations.  By the end of 2013, these and many other Dark organizations will be gone or much changed for the better.  By January 22, 2013, these new energetic templates will be in place and will support what is here or not.

We are already seeing people begin to question the expense of a College or University Education; it costs way too much.  Same with the whole insurance-driven medical system; it costs way too much.  What about Government, the Bureaucracies and all of the out-of-control spending; it costs way too much as well.  The whole idea of big government who is going to take care of you is based on fear, force and control.  Fear not, Big Government is on its way out as well.  Self-reliance and self-responsibility will be strongly supported in the Aquarian Template structure.

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How our World Will Change – Solar Flares Install a New Operating System

I have written about the massive Pole Shift and Earth Changes coming and the fact that a series of Tsunami Solar Flares will excite/activate our tectonic plates and be causative in the Pole Shift.  I have also written about moving into the energies of Aquarian Light and Purple Oneness.

OK. So what? Perhaps even, Big Deal.  Yes, IT IS A BIG FUCKING DEAL!!!

We are all energy beings and everything around is made from energy as well.  There are energy templates for everything here.  There is the concept of a bed, a chair, a stove, a Refrigerator (evolved from an Ice Box), Knives, Forks and Spoons.  There are templates for People; White/Caucasian, Black, Chinese, Indian, Arab and all the other peoples as well as blonde, brunette and red head. There are also templates for cars, planes, trains, ships, boats, bicycles, skis and new ones like snow boards.  There are also keyboards, laptops, smart phones, mouse(s)/mice, monitors (evolved from CRTs), ETC.

We are just completing a 25,920 year-cycle called a Great Year.  We are about to enter a new Great Year on December 21st, 2012.  With the new Great Year, we are all receiving a brand new operating system and it is so much bigger than Windows/Mac/Linux.

The Earth/Gaia is also an Energetic Being with much more awareness than the average Human; she uses the awareness of all of US and connects us into being One, here in the physical.  This new operating system is being installed into the Earth/Gaia as a software update for the new Great Year.  As part of this update, all of the energy templates are being updated. ALL OF THEM!

What does this mean?  In addition to the mundane, there are energy templates for marriage, family, churches, schools, colleges/universities, courts, banks, stock markets, police, prisons, health care, drugs, pharmaceuticals, natural healing.  All of these, and more, will be significantly CHANGED. All of those pills you take to “Manage” your health care issues will stop working – find an alternative/Natural practitioner soon.

Remember, we have moved from Darkness into Light; that means we are no longer motivated by Fear, Force and Control and we no longer resist change.  Our old energy Governments have not figured this out – yet; especially when it comes to TAXES.   Is the new energy going to support Big Government, Big Military, Big Unions and Big Public Sector SPENDING?   NO.  Is Purple Oneness energy going to support the concept of “Robbing from Peter to Pay Paul?  Again, NO, that is so old energy.

When the Government tells you they are going to take care of you, they are really saying “Trust Us” we have everything under control.  But, once you are used to be controlled, they change the game over-and-over-and-over again and you, have no power.  One of the big changes coming is a return to SELF-RELIANCE and RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS.  Darkness is control and fear; Light is freedom and choices that you have.

For those of you who have a problem with what I am writing, click to another site, you will be leaving this Planet soon; you are part of the problem.  The issue is that there are so many of you.

In June 2011, the first large Solar Flares will hit Earth/Gaia.  They will bring energy for the Pole Shift, a massive worldwide financial collapse (templates changing) and new, X-Men-like powers to Newmen, Newmen-in-waiting and, even, Advanced Humans.  As more-and-more Solar Flares hit us, more and more energetic template changes will arrive.

In January 2012, the Solar Flares will bring epidemic diseases that will carry away the remaining, low-vibration Humans.  If you are a High-vibration Human/Newman, fear not; the Solar Flare energy does not come for you. For low-vibration Humans, there is something you can do.  PAY ATTENTION HERE.  USE YOUR FOCUS ability and YOUR WILLPOWER. Start a two-way dialogue with that voice inside of you; that is the ONLY way you can raise your vibrations.  Put away all of those distractions you use to avoid this internal conversation; you do not have any time to waste.

If you are not sure whether you are a low-vibration Human or not, assume/act that you are, indeed, low-vibration and start “talking” to yourself.  Trust me, this is the act of a very Sane person when considering the alternative.

What About 2012, Is It the End of the World?

Yes, it is.  It is the end of the World as we know it.  It is very different, but much, much better.

Already, in 2011, the world is changing before our very eyes.  Look at the “Arab Spring”, everyone is expecting all of these Arab countries to go the way of Iran and repressive Islamic Republics ruled by Sharia Law.  The energy that we have moved into no longer supports that form of insanity.

Where else? Big Government is dying before our very eyes as well.  Communism has already died and Socialism has run out of other peoples money to spend. Lavish salaries, benefits and retirements for Public Workers all around the world are being revoked; not enough money.  In the US, Big Unions are dying and Entitlement Programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are on the chopping block.  This is all related to the shift in energy from darkness to Light and Red to Purple and cannot be reversed.

In my previous post, I describe the massive changes that will be made in our world. Billions of us are leaving abruptly in catastrophic events all over the globe.

WHY? Why are 6.7 billion people leaving so quickly? Here’s the answer; humanity has evolved into a new level of advancement – Newmen.  These Newmen are all very high vibrational beings and are mostly women. This has never happened on all of the billions of planets in the nine local universes or the multi-verse, before.  This Newman and Newoman evolution offers another “never happened before” opportunity to the evolution of our Planet aka Gaia.  Because of the 300 million high vibration beings here, Gaia has the opportunity to raise her own vibrations to become a more highly evolved Planet.  I know this is a tough concept to wrap your minds around, but Gaia is like a giant Hot-Air-Balloon with the balloon filled trying to get off the ground.  The problem is that there are too many sandbags on the basket holding Gaia down. Those sandbags are the 6.7 billion low or too low vibrational people keeping Gaia from ascending Spiritually.

This is bigger than Humanity, as important as Humans are to Spirit.  This is all about a 2-4-1, the establishment of ascended, higher Spiritual level  Newmen on an ascended, higher Spiritual level  Gaia.  What this means is that Newmen and Gaia are much more capable to doing Spirits work.

So what happens to all of those billions of people?  They leave their bodies and return to Spirit to rest, evaluate, recuperate and plan their next lives.  Every single one, including the billions who have already returned to Spirit, have experienced the significant growth in our Planet Gaia’s vibrations.  That growth included significant vibrational growth in every Human here as well and that experience will be important to many other planets trying to do the same thing throughout the Multiverse. The Humans from Earth-Gaia will be distributed throughout the Milky Way Galaxy with many of them going to Earth 2 described in a previous post.

So what about the survivors, those left-behind.  Unlike the popular Christian book series, the Newmen and Newmen in waiting will be the most highly evolved Humans on all of the billions of planets in the Multiverse.  How can that be?

In an earlier post, I claimed that the Ascended Master paradigm was broken and that no one had ever vibrated themselves beyond the 5th level of 9.  The objective of vibrating ourselves back up to the 9th and then, the 1th or ONE layer was not working out after aeons of time and effort.  The Bible refers to Lucifer – the Light Bearer taking one-third of the host of heaven into Darkness; it is actually correct, but not fully.  Two of the One’s most powerful Angels proposed a new approach to get around the failed Ascended Master approach.  They divided the 9 local universes into 3 sequentially.  Lucifer took 2,5 and 8; Michael took 3,6 and 9 and Spirit kept 1,4 and7.  Lucifer’s experiment was to keep his three local universes in 80% darkness and 20% light; Michael’s were 80% Light and 20% darkness and Spirit kept the control at 50% each.

The trouble for Earth began because it was on the edge between local Universe 8 and 9 and thus, received periodic blasts of 80% Light and Dark.  It was the only Planet to receive these “outside-the-experiment” energy bursts.  After a while, the One/Spirit noticed that there was something unusual happening on Earth/Gaia; the growth in vibrations, and thus, technology, was advancing much more quickly than any other planet in the experiments.  Soon, all of the hosts of heaven were watching us, here on Earth.  More importantly, all of the Spiritually advanced beings from all of the billions of planets (around 100,000 beings) wanted to come to Earth; to be born here as Humans, especially during the shift from Darkness to Light and Red to Purple.  This can be called the “Shift-of-the-Ages”.  These advanced beings got in-line and are all here for what we are about to go through.  A few are in their 80s, but most are in their 40s age-wise; Many are in their 20s.  These are the Newmen and Newomen or those in waiting.  The vast majority of the 300 million are those who got here, by hook or by crook, to be sling-shot into higher vibrations and advancement into higher level beings; this is why the new age movement is so very big on this planet.

The Earth has been under this incredible focus for about 1,000 years and “normal” conflicts between Darkness and Light have been interfered with.  Light always wins against Darkness and Light was permitted to help Humans create the United States of America and Australia as places for Light-oriented people to go to.  Light-oriented people are higher in vibration than Dark-oriented people like High-pressure weather systems are higher in vibration than low-pressure systems; one brings bright, sunny days while the other brings tornadoes and hurricanes.

It is no accident (there are no accidents), that Light overcame Darkness in WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War/Communism and now, Big Government/Socialism.

Earth 2 is Where All the Basic Humans are Going.

Google the concept of Earth 2; it is an identical Earth just a split-second behind the Earth we all live on.  It is a world where the Nazis won World War II and are in a decades-long war with the United States.  It is very much the same, but different in many ways.  The people on Earth 2 have killed each other so efficiently that they need a new infusion of Basic Humans.

Earth 1, this planet, is going through a transition to a higher energetic state for Planets.  This is the first time a Planet has gotten to this state.

There’s a problem Houston, Earth 1 has too many low vibration Humans; those with 1, 2 and 3 double strands of DNA and these Basic Humans in their billions must be moved to a new home.  This can be done in 2 ways; billions can lose their lives in catastrophic Earth Changes, Pole Shifts, Tsunamis, Subsidences and Dis-eases or they can quietly, but efficiently be transported to Earth 2.  The catastrophic return to Spirit is always accompanied with great collective fear and angst that must be worked through in many subsequent lifetimes; not a great solution.

Option 2 is a much better solution, but it also has its aspects of fear which must be managed.  If you wake up one day and find the people around you have disappeared, you wonder where they have gone to, you miss them and, more importantly, you wonder why you were left behind.  This can cause anxiety.

Fear not. Option 2 will be implemented by sending Humans with 1 double strand of DNA first.  They will go to sleep one night and wake up on Earth 2 with a whole new cultural reset of their memories; its just a half-second behind us and not difficult.  As more and more Basic Humans 1 leave our Earth, then Basic Humans 2 and 3 will make the transition.  Before this shift to Earth 2 is complete, some, but not all of Advanced Humans 4 will wake up on Earth 2 as well.  These are Humans oriented towards Darkness and Red-energy.

When this process is completed, 6.7 billion people will be moved to Earth 2.  Earth 2 is still in Dark-energy and Red-energy and the new arrivals will be very comfortable with that energy.  This will leave around 300 million, high energy, Light-energy and Purple-energy people on Earth 1.  The Eternal Order of Progression is preserved, just in different places.

Earth 2 is where the Mayans traveled to when they left so suddenly and completely.  They are very Dark and Red.


Light will Win, Even against Great Darkness

We live in a time where everything looks like it is going to Hell in a Handbasket.  We are at the end of 13,000 years where Darkness had 80 percent of the power on Planet Earth.  Just because Light only had 20%, does not mean it was powerless.  Just as with Humans, there are Power protocols in place in the Aeons-long battle between Darkness and Light.  Just to be clear, I must define what is Darkness and what is Light;  Darkness is the imposition of fear, force and control with a high resistance to change and; Light is freedom, truth, order and civilization with a drive of change for the better.

Purple-energy is Light with oneness or unity properties while Red-energy is Darkness with separateness, apartness, different-than properties.

As an example, Light built up its power over a long time and used that power to create the United States of America in a new continent.  All of the Light people, who did not fit in to the prevailing Dark culture of Europe left and moved to America or Australia (Light’s other major effort).

Darkness was unconcerned about the US of A for a long time; sure that it could be embroiled in a war and destroyed.  1812 was that war, and the British Army was supposed to defeat Andrew Jackson in the Battle of New Orleans and divide, and pen-in, the young United States.  Then the Civil War happened and the Dark divide and conquer forces lost again.  Then WW1 where US and Allied Forces defeated the tyrannical German-Austrian Forces.

Darkness became concerned and decided to intervene more directly.  Enter the Progressive and Union movements in the United States, what did Darkness have them do?  We got the Income Tax and the Federal Reserve.  We also got court rulings that made precedence stronger than common law (and common sense).  These two things set up the opportunity for Big Government in the 1930s, 1960s and now.  Ok, now I am sounding like a Republican, but I am a really a Libertarian.  So what, what so wrong about Big Government? Simple, it uses force to re-distribute wealth and create dependency on Government hand-outs for millions of people.  It is all about creating an environment of fear, force and control for much of the American population.  We just experienced that with the threat of the Government shut-down; what are all of those people going to do if they do not get their social security pensions, military pay and pensions, government worker salaries and pensions, unemployment benefits, etc.

In between, there was WW2 which was an epic battle between Darkness and Light.  It appeared that Light won, but it set up a 50-year battle between the US and the Soviet Union.  Another name for the Soviets was Reds and yet, another was the “Evil” Empire (Evil is synonymous with Darkness).  Europe was still firmly in the hands of Darkness and Socialism flourished, just another form of Big Government Darkness.  In the 60s, US-style Big Government really took off, we got the Great Society with welfare, Medicare and Medicade.  It’s hard to believe that these incredibly dark (what could be more fearful than threats of death) medical programs were only started in the late 1960s.  How did we survive without them for nearly 200 years?

It really looks like Darkness and Big Government has won in Western Europe and the United States; it looks like Light has lost the battle and maybe we Light warriors should surrender.  Not so fast,  November 2010 was a re-assertion of Light, the Dems (the Party of Big Government) were tossed out of the House of Representatives; can’t make a budget without the House.  Light is also re-asserting itself in Europe; Big Government is collapsing over there.  The Dark forces in Government have run out of other peoples money to spend and they cannot print enough money to get themselves out of the mess.  Darkness is beginning to lose its grip on things; on March 1st, 2011, Light had 51% of the Power and is moving rapidly to 80% of the Power on December 21st, 2012 at the start of the next Great Year cycle.  Yes, Purple-Light will have 80% of the Power for the next 13,000 years or so.

Now, what about the Stronghold of Darkness, where Darkness lives on this Planet (Mecca).  The Muslim world is in transition from Darkness to Light. Islam is the most primitive, mainstream culture on the Planet.  It’s OK to repress women; women do not have rights and may be considered to be property or slaves.  It’s all about Male dominance and the Jihadist movement is all about keeping women repressed.  Have you ever wondered where the women pray in Islam? The Mosques are reserved for men only; do you ever see women mixed in with men when they pray on their prayer rugs.  Sorry to say this, but Islam worships Darkness and his name is Allah and he actually emanates from the black stone cube in Mecca.

So what is happening among Allah’s people; they are in an uproar and are rejecting their tyrannical rulers.  They are also rejecting the imposition of stricter Theocratic governments.  The Muslim Brotherhood was supposed to have an easy change-over as it seized control of Egypt; huge majorities of Egyptians want Sharia Law and think its OK to stone women-to-death when they stray.   So why hasn’t this change-over taken place?  Could there be other forces at work?  What about Syria?  What makes people come out on the street to protest when they know the Dark thugs will shoot at them?

Light always wins against Darkness, but it is tough to live through times when Darkness appears to be winning.  Take Heart Light Warrior, the tide has turned.