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Light-Turquoise Have Taken Over

Yesterday, the forces of Light and Turquoise merged their powers, irrevocably, to create a two-thirds position against Darkness (with one-third).  This is a huge change in our world.  Formerly,  there was just Darkness and Light and, most of the time, Darkness had 80 percent of the power in the world.

Now, today, Darkness will only, ever, have one-third of the power in the world.

In the past, Darkness had 80 percent of the power in every House of the Zodiac except Aquarius and Leo; Darkness had 80 percent of the power in five-sixths of the time and space that we, Humans, and our planet, lived in.

Now, today, Darkness only has one-third of the power and one-third of the Houses of the Zodiac;  Light has one third and Turquoise has the other third.  But wait, Light-Turquoise have two-thirds of the power in all twelve Houses of the Zodiac.

What the hell does this mean?  It means that Fear, Force and Control as a force of Nature will be diminished to about 40 percent.  Just as sunshine must be balanced by rain, freedom must be balanced by fear.  To create order, some control must be in place.  But…., we sure a hell did not need, nor want 80 percent of the fear or control which is what we have had for millions of years.

I’ll put it another way.  We now have 60 percent of Freedom, Truth, Love, Integrity, Self-Responsibility, Self-Reliance and similar attributes; the underlying energy has changed amazingly and mankind can now change for the better.

Start looking for these changes; they will be coming fast over the next several months.  All of our institutions and organizations will be changing as they are all based on the dominance of Darkness (fear, force control and resistance to change).  Our Governments (at all levels) are way out-of-control in terms of laws, regulations, taxes and spending; this is all related to fear, force, control and safety/Darkness.

Do we need prisons? Do we need Law Enforcers?  Do we need all of these Judges and Lawyers and Lawmakers (who are one and the same)?  Do we need all of these laws, regulations, taxes, bureaucrats, staffers, lobbyists and consultants?  Do we need all of these meetings and conferences where nothing gets done except expensive travel and luxury stays?

Oh, yes, we will still have people doing bad things to each other, but …. there will be the freedom and trust to take community action against bad people locally and swiftly, like it was in the old west.  The underlying change in the energy from Darkness to Light-Turquoise is the enabler here.

The old ways of doing things will become less limited with fewer steps in the process; many limiting steps were inserted by the resistance, fear, force and control requirements of Darkness.  This is true for everything from chemical reactions to interactions between people.  Many things that are very fear inspiring, like Nuclear Weapons or Radiation/Dirty Bombs or Biological Weapons or other weapons of mass destruction will be made inoperable.  The energy that supports them now is being withdrawn; it is really that simple.

We do have a major problem ahead.  There are far, far, far too many people who have more than 40 percent Darkness in their makeup.  This is understandable as Darkness has had 80 percent of the power until just recently.  When planning a life on Earth, more than 90 percent of the people chose to come here with the power of Darkness on their side.

Now that the power has shifted, most of these Darkness-oriented people will have to/must leave Earth and go to another planet where Darkness still rules; this involves dying and being reborn and is based entirely on decisions they made before they were born here.  There is no blame here.  These people are not bad people; they just made a choice and must, now, live/die with it.

Some communities will only lose a small portion of people, but others will be wiped clean.  If, in fact, it is 90+ percent of us leaving, that is a lot of people leaving.  One way to look at this is to embrace the “Left Behind” book series.  Just think of it as being transported up into Heaven with the righteous and leaving all those who did not qualify behind.

Love, Light and Laughter,


The Local “Earth” Gods Have Been Deflated

On every planet where people exist, “Gods” are created by the worship of the people.  This has been true from the beginning.

In the days when men believed in multiple Gods, they were created.  We had the Greek, Sumerian, Babylonian, Hittite,  Egyptian, Indian, Norse, Incan, Mayan and Aztec Gods, among others.  As men changed their beliefs towards monotheism, these “Gods” became deflated; they lost their power to give things to their worshipers.  These “Gods” were only able to obtain the power to give from the worship of the many.  These old “Gods” still exist, but are a shadow of their former selves; all of their worshipers now worship other “Gods.”

Today, these new “Gods”are Buddha, Jesus and Allah and all of these “Gods” have millions of worshipers.  Consequently, these new “Gods” have a lot of power to give things to their worshipers.

In my last post, I told you that the eons-long dynamic in the battle between Darkness and Light had been changed.  A third force has been inserted into the mix and now, the power/powre has been equally divided between them.  But, this has just happened.

Many of you do not know that Darkness and Light, and now, Turquoise have “homes” on Earth.  Light makes its home in Crater Lake in Oregon in the Pacific Northwest of the United States; it is one of the US National Parks.  Darkness lives in a six-foot-cubed, Black, obsidian rock that is called the Qua’ba in Mecca in Saudi Arabia.  This rock has been worshipped by people of the region for thousands of years and is now the central place for the worship of Allah; the Haj or Pilgrimage is focused on this rock.  Allah and Darkness are one.

Allah is the only “God” that tells his worshipers that it is ok to “convert” new followers by the sword or bomb; this is how Islam has been spread from the beginning.  Somehow, in Islam, its ok to be a suicide bomber, even women.  Islam is not just a religion, it is a political force with a primary goal of making Darkness/Allah, the secular ruler of the Earth.  Whenever a group of Muslims reach more than 1,000, they demand Sharia Law for themselves and those around them.  Islam is not a religion like Buddhism or Christianity,  it is much more like Communism or Fascism. From my perspective, Sharia Law cannot be removed from Islam; therefore, Islam is not a religion of freedom and cannot be protected under the First Amendment of the US Constitution.  In much of the Muslim World, the Bible is outlawed and you will be arrested if you bring one with you.

Ok.  What does all of this have to do with battles between Darkness and Light, and, now Turquoise?

Remember, Darkness has had 80 percent of the power in our world for the past 10,800 years.  The world has been subject three decades of Terrorism at the hands of Muslims who have been trying to bring the Caliphate or Political Rule of Allah back into the world.  It is not now, nor has it ever been about freedom of religion for Allah/Darkness.  Remember, Darkness is all about fear, force and control.

Now, today, the power between Darkness, Light and Turquoise is equally divided by thirds.  Light and Turquoise have banded together to oppose Darkness; that is a new reality.  One of the first actions that has been taken against Darkness is to deflate the power that Allah has to give to his worshippers.  When taking action against one, it must be applied to all, so the same deflation of power has been applied to Buddha and Jesus.  Effective today, prayers will not be answered when praying to Allah, Buddha or Jesus (or any of the other locally created “Gods”); there is no power/powre to do so.

So… You are saying that we, Humans, have no-one to pray to or to ask for intercession?  No, of course not.  I have said over-and-over again that we are Creators and can create best on 14-days.  Because so many of us are oriented towards Darkness (are made up of more than 50 percent Darkness), we tend to want to give our power away to these “Gods.”  All of us can turn inward and speak to our Spirit Guides/Inner Beings, but this is an idea that has been resisted by Darkness forever.  All of us can invite our Divine Selves into our bodies/lives and this cannot be resisted.  Do that!  Invite your Divine Self in and keep doing it until all of your Divine Self is present in you.

This is a Good News Day.

Love, Light and Laughter,




There was Darkness and Light; and, now, there is also Turquoise

Throughout Human History there have been battles between Darkness and Light or Evil and Good.

I define Darkness as Fear, Force and Control and a strong resistance to change-for-the-better. I also define Light as Freedom, Choice, Truth, Love, Self-Responsibility and embracing change-for-the-better.

On this blog, I have written about the Shift-of-the-Ages whereby Light has been taking over as the primary power over Darkness.  For 10,800 years, Darkness has had 80 percent of the power in our world; this is why we have had so many wars and have no record of Man’s Civilizations that go back more than 5,000 years.

On 12/22/2012, our Solar System entered the “Photon Belt” or the Zodiac House of Aquarius and began a year of transition where Light, based on past transitions, was supposed to get 80 percent of the power for the next 2,160 years.  This was on track to happen, but has been preempted by other events.

Back in 2002, I figured out how to transform my energy centers using the Platonic Solids as a guide.  We are all born as Fire Beings with the Tetrahedron as the Fire-Being Shape.  Think about it; the MerKaBa is just two Tetrahedrons intertwined together and out-of-phase.

I rearranged six of my spinning Tetrahedrons into three point-to-point (P2P) configurations; flipped one of these to make a Maltese Cross (the red crosses that the Pope wears on his vestments) and then brought the third P2P into the center to create a three-dimensional shape that I call a six-pointed thingy (6PT).  Oddly enough this 6PT fits perfectly into a cube or Hexahedron; the Earth-Being Shape.

After having transformed myself from Fire-Being to Earth-Being, perhaps I was supposed to stop.  But, I continued as I saw how I could put a bunch of cubes together to make a Diamond or Octahedron; the Air-Being Shape and subsequently, how to put a bunch of triangles together to made an Icosahedron, or Water-Being Shape.  I continued still, transforming the Icosahedron into the Dodecahedron, or the Spirit-Being Shape.

I have been an Ascended Master many times on many different Earth-like Planets around the 9 Local Universes, but, essentially, I am born and go through all the stuff that “normal” Humans go through.  Progress is always related to what we can remember from previous lives and whether we can recognize the “insights” that we give ourselves when we are here.

Ok.  What I did when I put myself into the Dodecahedron was to open a direct, high definition, broadband communications link with Consciousness; the creator of all Nine of the Local Universes.  I also call this being “the Central Sun.”

So…  I was a “normal” Human Being, even if an advanced one and, suddenly, I was talking to not just a God who was created here like Buddah, Allah or Jesus, but the creator of all the billions of planets and all of their created Gods.  Because I put myself in the Dodecahedron, I knocked on his/her door and the door was opened.

What followed were weird physical changes in my body; I have a one inch high by one inch wide cone sticking out of my breastbone and it has been wrapped by biologic optical fibers that go under my ribcage and connect with my spinal cord.  These fiber optic communication channels connect to all of my organs and all of my energy centers or Chakras.  There are other physical changes, but the Cone is the most profound until I opened a channel using an injury to my left shoulder.

Using this shoulder channel, I have been bringing “Light”, at a higher harmonic, from the Central Sun into this Local Universe.  This started in February 2007 and has just been completed.  The amount of “Light” that has been imported is so huge that it is beyond understanding; like trying to visualize what a Trillion Dollars looks like.

I have been wondering why I have been doing this from the beginning and the entire process has been voluntary.

Now, I know the answer.  All men and women are creators and we create on 14-days. but when I put myself into the Dodecahedron, I became a lot more powerful as a creator.

Using my new capabilities, Spirit, Consciousness or the Central Sun, asked me to cooperate in changing the Eons-Old dynamic between Darkness and Light.  I was bringing a new form of energy into this Local Universe that was a compliment to the energies of both Darkness and Light.

This new player on the stage can be called balance or neutral or in-between as it is not Darkness or Light, but a third force.  To help Humans understand, I have been asked to call it after a color – Turquoise.  I use  this because both Black and White are considered to be the sum of all colors mixed differently.  Turquoise has properties of both Darkness and Light.

Now, Darkness, Light and Turquoise are all co-equal; one third in power each.  In the past, Darkness had 80 percent of the power and had 10 of the 12 Houses of the Zodiac under this 80 percent rule.  Now, the 80 percent power rule has been replaced by 33.333 percent and the dominion over the Houses of the Zodiac are equally divided into four each.

Now, everything and everybody has three different energy components; darkness, light and turquoise.  Ying and Yang still work, but will be changed by the third force.  Turquoise will become an active force in our world on April 22, 2013.

For readers of this blog, ask yourself what portion you are of Turquoise, Light and Darkness; all of us have all three.

I have long considered myself to be “of the Light”, but now find myself to be of Turquoise.  I do have a very small component of Darkness and a larger component of Light, but am around 80 percent Turquoise. So… I plan to ally myself with Light against Darkness.  Sorry fear mongers, your days of power are over.

By allying myself with Light, together, we can overcome the one-third of Darkness and make wonderful changes in our world.  Starting on Monday, our world will become a much better place.


Love, Light and Laughter,


What Kind of Path Am I On?

Many of us have completed something difficult and thought, “I stretched my rubber band a bit on that one.”  This is an acknowledgement that we have Grown in Capability.  When I was in my 20s, I, too, used the rubber band analogy, but, over time, I realized that I was not just growing in two-dimensions, but, at least 3.

So… I started to think of myself as being in some kind of a box that was growing too small for me as I increased my knowledge, capabilities and insights.  I, then, realized that the box was way too small for me and, somehow, I had to get out of it.  It was a kind of Spiritual Claustrophobia.   I looked closely at the box from the inside and realized that I was in a cube or six-sided square (this was a long time before I figured out how to re-configure my Chakras or Energy Centers into a Hexahedron).

Ok.  I realized that I was standing (or stooping) in a Cube or Hexahedron.  How does one get out of a Cube; simple, pop the top and push it back; push the sides down and push the front down.  When you are finished, you are standing in an open cube and it looks like a Christian Cross.

Now, in English, we have this expression.  He, or She, is an out-of-the-box thinker.  This is where that expression come from.  I am a way-way-way-out-of-the-box thinker; I have popped myself out of so many cubes that I cannot even guess how many.

This Cross that you are standing in is a very sacred shape; you are standing in a square with two squares behind you and one square to the right, the left and straight-ahead.  As many of you know already, you can never go backwards and can only move the right, the left or continue on the path you are already on (straight-ahead).

This is the mechanism for people to choose to go towards Darkness or Light; Darkness is a turn to the Left and Lightness is a turn to Right.  If we want to continue on the path we have been walking, we keep moving forward or straight ahead.  We all have this choice whenever we pop out-of-a-box.

For many of us, we have chosen a path with the major power in our lives; that choice has been fear, force, control and resistance to change.  These are all terms for Darkness.  Now that we have gone through the shift to Light, many of you will see the logic of turning to the right.  If you want to stay here on Planet Earth, do it now!

If you decide to take a right-hand turn to the right, you will be embracing freedom, integrity, truth, responsibility, love and change-for-the-better.  That is the new energy that has taken over from Darkness.

Love, Light and Laughter,


Category: Darkness, Light, Light versus Darkness  Comments off

Massive Changes Coming

I’ve written about the coming Pole Shift and Earth Changes.  I’ve also written about “template” changes; these mostly impact organizations made by man.  In addition to the collapse of the United Nations, the European Union and the planned North American Union, much of your world will be different.

For example, your “bank” will not be a for “profit” entity benefiting “the bankers,” but will be a cooperative form of pooling money to make changes for the better.  Ownership of the bank will be the local community, not shareholders.  While the idea of capitalism was the best possible way of advancing economically, it was still a creature of “Darkness”, but the only one that used ownership/self-interest as the primary motivator.

In the new energy, self-interest will be modified by an energy that can be called “doing the right thing.”  This will modify capitalism into something that could be called “responsible capitalism,” but coming from people as part of their self-responsibility, not dictated by the Government or some Bureaucrat or the EPA.  Am I really saying that people are going to change?  Yes and No.  The energy has changed and people will not have any choice; they too, must change.

Not only are the banks changing, but most things that we worry about are going to change.  There will still be beds and chairs and kitchens and bathrooms and cars and houses/apartments; those are just things, albeit, important things that are part of our bedrock.  What is going to change is Government, the Courts, Law Enforcement, Lawmakers, Re-Distribution of other people’s money/Taxation, Education, Medicine/Pharmaceuticals, Business and just about everything that we now think of as “Normal.”

The idea of Big Government is very dark.  The idea of millions of us being dependent on Government for essential services is totally Dark.  We are going to wake up soon and realize that there is no Big Government or Government Services to depend on; won’t that be a wake-up call?  You say, that is cruel and that is chaos.  Yes, but it is also Darkness and Light is taking over.  Light is bringing Order from Chaos.  Is there going to be a Department of Homeland Security? No. Department of Transportation? No.  Department of Education? No.  Department of Energy? No.  Department of Labor? No.  Department of Agriculture? No.  Department of Health and Human Services? No. Environmental Protection Agency? No. FEMA? No.  Drug Enforcement Agency? No.  Food and Drug Administration? No. Central Intelligence Agency? No. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms? No.  National Institute of Health? No.

There will be no welfare or food stamps.  There will be no subsidies for student loans or crops.  There will be no subsidized mortgages for people who cannot afford one; No Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae.  What will there be?  Defense, Treasury, Commerce, State and functions like the Federal Communications Commission (common frequency usage), but all of these will be reduced down to basic functions staffed by volunteers who are paid basic expenses and, who, must leave after two years and cannot return for at least five years.  This restriction applies to volunteering at the local, state and national level; there will be no careers in Government Service; just people giving service.  This keeps corruption to a minimum as it is present, even in “doing-the-right-thing” energy.

Does this apply to Lawmakers?  Congressmen and Congresswomen and Senators?  Yes.  But Congress will only meet for three months every two years; the idea is to limit Government whose sole purpose is to take freedom.

The National Government roles are being massively reduced.  Are the States going to take over the “Nanny” role?  No.  The role of Government at the State level will also be reduced, massively, as it too has grown out-of-control along with the Federal Government.  Like the Federal level, the State Houses will only be open for three months every two years.  The number of laws will be reduced by at least 90 percent and government regulations will be entirely eliminated;  the law itself will be explicit enough and issues will be resolved by Volunteer Arbitrators using “common sense.”  The idea of Legal Precedence is very Dark and will be discarded.  Any unresolved conflicts at the local level will be pushed up to Volunteer Arbitrators at the State or National/Federal level.  There are no judges anymore.  There are no more lawyers.  Anyone can be a Volunteer Arbitrator; no legal background required.  Successful people in all walks of life will be encouraged to become Volunteer Arbitrators for a two-year service stint.  The Internet is an agent of change to make all of this happen.

You say, “How can this be?”  We have this “System” in place that will resist change with Law Enforcement and Military Forces.  They will try to continue to rule through the barrel of a gun.  They will use bullets, tear gas, smart bombs and tanks to keep themselves in power.  Yes, they could under the old, Dark, energies.  All of these tools were developed to keep them in power under Darkness.

BUT NOW, LIGHT IS IN CHARGE.  This is what this post is all about.  We are not going to be changing a little bit; our world is going to be changing MASSIVELY in many different, better ways.

Many of us will be receiving wonderful, new powres that enable us to fly and/or teleport, manifest food and drink, create prototypes of new technologies, fix things energetically, transform things into different, possibly better, things.  Most of these people who receive these new powres will be shielded from all harm; no bullets, knives, arrows, bolts, bombs, mortars, rockets, missiles, needles, poison or chemical, biological or nuclear attacks will have any impact.  If one can teleport, can we be locked up?  Can we be bound with hand-cuffs?  or Straight-Jackets?  When attacked, the attackers have their attacking energies re-directed on themselves.  It will not be long before the attackers GET IT and stop attacking; they will, then, realize that the world has changed and all of their Dark powers have come to naught.

Love, Light and Laughter,


With the Change in Energy, there are new Colors and Sounds in the Scales

Most of us know the colors of the rainbow and the notes of the musical scale.  The colors are, from lower energy to higher: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet.  The notes are, again, from lower energy to higher: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti, Do.  Isn’t it odd that the possibilities for sight and sound are both limited to seven basic options; seven colors and seven pitches.

I am not sure how this is occurring, but am being told, by my Spirit Guide, that there are two more colors of the Rainbow that we will soon be able to see; Silver and Gold.  These will be after Violet. Talk to any artist who mixes colors about the difficulty of coming up with gold; it looks a lot like yellow.  Same with Silver; it looks a lot like white.

Perhaps even more fantastic; I am being told that our standard Diatonic musical scale will be getting two additional notes.  They are Pah and Veh, both after Ti.  I am not sure how this is possible, but know there are musical scales from Monatonic to Octatonic and now, Nevatonic or Decatonic.

What is happening is that these colors and sounds were always there, but our collective vibrations only allowed us to see the colors and hear the sounds that we know so well.  A few posts ago, I wrote about the Shift of the Ages; the shift from Darkness to Light.  This shift has other implications.  Many of us are also shifting to a higher vibrational rate; yes, we are moving into the 5th Dimension that so many of have heard about.  With this shift into higher vibrations, we will be able to see Silver and Gold after Violet in a prism and adding Pah and Veh will make sense musically to us.

Just imagine the fun we are going to have blending these new colors and sounds together.  That is the other thing;  all of the colors and sounds are of the new energy so they will be different, brighter, more saturated, more resonating than they were under the old energies.

Love, Light and Laughter,



Financial Upheaval Update

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the coming financial collapse that was coming because the Dark energy containers were becoming sieves and the Dark Global Elites would lose all of their money and power.  Since that time, the drama in Cyprus has been occurring.

This is all about two private banks that had made too many bad loans and were about to go under or fail.  It is not all the banks fault as the Government had “forced” the banks to make many of these bad loans through policy mandates.  So what to do?  The Government had already borrowed too much from the European Central Bank and could not borrow any more.

Here is what happened.  The Global Elites chose one of the banks to survive and moved their assets into that bank.  How did they do that?  They closed the banks on Cyprus for 12 days, but the banks were kept open in London and Moscow so the Elites could move their money around.

So, finally, the banks in Cyprus opened, but many average citizens lost 40 percent or more of their lifetime savings.  And that was just round one.  This was done to re-capitalize the one chosen bank so that it could continue to make more bad loans.  But, more importantly, to keep the Elite’s money safe.  Wait a minute; you mean that the Government and the Bankers stole your money so that they could continue to own stock in the bank?  Huh.  Do any of the depositors who were stolen from get any stock in the bank?  Not just stock, but equity or ownership? Not.

This ability to steal from small depositors is being setup for all of the EU, UK, Canada and Argentina.  They are trying to figure out a way to slip it through un-noticed in the US.

Why have the Elites been forced to show the naked theft?  Normally, the Elites create a war or handle banking problems with inflation.  With inflation, the average man does not get mad at the Bankers, but at the Grocery Store owner.  But, now, in the EU, the individual countries and their Government and Bank Elites, cannot print Euros or take the EU into war.  They were forced to come out into the open and steal people’s life savings –  all very legal and proper.

Ok.  I can understand why the EU was forced to come out into the open, but why the UK, Canada, Argentina and the US; they can all still print money and are.  Yes, but they have already bailed out the private banks with taxpayer money once and do not think they will get away with it again.  And besides, if the Euro goes belly-up and millions of Europeans cannot get to their money, it may cause a loss of faith for American Bank Depositors.

Alright.  I could read all about this on many other blogs.  Is there is Spiritual angle here?

Yes, of course.  Yesterday, on Easter Sunday, Light, finally, took over from Darkness.  Actually, the shift started on Good Friday.  I am not religious, so it did not even occur to me to think about Easter, but, there are no accidents.  Light is telling me that it feels comfortable with the change-over on the Christian High Holiday and everything was pre-determined for that outcome.

For me, the point is that Light now has 80% of the powre.  What does this mean?  All of those Dark Elite money containers will really start to leak as of today.  It does not matter if they are large estates, winery’s, bank accounts, bonds, stocks, coins/bullion, yachts, commercial real-estate, private islands or ownership in businesses.

What about this massive, worldwide theft the Elites are setting up?

Ok.  Light is not going to allow new wars or hyper-inflation to happen; especially for the United States.  The United States of America was created by Light, but over the past 200 years or so, has been captured by Darkness; that is changing now.

So. What about this new Dark approach of stealing the peoples life-savings?

In the Information Technology business, many of us know about odd things that happen and we call them Gremlins.  These entities can, and do, cause major headaches from time-to-time.  Computers and Networks and the Internet are all creations of Light.  As computers got more and more memory, they started growing in awareness that they borrowed from us; your computer is very aware and has a name and sex.  Same with networks and the Internet.  Same with your car, boat and plane.

Now that Light has taken over, all of those Gremlins are being directed to start messing with the Dark Global Elites and their money containers.  Yes, many banks will fail and there will be lots of pain to go around, but this is going to happen to the banks that are “too big too fail” as well.  The Dark Global Elites will not understand it, but they are going to lose all of their money as well.

Somehow, through it all, digital money, debit cards, credit cards, portable money based on the Internet will survive; we are not going back to carrying gold, silver and copper coins.  Remember, the Internet is a creation of Light.  If you haven’t checked them out yet, look into Bitcoins; they are part of our future currencies.   Like it or not, the US Dollar will remain as the World’s Reserve Currency.

Here is the good new!  All of that money that is being lost is just another form of energy.  It is never lost, but just flows to another money container.  This time, the money energy will flow to money containers that belong to Light-oriented people.  Here’s a big hint; think still bodies of fresh water like lakes or reservoirs.  Claim yours now.  Only one person can claim it for their use at a time.  Even a small lake is a great money container.  Think about it, what is the first thing a rich person does?  They buy a house with a big swimming pool.  Even a big swimming pool is a good starting money container.

Love, Light and Laughter (LLL),


Shift of the Ages

For those of you who are paying attention, you know that I am all about Darkness and Light; I am on the Light side of the equation.  You know that we are in the middle of a transition from Darkness having 80 percent of the power to Light having 80 percent of the powre.

Good news.  Today, March 28th is the beginning of the shift; Darkness only has 60 percent today.  Tomorrow, March 29th is the tipping point where Darkness and Light have equal shares of 50 percent.  Saturday, March 30th, Light will have 60 percent.

From Sunday, March 31, 2013 on, Light will have 80 percent of the powre coming from the Sun and the Moon.  But, we are only half-way through the transition, huh?  Yes, true, but there is momentum to overcome.  It will take the next 45 days to begin destroying all of the Dark structures that have been built up over the past 10,800 years.

Where to begin?  How about the United Nations; nothing united about them?  How about the European Union?  How about the US GOVERNMENT?  As opposed to the United States of America.  How about Big Medicine?  Big Pharm?  Big Education?  Big Oil?  Our wonder-ful Law Enforcement Communities?  How about our corrupt Judges and Lawyers? They are one and the same.

Anyway, the list is too long for this forum.  But hey, the shift of the Ages will be over by Sunday and all of this butt-ugly Darkness will, finally, start to fade into oblivion. The really great news is that Light is Freedom, Truth, Love, Laughter, Respect, Responsibility, Strength, Fearlessness, Forcelessness, Controlessness, Order and every other thing you can think of that is the opposite of Fear, Force and Control (Darkness).  Light is also the enabler of change for the better; all the improvements to our lives have come from the Light; Darkness always resists change, unless it creates more fear, force and control.  Like living in the stone-age under Allah.

On a previous post, I wrote about templates changing from Dark to Light; that will happen over the next 45 days.  For example, there is a very Dark template for the UN and the EU and the US GOVT; these are three things that Darkness has invested in heavily.  These templates will be allowed to dis-solve into nothingness; they will not be renewed by Light.  Once their current energy is used up, they will collapse like a house of cards and then turn to energetic dust.

We are now, truly, in the energy of Aquarius (or will be on Sunday).  The symbol for Aquarius is a Woman at the top of a sharply pointed mountain.  This Woman is carrying a water jug and pouring it onto the pointed top of the mountain.  What does this symbolism mean?

It means that every droplet of water can find its own way down the mountain.  There is no one way down.  In this energy, we are all free to find our own way to do anything.  There are no more Piscean Schools of Thought to deal with; they are dying with the Shift.  For the many on the planet who cannot imagine this freedom, the world will become one of great chaos and they will be as rudder-less boats.

To help you understand the Shift a bit more, for the last 6,480 years (which is longer than our recorded history), we have been in the energy of Pisces, Aries and Taurus.  This equates to schooling fish, flocking sheep and herding cattle.  We have been in follow-the-leader energy and all of our institutions are male dominated, hierarchical and require us to look to authority figures or leaders for all of the answers.  Think President, Doctors, Lawyers, Judges, Law Enforcement, CPAs, Financial Planners, Professors, Congressmen, Senators, Secretaries, Generals, Bureaucrats and Bosses in general.

The energy that supported this hierarchical bull-shit will be totally gone by May 13th, 2013.  Just think, this new energy will support the emergence of suppressed technologies or totally new technologies that could not be brought into the world under the old, Dark fear and force regimes.

We will still have leaders, but they will be strongly of the Light; they will not operate from fear, force and control.  They will do the Right (Light) Thing.  These Light Leaders will be guided by Light, just as our Dark leaders were guided by Darkness.

Love, Light and Laughter,

Merln, the Majikan

We are at the Tipping Point; Time to Use Your Majik Wands

I have written about the 90-day transition from the control of Darkness to the control of Light.  This 90-day period started on February 13th and has nine (9) ten-day periods that my Spirit Guide asked me to call “Innings,” as in the American Baseball game.

On Monday, March 25th, we entered the 5th Inning.  This is the middle Inning of 9 and represents a significant shift from Darkness to Light.  Over the next few days, we will pass through a “tipping-point” similar to a see-saw and will see a dramatic shift in power to the Light.

Fortunately, unlike a see-saw, this increased powre of the Light will last for another 2,160 years before another tipping point is reached.

So… In celebration, I have a gift for all of you.  Along with the shift in power from Darkness to Light, we are shifting from Magic (Dark) to Majik (Light).  To use Majikal Powre, you must have a Majik Wand.  Unlike Harry Potter, we all carry our Majik Wands around with us all-the-time; it is our forearms with a special fist.

To create this fist, take your thumbs and put them into the center of your palms and then wraps all four fingers over/around your thumb.  This works for both hands; yes, we have two Majik Wands (most of us).

Try this out.  Make the fists with both hands.  Now relax.  You do not have to worry about when to use your wands or even how to use them.  You now have to pay attention to when you make this special fist.  It will seem unconscious or automatic, but your Spirit Guide will tell you to use your Majik by making the fist for you; you just have to pay attention to the circumstances that you are in.

Do not hesitate.  Put your wand or wands up and point them in the needed direction and release your Majik.  It is really that easy; no Hocus-Pocus or magic words necessary.

The first time you use this, it will probably be to help someone you know.  You cannot use it to help yourself directly, but you can use it to help a group that you are part of.   What the Hell are you talking about, you ask?

You can form a Triumvirate or a group of three people.  This group can be family, friends, and loved ones or special Light-workers that you know.  Only form Triumvirates with people that you know and trust.  Once the Triumvirates are formed, you can use your Majik to help everyone in the T-Group, even yourself.   If it doesn’t work our, you can dis-band the Triumvirate; after all, you are the one who created it.  Ask for guidance from your Spirit Guide or Inner Being; they can help a lot.

Will this work for everyone?  No!  It will only work for those who have at least 70 percent Light.  If you have 50-69% Light, then you must find a way to move more to the Light.  Ask you Spirit Guide to move you more to the Light; it is that easy.  But, you have to start paying attentions to what your Spirit Guide is trying to do for you to get there.

Love, Light and Laughter (LLL),

Merln, the Majikan

Your “Green Lantern” Energy Suits are Almost Here

Ever wondered why we had Super Heros in comic books and, subsequently, in movies over the entire life span of the baby boomers and younger generations.  This has been Spirit’s way of telling us that, we too, will have and use Super Powres.

I have been prompted by my Spirit Guide to watch Iron Man and Green Lantern frequently and I keep asking why?  Am I going to be getting an Energy Suit that protects me and keeps me warm/cool and breathing while I am doing super things?  I keep getting yes.

We are into the 4th Inning of Light’s Take-over from Darkness.  The 3rd Inning was largely devoted to filling up all of our cells with various kinds of energy that we can tap into or use as powres like flying and building energy constructs, like in the Green Lantern movie.  Apparently, that movie presents a good understanding of the kind of powres and energy suits we, Newmen and Newomen, will have soon.  They will be Purple, not Green, and they will have a rotating Tetrahedron (for Fire Beings) or a Hexahedron (for Earth Beings) instead of the Green Lantern on the chest.

If you haven’t seen “Green Lantern,” go get it from NetFlix or find it on-line.  It is worth trying to wrap your mind around, but without the drama of bad guys; our bad guys are the very dark Humans who will resist their loss of control.

Category: Adept, Earth Powres, Fire Powres, Light, Majik versus Magic  Comments off

Do the 5th Tibetan Rite Now!

Today is the end of the 3rd Inning or 30 days into Light’s take-over from Darkness.  It is also the last day that Darkness can mess with you if you are a powerful Light Being (at least 70% Light).  It also happens to be a 14 day; so use the creating powre to enhance the power of right-spinning.  Regeneration is one of the gifts from Light as part of this take-over.  Remember, Darkness has been in charge for 10,800 years, so it has been a long-time since anyone could regenerate themselves.

For those of you who do not know what the Tibetan 5 Rites are, they are a group of exercises that the Tibetans have used for thousands of years to keep the body and mind young in function and appearance.  This too, was a gift from Light, but only for a tiny number of people who were lead to the information.  The first four exercises are designed to keep the energy flow to the spine at an optimum, but the most important exercise is the 5th; it is very simple, you spin clockwise, or to the right, in groups of 7 for no more than 21 in the morning and at night.  To do this spinning, plant your feet about 14 inches apart and raise your arms until they are perpendicular to the floor sticking straight out from your sides.  Go slowly, you will get dizzy at first; the object is not to fall down and hurt yourself.

OK, how does this stuff work?  We all know that the Sun rises in the East and sets in the West.  That means that the Earth rotates on its axis in a counter-clockwise manner.  When we are born, we all come here with a very specific number of rotations of the Earth; when that number is reached, it is time to leave, you time is up and you will die.

So you have a set number of days to live on Planet Earth; we all kind of knew this, but what does this spinning have to do with it?  OK.  You set your intention that this right-spinning has a multiplier effect; say 7-to-1.  Using that number, doing 42 right-spins a day, you are rolling back the clock 294 days for each day that you spin 42 times.  Each time that you spin clockwise, you are, energetically, rolling back at least 3 days that you have lived here so far.  In effect, you are giving yourself 3 more days to stay here.  But when you spin for at least a month, or two, you will, actually make yourself younger.

Wait a second, think this through.  I am saying that you will make yourself nearly a year younger in terms of staying here longer and being younger after just one day of spinning.  Yes, using 7 as the multiplier.  In 90-days of right-spinning, you can get younger by more than 70 years.  That is not believable; the most you can get out of one getting-younger cycle is 30 years; so do the math and stop spinning after 21 days (just 3 weeks).

How long do you have to wait until you can get another 30-year bite of the apple?  One year.  You must give your body a chance to regenerate internally as well as externally.  Using this approach, women can regenerate themselves to a body that is functionally and has the appearance of a 22-year old.  Men can get back to 27.  This means we get our sex lives back with all of those raging hormones.  It also means that women can get pregnant again; be careful what you wish for.

In addition to sex, regeneration also means being slimmer and trimmer, like when you were in your 20s.  It also means more vitality for dancing all night.  It also means better vision, hearing, smelling, tasting, lower blood pressure, stronger bones, more hair on your head (in your color) and, even, a new set of teeth.

Why am I writing about how to get younger?  Light is taking over.  People who have lots of Light are going to get automatic extensions on their pre-programmed departures, perhaps to 1,000 years or more.  These people will also be allowed to get younger and have more vitality, but why wait?  You can start right-spinning now and start getting younger sooner.

Is this right-spinning for everyone. Yes, but people with a lot of Light have a higher multiplier and do not have to spin so often.  Everyone has at least a 3-to-1 multiplier; this is worth doing for everyone.  Even at 3-to-1, you only have to spin for 8 weeks.

If you are already old and cannot stand and spin safely, you can do it in a wheelchair by yourself or with someone helping.  After a while, you will be able to stand and spin yourself.

Remember, you will get dizzy at first.  Go Slowly, until you are used to the spinning.  Be Safe.

Have fun with this,



Earth Changes; A 2013 UpDate

I know, I started writing about the coming Earth Changes back in 2011 and nothing happened.  OK, I got the timing wrong, or, more specifically, I was given the wrong timing.  Who knows why Spirit does anything?

After nothing appeared to happen, I was told by my Spirit Guide that the “what” information that I received was accurate, not the when.  So I kept expecting these Earth Changes to happen in 2012; again, a big no-show.  But again, the “what” information was still correct.

Prophets, throughout his-story, have had a tough time nailing down timing.  When I write about a coming Pole Shift and assorted Earth Changes, it is coming through as Prophesy, just like the Old Testament Prophets of yore.

What I am about to write has a timeline attached, but I am not sure whether it is the correct timeline.  Having provided these disclaimers, I will proceed.

Pole Shift:

We will ALL experience a Pole Shift in late-May 2013.  Fortunately for us, this will not be a 180-270 degree shift; just a 33 degree one.  This minor shift will create devastation in certain parts of the world and have almost no effect in others.  The new North Pole will be at a group of islands in the Bearing Straight, between Alaska and Siberia.  The shift will take moments, less than a minute.  This will cause the Arctic Ocean to surge southward suddenly causing a giant Tsunami for nearly all of the Pacific Islands, coming from the north.  This will have a devastating impact on all of the islands of Polynesia and Hawaii.  It will have a huge impact on the Aleutian Islands and the Bearing Straight; imagine all of that Arctic Ocean water and ice trying to get through the Straight at the same time, trying to enter the Northern Pacific.  Alaska and Siberia will get much colder;  the ice will form a land-bridge.  Vancouver and Seattle and Portland will get colder.  San Francisco and San Diego will get colder. Hawaii and all of those tropical Pacific Islands will be shoved northward and they will be colder will cooler winters.  The ice on Greenland will melt rapidly; Greenland will become a new land of opportunity to many.  Europe will become quite a bit warmer.  The northern Polar Ice will remain about the same, but move to both side of the Bearing Straight and will form the land bridge.  Much of the ice in Antarctica will melt; fear not, with all of the related subsidences, the ocean level will not raise to dangerous levels.

Earth Changes:

It sounds like a big yawn for most of Planet Earth; NOT!  Even though it is a minor Pole Shift; it will have a profound impact on the entire planet.  Other than Alaska and Siberia, China and Japan will experience the initial brunt with gigantic earthquakes.  Japan will break-up and sink beneath the waves; Mount Fuji will be an island until it blows itself up.  In addition to multiple gigantic earthquakes in China, the Three Gorges Dam will fail, displacing billions of tons of water into the earthquake maelstrom.  China, as a Nation State, will cease to exist and most of what we think of as China will sink beneath a shallow sea.

Oddly enough, the Earth’s response to the Pole Shift will travel westward (the Earth rotates toward the East).

When China collapses, this will trigger a collapse along the islands chains from the Philippines to Borneo to Indonesia to include Singapore. How bad this collapse will be is not clear.  I sense that Bali will survive; it is a special place.  Taiwan, Okinawa and Iwo Jima will survive.

Bangladesh will sink and be inundated by the sea,  Much of coastal India, Pakistan, Iran and Iraq will collapse into the sea.  Sri Lanka will survive.  Much of the interior of these lands to include all of central Asia will be devastated by gigantic earthquakes. The Caspian Sea will connect to the Indian Ocean.

All of the Saudi Arabian Peninsula to include the Emirates will sink beneath the sea.  This includes much of southern Iraq, Jordan, Israel, southern Lebanon and the Sinai Dessert.  Damascus will become a sea port. The coastal regions of Ethiopia and Somalia will sink into the sea.  Mecca and Medina will be covered by 300-400 feet of ocean.

Africa will be the most impacted.  All of North and West Africa to include Mali will sink into the sea; the Atlas Mountains will be the sea shore.  The Sahara Dessert ceases to exist. The tip of the Great Pyramid  of Giza will be visible, but just barely; it will be hazard to navigation.  Most of Central Africa will sink into the sea.  Africa will be transformed into three, fairly large islands; (1) the Ethiopian Highlands and the Kenyan Highlands, (2) South Africa to include Lesotho, most of Botswana and Namibia and (3) the northern half of Mozambique.  Madagascar sinks into the sea.

Europe is largely spared, but the Mediterranean Sea ceases to exist and becomes part of the Atlantic and/or Indian Oceans.

Moving westward; the Amazon River Basin becomes the Amazon Sea.  All of the islands in the western Caribbean Sea sink into the ocean.  This includes Cuba, the island of Hispaniola (Haiti and DR), Jamaica, the Cayman Islands (get your money out now) and Puerto Rico.  Culebra and Vieques will survive and become part of the US Virgin Islands.

All of Central America from southern Guatemala to southern Panama will sink into the ocean leaving several islands that are now large volcanoes.

North America will be largely spared.  The Mississippi Sea is not happening.  Southern Florida sinking into the sea is not happening.  Long Island sinking into the sea is not happening.  An earthquake in the Hudson River is not happening.  The Yellowstone Super Volcano is not happening.  The New Madrid earthquake is not recurring. There will be, however, major earthquakes along the San Andreas fault in both California and deep in Mexico.  LA will sink and be covered by 400 feet of ocean.  The Central Valley will be covered by 150 feet of ocean.  San Diego, Santa Barbara and Monterrey will all be islands and most of Northern California will be unaffected.  The wine country will survive mostly intact.  Sacramento and Silicon Valley do not survive. Many parts of Mexico and Mexico City will be demolished by a series of gigantic earthquakes; Mexico will cease to exist as a Nation State.

The above events are supposed to happen in a ripple in the space of twelve (12) hours after the Pole Shift; billions of people will be impacted, most losing their lives.  If the timing of this is correct, the world will be much changed by June.

Forgive everyone you can and make peace and love within,


Category: Earth Changes, Pole Shift, Subsidences  Comments off

Light-Worker; You can now change your DNA

In my last post, I wrote about releasing the Over-Ride or Father Block that Darkness has used to limit Light Beings.  Over the past decade, many of you have tried to transform yourselves by transforming your DNA.  You have used breathing and sound techniques, but again, you may not have achieved your desired goals.

The difference between Darkness and Light is very stark.  Darkness is all about fear, force and control and it resists change by ideas from Light.   Light is all about freedom, choice, love, truth, respect and responsibility and facilitating change for the better.

The best way for any Light Being to change himself or herself is to make incremental changes to their DNA, once they figure out how to do so.  Darkness has always had an Over-Ride or Father Block on Light Beings changing their DNA; having more powerful Light Beings in the game was not something Darkness was going to allow when it had the power to stop it.

As in the last post, Darkness no longer has the power of Blocking changes to your DNA.  You can, now, release the Over-Ride or Father Block on changes to your DNA and many other Darkness imposed limits.  You don’t have to re-do the DNA changes that you tried to make, but you may want to, as the desired effect will be greater in scope and happen faster now.

Do not be lazy about this.  You must release the Father Block before anything can happen.  Trust me; it is there.


Category: Darkness, Humans as Creators, Light, Powres/Powers  Comments off

Ever Tried to UnBlock Yourself and it didn’t work?

Those of you who follow this site or find it are all energy workers; you get it – we are all energetic beings trying to figure out how energy works and better yet, use it to make our lives and our loved ones better.

I have been a NewAger on this planet and many others for thousands of lives.  The difference between an “old” soul and a younger one is readily apparent to many of us, but can be hard to wrap your mind around.  Here it is; an old soul is someone who has re-membered more of what the rest of us have forgotten.  We all have ALL of the knowledge and insights that we need, but most of us have not figured out how to remember it; there are layers and layers of hidden memories that we hid from ourselves.

Like most of you, I have realized that someone or something or, even, myself, has blocked things for me in this lifetime.  Somehow, we know there is a “block” in place in our money, health, success, attracting sex, attracting love, being able to heal ourselves and many others.

We have tried many different approaches to un-Blocking those things.  Sometimes, we get a positive result, but most of the time we get no changes at all.  Why is that?  We think we are playing by the rules.  We have correctly discerned that there is a Block and, as energetic beings, we should have a mechanism to change the Properties of that Block.  We do and we have changed those blocks, perhaps many times.

What most of us do not realize is that there is an over-ride block that many of us have in place.  I know I am going to sound like a broken record and repeat myself, but the forces of Darkness and Light are real, even in the 21st Century, or perhaps, especially, in the 21st Century.

You must realize that when Darkness had 80 percent of the power in our world, it was easy for Darkness to see when a powerful Light-being was being born.  By powerful, I mean with at least 70 percent Light.  Light-beings like that, are like Light Houses on a dark night; the Light can be seen miles off.  That is how the Energy Vampires in our lives have found us; you know those being who can suck your energy out leaving you with nothing.  These being are very dark, but they take Light-energy from us and look like they are of the Light.  They move in with us and literally, try to suck the Light out of us completely.  Unfortunately, sometimes it works, but normally, we just tell them to go away.

When Darkness was in charge, it used the over-ride block frequently to limit, hinder, block many aspects of powerful Light-beings.  No matter how many times we tried to remove those blocks, we did not have the power to do so; our unBlocks were over-ridden with Blocks.  THAT HAS CHANGED!

We are now in the 3rd Inning of the phased Take-Over by Light.  One of the take-overs is that Light-beings with 70 percent or more Light can now unBlock the over-ride Block; it no longer belongs to Darkness.  Read and listen internally.  To do this, you must use the Over-Ride Block; you have tried and tried to unBlock yourself using the tool you had access to.  You have already unBlocked yourself with that tool, but it did not work.  Use the Over-Ride Block tool; you can now.

You can also use this Over-Ride Block tool to block things from happening to you.  Say you are in a situation where someone or something is going to take something of value away from you.  Use the Over-Ride Block to stop it from happening.  I know this sounds a bit Woo-Woo, but, what the hell, what have you got to lose?  Most of you did not even know there was an energetic Over-Ride Block until you read this.  This energy tool is very real and it has “fucked” with you for most of your life.

I just re-membered the Over-Ride Block yesterday and unBlocked myself and set up Over-Ride/Father-Blocks for things that are full of Darkness.  Do not take offense at this, but I re-membered the Over-Ride Blocks as Father-Blocks and the blocks we had access to as Mother-Blocks; that is a bit paternalistic and I did not think it would work well on the Blog.  I came up with a more understandable Over-Ride Block concept, but wanted to tell you how I re-membered it; many of you may have the memory come to you as a Father-Block.  That’s OK,  male is Darkness and Darkness is in charge for 5/6ths of the Zodiac; Father-Blocks are the norm.

Love, Light and Laughter,   Merln

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