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Do you know about the Michael Experiment?

Most of us in the West have heard about Archangel Lucifer and his rebellion; he took one-third of the host of heaven and left.  Lucifer was a prima donna who thought so highly of himself that he wanted to be the Co-God; kind of like Hillary.

There was a huge problem; mankind was not progressing back to the One.  Spirit had allocated equal amounts of freedom (Light) and fear (Darkness) and everything-everywhere was in a kind of stalemate.  Lucifer proposed a different approach to God; he would take one-third of the many planets with people and one-third of the Angels and he would change the focus to 80 percent  Darkness and, only 20 percent Light. This translates experientially as 80% intelligence and 20% emotion or 80% technology and 20″% Love. Spirit agreed to this experiment and allowed Lucifer to proceed.

At about the same time, Michael proposed an opposite experiment where the focus was 80% Love and 20% Fear. He got the go-ahead and took the other third of planets and angels . That is the Michael Experiment.

This left Spirit with the remaining third as the “control” in the experiment; it remained at 50% Love and Fear. OK. If you divide a circle into thirds, they all touch each other on two-sides; Lucifer’s Experiment touched Spirit on the left and Michael’s on the right.  That means that Michael’s and Lucifer’s Territories touched each other. Now, expand the thirds into one-third of a sphere, but the same principle applies.

What does this mean for us, on Planet Earth? We are the only planet in all of existence that is on the border between Lucifer’s and Michael”s Experiments. Elsewhere on this site, I provide information on the Great Year where our solar system orbits a giant, dark star called Alcyone and it takes 25,920 to complete one orbit. Divide that by 12 to get 2,160 years for each age, or House of the Zodiac.

The insight that I just got is that this Great Year orbit is mostly in Michael’s territory and is only in Lucifer’s during the ages of Taurus, Aries and Pisces; this is, essentially, the last 6,360 years of our history. Is it any wonder that all of our institutions are so fear, force and control oriented?

Here’s another insight; Lucifer is focused on intellect and technology as the way forward; not love and freedom. Is it any wonder that our world is transfixed by technology and the incredibly rapid advance of technology?

OK. Now that we have left Pisces and entered Aquarius what is happening? It has taken 14 months to get far away enough from Lucifer’s influence, but finally, we are under the full influence of the Michael Territory (80% Love and Freedom: 20% Fear and Force).

In the past, when we left Pisces, we rejected technology and embraced the new ways of Light. We remember this as the “Golden” Age. This time around, Light put a lot of focus and energy into the technologies that we being developed like the Internet, smart phones, computers and networking everywhere. These have been embraced by everyone to improve communications between people and their governments.  This time around, all technology will not be rejected; some will be seen as valuable and will be retained; this is part of the shift from Light to Aqua and Darkness to Turquoise.

So…will advanced technology be part of our future? Yes, but only if it has a key component that can only be described as Majik that uses the Light technology only available in Michael’s territory.  All purely mechanical and chemical processes will fall away as Majikal processes (spells) will be far easier and much more effective. These spells are also much nicer to our environment; Gaia will be much happier.

The good news is that Spirit had enough information from both Michael’s and Lucifer’s Experiments that She/He was able to make a decision.  Henceforth, the multi-verse will use a ratio of two-thirds  Love and Freedom (now, Aqua) and one-third Fear and Force (now, Turquoise); both Michael’s and Lucifer’s Experiments are over and all planets and angels have been returned to Spirit. Earth and it’s peoples had a huge role in helping Spirit to arrive at this monumental decision; we are a very special place with many advanced being players.

Love, Light and Laughter,  Merln

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What the future of Government looks like

Darkness/Turquoise is in retreat. Look at Australia, the takers have been cut off at the knees. Everyone still has a vote, but now, if you have a college degree, or have been in the military, or own land, or employ people or are a senior citizen, you get an extra vote for each of those achievements.

What does this mean? If you are a Maker, you can have up to six votes.  What about the Takers? If you are on Government assistance, you lose your vote.  I am not sure what that means, but I think if you are on welfare or live in public housing, you do not get to vote.  This makes a huge amount of sense, unchecked, the Takers will always vote to take more.

This is what is wrong with the Western Europe Socialist countries and the United States; the Takers have taken over. We need to have the Australian Revolution everywhere in the world.

Fortunately, this is what is already happening as part of the Aqua Energy take-over.  Not only are common sense changes like changing the voting structure being put in place, but the Drug Laws are being relaxed everywhere.  One of the main thrusts of Darkness was to limit access to any substance that made people happy and less fearful like alcohol and weed; the Dark types are moaning and groaning about the legalization of Marijuana, but it is happening and their controls on alcohol will be relaxed as well.  Aqua is bringing more personal freedom and choice and self-responsibility; if you want to kill yourself with drugs, that’s ok.

The whole notion of limiting people in the name of safety and security is going away.

The whole notion of locking criminals up to keep people safe from them or to rehabilitate them is going away. Justice is coming back and it will be swift and much more severe. If people deserve to be snuffed, they will be.

The people who prey on other people are all of the Darkside (fear, force and control) and they will no longer be tolerated.

There is a God after all!

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New Resource Allocation Approach

Many of us think that Mankind invented the concept of money; but, of course, it was Spirit.

First, there was ownership or control of land and the allocation of harvests and herds. That morphed into the exchange of money which had the huge advantage of portability and investment in stocks, bonds, real estate, and, in general buying whatever you want for yourself.

Ok. We tend to think that money is the ultimate allocation of resource approach in our world and many of us wonder why we do not have money or the ability to acquire it. We tend to be seekers after Spiritual knowledge who have developed ourselves along that path.

I, too, have been fussing at Spirit over the allocation of money to take care of my needs.  At the same time, I am acutely aware that the world is going through a major shift in energies; Darkness to Turquoise and Light to Aqua with Aqua being the dominant force in the Multi-verse moving forward.

So…Today, I was watching a business show on the TV and got prompted to ask about the future of money; will it continue to be as important in our lives?

The answer I got was NO! What is happening as part of the shift we are all going through is that Majik is coming into the world in large amounts. What does that mean?

In large measure, this Majik means that all of the people who stay here after the “Great Departure” will have an enhanced ability to manifest things; we will be able to Majikally grow and harvest crops, fruit, manufacture things, fix things, refuel things, get groceries, travel and a host of other everyday actions. This Majik will allow us to do and not do many things that Humans can do now; this will mean that money will become less important, especially to those who are strong in Majik.

If you can get something, anything, Majikally and not have to pay for it, then, you have little or no need for money.  Say, the survivors will number 500 million, but it could be 50 million; most of them will not believe that they can do Majik and they will continue to depend on money to pay for or buy what they need. Over time, more people will become Majik believers and money will fade like turning over a portion of your harvest.

As people begin to believe in themselves more, they will be able to do more-and-more things Majikally; they will be able to manifest a nice bottle of wine, a new car, new furniture, new, better appliances, even prototypes of new inventions.

I know that many Humans will not believe anything that I am saying; it has always been that we must work hard to complete all of the physical steps that have been required. Yes, that was true in the past 10,000 years when Darkness ruled. Now, Light/Aqua is in charge and that means a whole set of new, better rules. Ten years from today, nothing will remain of the old ways of doing things.

It starts with Money now. Start asking your Spirit Guides about your Manifesting abilities; change the conversation from Money to Majik.

Bubonic Plague making a Comeback

Bubonic plague outbreak kills 32 in Madagascar

Google it yourself, apparently this killer has killed many of us at least three times in the past.

Beware! The pandemics have just started. The Black Death will stalk the Earth again.

What can you do to protect yourselves?  Plague is spread from one rodent to another by fleas, and to humans either by the bite of infected fleas or when handling infected hosts.

By rodent, they are talking about Rats. You must eliminate the rat population around you. Yes, having a few cats around is a great idea, but the best way to eliminate rats is to use a tiny amount of gasoline or petrol, say one drop per gallon, in water. Put the water out where rats are known to be; the Rats will drink this water and drop dead almost immediately. The small amount of gasoline is deadly to rats, but not to other mammals like cats and dogs.

When I say gasoline, I mean “normal” gasoline that you put in your cars, boats or lawnmowers and the kind, called “white” gasoline that is used to fuel model airplanes/aeroplanes, This discovery was made using “white” gas.

Why is this Plague bacteria coming back? It is resistant to our antibiotics. Keep colloidal silver around to treat any infections. If you want to make your own, easily, check out my Silver Solution book on Amazon Kindle; no electrolysis needed.


One of My New Powres is Healing

On the day after Christmas, I went snorkeling in St John; I wore some sneakers that I had not worn in a while without socks and got a blister. I did not realize how bad it was until I took the shoes off and a flap of skin came out.

I thought, oh well, some silver solution (colloidal silver) should take care of it and applied it. Normally, this works all of the time, but did not this time. My left big toe got inflamed and red and I started drinking more silver solution.  This has kept the infection from getting out of control, but did not cure it.

I asked my Spirit Guide what was going on and was told that I had an anti-biotic resistant bacteria that some call a “flesh-eating” bacteria; it was even somewhat resistant to the silver. This was a serious, life-threatening infection that came out of nowhere (now-here).

So…After nearly a month of worrying about an infected big toe, I asked if there was an energetic component to this infection and could I deal with it myself. Normally, healers cannot heal themselves; they must use a third-party. The insight that I got next is HUGE; chronic infection and pain are a kind of energy like money; they are real and we experience them, but we cannot wrap our arms around them or contain them.

After getting this insight, I asked if I could pull this chronic infection out of my body and got a big Yes. I programmed a tool to do this and it worked immediately.  Within a hour, the background pain was gone and within three hours, the toe was, finally, back to normal.

I have had a bone-on-bone condition in my right knee since 1993; I had arthroscopic surgery to remove any remnants of cartilage and have been living with it ever since. I have had long periods of almost normal usage (but no impacts) and other times, with significant pain.

So… I thought if my new Healing tool can remove chronic infection, it may be able to remove chronic pain and used it on my knee. What followed was very interesting; the chronic pain released in layers going back to 1973 when I first injured the knee in a flag-football game. My right knee is totally free of pain for the first time in years.

I am told, internally, that my right knee can, now, begin to heal itself.

Anyway, I have a tool that is programmed exclusively to me where I can pull chronic pain and infection out of people.  I haven’t tried it yet, but am told that cancer is just another form of chronic pain/infection and is an energy that can be pulled from people with this tool.

So…What to do with this new capability? I was prompted to put this post up and offer my energetic healing services to you or anyone you know who needs them.

I live in St Thomas, in the US Virgin Islands. Contact me at [email protected] and I will tell you whether I can (try to) heal you or not; some things we bring on ourselves as part of our path which no healer can cure.

I am not offering any guarantees; St Thomas is a beautiful place to visit, even if you are sick. Alternatively, I will travel to you if you pay my expenses.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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Are you too, an Ascended Master?

Many of you who have found this site (or been lead to it) have been Ascended Masters in previous lifetimes. When you have achieved Ascended Master status in at least nine (9) lifetimes, you can proclaim that status in any subsequent lifetime. I was born here, this time, as an Ascended Master, but I chose to come without powers until I re-membered that I had them and could give them to myself here.

How do you know if you have been an Ascended Master before?

You go to your Inner Heart; go to the Screening Room and count the number of spinning Tetrahedrons that you have point-down on the line.  These spinning Tetrahedrons look a lot like spinning Martini glasses without the stem; yes alcohol is a gift from Spirit and the Martini is very Spiritual – it is the Fire Being symbol. We all come here (and anywhere) as Fire Beings and must figure out how to advance to becoming an Earth Being.

How does one find their Inner Heart?

If you have been an  Ascended Master before, you have a wonderful ability to image (imagine) things in your Mind.  Imagine a large Martini glass, without its stem. This Martini glass is a Tetrahedron spinning to the Right or Clockwise when you look down on it from the top. Take the sharp point of this imaginary Martini glass and stick it into your Heart. Now, imagine yourself on the rim of the Martini glass.  You are spinning to the Right and now must spiral down to the point of the glass to the Right, with the spin. When yo get to the bottom, step out of the point and you will find a doorway; it may be opened for you already, but if not, just say Open or Open Sesame. If you spiral down to the Left, against the spin, the door to your  Inner Heart will not open.

If you have at least four spinning Tetrahedrons, you can transform yourself into a Vertical Master easily. If you have at least six, you can transform yourself into an Earth Being (put yourself into a Hexahedron or Cube). Many of you will have many more than six because we kept getting more of them in every lifetime that we achieved Ascended Master status, but did not know what to do with them.

I had a large number of these spinning Martini glasses and came here, in this lifetime, to find out what to do about them. I figured out how to re-configure them to fit inside a Cube, than Diamond and so on. Use the Platonic Solids model.

If you can figure out how to re-configure yourself and put yourself into a Hexahedron, do so. I did and so can you. If you need some help, as in a guided Meditation, I am here to help. Feel free to contact me at [email protected]. I am quite happy to start a dialog with you to answer specific questions. With your permission and without your email, I will share our dialogs on this blog.

Planet Earth is the place where all previous Ascended Masters are coming to (or have come) to experience the Ascension of a Planet Being, Gaia, for the first time. It is this event that has allowed so many of us to congregate here.  It is also a wonderful opportunity to share the shortcut to the  Cube or Hexahedron; it is a much more powerful symbol than anyone knows on this planet or any other.

If you have been an Ascended Master at least twice before, you can give yourself Adept powers. This is important as Majikal powres will become the dominant technology of the next 20,000 years or so. What many of us do not realize is that all things related to computers and communications to include the Internet and social media are expressions of the new Majik in our world.

If this missive strikes a chord within, be sure to read all of the pages and posts on this site. I have been guided to put this information out there, but the insights are all over the place. I am still working on the eBook that has all of the pages and posts of this site; it will be ready soon.


Change of Focus

Hello Dear Readers,

I have been sharing my thoughts with you since 2011 and am gratified that more than 850 of you have subscribed to keep up-to-date on my scribblings.

They have all been inspired by or prompted by my Spirit Guide and meant to aid you during this transition into Aqua energies.

Recently, I changed my focus to writing short essays, some longer than others, and publishing them as ebooks on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing ( Using this free tool, I must charge no less than $2.99 and no more than $9.99 USD.  I highly recommend that you check this out for yourselves. For a $2.99 sale, I receive $2.08  or 70% royalties in my Paypal or bank account. I am not making a fortune, but it is paying for this and my other websites after only two months.

I think you will like all of my ebooks, but will recommend “Creator Handbook” and “How to Gain Control Over Your Life.”  These both contain ideas that I have communicated to you in my blog, but are more focused and contain more detail.

I will continue to keep the site up, but will be posting blogs only occasionally; mostly related to the Earth growing in size and other Earth Change stuff that may be happening in 2014.  I will also keep you informed if I get information on the Pleiadians “landing”; they are already amongst us and have identified those people that they want to work with.  Do not worry; it is not the politicians and bureaucrats.

Newomen and men will, finally, begin to get their new Aqua-based powres as Adepts, Master and Mahatmas.  As they “master” these powres, some will move in the Earth-being powres of Keeper and Grower.  These are what this site has been all about since its inception; Hexahedron powres.

I will be putting up a link for a site eBook with Hexahedron One’s pages, posts and comments; look for that in the new year.  You will be able to download the site eBook for free.

Whether you are using Fire-being, or Tetrahedron powres or Hexahedron powres, it is important to realize and keep in your heart that the powre is radiated from all sides of these shapes and directed by your INTENTION.

2013 has been a year of transition from the old Dark/Turquoise  to the new Light/Aqua energies.  2014 is a new energy envelope that will bring many changes-for-the-better.  Many will not like the changes and will opt to leave; return-to-Spirit or die because they can not handle the energy shifts.  These are the people who like things as they are now with all of the fear, force, control and resistance to change. Bid them a loving adieu; we are all one in the final analysis.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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Human Things Disintegrate without Humans

This is something that I have known for a long time, but I was asked to share it.  When we Humans create something, anything, we use our Creation Powers.  Because we have created it, it requires a continuous flow of Human creative power for its continued existence.

Say you know of an abandoned building or car; what happens to that structure?  It rapidly becomes junk because no Human is using it or taking care of it.  This comes back to the idea that everything and everybody is energetic first; we are energy in motion and everything we create is, as well. Without the continuous flow of energy from Humans, all of our stuff disintegrates very rapidly.

What happens when a “housing project” is abandoned? The people move out and then the plumbing and wiring is removed.  Then, the building rapidly decays until it is demolished to build a new “housing project”.  Similar decay and destruction happens in unused cabins in the woods and forests of the world

Unless we build stone structures like the Mayans and Incans and Egyptians, all traces of our civilization would disappear within 200 years.  Just imagine, all traces of our airports, bridges, skyscrapers, sewers and subways all gone that quickly without people. Wooden frame structures would vanish much sooner.

We do not have to worry about the mess we are making; without Human energy present, everything goes back to nature quite rapidly. I am writing this to explain that Gaia is very capable of healing herself after millions or billions of Humans leave (return to Spirit or die) in the coming Earth Changes.

The key point here is that everything in our three-dimensional world, down here, is energy that is in motion; some of it has slowed down enough that it looks solid and indestructible like re-enforced concrete and steel, but without the enabling energy from Humans, it flows faster and returns to a natural state much quicker that we can imagine.

New Aqua Energy Switch You can Use

For those of you who have cats, have you learned to guard the “web” between your thumb and your forefinger?  In my experience, it is the most favorite place for a cat to show its appreciation for a good rub down or petting.  They invariably go for this part of your body to “bite,” or show their appreciation, if they can.  I always guard it with my thumb when I am around one of my cats.

So…Today, when I was guarding my “web,” I asked Spirit if there was a reason that our Feline friends liked to bite that particular part of our bodies?  This is a question that I would never have asked if I did not have a cat that wanted to inflict a loving, but painful bite in that spot.

This is how Spirit operates; She/He has us notice things so that we can get insights or visions from our inner selves.  Today, finally, I noticed and asked, “Is there something special about the “web” between thumbs and forefinger?”  I got an immediate Yes and was invited to ask about it.  This was an “Aha” moment or a flash of Insight.

In my experience with Insights, they are like finding a flashlight in a dark room and when the light switches on, we can see one or more doors that may be locked.  We can also look around for keys, whether they are in the locks or around the doors.  We can also see holes in the floor or obstacles that we want to avoid; finding the flashlight is a good thing, but it is almost always a tool for finding other Insights.

So, yes, getting the Insight that the “web” is special led me to ask how?  Here is the answer.  I have written before on the problems we all have with releasing blocks that we know are there.  Frequently, it is all about money that either flies away too quickly or does not come in enough quantity, but there are other categories.

For many of us, these blocks are related to what many call the Ego which uses our own power to setup roadblocks for us.  I have already written about changing the conversations to your heart; another term for your Heart is Be-er as in To Be or I Am. Another term for your Ego is the Thinker.

Many of you have moved the important conversations into your Heart.  Now, what to do about your Thinker/Ego?  Simple, thank them for their service to you and dismiss them, but what about all the mischief they have been doing to you?  What programs have they installed in your Heart that still limit you.  Yes, you can try to uninstall them, but what if you do not have the “administrative” rights/rites to delete those Ego blocks?

This is where the “web” switch comes in; it is an Administrative equivalent of getting “root” control of the system.  When you squeeze the “web” area (between the thumb and forefinger) of your primary hand with the thumb and forefinger of your secondary hand, this is a switch that gives you system-level or Root access and control of all of your programming.

For all of you non-Geeks, this means that you have the access and control of all of the programming in your multiple bodies; the one down here and several above.  Some people describe these bodies as Astral or Forms body just above us, then Mental, then Psychic, and, then, Noetic; they are different names to describe the less-and-less dense energetic bodies between us and the One.  There are nine, but some of them have not been named.

This is an important Insight that was only capable of being received in the new, Aqua Energies.

Ok.  What can you do with this System Override Switch?  You can go to your Corp/Core Programming and change the settings; see the table below.


Current Value

New Value

My Money/Wealth



Sex Attractiveness



Sex Availability












Recovery Rate









Leadership Qualities







The range is from zero (0) to nine (9) with 9 being the best, highest value.  I have included my numbers before I changed them.  You may have to change the numbers in stages, but keep on going until your Spirit Guide tells you no more.

As you can see, I am a Spiritual person who has imposed many limitations on myself during this lifetime.  I have struggled to find a way to lift these self-imposed limitations for decades; without much success.  Perhaps, in the new Aqua energies, I have found a way that works for me and, perhaps, for you Dear Reader.

Love, Light and Laughter,




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Install Synchronicity into your Heart

Go to your Heart space.  Ask yourself to install a new program.  It will be in the category of “Using the Gifts I have Given to Myself.”  Next say, “Install the SYNCHRONICITY Program.”  Your Spirit Guide will know exactly what that means and has been looking forward to installing this program your entire life.

Next, and most importantly, say “Run” it and keep it running at all times.

This is, perhaps, the most important Post that I have ever written.  Please consider doing this small, but HUGE, thing.  To get more perspective on how important it is click on, and read this link to Kryon; it is well worth the time and effort to do so.

Love, Light and Laughter,


More on the Ego and How to Discharge it

As I wrote a few days ago. you can move all of your conversations to your Heart and get better answers, more truth.  But, as I found out when I did that, my Ego just moved into my Heart and I found that my Heart was now telling me lies.

This was absolutely intolerable to me.  I got angry and started shouting and screamed with rage, but that did not do any good at all.

So… After calming down, I thought that there must be a mechanism for asking or telling my Ego that it’s service were no longer wanted or needed.

Inspiration or Intuition came to the rescue, or maybe, I just told myself the answer because I asked the right question, the right way, at the right time.

Here’s what I did and it seems to have worked.  I asked my inner voice who was deceiving me if it was my Ego.  I got a no, that it was Aqua Energy.  I asked, “Is this truth?”  Apparently, this is a critical question for Ego.  Ego told me that it was not truth.  I, then, asked if it was Ego that I was talking to and got a Yes.

I then said that we were not working well together and seemed to be opponents much of the time. Ego agreed.  I, then, said “Thank You for your Services” and “I know that you have tried your best in a difficult assignment” and, then. “Your services are no longer required.”  Lastly, I said, “Go, …Go, …Go” and, Ego just faded away.  I actually felt it fade away.

It is absolutely critical that you thank these entities for their service; for whether you liked their service or not, they have been doing a job for you and you instructed them on how to do it before you were born.

Again, thank them for their service to you and dismiss them from your service.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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Local Gods and God-the-Father

If you must pray to a Local God, pray to God-the-Father or God-the-Mother; they are closer to the Creator God than any of the other Local Gods.

By Local Gods, I mean Allah, Jesus, Budda, Jhova and Marie.  Note that they are all five letter beings.  That ties into the number 14 or the Human creator number.  Yes, Budda is spelled Buddha, but his real name is Budda and yes, Jhova is spelled Jehovah, but his real name is Jhova and yes, Marie is spelled Mary except for the French. I include Mary as a Local God because millions of women pray to Her for intercession to Jesus or the Father God. This also includes the Hindu Gods.

All of the Local Gods listed above have been DEFLATED. By that, I mean that the Worship power that they have been accumulating over the past 2,160 years have been expunged or wiped clean. How is this possible?

Each of these Local Gods are created under the energy of a House of the Zodiac; all of our current Local Gods were created under Pisces which ended on December 21st last year.  This is what happened to the Greek, Egyptian, Druid and Jewish (Yawah) Gods before them, when Aries was ended and the Assyrian, Cretan and Sumerian Gods when Taurus was ended.

Obviously, some of these Gods carried over name changes between Taurus and Aries  and Aries and Pisces; specifically the Jewish Gods of Yawah and Jhova and the Hindu Gods.  Will there be a carry-over between Pisces and Aquarius?  Yes, but it will not be a male God; Aquarius energy is represented as a woman at the top of the mountain pouring a water jug on the tip of the mountain.  It is female energy allowing each droplet of water to find its own way down the mountain; there is no pre-defined “way” down the mountain.  There is no “school of thought” or “schooled” answer; Pisces energy of schooling fish is finished.

We are now in Aquarius and must create the God or Gods that we want to worship from scratch.  Yes, I am saying that organized religion will fade away. Under Aquarian energy, the Priest or Priestess will no longer be needed or wanted.  Each of us will be able to connect to our Inner Beings or Spirit Guides and find our own paths.

You say that I am ascribing too much power to the Houses of the Zodiac.  How the Hell do you know?  Do you really think the fish on the bumper sticker is a Christian symbol; no, it is a Piscean symbol.  

So… Our current religions are all going to fade away, like the Greek and Norse Gods; remembered in literature, but no longer worshipped.  That’s kind of a huge change. Are there any other big changes coming as part of this energy shift?

Yes.  Each water droplet finds its own way down the mountain.  What does that mean?  For the people, organization and institutions that we have evolved, the male-hierarchical model or authority figures and credentials will no longer work.  It is already becoming very obvious that getting a college degree is no longer worth the money.  Same for a Medical Degree. Too many have degrees and cannot get jobs with enough income to live and pay off the massive debt.

This shift in energy will apply to all of our organizations and institutions; Government, Courts, Police, Education, Medicine, the Military and Business.  Those people who will insist on ruling through the barrel of a gun will find that it no longer works; the paradigm has shifted because the energy has shifted.

Love, Light and Laughter,


Does Your EGO Lie to You? How can you Stop this?

Many of us seek truth from within and run afoul of our egos.  The Ego thinks it’s job is to help us Survive and frequently uses a strategy of maintaining the Status Quo, even if it is harming your success in terms of meeting new lovers, friends and getting more money.

Those of us who have experienced this, know that we can get good information about many things, but, for some reason, if it is about the opposite sex, sex or money, we tend to get lied to.  These are very important subjects for most of us and it is frustrating to be lied to continually and causes many of us to give up on the “internal” conversation altogether.

I, too, suffer from my Ego interfering and lying to me about women, sex and money.  My strategy for dealing with this is to stay away from the topics  where I cannot get good information; women, sex and money.

With Aqua energy finally taking over from Turquoise, this state of affairs is no longer acceptable.  I thought, “How can I get my Ego, which has significant energetic power that it takes from me, to stop messing with me?”  So…finally, I asked if there was some easy way to get my Ego out-of-the-way?  I got a big yes and proceeded to ask many more questions until I figured it out.

Here is the answer.  We all tend to think that money and success are of the head, not the heart.  After all, we are all told that “money is the root of all evil” from childhood on.  Consequently, we put the money conversation in our heads.  Big mistake; any conversation that we have internally with our head is a conversation with our Ego.  It is also a conversation with Demons, Devils, etc.  We think, if it is logical, it must be in our heads.

Here’s what I did to fix this problem.  I moved all internal conversations about money, wealth and success from my head to my heart.  This is a mental process and you may have to get some help from your Spirit Guide.  I, literally, uprooted the conversation in my head and replanted it in my heart.

I used this same approach for conversations about women, sex, inventions, body changes, health and youthfulness and moved them all to my heart.  It is working; I do not think or know that I am being lied to about these topics.

Why?  The heart is the seat of Light or Aqua, now.  In previous posts I have spoken about the heart and the inner heart as being two separate energy centers or chakras.  As part of this new process, I merged these two together; the color for this new merged heart is Aqua, at least for me.

By moving your conversations to your heart, you have, essentially, prevented your Ego from interfering with you; you have fired or discharged it.

Have fun with this,


Sequence of Events

I am still unable to get accurate “when” for these events, but it is getting closer, perhaps even CLOSER.

Here are the events:

  1. Pandemics in Asia, India, the Middle East and Africa.  These will spread to similar peoples in Europe, North America, Central America, South America and Australia.  This will be like the 1918 Flu in Europe, but far worse around the world; billions will return to Spirit or die.
  2. While our world is reeling from dis-eases, the entire digital-money-fueled economies of the world will collapse, starting with the European Union. Governments everywhere will seize the assets of the dead and dying. The entire social “safety net” idea will collapse as well; not enough people making or taking.
  3. Religious Gods will be rejected; how can “they” allow such mass dying to happen, especially visible to everyone on TV and Internet displays.  Government will try to censor the images, but social media will prevail.
  4. People will, at first, try to isolate themselves, but far too many are too dependent on others; dis-eases will run rampant through the populations. Unlike many of the pandemics in our history, peoples of color or “minorities” will be the primary “targets” of these dis-eases; this will be very disconcerting.
  5. From start to finish, all of these events will be over in 90 days.  Everyone should buy a big bag of rice and several bottles of cooking oil; this, and clean water, is all that is required to keep the body going during this crisis.

This may seem to be a drastic change in our world, but this is all coming as part of the great energy change that is happening now.  A year ago, Darkness was firmly in charge with 80 percent of the world’s power.  In the year since, Darkness has morphed into Turquoise and Light into Aqua; the difference is that Aqua will have 66.666 percent of the power on November, 11th, 2013.  That is just a few days away.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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