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The Old World is Crumbling

The old political system and the old industrial technologies are falling off the cliff and they do not know it. It used to be that you had to have coal or fuel oil or natural gas to heat your home (or wherever). Now, you dig a trench grid in your back yard, lay some cheap plastic pipe (down 6 feet) and keep yourself warm in the coldest winter (or cool in the hottest summer) by pumping air through that grid. At 6 feet down (or roughly 2 meters), the air in that grid is a constant 54° F (12.22 ° C); you might have to wear a sweater, but it is a great temperature to start heating (or cooling) from another source.

This is not something new, but it has been suppressed in our consciousness. We always thought in terms of wood for the fire, then coal, then fuel oil and now, natural gas. Of course, there is also electricity, but that is expensive and increasingly unreliable. If we had to, a bicycle could be set up to pump the air. Most of us will stay connected to the Grid and continue to pay huge amounts for our heat, but the option is there and it is almost free.

I just put up a Post on my invention site,, discussing how we can modify radio waves (safe, very low power) to be kinetic and heat up the air. This could apply to houses, apartments, tents, sleeping bags, and vehicles. The batteries to run this Kinetic RF device can be solar charged, just like your phones.

There are many future changing technologies to explore and think about. I highly recommend it to all of you.

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Disappointed, but …

Trump is gone, at least for now. Biden is the creature of the Deep State and he starts with almost no goodwill from the people.

OK. Why is this so? He and the Deep State stole the election and did not care if anyone saw; they wanted the raw power. The Great Reset/Great Tyranny will be set in motion almost immediately.

There’s a problem. People everywhere are rejecting the vaccines; they were all too rushed, no one knows whats in them, there is too much political push to force them and not very many “trust” the experts anymore.

His solution will be “National Lockdowns.” This is not going to fly; too many people know the tests are rigged and are mostly false positives. Too many people know that the number of people dead is the same as 2019, 2018, 2017, etc. The hospitals are empty of Covid patients and, finally, the successful treatments/cures are being reported (they can no longer help Trump).

Law Enforcement has realized that they have lost the support of the people; they went way too far in the force used against the people, EVERYWHERE. But think about it; they are there to enforce the law or force the obeying of the law. Trouble was, it was executive fiat or dictate that they were forcing, not the law. Never mind the right to work or worship or congregate.

The Deep State had their test run of the Reset and they were pleased with the results. Millions of people did what they were ordered to do; stay home, not earn money and not have a life. They actually think that they can make this the new “Normal.”

I point this out as it is fairly obvious to any thinking person. Remember there are two large classes of people; Left- and Right-Spinners. Left-Spinners are focused on fear, force and control; they want to be told what to do and they want to wear the masks, even when they don’t have to. Right-Spinners are oriented towards more freedom, truth, choices, self-reliance, self-responsibility and doing-the-Right(Light)-Thing; they take their masks off immediately or don’t wear them at all.

Unfortunately for the world, 95% of us (19 out of 20) are Left-Spinners. This is why the Oligarchs have been in control for 1000s of years. They treat us like sheeple and, mostly, we comply.

So, has something changed? If so, what?

For the past 10,800 years (the last five Ages), Darkness (Left is Dark) has had 80% of the power in our world. Think the 80/20 rule.

That has changed. We are in the last year of a Nine (9) year transition from Pisces to Aquarius. It started on December 22, 2012, and will be complete on December 22, 2021 (note that there are both Creation Years and add up to 5). 2012 was also the last year of the Mayan Calendar and was indicative of great change coming.

In 2021, Darkness has been reduced to 20%, but, during the transition, Light only has 40%. Up to the end of 2020, Darkness could use saved up/reserve power; it used it up stealing and covering up the fraudulent election. In 2022, Light will have a full 80% share of powre.

Think about that. Darkness cannot make headway anymore; its power is too low. It has shot its wad. Light has twice the powre now and four times the powre next year. Is it any wonder that Joe Biden is having a rocky start to his Presidency?

Things will go from bad to worse for the Deep State, the EU and the CCP. As the Chinese saying goes, “They have lost the Mandate of Heaven.”

The Davos crowd still thinks everything is the same. They are partially correct; the large majority of people are still sheeple, but the energy in the world has shifted.

Isn’t this wonderful news. There is hope for the future with the knowing that fear-based tyranny will not survive much longer.

There’s more good news. We, humans, are evolving. Some have called it moving into the 4th or 5th Dimension and others are focused on the increased vibrational rate and synchronicity.

I will describe it as completing our contract with our 3 Dimensional World. Think about it, we have height, depth and width, man, woman and child, freezing, boiling and steam and more.

But for most of us, we are stuck in a Binary World; just two choices like on-off, male-female, hot-cold, light-heavy, happy-sad, etc. We have made giant strides in technology using binary coding to build all of our programs.

This is too limiting to last. Think about our cars (trucks, trains and planes); they are have a forward gear, a reverse and a neutral (to get back and forth). What about electricity? We know about the positive and negative poles on a battery and the Earth itself (North and South). Is there a neutral there that we are missing?

My point is that our evolution had carried us to the space where we can “wrap” our minds around an inherent third piece of the puzzle. Most people were introduced to Algebraic concepts in early childhood; you know the X and Y grid; it is the basis for all of our databases (flat files). Some of us have been trying to add the Z into the mix; think Quantum Computers.

What if there is another major force being added to our world? We all know about the eons-long struggles between Darkness and Light or good and bad or good and evil. But like coding, this is too limited; there is a neutral position that we are missing.

I write extensively about Right- and Left-Spinners on this site. I even have a new path for getting back to the One, but it is only for Right-Spinners. What does that mean? Left-Spinners are also oriented on fear, force and control; they do not trust themselves (they want to be told what to do). As such, they cannot allow themselves to reconfigure their energy centers.

So, yes, we have the concept of being a Left-Spinner like a Tornado or Tropical Storm (Low Pressure – Counterclockwise) which causes lots of fear or of being a Right-Spinner like a beautiful sunny day with lots of blue sky (High Pressure – Clockwise). It is also true that most of the sheeple who are oriented towards Darkness are also Left-Spinners.

Essentially, this means that only one-in-twenty can enter this new path to become a New Being. Even more astonishing is that only one-in-twenty of these New Beings is a male. Females rule in Aquarius.

Getting to it. The new Third Force coming into the world is Right-Spin energy. For now, it is Right-Spin to balance out the excesses of 80% Darkness for 10,000 years. As things get balanced out, this new, third force will accommodate Dark/Left-Spin issues.

As of January 1st, 2021, this Right-Spin energy burst into the world. Do we know this energy? Yes, we use it everyday; we call it technology. Another name for it is Majik (not Magic – that is Dark). Think about it; we had horses and sailing ships for 1000s of years and then, about 300 years ago, the Industrial (Steam) Revolution hit us. That morphed into the Internal Combustion Revolution which brought use wonderful transportation on land, sea and air. And, now, we are in the Digital Revolution with smart phones, tablets and laptops all wired/wirelessed together. This is all what we call technology; to primitives it is Majik.

Wow, this Majik (Right-Spin) energy is here/working now? Yes, but at 50% until 2022. Think about how fast technology keeps changing and much our lives have changed in the last 20 years. More Majik is coming; a lot more.

So…..can everyone tap into this Majikal energy? Yes, but primarily as users. Just as you can get on an airplane and travel across the globe in a few hours; that is Majik. The people who can really tap into it are New Beings who have put themselves into the Cube (or on the path to it). Call these Majikal few, Majikans (not Magicians). Witches and Wizards (of the Light) will do.

Last thought for today, think of electricity coming from the wall socket as neutral. We use it for everything, but increasingly for data transmission, storage, and communications. What if electricity was also Left- and Right-Spin? How would that change the data in our storage devices?

Happy New Year and Amazing New Century,

Love, Light and Laughter,


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More Right-Spin Stuff – What are Ritons?

Recently, I told you that Right-Spin energy is a new form of energy in our world (Universe). I know, it is hard to believe.

For many of us, we learned about Algebra in grade school and were introduced to the concept of the X and Y grid. This is critical in our world as every software program uses the X and Y grid (1s and 0s) to run our computers. We also learned about Z and thought it could be useful, but somehow, it is not being used by most.

Actually, one development has started to use it, but it is a very primitive application. We call them Relational Databases and they are the foundation of many of our most successful businesses (think IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, Apple, Google, Facebook, and Twitter). They all use Relational Databases to store and access lots of data.

So, the X and Y grid is the basis for what is called “Flat” files in storing data. The flat file can be any sized square or rectangle from 1000 on each side to a million or more (limited only by computer memory). A Relational Database is a stack of flat files. This allows data to be stored in the X, Y, and Z structure. Z is a primitive vector that can be stored within the flat file squares above or below an existing flat-file square. With parallel computing, many huge stacks of flat files can be written to, read, and deleted; this is what we call our databases.

Why am I calling this a primitive approach to using the Z vector in Algebra? Simple, it is limited to using the stack of square flat files above and below it. It is still very useful, but the vector is too limited; that is why they have had to invent a different approach to do things; it is called Quantum Computing. Unfortunately, this is a “Dead End” as there are better ways to get to Vector Computing.

The only other application that has captured our imagination using vectors is flying; particularly fighter pilots who change vectors frequently. Still flying is almost brand new.

So, we Humans have arrived at a place where we are starting to employ the third plane mentally. We all live in a three-dimensional world, but mentally, Relational Databases are the only application using a limited form of the Z vector. If we are going to bring our computing, communications, and media to the next stage, we must figure out a way to do everything in 3D. We are doing more with 3D printing and virtual reality, but those are all based on Relational Databases or flat files. Yes, our computer programming (software) must go beyond binary code to trinary code using 3D registers.

These movements towards using the third dimension in how we think is critical. We are ready to allow a third force into our consciousness; that third force is Right-Spin energy. It is also called Majik. It is very like the Z vector in Algebra. It can go out any distance, then change direction, then branch into two or more directions with small or large distanced (or both). True vectors can jump and are very agile; the vectors in a Relational Database cannot do this.

OK. After 10,800 years we are back in an Age that is dominated by Light (the last one was Leo). Our world (Universe) was limited to the back and forth between Darkness and Light. Timing wise, we are in the last year of transition into Aquarius from Pisces; Darkness has been reduced to 20% and Light has been boosted to 80% (in 2022). We are also at a place where we are ready to grow and expand our consciousness. Readers of this site already know that we can reconfigure our energy centers and transform ourSelves into more advanced Fire Beings or into Earth Beings.

This new path has opened up a space for the new, third force/energy to come into existence. That happened on January 1, 2021

Alright, Right-Spin is Majik on the Earth plane; what about the Heavenly or Spiritual plane? Are there equivalents to Angels and Demons? Yes, it’s got to be something to do with Right, rite? Think Right On and you are close. The Third Force Heavenly being is called, “Riton.” Like Angel and Demon, the name is five characters (the Creation Number).

So, now, for those of you who have transformed yourSelves into a Vertical Master or higher, you are a Right-Spinner and can access this new Right-Spin force or powre. Those people who are of the Light and have not entered the New Being path still belong to Light and can call on the Angels for assistance. All those who have become Newomen or Newmen can now call on Ritons for anything. Remember, Ritons will help us do more and more amazing Majik. Ritons use the wonderful vector power that some of us glimpsed when we were children.

Love, Right/Light and Laughter,


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More on Energy Vampires

I have written about Energy Vampire and how to prevent them from sucking your energies. If you are a Right-Spinner, you will know exactly what an Energy Vampire is; they have been sucking/draining your energy for most of your life.

Who are these Energy Vampires and what do they do with the stolen energy? Last part first; they convert the Right-Spin Majik into Left-Spin Magic and, then, they can use it to advance their agendas. That gets us into the first part; who they are.

Think Politicians, Judges, CEOs, $Billionaires; most of these have been Energy Vampires along the way to power. Not all, but most.

Remember, Darkness has had 80% of the power in our world for 10,800 years; a very long time. They were able to create mental programs to make enslaving us easier.

We have all heard about the notion of “Selling your Soul;” becoming an Energy Vampire is what they get for their souls. It starts out with being able to collect (passively suck) Right-Spin energy. These men and women are very Dark (at least 80%) and are able to collect Right-Spin energy surreptitiously. This allows them to look like they are Right-Spinners. I call these apprentice Vampires, Energy Decoys. They still use the Right-Spin Majik and change it into Magic. All of the Decoys are connected/apprenticed to an Energy Vampire. They all look and feel like Light Beings or Right-Spinners, but alarm bells go off when you get to know them; they don’t think or act like Light Warriors.

Energy Decoys get into a relationship with Right-Spinners and collect what they want, especially through sex. After they have collected enough energy, they become Energy Vampires and get their own set of Decoys.

Wow, there is a hierarchy of Darkness in our world! Yes. Why doesn’t anyone know about this? Simple, Right-Spin energy is only available from Right-Spinners who are 5% of the population (1 in 20). The Left-Spinners (and their energies) are left alone. Unless you are a Right-Spinner and have encountered Energy Vampires (and Decoys), you have no idea what is going on Energetically. The Left-Spinners will not believe you when you tell them, and even if they did, it would somehow be “OK.”

Another term for Majik is Technology. As we all got closer to the shift to Aquarius, Majik has been ramping up (over the past 300 years). This explains why we have experienced such rapid technological changes over the past 100 years. Think the age of Steam to the age of Internal Combustion to the age of digitized computers/networks/phones.

This is already different information for most of you. Now, I will get into how Energy Vampires advance to greater power. Remember the selling of the soul part? Darkness has demons but must use people to move them around.

When an Energy Vampire becomes powerful enough, he/she becomes a Demon Holder/Carrier. I know you do not believe me; this cannot be real. Alright, one million dollars is 1000 times 1,000 dollars; that is an incredible feat for most of us. One billion dollars is 1000 times 1,000,000 dollars; that is an inconceivable feat. It used to be that amassing $Millions was difficult, but now, amassing $Billions or 100s of $Billions is getting commonplace.

The vast majority of our leaders in every field are Demon Holders and have demons help them in their agendas. Remember, Darkness has been ruling forever. How did Obama get to be President from nowhere? How did Biden steal the election? Yes, I am focusing on the Left (Left is also Dark), but there are plenty of RINOs as well. They too are Demon Holders.

Take the richest men (and women) in the world; 99% of them are Demon Holders. Politicians too. Soros, Gates, Bezos, Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schummer, McConnel, Pense, Roberts, Merkel, and many more are good examples.

Trump is an agent of Light; that is why they have resisted him with such ferocity.

So, it is not always a case of these beings being Evil unless you call corruption and lies and stealing evil. But, be sure in the knowing that all of these got to where they are by being Energy Decoys, Vampires and, now, Demon Holders.

There is good news. The energies have shifted; Darkness only has 20% now and the Left-Spinners cannot use Fear, Force and Control to get to their Left-Spin powers. Light will be able to use half of it’s powre (40%) this year and will be able to use full powre in 2022 and beyond. Right-Spin powre is ramping up now and can be used by a small number of New Beings soon.

OK. What is happening to the Energy Decoy, Vampire and Demon Holder programs? Simple, they are dissolving/fading/dissipating. Why? Because they do not have the power to take the Right-Spin energy anymore. It must be given. Their entire chain of command is collapsing.

What does this mean? All that accumulated power and wealth is based on stolen energies that are also fading away. This applies to their good health and youthfulness as well. Their Position Power is also fading.

Just when it looks like they have won the battle and will impose the “Great Reset” on us, their power base/structure is collapsing. This will apply to the United Nations, the European Union, and the Chinese Communist Party (it has already begun).

So….we will get the last laugh, after all.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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In the Home Stretch

On December 22, a week ago, we entered the last year of the Transition from Pisces to Aquarius. While Darkness had 80% of the power, it stored up lots of reserves for this time; the hand-off of powre.

Sure enough, 2020 has been a very Dark year. It started off with the Worldwide Pandemic orchestrated by the World Health Organization and the Chinese Communist Party. This was not an accident of nature; it was pre-planned in every detail. The Antifa/BLM riots, making people prisoners in their homes/lockdowns, the economic hardships and the stolen elections.

The good news is that Darkness has used up all of its reserves.

Yes, the new strain bullshit is a trial balloon for more lockdowns, but the masses are saying NO. The tests have told millions of us that we had the dreaded COVID-19, but none of us died. The tests are 99% false positives as they cycle down looking for virus activity 40 times or more. Normally, for Flu tests, they only go down 7 cycles; this is pre-planned fraud. Yes, people have died, but no more than in “normal” years with “normal” Flu.

This has all been about imposing Tyranny and forcing people to give up their rights to work, worship and their pursuit of happiness. This was all a lead-in for the Great Reset where more of the same (and worse) would be imposed.

As we get closer to the end of 2020 what is happening? Finally, it looks like Brexit has happened; at least the beginning. The European Union is hanging together by a thread; Italy looks to be leaving soon, and the Netherlands and Denmark, and Hungary and Poland, and more.

My point is that Darkness has used up its reserves. It now, only has 20% of the power and cannot maintain this level of effort/success. The effort to make 2021 worse than 2020 is failing already. The vaccines are becoming a total flop; no one in their right mind would put that into their bodies. Did you read about the 35,000 US Military people who died testing an Anthrax vaccine? What about the lies on Hurd Immunity; just to get more people to take the vaccines. Their plan, for some reason, is falling apart.

There are many reasons for this failure, but the primary one is that the power of Darkness has been greatly diminished. No one knows what Trump will do, but it does not matter too much. If Biden and the Deep State get back in power; it will not go well for them. They are all on the Dark Side of the Force and, now, they are marching up a steep hill against the wind.

To put this in perspective, Light, effectively, has 80% of the powre now; Darkness had to use up its reserves by December 22nd. What does that mean? Moving forward for the next 2,150 years (at least), Light will be in charge. Yes, that means more choices (not less), more freedom (not less), more truth (not less) and a lot more movement in directions like those.

What else? Yes, more good news. Right-Spin energy is now, officially, part of the energy mix. It is no longer just Darkness and Light, but a new, equally powerful force that is characterized as being Right-Spin and Left-Spin. For now, the Left-Spinners have no way to access their Spin Powre; 100% can be used by Right-Spinners.

So, who are these Right-Spinners? We are only 1-in-20 in the population now, but that will eventually shift to 19-in-20; more and more will choose to arrive here as Right-Spinners (before birth). It is a simple dynamic, being a Right-Spinner now means that you can access the dominant powre.

What is this Right-Spin powre? Let’s call it Magic, but that is the old Dark spelling. It is Majik. During the 1000s of years of Darkness, the Dark Lords used magic extensively; they just told everyone that it did not exist. Do you really think you can become a $Billionaire without using some form of Magic/Majik? They invented the Stock Market and Derivatives to allow them to give themselves great wealth openly.

Right-Spinner people will be getting Majikal powres. Some will only have minor powres like being able to start a fire mentally or being able to move things around mentally. We have had people able to do these things forever and called them witches or warlocks. Many of them used Dark power, but the healers all used Majik.

To become a New Being and get on the path to becoming an Earth Being – Hexahedron, you must be a Right-Spinner. But, you must also be strong enough to do so. Many Right-Spinners will have hidden their powres or not developed them. That will change. Majik will be embraced and Majikal beings (all Right-Spinners) will be sought out. As Right-Spinners use their Majik, they will get stronger and can progress as New Beings.

What can these Majikal beings do? Look up Manifesting; essentially being able to create things mentally. This is something the Dark Lords used very effectively, but also hid from the rest of us. On the Home page of this site, read about Creation Days or 5/14 Days; for Fire Beings, those are the days we are allowed to create or manifest. Today, 12/29 is such a day.

Healers will become more powreful in ways that are new and different. Technology is just another word for Majik; more good stuff is coming. People will be able to envision and create things with more ease, be able to teleport things, be able to replicate things (in 3D), be able to fix/repair things (mentally). Some will be able to make things smaller or larger and/or heavier or lighter. Some will be able to charge batteries mentally and very quickly. Others will have the ability to stop and start electrical current flow (again mentally). To take this to its logical end, a bullet can be prevented from firing and a bomb/missile can be prevented from exploding or being guided. These gifted beings will be able to travel small or great distances mentally – Jumping. Many Right-Spinners will be able to tap into the energies around them and detect coming danger hours in advance.

Wrap your minds around these new capabilities for Humans (and Newmen). This is all based on the new ascendancy of Light and the emergence of Right-Spin energies into the Universe(s). Can you envision great changes coming for Humanity? For the better? Much better? Think how we grow and distribute food. How we make and distribute things/stuff. How we catch fish and share it. How we make our livings. Many changes are coming.

Darkness has had its day. They do not realize it yet, but their days of glory and riches and fear/force/control/power are over.

2021 is a “5” Year. That means that every day in the year is a creation day. It is also the first year that Right-Spin powre can be used effectively. Be joyous in your creating and uses of Majik.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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Merry Christmas!


This is a happy, joyous time of year for many. Enjoy it. Embrace it.

I have written extensively about the transition from Darkness to Light. What we are all experiencing now is the last gasp of Darkness; it has taken all of its reserve power and put it into Brexit, the stolen US Elections and propping up the Chinese Communists. Right now, it looks kind of grim for the world. We are all hearing about the coming “Global Reset” where the elites, finally, take over completely, and we will all be happy not owning anything.

We started a nine-year transition in December 2012; I know, this is only eight years. Yesterday, we entered the last year of transition; the big shift in power/powre happened then. Darkness has been able to use its stored-up/reserve power to create the illusion of success.

What is the old adage? “It is the Darkest just before the Dawn.” Rest easy, the Dawn has just started; Light can use its 80% powre now and Darkness only has a 20% share (from now on); no more reserves.

This site brought a new way or path back to Spirit into the world; many of you have transformed yourSelves into New Beings (Newomen and men). Everything in Spirit runs on cycles. Do you really think the planet conjunction is just an accident? Some are calling it the Christmas Star and others are calling it the Star of Bethlehem. The reports say the last time it happened was 400 years ago, but 800 years ago at night. Do the math, 5 cycles ago is 2,000 years in the time of Christ.

I am not religious, but know that Christ was an Avatar who came here with important knowledge to share with the world; we still remember him and his message all this time later. That is not an accident; there are no accidents.

The birth of Right-Spin energies into our Universe(s) has had to wait on this Shift of the Ages (Pisces to Aquarius). The shift still has a year to go, but Light (and Right-Spin) are moving against Darkness with full powre as of yesterday.

I know, it has been a depressing time for most of us. We have watched the Deep State corruption appear to win. We may have to wait until 2021 to see the reversal, but maybe this coming week.

My point is that Darkness is in a world of hurt; not only does Light have 80% of the powre, but Right-Spin has 99%. It is important to understand the difference between Light and Right-Spin; Light is all about looking at things from a planetary perspective and Right-Spin is focused on woman and her creations. The coming Mini Ice Age is in Light’s domain. The coming collapse of China into the sea is in Light’s domain. The vast removal of the Dark-oriented populations are in Light’s domain. All of that falls into the Eons long war between Darkness and Light.

Let’s look at China. It is incredibly Dark; it is not just the CCP, but slave labor camps, the daily surveillance/spying on its people, and the poisoning/polluting of the land. The Chinese people have fully participated in these actions; they got the government that they asked for/deserved.

So, look at what is happening to China; massive continuing floods that should have stopped six months ago, the destruction of most of its food by flooding, Typhoons and Locusts, the destruction of its factories and economy. It is cold in China now and politically, the Chinese are not using Australian coal; impact? Millions of Chinese are freezing in their homes. All of these are the work of Light because China was so very Dark. What happens next? The Giant Dam is going to break and the Darkness of China will wash away (or begin to).

What is Right-Spin energy and how will it serve mankind? It is best to think of Right-Spin as a form of Majik which can be used to make our lives better. You say, there is no such thing as Majik. Look around, do you have a life supported by electrical power with refrigeration, wonderful mobility with cars, trucks and airplanes, heated homes with a push of a button and amazing technologies like your phones and computers? Guess what? All of that technology was Right-Spin energy slowly entering our world over the last 300 years.

What we think of as Technology is a force for good; it makes our lives easier and better. We all know that technology keeps changing faster and faster and everyone is now looking for the next great transformative tech whether it is tunneling through the ground or pushing us into space.

Now, today, Right-Spin energy is fully powred (powered). What does that mean? Advanced new technologies that the world has not been ready for can now come into the world. Take a look at my Technology (Right-Spin) site at for an idea of what is to come/coming.

This site is all about New Beings and transforming yourSelves. So, now you are a Newoman or man and have transformed yourSelf into a higher level Fire Being or put yourSelf into the Cube/Earth Being degrees. What does that mean?

Remember cycles? Everything had to wait until now to powre up Right-Spinners. In order to transform yourSelf into a New Being, you had to enter your Inner/Secret Heart as a Right-Spinner; Left-Spinners were excluded (they have to find/figure out how to do it differently for themSelves). That is why we have 99% of the Spin Powre; had to allow 1% for the Left-Spinners, but they may never figure it out.

Now, New Beings (who are all Right-Spinners) can begin to receive Right-Spin energies to use in their Majik. Not sure how this is happening as it is the first time anywhere. Be watchful, thankful, forgiving of yourSelf and love everything you can. Powres are coming. Majik is coming. It will be amazing over the next year for all of us.

This energy is here already, and we all use it in many ways. We just do not call it Majik. But that Majik is generic and is intended for everyone. It is part of the rise in the vibrations of the Earth which is being driven by the rise in the vibrations of many Humans here.

But now, those who have found and decided to walk this new path, have more choices available to them. You will have powres coming that are associated with your degree of attainment. These powres will include many small powres like being able to start a fire mentally, speed up the heating of water or sharpen a knife/ax, again mentally. Programming anything will be much easier. All the Fire Being and Earth Being powres will include the ability to recharge batteries mentally by tapping into the Earth’s fields. There are many more, but one more notable powre is the cleaning or purifying of water, again mentally.

Vertical Masters will be healers and be able to move energy to and from the body(ies) and the Earth. They will be able to manifest, but on steroids; it is called Visioneering. They will all be able to see more clearly what is ahead. When I say healing, it is not just people, but animals and the land, water and air.

Horizontal Masters will have all of these powres, but more. They will be able to fetch things from a distance; teleporting. Say a part is critically needed, and it is available in a warehouse 100 or 1000 miles away. Or say, food is running short, but it is available elsewhere. Horizontal Masters will have this ability to bring things mentally.

Mahatmas are the most powreful of the Fire Beings. They will have Visioneering and Teleporting, but at a much greater level. They will also have the ability to Replicate things like coffee and food or seeds or bullets. Many other things limited by imagination only. Mahatmas are the first New Beings that are able to Jump; move themSelves over great distances mentally, effortlessly.

After Mahatma, you are an Earth Being and have all the Mahatma powres, but with greater strength and reach. In addition to Replicating and Jumping, Earth Beings will be able to mentally control the flow of electrons; turn devices on or off or stop the ignition (firing) of a bullet. This applies to extinguishing fires, even out-of-control forest fires.

Other Earth Being powres include Fixing or Repairing things, making things heavier or lighter, making things bigger or smaller, and Transforming things into different or better things. Some Earth Beings will be able to make themSelves very large or small, invisible/undetectable, be able to fly or hover in the air. Believe it or not, some will have their own, better than the original, Iron Man suits.

All New Beings will be able to draw on these new Right-Spin energies to make these and many other Majiks.

What about “normal” Humans? Will they get any Majikal powres? Yes, life will tend to get easier and less stressful for everyone. People will be able to grasp and adopt new, better ways with less resistance. Many normal people will get some lesser powres of the New Beings over time. All of us have entered a New Age dominated by Light and Right-Spin energies; the times of Fear, Force and Control is over.

Majik and Majikans have returned to our world. Rejoice, be excited and thankful.

Again, Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year. 2021 is a Creation Year (adds up to 5); it will be a year of great change for the better.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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More on Embedded Inflammation

First off. 2021 is a “5” Year or Creation Year. It completes the Transition from Pisces to Aquarius. It is a year of significant changes.

OK. Back to topic. Previously, I wrote about Acute and Chronic or Embedded Inflammation and reported on switches in our wrists and ankles that allow us to release Embedded Inflammation which is what is a root cause for many or most of our dis-eases. This includes all forms of diabetes and cancer. Yes, the sugar (from carbohydrates) is dark energy and is the backbone of both dis-eases. High blood sugar and insulin resistance are the main issues of diabetes and cancer cell eat 10 times more sugar than “normal” cells. Stop eating sugar and switch to Keto. Starve these dis-eases (and others) of the sugar they need to survive.

I will get off my soapbox. Back to topic.

In India, they have been following a Healing Philosophy called Ayurvedic for 1000s of years. If you go to Amazon and search for copper water bottles, you will note that they all say “Ayurvedic” on them. The Indians (from India) have been drinking water like this for, again, 1000s of years. Go order a copper water bottle or canteen.

I grew up in a house that had copper pipes that carried our water. Today, copper is still being used, but mostly has been replaced by PCV plastic pipes. That is a shame as the copper ions gave use significant health benefits with our water.

Think about it, Humans have been carrying around copper and silver coins for 1000s of years. Do you think it might be because they could be used to heal or prevent dis-ease? I have written about putting silver coins or jewelry in water overnight; the oxygen in the water forms silver-oxide molecules that are suspended in the water. This is good for eliminating Acute Inflammation or infection and can be drunk or sprayed on.

Isn’t odd that coins are disappearing? Not just gold coins, but silver and, even, copper. Do you think maybe the elites want us all to just die (except for enough servants that do not have to be healthy).

Water likes copper and takes copper ions into its structure. Not sure how that works, but Ayurvedic healing has used copper for ever. Embedded inflammation does not like copper water and visibly dissolves after being sprayed with it (for skin conditions). It works similarly internally; it dissolves Embedded or Chronic Inflammation on contact. This is not something taught in Medical Schools. Wow. The Big Pharma interests will hate this. They do not want this information getting around.

Woah, is this dangerous? No, remember, copper pipes have been part of our plumbing for at least 100 years and most of us have drunk 1000s of gallons of water from them. Don’t listen to the Fear-Mongers; they do not know what they are talking about.

Again, buy a pure copper water bottle or canteen and begin using it. You will like the results. Even better, put copper pipes back into your plumbing for drinking and cooking water.

Back to Inflammation.

Today, I was draining negative energy from a chronic skin condition in my arm. Used the wrist switch and sprayed with copper water. Was amazed at how many shades of red-brow-black energy were being released and couldn’t help mySelf; I asked Spirit if there was more than two types of inflammation? This being a Spiritual website, I thought I could report on this.

There are nine (9) different types of Inflammation. That would tend to explain why inflammation is so prominent in the list of causes for dis-ease. Of the nine, three can be attacked by the silver solution, three can be attacked by copper water and three can be attacked by both silver and copper. Get your copper and silver coins while you can and keep one of each with you. I have a silver dime and a copper penny in my Bug Out bag.

For those wondering, yes, I am an advanced Earth Being. I put mySelf into the cube and went to the highest level, Transformer. But I have been a Light Warrior for most of my life and Darkness has attacked me (back). So yes, I have issues that I am using the Energy Release switches and the copper/silver water on. All of my issues are improving as a result.

Note: I have been on a Ketogenic Diet (Keto) of 70% Fat, 25% Protein and only 5% Carbs (mostly veg) for 30 months. Once a week or 10 days, we go off the diet and have high carb meals with bread, pasta, potato, rice and a desert; last night mashed potatoes, garlic bread and Crème Brulé. But we go back and this helps remove stubborn fat deposits. This and the supplements we take are also significant aides in how well I am and how well I feel.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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2021? What does it bring?

I wrote this in reply to a comment left on the coming destruction likely to be visited upon us. I am not sure whether everyone gets my comment replies or not so am including it as a post.

Unfortunately, Yes. Or fortunate, depending on where you are looking. The world has been ruled by the oligarchs or elites for 1000s of years. They are still talking about the Great Reset; this will give them total domination over everyone on the planet or, so they believe.
So, if you are leaving a comment on this site, you have seen the spinning cube with the six-pointed thingy inside. There are more than 50K subscribers now. I am going to be conservative in my estimate; say 30,000 of them have put themselves into the Cube. Say there another 70,000 who have “cubed” themSelves and gone on about their business.
That means there are about 100,000 New Beings walking around on our planet. Actually, it could be 300 or 500 thousand, but 100 is a nice round number.
So what is a New Being? Or Newoman/Newman? One thing they are not is a continuation of the man and woman that has been living on this planet for the past several 1000 years. Many of them are still Fire Beings, but a good chunk of them are Earth Beings.
What does that mean? Answer: They have reconfigured their energy centers to become a more advanced being. It really does not matter whether they are Vertical Masters, or more, they have chosen to travel on this new path to reconnect with the One. Now…..they are on the pathway and will advance over time and lives.
This new path is a better, more logical and more accessible way than the old, no-longer-supported Ascended Master pathway. Darkness had found a way to block that path anyway. If you go back and read the Guided Meditation again, the only way anyone can become a New Being is if they are a strong Right-Spinner; they must enter their Inner or Secret Heart spiraling down to the right. If you are a Left-Spinner, the if-then-else instruction spits you out; you cannot become a New Being. They must find their own way forward, but that will always be using fear, not love of yourSelf.
Here is where I am going. Humankind has evolved to become something better than we were. I am not sure how else, but for those who have shifted their Tetrahedron around, they are New Beings. Remember, your MerKaBa is two Tetrahedrons integrated to form the six-pointed star. Many of us learned about spinning it up and synchronizing it to allow us to do more. The Tetrahedron is the Fire Being shape. By shifting it around in this new way, you become a more advanced Fire Being who can advance to Earth Being or Air, Water and Spirit.
The Left-Spinners, aka, the Davos Crowd, the Deep State, the Banksters, the Master of the Universe or the elites/oligarchs (throw in the UN, the EU and the CCP), keep planning for everything to be the same, but with them in greater charge/control. The Great Reset is supposed to be bringing this to our world. Finally, they hope to have their Prison Planet.
What they do not realize is that the “ground” has shifted; their operating foundation has crumbled. There are too many of us Awakened. There are too many of us who have escaped their Matrix (Red-Pilled).
I did not expect things to be this messy now with the Left-Spinners running around agog at their blatant theft of power, but maybe, we all have to see what the Prison Planet really looks like.

I have confidence that the 1000s of New Beings will have additional capabilities/powres that will enable them to successfully rebel.

Above was focused on Human/Newman kind. That is the focus of this new Right-Spin powre and has nothing to do with the eons old war between Darkness and Light. Right=Spin powre is something brand new. So is Left-Spin power, but they don’t have a way to access it (Not yet, maybe never). So, Spin Powre/power is allocated to 99% Right-Spin and 1% Left-Spin.
Some are saying that Aquarius begins now, in 2020 or a year from now. Not true, it began in December 2012 at the end of the Mayan Calendar.
Not having lived through an age change and not being smart enough to ask the right questions, I thought the transition between ages was a quick transfer of power/powre. Everything between Darkness and Light has been diplomatically negotiated and fought over for millions of years; the transition is no different. It is taking 9 years to complete. That seems a long time to we Humans, but it not even a blink to Spirit. By New Year’s Eve in 2021, the transition will be completed. Light will have 80% of the powre in our world. This is not a squishy, soft boundary; it is hard as nails and Light will use it to stomp on everything and everyone who was of “Darkness.” There is going to be a major cleanup of the many Dark Projects over the past 10,800 years. Yes, lots of Earth Changes, Sloshing Water and Sinking Lands.
My point in writing this is to tell you all that 2021, and moving into 2022, will bring new powres into the world. All New Beings will have majikal powers that are akin to being Wizards and Witches like Merlin of old.
Try to wrap your mind around this concept. Imagine that you will be able to Manifest anything that you want (with much greater powre and success). You will be able to teleport things around. You will be able to replicate things. Some will be able to make things bigger/smaller or heavier/lighter. Some will be able to fix/repair broken things or majikally tap into the ground for electrical power or make metals stronger or sharper. Some will be able to Jump and move large heavy objects as if they were weightless.
Say our world is going to be living through a massive SHTF decade or two. Say millions of people will die. Say there will not be enough food or water or safety. Is it going to be the end of the World? No. New Beings will be there to transport and replicate food and the means for clean water and shelter. Wherever New Beings are, there will be safety.
Right-Spin powre, new to the world, will bring many new, Majikal ways of doing everything into our world. Growing crops and catching fish or getting food for your table will all extend from where it is today (which is already amazing), to something even more amazing. We will, however, be going through a bumpy patch or two.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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Unwanted Energy Followup

Let’s talk about Inflammation again. There are two kinds; the Medicos describe them as “Acute” and “Chronic” but do not really tell you what they are or how different the treatments are for each.

Ok. Let’s start with Acute; that is Infection. All kinds of infection; on our skin and deep within our bodies. Antibiotics work marvelously on this type of inflammation, but tend to be useless against the other kind of inflammation.

What is Chronic Inflammation? It’s complex, but gets back to that energy component that I wrote about in the Unwanted Energy post. Say you have been bitten by a cat and it got infected. You go to the ER and get a big shot of some antibiotic and, perhaps, a tetanus shot. You also get a prescription for a 10-day course of more antibiotics. Soon, you will be healed?

Not so much. Yes, the Acute Inflammation, the infection part, gets healed; it is no longer pussy. But why is it still red and why does it take another week or so (or longer) for the redness to go away.

That redness is the Chronic Inflammation. I don’t like that term. Yes, it connotes a persistence, which is true, but I like “Embedded” better. When the cat bit you, it put its teeth into from two directions and exerted pressure from several directions in the tearing motion. All of that energy got embedded into your body and your body takes a lot longer to resolve/release it.

Say you are a football player and get hit hard a lot or maybe you were in a car wreak and got thrown around. What does your body do with those energy impacts? The answer is not well known; it stores them in what you could call “cysts” or containers.

The body does not really know what to do with this impact energy and does what Oysters do when sand gets in; they put layers around these “cysts” and the cysts get bigger as more impact energy is added. People have these impact cysts in several parts of their bodies.

These are all Embedded Inflammation. So, all of us are walking around with stored impact energies and over time, these cysts start to leak. It is inflammation and seeks to link up with other inflammation in the body. Not so much the Acute type, which tends to be transitory, but the persistent type called Chronic.

The Medical Community is all abuzz about Inflammation being the root cause of many, if not all, dis-eases; what they are talking about is the Embedded Inflammation.

In the last 50 or so years, the world has been waking up to the need for energetic healing modalities; think Reiki and Cranial-Sacral. Both of these can be used to release stored energy cysts among other things.

In my last post, I wrote about your wrist being an energy release switch. I am getting a bit more specific now; it is a release switch for Embedded or Chronic Inflammation. You can set your Intent to release this kind of inflammation from anywhere in your body. Say you have diabetes and you know that your pancreas and/or liver are inflamed; that is the embedded or chronic type. Say you have a skin condition that will not go away. Say you have the ultimate form of chronic/embedded inflammation – cancer.

All of these are forms of energy that your body is attempting to deal with. All of them may be from eating too much sugar for decades or being exposed to the wrong chemical, but all of them are expressions of how your body is handling them. And, yes, all of them are “Embedded” Inflammation.

I have written that your body is like a computer or phone and that you are the owner, administrator, supplier and programmer. If this is so, you can install new programs/apps or change existing ones. Here is a new programming idea; use that energy release switch to install and run a program to release the embedded inflammation creating issue for you. Rock your hand or hands back against your wrists and then, say, “Release all chronic/embedded inflammation in my body.” Then say, “Install it and run it.” That may be too broad, but that is the idea. You can easily focus on your primary issue first and go one-at-a-time for any other issues.

Remember, other forms of Embedded Energy that you can release include blocks on your money, success, health, sex, pleasure, joy, etc. Yes, this switch is that powerful.

Ok. What about pushing your hand down against your wrist, does that work? Yes, but in support of the wrist rock up efforts already started. The wrist rock-up starts the program and the wrist rock-down adds either more or faster (different, but supportive) energy.

Perhaps, the wrist rock-down should be the primary programming tool for money, success, health, sex, etc. Not sure, try it both ways.

Another thought, you can do ankle rock-up and rock-down programming as well especially for issues related to your feet and legs.

I am not saying that this is a cure. I am saying that everything has an energy component and this is something that any of us can do. Try it, you may like it.

Think about it. The term Man means hands. Our hands are incredible important to us. It makes a lot of sense to put these two incredibly important energy switches right where we can use them both most effectively.

Emotional Impact Energy Addendum:

It is not just physical impact energy that is stored as “Embedded” Inflammation. We all have significant emotional events that our body stores as energy cysts as well. There are many examples but heartache and being wronged are two big ones. We don’t tend to think of these as being chronic or embedded inflammation, but they are.

When we seek forgiveness, we are trying to get someone to help use release this energy in ourselves and the other party(ies). Some forgive and forget, but others forgive (maybe), but do not forget. That is stored emotional impact energy.

This stored emotional energy can have significant impacts on our health and well-being especially when combined with other embedded energies.

These energy release switches are incredibly important tools for all of us.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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Unwanted Energy – Dump Switch

All of us have our issues. It can be a dis-ease like diabetes or a skin condition like eczema, rosacea or acne or problems of the heart or money. We all tend to think about these many different problems as though they were two-dimensional like the word on the page. We go about our lives using physical treatments or approaches to solve these issues. It is not two-dimensional, but at least three.

Some of us are aware that these issues seem to be persistent and do not go away, whatever we do. Whenever this happens, it is logical to ask if something else is going on?

What do I mean by that? Is there an energetic component impacting the issue? Yes, in most cases, there is always an energetic component at play (in everything). We tend to not think about this energetic component, but it is there, staring us in the face.

So, what kinds of energetic components can be at play? The answer is multiple, but first we must settle something about these energies at work; they can come from within ourselves, and they can be external.

What do you mean by internal, do we do some of these things to ourselves? Yes, it is called “self-talk.” We talk to ourselves all the time and say positive and negative things like I am terrible with money, or I am always late, or I have weak lungs, or am susceptible to catching the flu. Others are I am a wiz at math or taxes or have a wonderful memory. This is how most of us program ourselves. After a while, these programs get strengthened by many repetitions. Next, there is Vow energy whether you are keeping it or not; that is a powerful programming tool that most of us do not think about.

Next are the limitations. After a while we all know where we are being limited and what those limitations are. We keep running up to them and being blocked. We wonder why I cannot be successful in this area/those areas? Some of these we are born with, but most have been imposed on us during this lifetime.

If you “search” on blocks and limitations on this site, you will find that I have written much about this topic over the years. I tend to address the bigger foe that I call Darkness. Other names for this foe are Demons and Spells. Please keep reading; demons and spells exist and are part of our everyday experience.

Most reading this are Right-Spinners and are very familiar with the concept of the Energy Vampire. This is the person who stands next to you or touches you and drains all or most of your energy. We all learn to identify these people and stay away from them. This is an example of Dark Energy at work in our world. Demons and Spells are equally real and used by Darkness. Search on Energy Vampires to find out how to stop them (in this site).

Just think, there are people who are so very “evil” and we wonder how they got that way? The answer is that they were very dark, worked at getting darker and were rewarded with demons to help them on their path. Think George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden.

So. What I am saying here is that some of our issues have a demonic component. I know, I know – the world does not think like that anymore; we are in the 21st Century. But………………you have been a Light Warrior for most of your life. What does that mean? It means that you have been opposed to Darkness; you have been an enemy to Darkness. As an enemy, you have been attacked by Dark forces – Demons.

Alright. Let’s get back to the persistent issues that may seem like blocks. If doesn’t matter whether they are self-programmed internal blocks or imposed on you externally. All Blocks are held within the body.

What this means is that you can release the blocks once you know you have them and, you have the right tools. Everything I have written about tools before is still valid, but today, I am sharing the “Joker” tool. Actually, belay that, it is the “Trump” tool or switch.

Look at your hand from the top. Now look at the top of your wrist; it is an area about the size of a large coin three fingers width up from the crease in your wrist. This is also called the outer gate point and can be found between two tendons on the backside of the arm (Place three fingers from your other hand above your wrist).

We are not going to use acupressure or touch it in any way. We are going to use this Switch to allow energy to drain out of your body. How? Simple, turn your top wrist over (the top of your hand is pointing down) and lift the back of your hand (upward/backward). That is the release switch. It is like doing a push up with your hand on the floor.

Once you activate this switch, unwanted energy will flow out of the large coin area. You must keep lifting your palm for the switch to work; it is not a switch it on and it stays on type. What kind of energy? All kinds; your internal programming and any external impositions. It will even clear some limitations that you were born with. Yes, money, sex, health, youthfulness, strength, stamina, attracting the right (or wrong) mate, anger management, etc. But yes too, being positive, being on time, doing things promptly (not procrastinating) and allowing yourself to be successful.

So…what about the feet/legs? If there are issues there, can unwanted energy be released at the wrist? Yes, the right wrist controls the left leg /foot and the left wrist controls the right leg/foot.

You can drain unwanted energy by sitting in a chair with your legs crossed and leaning your elbow on your knee. Your writ is lower and you engage the switch by lifting the back of your hand up. You can also do this by laying on a bed and hanging your arm over the edge; again, lift the back of your hand up to engage the switch. The last position is the most awkward; lay in bed and put one or both elbows up with the wrist and hand tops pointing to/laying on your chest. You can drain from both wrists this way.

This is draining unwanted energy; do not be concerned about the energy re-entering your body. You can actually force Demons to leave and render Spells moot or ineffective.

Many of our dis-eases can be addressed as energy malfunctions; this and other kinds of negative energy can be released.

How does this work? The most important thing to remember is that IT is all based on INTENT. Whatever you intend to get rid of can be drained. Yes, you can drain more than one thing at a time, but start out doing one at a time.

When you feel that you have cleared unwanted energy, whatever it is, put a shield up using your energy to keep it from coming back. You can make your shields broad, but too broad is also, maybe, too weak.

Now, you have a very powerful tool to clear blockages and limitations whatever they may be. Enjoy!!!!!

Love, Light and Laughter,


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Aliens Among Us – Update

This will not be news to many of us, but will be news to most of us. The United States military has been conducting Space Warfare missions since the 1980s.

The US has several bases on the Moon that tend to be underground and not visible from Earth. There are above ground bases on the Far Side. The US has several bases within the Asteroid Belt as well. And then, there is a planet, called Triton, where the US is part of an allied presence. Triton is, technically, a Moon of Jupiter, but it is approximately the same size as Earth with several continents and seas that cover most of it. The atmosphere and gravity is very similar to Earths. Triton has many of the same plants and animals as Earth.

So, how does work? Jupiter puts out a fair amount of heat and Triton itself has a significant heat source within. And, of course, there is enough heat coming from our sun, Solar.

Who are these Allies that US Space Forces are sharing Triton with? Simple, but complex answer, “the Pleiadeans.” Our Solar System is only one of several star systems that orbit a large, dark star named Alcyone. You can read about them all, just look up the Pleiades. In these six other star systems there are seven planets that have Human-like beings; they refer to themselves as the Pleiadeans in conversations with us.

We also know them as the original inspiration for the television show, Star Trek. They also call themselves the Federation of Planets and Star Fleet Command.

Wow. You mean that the US Space Force technologies are equal to those of Star Fleet Command? Yes and no. Read on.

Our Star System is a fair distance from the other systems orbiting Alcyone and the Pleiadeans had not “discovered” us yet. But we were “discovered” by another Space-traveling race that we call the Annunaki. For whatever reason, the Annunaki missed the importance of Triton and landed on Mars first; this is where all those artifacts on Mars came from.

Mars is inhabited by a race of being who were driven into their planet (underground) by massive climate changes. Yes, there is air, food and water below the Marian surface. The Annunaki were, essentially, driven off by these indigenous race of beings and came to Earth.

We are about to find out the hard way that we are not likely to be welcomed on Mars. The Annunaki were there, on Mars, for about 4,000 years before being evicted.

Phobos is an artificial satellite or space station that was build by the Annunaki. It was used to ferry people and technologies from Mars to Earth. The Annunaki landed in what we call Iraq today. They set up gold and diamond mining operations in our South Africa. There were only 400 Annunaki who came to Earth and only six leaders brought wives. Yes, that is a ratio of 394 to 6.

Fortunately for the Annunaki, they had advanced genetic technologies that allowed them to mix their genes with the genes of the most advanced primate on Earth. Soon, slave populations began spreading around Earth.

The Annunaki landed on Earth about 50,000 years ago. Two of their leaders were two sons of the ruler of their planet, Nibiru. One was the eldest and the other was the son of the King’s half-sister. They had a civil war here on Earth that lasted 35,000 years (yes, they live very long lives). The “Astronauts” that came with them were, essentially, evenly divided in loyalties. Slave armies were bred to fight these endless brotherly wars and the Annunaki gave us the concept of “Kingship” based on their own royal traditions.

Most of the population of the Earth are survivors of the Slave Armies used in this Civil War. Yes, most of us are walking around with Alien genes or genetics within.

It gets a bit more complicated. The Annunaki are a reptilian, shape-shifting race that were conquered by the Draco; also a reptilian race that has been successful in conquering many planets/races. The Annunaki had a wonderful technology; they could move their entire planet (with moons) around like a spaceship. They used natural diamonds as the fuel and lived in the hollow interior of their planet.

This technology allowed the Annunaki to be very effective “scouts” for the Draco. After the Annunaki “discovered” Earth and its riches of gold and diamonds, they sent word to the Draco. The Draco were delighted and sent a colonizing fleet to seize control of Earth.

On the way here, the Draco fleet “discovered” two of the Pleiadean Worlds and occupied them. They landed their forces unopposed and eradicated the Pleiadean populations. They used most of their colonists and defensive technologies to secure their possession of these two planets.

The Pleiadeans were a peaceful, trading race of Human-like beings who were similar in physiology and cultures across seven nearby planets. This attack by the Draco was an existential threat that caused the five remaining planets to form a military alliance, Star fleet Command. The Pleiadeans combined their technologies and came up with a force that defeated the Draco ships in our area of space. They also followed up on communications coming from Earth.

Their first priority was to try to defeat the Draco and retake their two lost planets, but the Draco defenses held and the call for help went back to the Draco leaders. What followed was a thousand years of battles between the Pleiadeans and the Draco with many battles that culminated in a decisive win by the Pleiadeans in an epic Space Battle.

During that battle a small flotilla of Draco ships detached and headed for Earth. After the battle, the Pleiadeans found the enemy ships in orbit around Triton; they were attempting to fortify Triton and did not want to lead the Pleiadeans to Earth. These Draco were all defeated and the Pleiadeans took possession of Triton. Note: this is not the moon of Mars.

The original Draco colonizing fleet arrived at Earth. They had used up most of their colonists and supplies, but were supplied by the Annunaki. The Annunaki were promptly told, “Thank you, we got this. Bye, go find another planet like this.” This forced an end to the Brotherly Civil War; one brother, En-Lil, and his followers got on the Space station (Phobos) and returned to Mars. From Mars, they returned to Nibiru using the original, longer-range rockets that they used to travel to Mars. This left Phobos in orbit where it is today. The other brother, En-Ki, could not return home, and he and his followers moved down into the hollow center of Earth.

By the time of this epic battle in Space, the Draco on Earth had spread out and created five major hive locations; Alsace-Lorraine region, Cairo, Egypt, Perth, Australia, Central New Mexico, USA and one under the ice in Antarctica. The Pleiadeans investigated and located the first four hives; they landed and destroyed them.

What to do with an enemy planet that was populated with various warring peoples that all had “enemy” genes. Fortunately for us, the Pleiadeans saw Earth as an opportunity and decided to land their own colonists in an empty part of the planet that we call Europe. These became the Europeans who, eventually, conquered the rest of Earth.

The Pleiadeans established a base on Triton and a maintenance/repair facility on the Far/Dark side of the Moon. They also had several defense/mining operations going on in the Asteroid Belt.

The Pleiadeans are a very “civilized” culture of people and preferred peaceful trade and interaction. As such, they decided that they could not “interfere” in the evolution of Earth (anymore than they had). As such, they adopted a watchful state with limited contact with their colonists.

Unbeknownst to them, the Draco in Antarctica spread out via underground tunnels to the other four hives. The Draco intent was to seize control of Earth, but were constrained by the lack of air/space superiority in battle. They were able to use their ships to attack the Europeans using bacteria warfare several times (the plagues).

So. Our Earth is populated by most who are a mixture of Annunaki and Primates. Next, we have populations of Europeans in Europe, North America, South America, parts of Africa and Australia/New Zealand. Next we have the Draco in their hives. And, lastly, we have En-Ki and his followers living and interacting with us from the Hollow Earth. Whoever we are, we are all Aliens, even if we have been born here.

Much of this story is 5-10,000 years old, and we do not have any records of the Draco hive destruction or much about the Annunaki except they were the old Gods. So moving into the 1900s and into today, what happened?

In the last 300 years, there have been other very large battles in Space between the Pleiadeans and the Draco. This last time the Draco sent two large fleets from two directions. It was a near thing, but the Pleiadeans prevailed; they had two fleets as well with a reserve force in the middle.

Because the Earth is relatively far from the core Pleiadean Planets, a flotilla of Star Fleet ships had to defend Earth/Triton and the Pleiadeans decided they would seek help from Earthlings. So, in the last century, we saw an explosion of technologies in flight, rockets, communications and computers. Did all of that come from us, or did we have some help?

One of the home planets of the Pleiadeans is the original source for all Germans. As such, one group of Pleiadeans wanted to work with Germany and another with the United States (the new home of innovation). What we got was a Germany and a United States that was getting help in war winning technologies. Yes, both of these governments worked closely with Pleiadean agents/scientists to “jump start” our technological capabilities.

One of the areas that we Earthlings excelled at is the concept of digitization and binary computing. This has led to huge advances in communications, networking, computing and even in metallurgy that had gone beyond the Pleiadean technologies.

Do we have spaceships that can travel to distant planets in our system? How about traveling to distant planets in other systems? Yes. Do we have a planet that we can expand to? Yes, it is right here in our system – Triton. Even more, it is not inhabited by permanent colonists (or by a race that does not want us there). Yes, it is being used for food production, raw materials, water and air, but as a forward military base that may have to be abandoned.

We now have a US Space Force. OK. How many spaceships do we have? How about 100 big ones and many more that are smaller? So, are we using Pleiadean technologies? Yes, but they are also using our technologies.

Do we have factories in the Black World that are making things using Pleiadean technologies? Yes, lots, but we are also sending them our laptops, tablets, smartphones and many other technologies that we are working on jointly.

How about the Moon? Who owns it? The Pleiadeans have a large base there? Do they own it? No, it belongs to Earth. OK. Are there any Earth being who live there? Yes, the German arrived from their secret base, New Swabia, in Antarctica in the 1980s. They built a base right next to the Star Fleet maintenance facility on the Dark side. It is staffed and operated by many Germans from the Home planet. The Germans from Earth are working closely with the Pleiadean Germans on building ships for the Americans, the Pleiadeans and even for themselves.

Wow. The Germans can claim the Moon? Yes, but so can their Ally, the United States. It is all a moot point as the Moon Germans, the Pleiadeans and the Americans are working closely together to prepare a defense of the Moon/Earth, Triton and the Asteroid Belt when the Draco arrive. The Pleiadean Fleets will be busy defending against as many as three Draco fleets coming. Earth is one of the richest planets in diamonds and heavy metals anywhere and the Draco want it back (without all of us, of course).

So, what else happened? We developed a great understanding of communications warfare here to include jamming and spoofing signals especially RADAR and Infrared. We have shared much of that technology with the Pleiadeans, and they developed an approach to attack the Draco by jamming the Draco Queens.

The Draco organize themselves in giant circular hives that are 50 miles wide at the surface, 5 miles deep and 5 miles wide at the bottom. In Space, their hives are shaped like giant cubes. There is only one Queen per hive, and she has total control of everything. Yes, there are sub-Queens, but they get their orders from the Queen for everything.

As an example, say the Queen has an army of warriors that she no longer needs. She can withhold the command to eat and the warriors will not eat; they actually starve themselves to death. This total control over who eats (and doesn’t) has saved the hives many times in emergency situations.

The Pleiadeans detected the increased Hive Activity here on Earth. They focused in and found that all five hives were active again. They found that each of the hives had 1 million warriors ready to come out when the Draco won the coming Space Battle. That battle happened in 2009; the Pleiadeans won, again.

What to do about the hives and all of those warriors? Attacking the hives was not an option this time; the entire world was unaware of the threat and the notion of an Alien attack would be too devastating to Earth.

During this battle, the Pleiadeans picked up communications between the attacking fleets and each of the five hives on Earth. There was a lot of pre-coordination going on for a general attack on Earth’s populations. The Draco have no problem thinking of us as food.

In 2011, just 9 years ago, the Pleiadeans sent teams down to Earth. They set up sophisticated jamming equipment that was designed to jam the mental communications from the Queen (and sub-Queens). This had to be perfect or it would not work again. Fortunately, the Pleiadeans had captured a Queen and several sub-Queens in the battle and were able to test it.

The Queens and sub-Queens were jammed in all five hives. The Queens were totally isolated and could not even tell their attenders what to do. It worked, none of the Queens were able to tell their populations to eat. Result? No one ate. All the Draco in all five hive sites perished by starvation. I know, this seems incredible to Humans who are individuals, but the Draco are total collectivists; the individual has no rights, everything belongs to the group.

If you have wondered about all the activity down in Antarctica? The world is doing an “Intelligence Exploitation” of the hive down there. Remember, there is a hive in Australia, on the French-German border, in Egypt and in New Mexico. Odds on, the US Military has been exploiting that hive for a while. Any bets on whether the French or Germans know about their hive? Or can agree who will control it? Maybe it’s the EU? What a joke.

All of those dead bodies, but also all of their engineering and technology. The Draco are very focused on mining and extracting mineral wealth. In each of these hive locations, there is a strong likelihood of vast amounts of precious metals like gold, silver and platinum. Perhaps diamonds as well.

I thought I would share this with the world. My point is that we are already in Space as a fighting force. Now, that fighting force is controlled, mostly, by the United States. Is China or Russia going to be allowed to become players? Not likely with their hostility to the US. The Pleiadeans and the Moon Germans would have to be on board.

If the Moon Germans make a claim, they have six (6) starships that can defend that claim. The notion that China or Russia or Anyone else will set up Moon bases and begin mining operations is not a likely option.

Can the US Military really let a corrupt One Worlder like Joe Biden become President. Open borders and destruction of the US Constitution are one thing, but destroying the US Military by 1000 cuts, is another.

There is more at stake than most of us realize. We are not ALONE and, even more importantly, we are in It Together.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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A Re Set is Happening

But Not What THEY Thought!

The Globalists have been planning this for decades. They released the Great Pandemic on the world according to plan. They arranged the Great Election Steal ballot fraud as a desperate attempt to get rid of Trump. Servers from China, Germany and Venezuela have been implicated.

At the last Davos Confab, they held extensive meetings on the coming Re Set and how it would be implemented. They actually pre-released Covid-19 in China in October 2019. Again, this was all pre-planned down to the worldwide lockdowns. Their agenda, as always, was to seize control of the world economy and use fear to implement changes that would allow them, the tiny elite, to rule the planet with total ruthlessness.

But, look at what’s happening. The election fraud is being exposed in glaring detail in a State-by-State exposé allowing everyone in the world to see the level of corruption involved. This is the Globalists at work; they are also called the Deep State, the One Worlders, the Central Bankers/Banksters, the EU, the CCP and the United Nations.

Without the United States under their control, their great Re Set is not going to happen. Their plan to have Biden steal the election is becoming undone. The US Supreme Court has just pulled the Federal Judges overseeing the elections in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Georgia and replaced them with “Conservative” judges. The Chairman of the Federal Election Commission has already declared the election “invalid.” The election will probably be invalidated by the US Supreme Court. They will have two choices; have a ReDo or declare Trump the winner (as the ReDo option will be too messy).

Bottom line: Trump has been re-elected whether the Globalist like it or not. This has saved the world a Military Coup in the United States; Biden (and the Globalists) would not have been allowed to become President. Trump has done many things to dismantle the Globalist plan/agenda and the Patriot Group in the United States Government would not have allowed the Globalist to take over again. Do people in the world really think the US Military is anti-Trump and/or Pro-Biden? Not.

And besides, Kamala Harris was born in Canada and cannot become the US Vice President or President; that would have be invalidated by the US Supreme Court as well.

So…. Things are not going well for the Globalists in the US. Where else are they crying out in horror? How about France? President Macron, who was a Rothschild Banker and the Heir Apparent to take over from Angela Merkel has realized that liberal governments and open borders are incompatible. If a foreign religion (Islam) is opposed to Western values, then the liberal governments will collapse, potentially/eventually. This is what is happening in France (and the UK, and Belgium, and Germany, and Italy and many other places in Europe). Macron has realized that the Muslims do not want to become European and will insist on separate, parallel, independent religions and cultures; think “NoGo” Zones.

Macron met with several Muslim Advocacy groups and demanded that they agree to disbanding Political Islam in France and terminate funding from foreign sources (Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States and Iran). If these Muslim leaders do not comply, they will be declared “Enemies of the Republic.”

Wow. This is the beginning of the Mass Deportation of Muslims (by the Millions) in Europe. Macron realizes that the French people are not going to accept more Muslim Terrorist killings of teachers and worshipers in churches. Before long, the French Military will become involved and the power of the State will be used. This will not be pretty and many people who have tried to stay in the middle will be forced out as well.

The Muslim World started talking about the Crusaders about 10 years ago. Finally, the Crusades are about to begin anew, but again, coming from Europe. It will start with the elimination of the “NoGo” zones and a general “you are not welcome here” attitude, It will get worse when the Muslims push back, especially violently. That has already started. Their easy gains have already been accomplished.

When roused, the Europeans can be quite ruthless against their perceived enemies. It will be slightly different in different countries, but a wave of revulsion is already sweeping across Europe; Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Austria are examples. The Muslims do not become Europeans, they bring their religion, their religious law (Sharia) and their culture with them. Their goal is to change their new home into their old one. The only possible outcome is for their ways to usurp the existing order, or they become expelled. As we are seeing, coexistence is not possible in a separate religious/cultural track. Freedom of religious beliefs has been a hallmark of Western Civilization, but the Muslim Invasions has brought with it a Cultural Warfare that is now forcing everyone to choose/take sides.

What else? Poland, Hungary and Slovakia are not going along with the EU Budget restrictions; largely over open border Immigration issues. Outcome, no new EU Budget and no relief to the Italians for their Covid-19 stresses. Italy could well leave the EU rapidly; in a calendar year or less. Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Austria may join them in harmony. Finland, Denmark and France may be right behind. Germany may have to leave the EU as it does not want to pay for everything.

Brexit is happening and is looking like a “No Deal” version is likely. Where is the EU going to get it’s funding without the City of London? The Vatican used to be an option, but Trump has been attacking the Rothschild’s (and the ECB and the Federal Reserve) who are enmeshed in it. Any gives on the Fisheries question is now being seen as a surrender of British Sovereignty and will NOT happen. Britain is making trade deals all over the world. It has made a fisheries deal with Iceland and Norway. A trade deal with the United States could bypass EU Trade Controls and Subsidies entirely.

Ireland may be forced to leave the EU because of Brexit. Most of its imports and exports go through Britain, Exceptions include air freight, but most goods transit via trucks and ferries.

The prototype for the Globalist World Government was the European Union; even George Soros is afraid that the EU is collapsing.

Lastly, what is happening in China? The monsoon season was supposed to be over in August; the heavy rain and flooding continues, but now the snow and ice will add to the misery. There is already food shortages and China will be in famine by Spring. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has lost “the Mandate from Heaven.”

Xi Jinping has alienated everyone on the planet with his release of the Pandemic Virus and his military aggression. Donald Trump is aggressively decoupling the United States from China and the Chinese people have had the worst economic year since before China joined the WTO in 1990 or worse.

The flooding in China has frequently reached or surpassed 33 feet/10 meters. This means that all of those factories have been flooded; all of those computers have been soaked in muddy flood waters. What’s worse? All of those warehouses that store the millions of electronic parts and chips have been flooded. Are all of those chips going to work as expected with the micro dirt particles embedded?

The Chinese know about this, but are not talking about it. What are they doing? Using the chips that were not flooded (not many) or those stored very high in the warehouses for their own priority military and surveillance state companies. The rest, they are putting into export electronics.

DO NOT BUY ANY CHINESE ELECTRONICS FOR THE NEXT YEAR TO 18 MONTHS. None of these electronic devices will work as expected. Look up something called “Impedance.” This is the problem with all of those minute specks of dirt on/in the chips. They cannot be pressure washed; they are too delicate.

So…. China is experiencing one calamity after another. Weather, floods, food, economic depression and a huge loss-of-face to the world. It could get much worse. Yes, famine by Spring and yes, the Great Dam could break. That would put 400 million people (or more) at risk. Many of the 1000s of dams in China have already collapsed. We are in the beginning of the next “Mini” Ice-Age and it could last 100 – 800 years.

This all gets back to the change in energy that I write about. We entered the Aquarius Age (Zodiac) in December 2012. It takes 9 years to transition from one age to another. The 9 years can be broken down into three 3-year periods; the first 3 years stayed mostly like the Pisces energy, the next 3 years saw a shift in energy (think Brexit and Trump) and the last 3 years are turning out to be mostly new energy (again, think Brexit and Trump, but also the many failures of the Globalists).

So…by the end of 2021, the 9-year transition will be completed and the new Age’s energy will be paramount. What does that mean? Fear, Force and Control which played such a significant role in our past few thousand years, will be relegated to a supporting role. The new Aquarian energy will actively lift-up more freedoms, more truth/integrity, more good choices and more self-reliance/responsibility. The rights of the individual will trump the rights of the group.

Politician lies and corruption will no longer be supported; what a concept?

I know, how can this be? This is what this new energy is bringing. Women will be the dominant sex; we are already seeing more and more women in leadership roles. The concept of staying with the school (of fish) or the flock (of sheep) or the herd (of cattle) for safety/survival is fading rapidly. It is being replaced with energy that supports “going your own way.”

The concept of having credentials that show you are part of some elite status like college/university degrees is being questioned. Many people are skipping university and going online certificates instead. Many more have discovered the old/new concept of apprenticeships. Bottom line: the old methods of distinguishing yourself (degrees) are failing; just too expensive, too long and not enough return on investment.

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are changing banking and money. Everything is digital money and credit now, but will Gold-backed (Sound) money make a comeback? Will we experience dramatic devaluations in our currencies? Is it possible that a US Dollar Treasury Note could buy 20 or 30 times what it can today? One or two of these new $20 bills could buy groceries for a month or a new laptop computer.

Inherent in this shift is the elimination of yearly inflation built in to our Central Bank system; 2% per year is 20% inflation over a decade. In three decades, that is 60% inflation. Is it any wonder that our money buys so little today? Things have not gotten more expensive; our money is worth less and less and takes more and more to buy anything.

Buy silver and gold coins. With the devaluation of currencies, the price of gold and silver will skyrocket. Look for an once of silver to be $1,000 USD and an ounce of gold to be $30,000 USD. This is not the Federal Reserve Notes, but the new Gold-backed Treasury Notes. Yes, the term, precious metals, will be getting an entirely new understanding. That old gold ring or chain will be worth a lot; hang on to it, there will be no such thing as “junk” gold.

My Spirit Guide tells me that Bitcoin will continue to grow in value like the gold and silver coins. Some other cryptocurrencies will not do so well.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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How Stuff Works

Most of us know that we are energetic beings walking around in a physical body; especially readers of this site.

So…We are all taught in school that we have cells and nerves and blood and organs and bones, etc. They even have a fairly descent understanding of how these all work and interact with each other.

What is not understood well is that all (each of) these physical components have an energetic component attached. As an example, you are working on your tan. You are laying out in the sun and the rays are making you red. Most of us do not worry about the red; it turns brown and we get the tan we were looking for.

This is what is happening in this situation; our bodies are taking in the ultra-violet light as heat and that gets converted to Inflammation. What does the body do with Inflammation? It is a form of energy that has come directly from the Sun.

The body knows what to do; it attaches the Inflammation to a physical component within the skin. Call this a Brown pigment; it is what we call getting a tan. Some of us have fair skin and do not tan well; genetically, we do not have a lot of this brown pigment.

So…what happens over time? The marriage of the energy, the Inflammation, and the physical component, the Pigment dissolves and you lose your tan. As long as you are getting the heat from the Sun, you will continue to create the conditions for more tan; an energy storage device for inflammation.

This is a fairly benign place for Inflammation to be stored. What about other places the body puts Inflammation? Say you get bumped, bruised, or cut; the body puts Inflammation around that event. It creates swelling and signals the body to send healing in the form of more blood.

We all know that we stop the bleeding and put cold compresses or ice on the swelling. The cold drives the heat (Inflammation) away. So, at some level, we know we are dealing with energy. Just as we all know that when we get too heated from exercise, we find a place to cool off. Air conditioning is wonderful for cooling off, but then, so is shade.

My point here is that our bodies are energy machines. We take energetic inputs from our surroundings (temperature, wind, moisture), impacts, food, drink, drugs, and pain/pleasure. The first three are easy to understand, they are mostly energy coming at us and we adapt. Food, drink, and drugs are already energy in a physical form, and we process/digest them to get the goodness from them.

We tend to think of these items as the source of calories or protein or carbohydrates or fat or physically altering chemicals. All of these items have an energetic component that we totally ignore; well most of us.

So, the default is that we eat, drink and be merry and the body will sort it out. We either wake up with a “hangover” or ‘sleep-in” beyond our normal time to wake. This is the body handling the energy part; it is there and most of us do not handle it well.

Some of us have learned over time that we could address some of these energetic impacts by programming ourSelves to wake up without a hangover or process the alcohol faster or to be a “happy” drunk. What I am saying here is that all of us have many more choices than we know in how we deal with the energy components in our lives.

I am just going to address the energy we get from eating our food. We all tend to eat several time a day and think of it as getting the necessary fuel to power our bodies. The same can be said for our coffee and sodas; they are often thought about as “pick-me-ups.”

What if……….you could ask you mind if there was any extra energy that you could use for other things? What if you were told that there is a large amount of extra energy available and were asked how you wanted to use it?

Wow. What other things could you use this extra energy for? There are many options. You can keep the energy internal and use it to increase your alertness, increase your awareness, expand your sense of danger, make you a better programmer and open yourSelf emotionally or become a better empath are just a few. This is an entirely new take on Self-Improvement; it is actually taking some available energy and using it purposefully. In your conversations with yourSelf, you may want to find out if there is a priority to do first.

What about using this extra energy externally? Yes. Everything external to us is based on programming within our bodies; we are the walking-talking biologic computer that everything we create emanates from.

So, Yes, you can use this extra energy for more money, success, sex, a job, a promotion, a new partner or a better relationship. You may have to address (reprogram) your existing programs first.

Hay, you are the Operator, System Administrator and Programmer of You. By talking to yourSelf, you are getting the “buy-in” of your Guide. If your Guide will not go along, you will be told. You can even ask your Guide to help you delete/modify your programming.

Many of you have tried this in the past. Remember everything has layers. Once you finish in one layer, ask if there are more to do. It is not normally “one and done.” One of the themes of this site is that we are in new energy; that will also play a big part in our future successes.

Bottom line: we are all energetic beings in bodies. We get/take energy from the elements around us, our food, our drink, our pleasures (lots of good energy), our pain (not so good, but important) and our altering substances. There is a lot of energy that we have that we are not using. I highly recommend that you start using this “EXTRA” energy for things that you want.

This too is leading to becoming a more Conscious Creator.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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Trump Will Win Huge

And So Will the Rest of Us

Why am I writing about Politics?

Simple. Trump is a hard Right-Spinner. He is a disruptor to the existing World Order; the Globalists and Deep State. He is their Destroyer!

How Big? Because the people are not liking the Globalist CCP Virus lock-downs, the Tyrants/Democrats are going to be punished. This will be true in Europe as well.

Let’s start with the lock-down States. They will all vote many more anti-lock-down politicians into office; that means, mostly,Republicans. This will apply to both the US House of Representatives and the US Senate. Trump will gain control of the House and gain seats in the Senate.

In New England, Trump will win New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine. In the Mid-Atlantic, he will win Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina. Trumps wins throughout the South (yes, Florida and Texas). In the Mid-West, Trump wins in Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota and everywhere else leaning Red. Trump wins Colorado and New Mexico. Trump wins Nevada.

What does that leave for Biden? California, Oregon, and Washington State are a toss-up. Trump could win all three. Maryland, New Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont, and Rhode Island are also in-play, but will probably go for Biden. But, Trump could run the table and get every state.

After all the votes are counted, Trump will have a lands-slide victory in both the popular vote and in the Electoral College. 270 is needed to be elected President and Trump will have around 400 (or more).

The people are speaking very LOUDLY. This whole idea of a Globalist/Davos/Deep State Reset is being Shut-Down in the United States. Trump has cut taxes, massively cut regulations, sent investment money into the Inner Cities, pulled out from the Globalist Trade Deals and the Paris Accord, and brought back/is bringing back manufacturing. All of this was going against the Globalist Plans. Trump is going to Take-Down the entire Central Bank Structure (yes, the Federal Reserve (Fed), the ECB, the IMF, the BIS, the Vatican, and the Rothschilds) in the World.

Unfortunately, the Globalists are still very much in-charge in Europe. It is they who are pushing the Lock-Downs so hard. They realize that they have lost their position in the United States. Trump has moved the Fed into the Treasury and controls it. The Banksters’ only hope is to bring down the entire Global Economy (with Lock-downs) hoping that Trump’s Make America Great Again collapses with it. This is not going to be likely.

Trump keeps saying that 2021 will be an incredibly good year for the United States. Why? Because he had decoupled it from the Central Banksters. He is piling on the debt to the Central Banksters and will engineer a crises where they will have to declare “Bankruptcy.” Remember, they are a private corporation and can do so. Just imagine, 25 $Trillion being wiped off the books in one court case.

In Europe, everything is still very, very Globalist. The taxes haven’t been cut. The regulations are being piled-on. The trade is very protectionist. And, the manufacturing has all been shipped to China. With the CCP Pandemic, some of it is coming back.

The UK seems to be, finally, breaking free from the EU. It is still struggling with the Globalist controls but looks like it is making many positive changes, especially in trade agreements with the Commonwealth and the United States. The EU cannot fund itself without the City of London which it has lost control over. The requirement for all 27 countries to be unanimous in giving up more of their sovereignty is not working out. Germany does not want to keep paying for everything, Italy (and Spain) want more free-bees, and Poland and Hungary will not trade their sovereignty away anymore.

The Globalists wanted to break down the borders and eliminate National Sovereignty. They brought millions of Muslims into Europe to destroy the culture, history, and religion of Western Europe. This has failed miserably. What we see now is the Muslims realizing that the slow take-over phase is over. They do not have any choice; they must push hard for their “revolution.” They have made great progress in the imposition of Sharia Law, but they are still too few.

Now, their violence will beget violence. Soon, it will be too late for the moderates to save the situation. All Muslims in Europe, including in the UK, will be, increasingly, considered to be an “enemy” population that will never adopt Western Civilization. Their religion forbids it.

This has already started in France and the Globalist President, Macron, is trying to save himself by getting out in front of it. The people of Europe will raise themselves up and expel the Muslims out of their “No-Go” zones in the millions. This is not going to be pretty. Atrocities will be delivered by both sides and the middle ground will totally disappear. The majority will impose its authority and drive out the minority. It is going to be a long, cold winter and a miserable time for mass fleeing. Look for the militaries to be involved; massive force will be used.

This mass expulsion of millions will break the European Union apart. Open borders will be denied to millions of Muslims and this will spill over to others.

This is being signaled by Trump’s election again. He is going to make a deal with the UK that destroys the EU Trade Monopolies. Couple that with the new EU Funding issues; the EU will be collapsing soon. Italy will exit rapidly; within 18 months (or sooner). Greece, Spain, and Portugal will be forced to follow. That will trigger the departure of Finland, Denmark, and Sweden. Poland, Hungary, Austria, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic will not be far behind. This is the end of the German Fourth Reich.

Actually, the EU could collapse financially in the next 90 days; the Euro could be toast as a monetary unit. This would allow each country’s treasury to control its own currency. This would be a huge blow to the Central Banksters. Sound money could begin to break out all over.

Why are the Globalists losing so badly? Go back 100 plus years with the creation of the Federal Reserve (and the income tax). The Banksters had been in charge of Europe (the Rothschild Empire) since the 1700s. They tried to grab control of the United States with the 1st and 2nd Bank of the United States. They were partially successful when they established the US Government Corporation after the Civil War, but had to wait until 1913 to gain control over the money. The US Dollar is an instrument of debt; it is a Federal Reserve Note.

Their timing was great. Soon after seizing control of the US, their system of Private Western Central Banks (private corporations, not governmental) was spread throughout the world. This system of theirs, what is it? Debt. They loan money to the governments of the world in return for interest payments. The governments had to come up with some way to pay the interest so they imposed income taxes. This is a massive system of corruption where the Banksters buy all/most of the politicians and bureaucrats; hence, the Deep State.

Soon, sound money (Gold-backed) had to be gotten rid of so that more and more fiat money could be lent to all of the countries. This led to more and more people having to work two jobs (husband and wife) and the explosion of credit and credit cards. Now, most people of the world are enslaved to this massive debt system, Trouble is, productivity does not increase with increased debt; the interest payments take over.

The world is ensnared in DEBT. It owes so much money to the Banksters that it cannot afford to pay for basic services to its people. The Banksters (IMF, World Bank, BIS) will lend more, but demand austerity. That means less and less money for the people.

Economically, this system must be collapsed after about 40 to 50 years with war. Debts are written off and the game is restarted. Now, Europe is too mired in debt; there are no increases in productivity coming to save it. Unfortunately for the Banksters, there is no war on the horizon; Putin is talking and working with Trump and China is a mess and would not last long.

What to do? Bankster digital currency whether it is IMF or EU. This will be fiat money “printed” by pushing a button. It will not hold its value over time; that’s called inflation. This will give the Banksters total control over whatever economies adopt it. They will be able to monitor everything bought and sold and who you are, where you are, and how much you have. This is just like what is happening in Communist China; yes, they did their prototype there. The Banksters will be able to “turn off” the money instantly. Now, that is CONTROL.

Yes, you will still be able to barter, but the surveillance systems will expand.

This is all about Fear, Force and Control. This is all about the ascendancy of Darkness. Guess what? That Age is gone. We left Pisces at the end of 2012 and will be fully transitioned into Aquarius by the end of 2021.

We are far enough along in the transition that Darkness is losing all of its major battles. Brexit happened three times, Trump twice, the EU is collapsing. The CCP is collapsing into floods, famine, and economic depression (and there is the Quad).

Light and Right-Spin energy are in the ascendancy; they are taking/have taken over. More and more women are the leaders in everything. In Aquarius, women will dominate. Everyone will have the energetic support from the Universe to do their own thing (up to a point). Bottom line: there will be much more freedom of action. You will not have to stay with the school, flock or herd for safety or survival. New ideas and ways of doing things will be tried and expanded rapidly.

Politically, there will be a return to customs, traditions, culture, and thought patterns that we have been comfortable with for 1000s of years. The old divisions between Labor and Capital were created by the Banksters. The new issues will revolve around the collapse of socialism; again this was created by the Banksters. Everyone will be, increasingly, forced to carry their own weight. The world has begun to run out of other people’s money.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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