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R;ussia is Going, Going, ….. Gone

It is becoming obvious to the people of Russia that the Russian State is falling/failing. The Russian Federation is made up of 85 different ethnic regions/territories that have been suppressed by the  Russian Security Forces (KGB) and/or military. The West has watched as the Russians attacked and seized portions of Georgia, and Ukraine, and are poised to annex the Russian-speaking part of Moldova (if not all).

Kaliningrad, the Russian-speaking enclave next to Poland and Lithuania is in the process of declaring its independence from Russia. They are (or will soon be) voting on becoming an independent state or merging with Poland, Lithuania, or Germany. They realize that Russia has failed in its attempt to seize Ukraine and are trying to avoid being attacked or given away as part of Putin’s disaster. Russia will never willingly give up Kaliningrad as it is its only warm water port on the Baltic Sea and the major Russian Navy port there. Having said that, Putin has approved the vote for independence. ???

So, what happens to Russia when it collapses? Whoa, who said Russia is collapsing? Russia is a mess; its people are not reproducing for many reasons. Those reasons include oppression, massive drug/alcohol abuse, poor economic choices, few educational options, a poor medical system, and increasingly cold (er) winters. As Putin continues to fail in Ukraine, he has been forced to pull his military forces from critical locations within Russia; he is also drawing from the internal security forces. The fear-based state is rapidly becoming less feared.

What most of us in the West do not realize is that the oil, gas, wheat, fertilizer, and strategic metals (nickel, titanium, and others) all come from these 85 ethnic regions within Russia. The Moscow region does not have any of these natural, strategic resources. As the Russian state weakens, many of these ethnic regions will attempt to gain their independence. Many of these locations are Muslim populations and are being radicalized.

We, in the West, have been shocked at how badly the Russian military has been performing in Ukraine; why is that? Massive corruption under Putin (and the Russian system). Funds were diverted, food was not bought, tanks were not maintained, computer chips (in everything) were not replaced when they failed. Result? Nothing in the Russian Army works like it is supposed to. That includes the Russian Air Force, Navy, and Strategic Missiles Forces (their nukes). I only include their nukes as our legacy media keeps trying to scare us about them; No One has Nukes (not Russia, not China, not Iran, not Israel, not India, not Pakistan, not North Korea, and NOT the United States. No one has tested a nuke that everyone can see for 50 years or more. Those deep underground explosions could be 1000s of tons of TNT; they are not nuclear weapons.

Yes, we still have nuclear power plants. For whatever reason, they are still allowed. But, not as weapons. Why on Earth did the US move so rapidly towards GPS and smaller (and smaller) precision bombs and missiles. This has been of huge cost. Add Stealth and the Space Force to that. Does anyone really think the Russians and Chinese would not have used tactical nuclear weapons if they had them? These communist/dictator leaders do not care about their people at all.

So…., what happens when Russia starts to come apart? Here’s an easy prediction; Finland will expand eastward. Finland will retake the territory it lost in the Winter War and more. Much of Northeast Russia is historically Finnish to include the region called Karelian. There is another Finnish-speaking ethnic region in North-Central Russia called Komi (I think); Finland may expand eastward to include that. The same game the Russians played will be used against Belarus; the Poles of southern Belarus will be relinked with Poland. The Baltic States will expand eastward swallowing up much of Belarus and South-Western Russia. Russia will cease to exist as a state, let alone a major power.  The transportation network of rail and ports will tend to hold large chunks of the Russian Federation together in loose groupings of common economic interests, but the chasm between Muslims and Christian will be a great divider.

What about Siberia and everything East of the Urals? Obviously, the Chinese will attempt to expand up into the Arctic. As Russia collapses, China, Japan, and the United States will be vying to grab land and resources; even if it is to limit China. In other posts, I have written about the coming collapse of China into the sea. When that happens, large parts of central Siberia will collapse with it. Japan will reclaim the Kiril Islands and seize much of what was Eastern Russia (including Vladivostok). The US will seize portions near Alaska and north of the Aleutians. Japan and the US will be allied together for the foreseeable future.

Japan will be added to the “5Eyes” alliance of English-speaking countries; the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Taiwan will survive and join the US-Japanese-Australian alliance. India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, and most of Central Asia and North Africa will be challenged by gigantic rolling earthquakes that come from the collapse of China; much of the modern progress will be destroyed.

Wow. Our world is changing massively. No more China or Russia. A Europe that is rejecting the EU and coming together for mutual protection under NATO. With Russia gone (or going), will NATO survive? Yes, at least in part as a way to hold on to access to the American market. Germany has pissed everyone off; their export economy will not survive much beyond another 5 years. Germany will be broken up and divided between France, Czechia, and Poland. In the future, no one will want a unified Germany. Poland will expand westward (Kaliningrad) and northward into parts of Belarus. Poland, unlike Germany, embraced the digital revolution and microprocessors (chips); it will soon be the new Germany in Europe. Look for an alliance between the Nordic countries, the Baltic States, Poland, Ukraine, and Romania; some call this the Three Seas Initiative. The UK will lead the other European Alliance which will include the Netherlands, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Greece. Not sure which way the Czechs, Slovakians, Austrians, Hungarians, and Bulgarians will go, but probably with the Poles. Britain and Poland will be the leaders that speak to the Americans. The Swiss will stay independent with a foot in both camps.

Ukraine will be rebuilt rapidly. The oil, gas, wheat, other grains, metals, etc., will be controlled by the Ukrainians; they will seize much of Russia’s Black Sea coast. Georgia will retake its lost territory. Turkey will survive the massive subduction of the Middle
East and North Africa, but not as an Islamic State. Islam is a very dark (left-spin) religion; Allah has other names that include Baal and Moloch; the forces of Light and Neutral are dissolving all Dark religions. Moloch is the god of Child Sacrifice; think Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son Issac. Many senior Vatican Popes, Cardinals, and Priests are worshippers of Moloch. Read about Adrenochrome, where it comes from, and what it is used for. Your results will be very ugly/disgusting, so act accordingly.

Russia today has a GDP equal to or less than that of Spain; it is not a superpower. The world still thinks it has nuclear weapons; that is the only reason people now fear Russia. NOT!!! When Putin loses in Ukraine, he will not last long. Perhaps, he is dying of illness now. Regardless, Russia will begin to dissolve soon; just like the last time, the USSR, it will happen rapidly. The Ukrainians will be given the first grab(s) at any low-hanging fruit. NATO or one of the British/Polish alliances (or both) will seize the Russian gas and oil (and other) operations and continue to supply Europe.

All of these changes (and more) are the result of a shift in Energies from Pisces to Aquarius. 2022 is the changeover year. Many more changes coming like those described above and worse. Tune into yourSelf. Ask about where you are supposed to be and who you are supposed to be with; those will be increasingly important questions. In Aquarius, the individual has much more power than the collective and we must all act accordingly.

We have all gone through the tyrannies of the collective trying to crush individual freedoms. At a country level, we are seeing this play out in Ukraine. And yes, Ukraine is winning with much of the world’s help.

Love, Light and Laughter,


Please take the time to learn how to get answers from your Head nods and shakes. A nod is a Yes and a shake is a NO. You will be able to rely on your answers increasingly as we get into 2022 (and beyond).

The End of the New World Order and/or Great Reset!!!

Vladimir Putin was supposed to be one of the Great Reset leaders who were supposed to seize and permanently hold power after the Covid 19 pandemic. We all saw how the Austrian, French, and Canadian governments tried to do so. Putin had already done so and was serving as a model for other leaders.

But, it was not to be. Putin thinks that Russia holds a special place in the history of the world that was separate from the Globalist World Order; he arrested (or drove away) the Central Bankers who were tied in with the US Federal Reserve (a private company) and the European Central Bank (another private company). He took over the Russian Central Bank himself. Additionally, he started opposing the Deep State/WEF OneWorlders in every respect possible; Russia was not playing along. I am not endorsing what Putin has done in Ukraine; it is barbarous. But, whatever his motives, he has destroyed the careful planning of the OneWorlders/Deep State.

China was created by the OneWorlders; while the US Navy kept the peace on the world’s oceans, China was able to expand out beyond the First Island Chain and become the factory of the world. This was by design; it allowed the hollowing out of manufacturing in the United States and Europe. China was and is an authoritarian nation; it was supposed to develop the technologies for mass surveillance and control. These technologies were supposed to be exported everywhere; they were one of the most important foundations of the Great Reset.

After Trump shut China down, it felt it had been betrayed by the OneWorlders and stopped playing along. It even moved closer to Russia as an authoritarian ally. With India, Russia, and China represent 50% of the world’s population and landmass; all three of these countries are rejecting the Globalist New World Order or Great Reset. They are coming up with their own world order and are developing their own response to SWIFT which is what the New World Order/Great Reset is based on: all transactions worldwide. These and many other countries were outraged that Russia could be shut out of SWIFT; if it could be done to Russia, who next and for what?

This all goes back to the creation of the Federal Reserve; the first Central Bank. It has grown to over 200 central banks; one in every country. All of these private companies are controlled by forces in the Rothschild banking dynasty, Washington DC, or Brussels. These forces wanted “free” trade to create Globalism and Multinational Corporations. They were also behind (and funded) the entire Global Warming/Climate Change efforts to get people to reject coal, oil, and nuclear power. Natural gas was OK until the wind and solar technologies could be evolved; big problem, both were never reliable enough as replacements. Europe is finding that out the hard way now, today, after the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Covid 19 was also part of this incredible plan; it was planned in the US and developed/funded/supported in China. The lockdowns were supposed to get us all used to the idea of staying put and doing what we were told. That was supposed to transition into permanent rule by the technocrats/Elites.

My point here is that the Central Banks, Globalism, Global Warming, the shutdown of Hydrocarbons/Nuclear, the ongoing pandemic tyrannies, and the rise of Wokeness in our world are all part of the same plan that was organized 100 years ago.

Has this plan been derailed? Yes, Putin upset the Global World Order when he invaded Ukraine. What happened? He was sanctioned and much of his oil, gas, strategic metals, fertilizer, and wheat cannot be shipped from the Black Sea. There are already shortages in energy (natural gas and oil) and there will be massive shortages in food over the rest of the year. These food shortages will have a severe impact on the Middle East and China. The Middle East will buy all the available rice from India and Myanmar; China has already defrauded them for $100 million (USD). China gets nearly 30% of its wheat from Russia/Ukraine and nearly the same for oil and natural gas.

All of a sudden, people are waking up everywhere. The cost of food, fuel for cars, fuel for heat, and fuel for manufacturing/factories is leaving nothing for enjoying life; many will not have enough money to cover the basics. Governments will help, but for how long? We have all woken up to the knowledge that it may take years to resume getting oil, gas, and nuclear energies back. Meanwhile, we are in an Aw Shit moment that is not going away soon.

If the war continues, there will be famine in China, and perhaps, other places next year. As I have said in other posts, China is a failed state; it cannot keep the lights on and soon, will be unable to feed itself. Why? Far too much corruption for the Elites in both China and Russia. $Billions going into their pockets and basic goods and services are not being funded or maintained. Young people are seeing this and escaping in large numbers; they can see the collapse coming and do not want to be trapped. This is a Brain Drain of their finest.

China cannot afford the sinking of even one ship around Taiwan; if so, all commercial ships will stop sailing as they will not be able to get insurance. This is what has happened in the Black Sea. In three-to-six months’ time, China would cease to exist as a country; no oil, no natural gas, no food, no raw materials, no coal, and, again, no food.  Demographically, both China and Russia do not have enough young people to replace the old; they will both be gone as forceful nation-states in 10-20 years (or even sooner).

One of the fascinating news items coming out of Ukraine is the kidnapping of people from Ukraine, especially children. These people are being moved into Russia as far away as Siberia; Putin considers all Ukrainians to be Russian anyway.

Anyway. Do not be too concerned about the Great Reset. The world has become a very (much more) dangerous place. With energy and food shortages, every country will be trying to take care of its people. Peaceful, “free” trade will rapidly break down into war zones where ships cannot get insurance. Who is going to pay for those sunken ships? If the Saudis and Iranians start fighting each other, how is the oil/gas going to flow from the Persian Gulf? From where will the energy come from? Russia? Venezuela? Africa? Will there be fighting over this/those?

Are the Europeans, Chinese, and others going to have to pay for a Navy to escort those energy/food shipments? Not just ships, but bases as well.  It may not be the US Navy soon.

What I am saying here is that Globalism or OneWorldism (run by the Elites) is dead; not going to happen. The slow, peaceful takeover of everyone has just exploded and now, everyone is wide awake and looking around critically. Why is this or that happening? How did we get here? And, who led us here? Will there be accountability? Especially for the monsters who created Covid and the incredibly harmful vaccines/jabs/boosters. And the tyrannical politicians and technocrats?

The United States is going to be a big island of calmness in our coming world. We have plenty of oil, natural gas, food, and make most of what we need. We have large oceans on either side and friendly neighbors to the North and South. What happens if we stop exporting our energy and food and high tech? Energy and food are likely to get very dear (expensive). After the collapse of the Russian Army, no one is going to mess with the US Military; especially China.

What happens to Russia with the loss of the war in Ukraine? Will NATO survive? Will the United States continue stationing forces in Europe? With Russia and China imploding, does the US need all of its alliances? If not, which ones will be kept? The EU is fatally flawed and will not survive the energy shifts going on. Europe will be forced to come up with a security strategy that makes sense for each part of Europe; Russia is so weakened in so many ways that it may not be a threat in the future.

I absolutely love what is happening in Hungary and Poland; I hope they withdraw from the EU soon. Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, the Baltic States, Poland, Czechia, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands may need to enter an alliance against the Germans as they are rearming.

If you are a hard Right-Spinner/strong in the Light, consider making the trek to the United States; it will be much more difficult almost everywhere else. For now, the Southern Border is wide open. If you haven’t tried yet, please consider making yourSelf a NewBeing/Newoman/Newman (see the Guided Meditation page).

Darkness only has 20% of the power in our world; all of the stored/residual powers in the UN, the EU, the Vatican, the CCP, and the OneWorlders/Deep State have been dissipated/dissolved. Now, Right-Spin/Light has 80% and can use it all; the forces of Darkness have lost their power source. They have lost the war. This loss will not be for 4 years or 10, or 100, or 1000, but for thousands of years. We have a new world now.

Love, Light and Laughter,


New Aquarian Energy – Timing?

The transition from the old energy to the new will be completed on March 31, 2022; tomorrow.

This is what that means. The Dark forces (the EU, the Deep State, the Banksters, UN, IMF, World Bank, Putin, and Xi/CCP) will have used up any stored “Dark” energy that had been carried forward since 2012; they will only have the 20% of the available energy in the world. That is a huge change; they used to have 80%. Their days of ruling/controlling us are over; they just do not know it yet, but their plans keep failing.

Starting on April 1st, the Light forces will have full unfettered access to 80% of the available energies in the world. What this means is that Light will be able to start addressing its big issues with Darkness. The first targets will be the MACRO ones like those listed above. There will not be any significant energies for individual uses until June or July; so don’t expect to be using new capabilities/powres until then or later in the year.

Good news, all NewBeings (Newomen/Newmen) should be getting Positive energy changes in their lives by July. Say, you have been limited in terms of money, success, health, relationships, etc; this kind of positive energy will be available for all of us sooner than the more powerful capabilities.

Yes, many will be getting the more powerful Powres before the end of the year; things like being able to mentally create (Visioneering or Manifesting), moving things mentally (telekinesis/teleporting) that are close or far away, replicating/copying things (food, coal, natural gas, devices, tools, etc.), putting protective energy shields up around single or multiple dwellings or cars/trucks/RVs, purifying water, starting fires mentally, boiling water mentally, and, even, heating a room mentally. Most NewBeings will be able to do most of the things above; some will be able to do far more.

How? Tapping into this new Aquarian energy that I have called Majik; another name we use is Technology. All Humans have inherent powers like planting/growing food, herding/ranching for meat, fishing, building shelters, making heat, healing, moving about, using their minds/creativity, being aware of danger, planning ahead, etc. For those who have put themSelves on the NewBeing path (Newmen/Newomen), this new energy will provide additional inherent capabilities and enhance existing ones. As we advance on the path, we will receive additional enhancements and capabilities. We will not be doing things the same way for very much longer.

How many NewBeing are there? I have nearly 70,000 subscribers; most, if not all, are NewBeings. These are from everywhere. Others? Yes, according to my Source, there are around 800,000 people who have put themSelves on the path to higher degrees of Fire and Earth Beings. Many of you have shared.

I have written about Space Friends who are here monitoring us. Becoming a NewBeing has become important to them as well; they tend to be Spiritually advanced beings. There are seven other Human-inhabited planets in nearby Space; there are around 5 million NewBeings out there. They are all in the same new Aquarian energies.

Do not be concerned; they are friends and have been protecting Earth for 1000s of years; the Europeans developed from 50,000 warrior/colonists that landed about 4,000 years ago; the Annunaki had depopulated/wiped out the Neanderthal. They are among us and look very European. And yes, they are white-skinned and are located wherever Europeans have traveled to; Russia, Ukraine, Eastern and Western Europe, the UK, Canada, the US, Australia, New Zealand, and many other parts of the world. These Pleiadean NewBeings will make it easier to link up with and join their Federation as a full member. We will be Trading with these other worlds much sooner than most will (or would have) believe/believed. We have many things of great interest to them. They are not corrupt and do not take anything without consent and returned value.

It is going to be a very different new world; not much like the old.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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A New World!

Russia has lost. So, too, has China.

But, so has the Liberal World Order or Davos/WEF/Great Reset/Deep State/EU. When they sanctioned Russia using SWIFT, that was the end of the era of Globalism; SWIFT is what made Globalism work, it connected all of the transactions everywhere. Without SWIFT, the entire Global supply chain system collapses.

But SWIFT remains, doesn’t it? Yes, but fatally damaged. The world woke up and realized that the United States and the EU have complete control over the world finances; at any time, any other country could be thrown out of SWIFT for any reason (not just invading a country). The precedent has been set; it will be used (abused) again.

Russia has started an anti-SWIFT; it will only sell its export products (oil, gas, wheat, strategic metals, fertilizer, etc.) for Rubles. Russia is the world’s largest exporter of wheat and oil and is second in gas and fertilizer. It is up there in several strategic metals.  So countries that are dependent on Russia for these products will pay in Rubles; that will create a demand for Rubles and countries will acquire them as part of their foreign reserves like they do with Dollars (USD). As long as Russia has products that are in demand, Rubles will be increasingly valuable.

What else? Russia has cut itself off from the EU and United States financially; they have their own credit card system. They have also disconnected/been disconnected from the Central Bank system. They are still connected to the Chinese financial system; at least for now. India is still supportive and is trying to buy Russian oil, but may not be able to get to it in the Black Sea. India, Russia, and China are developing their own alternative to SWIFT; many other countries will join in when it works. The old adage about not putting all of your eggs in one basket is at play. Essentially, the Globalist World Order has shot itself in the foot. SWIFT will work as it is for a while, but things will move into other/new systems. Global supply chains are already messed up by Covid Port Closures and manufacture lockdowns, but the new warzones will tend to destroy peaceful free trade.

If the Chinese try to seize Taiwan, that will be another warzone with no commercial shipping vessels; all it takes is one shot fired or ship sunk. Such a warzone could apply to the entire South China Sea (Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines). Japan could go around. Any country sanctioning China would be able to stop all Chinese oil, gas, coal, food, raw materials in the Indian Ocean; sink or seize. China depends on imports for 80% of these items. If sanctioned like this, China would cease to exist as a Nation-state in six months or so.

Of concern; there will be oil, gas, and food shortages. This will be unavoidable. This will be justification for many countries to be aggressive in trying to get their share; our world has become a far less peaceful place; there will be many localized warzones.

So, yes, Globalism is dead. Everyone will try to bring their supply chains back, but what about chips? Taiwan is the chipmaker for the world; at least for now. Russia, China, India, and most of the EU depend on importing high-tech, especially chips; they cannot close themselves off completely.

Will there be international shipping? Yes, but the ships will have to sail in convoys; like World War II. Groups of commercial ships will require a naval warship escort or two. Piracy is already here but will be worse.  Insurance rates will go up, up, and UP. But then, so will fuel prices for ships and airplanes. Our world will be very different.

Will the US Navy be there? Perhaps. Or not. Russia and China will be forced to escort their ships; same for the EU unless they can get NATO to do so. Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States (with Mexico) will work together. Japan will be part of that group, but not sure about India. India has its own Navy that is quite capable.

Expect the US Navy to leave the Persian Gulf soon as the United States will be energy independent (again) soon. What will happen if the Saudis and  Iranians get into a regional war? Oh shit, where will the world get its oil/gas? Maybe Russia after the war, but there will be reparations; think, all/some of the Russian foreign reserves that were frozen?

The US Dollar will remain the Reserve Currency; not the Pound, not the Euro, not the Yuan, not the Ruble, not the Yen. The Petrodollar has lost its position already; oil for Rubles and Yuan. But still, the US is the number one or two producer of oil, natural gas, and huge quantities of food and tech; countries will still need them as foreign reserves. The US Dollar has been debased greatly, but all of the other fiat currencies have been debased even more/worse. The Chinese Yuan is being massively inflated by copy machines all over China; their Digital Yuan will make things even worse.

Globalism is the child of the Central Bank system; SWIFT was created in 1973 as a means to gain more control over national banks. They don’t realize it yet, but the Federal Reserve (a private corporation) and the Central Banks (also private corporations) are dead as well. When countries decide to spend more on defense and borders, finances and what the bankers are doing will come under greater scrutiny; follow the money. The Federal Reserve Note will be replaced by a US Treasury Note that will be backed by gold or a combination of gold and Bitcoin.

Do not short Bitcoin; it will get to $100,000 soon and probably $250,000 by 2025 (according to my Source). Tune into your head nods and shakes.

Love, Light and Laughter,



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The Great Reset has FAILED!

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has told Vladimir Putin that he was dis-invited. This was supposed to be the greatest sanction against Putin. Putin cannot go to Davos. Putin has greater problems like a failed army and a bankrupt country.

What is the Great Reset? It is a plan that goes back to the dawn of the 20th Century; around 1920. That is when the leading banker families and their politicians got together and created the Federal Reserve, the Central Bank of the United States. This is a totally private company that somehow was putin charge of interest rates for the US Dollar; that power has steadily increased over the past 100 years. The Central Bank concept has spread to every country in the world. Their approach is to inflate the money system by 2% per year; that means it is normal to lose 20% of the value of your, and everyone’s, money over 10 years. That is 40% over 20 years and 60% over 30 years; most houses have a 30-year mortgage.

This Central Bank development allowed a tiny elite to become incredibly wealthy; we read about them at Davos and they are all $Billionairs. Yes, they all belong to the WEF and subscribe to the ideas embedded in the Great Reset. These people consider themselves to be vastly superior to the average person; it is easy to believe that since you have all of the money, you should have all of the power.

Before World War II, the world was a very different place; all of the elements of state power were kept inside the nation-state. That included financial, diplomatic, military, technology, and more. After World War II, things changed. The Central Banksters/Rothschilds, One Worlders, etc came up with a world-changing idea; let’s create a world where anyone/any country could trade with any other person/company/country.  To do this, the United States would step in and provide security so all of this “free” trade could happen; thank the US Navy. All of a sudden, China could trade peacefully with the US, Europe, and the rest of the world; all without a Navy. Japan and Korea would not mess with them; peace was guaranteed by the US. Yes, there were a few other pieces needed for the Plan; the United Nations, the World Bank/International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, the European Union, and, we cannot forget, the World Health Organization.

So, their Plan was incredibly successful; all of the manufacturing capabilities were moved from the United States and Europe to China. That is called the Great Hollow Out or in the US, the Rust Belt. The US and Europe became service-oriented economies that imported everything; again from China. Over 20 years, China became incredibly wealthy and zoomed past Japan to become the world’s 2nd economy. The WEF, run by a German, used similar thinking US Elites to set up Globalism, the UN, World Bank, IMF, WTO, and WTO; along with the EU which was a French idea that got taken over by the German (4th Reich).

What next? Now everyone was totally dependent on supply chains from the other side of the world; not just goods, but oil, gas, raw materials, and computer chips. Their Plan was to reduce everyone to a fragile place that would tend to fall apart when pushed a bit; think all of those failed supply chains. Their next step was to introduce a pre-planned worldwide pandemic that would be spread by airline travel; this was not accidental. What did they demand? Universal lockdowns; everyone had to stay at home and you could not go to work. You could not earn money; you were supposed to be increasingly dependent on Government handouts for survival. Then, there were the vaccines that quickly became mandatory. Then, there were the Vax Passports to prove you had the two Vaxes and then a booster and then a second booster.

What next? Now, that the masses were used to be dictated to and their livelihoods could be taken away, it was time to take their mobility away. They had to make the cost of fuel and food so expensive that the masses had to stay contained. Where did electric cars come from? Oh yes, let’s not forget about Global Warming and the dangers of carbon dioxide. That too was part of their Plan; get rid of the cheap energy sources like coal, oil, and nuclear power. Everyone had to move towards solar and wind energy technologies as quickly as possible; nevermind that these systems cost billions to build out, take a long time, are very costly in maintenance, and not reliable; natural gas must be run when the sun does not shine or the wind does not blow.

Does any of this sound familiar? Does it make sense? Look at the world: Europe has become totally reliant on natural gas from Russia; they shut down their coal mines, stopped drilling for oil, shut down their nuclear plants, and built many pipelines for more Russian gas/oil.

They tried the Great Reset already; it failed.  For two years they had us locked down except for essential workers. Somehow, we were supposed to get used to being told what to do and how to do it. Yes, they trotted out the vaccines and passports, but there was a lot of increasing resistance. Jobs and businesses demanded to reopen and technology came to the rescue for millions; remote working away from the office. In several US states (Texas, Florida, and others), their Plan was rejected quickly, unlike most European countries.

The Great Reset Plan was for a small group of Elites to take/seize power with the Pandemic and never give it up. The Plan included importing the surveillance technologies that were financed for China. Somehow, that has failed, but not for a lack of trying. Brexit, Donald Trump, and remote working were unexpected blocks to their Plan; China and the EU stopped being positive role models

Meanwhile, there is Russia. Putin shut down the Russian Central Bank and drove the Banksters away (or in jail). He was supposed to be part of their Plan, but was not playing along; he has his own agenda. So, what has happened? Yes, Putin invaded Ukraine and that is horrible; Russia is losing that war on several fronts. But, what about Globalism? Remember, that is totally based on “Free”, Peaceful trade on the high seas. As soon as the shooting started in the Black Sea, all commercial shipping stopped; no insurance for damaged/sunken ships.

What does that mean? No grain exports from Russia or Ukraine. The last time grain shipments were interrupted was in 2010; we all got a doubling or tripling of wheat costs and events we call the “Arab Spring.” What else? All oil, natural gas, coal, potash (a fertilizer), and several strategic metals are not being shipped by sea. There are still all those pipelines, but what about the sanctions? What about the Ukrainians? Will the pipelines be stopped?

All of a sudden Germany and most of Europe realize that they are too dependent on Russia for energy; some are too dependent to do anything different. Germany and the UK do an about-face and re-embrace coal mines, oil, and nuclear power; Net Zero is history in a blink of real politique. The entire Global Warming/Carbon Dioxide is evil campaign has been kicked to the side. But hey, they did get very expensive food and fuel, even if it was not from high-cost Green Alternatives. Be watchful.

Is China going to invade Taiwan? Not if they do not want to be sanctioned like Russia! Besides, will shooting break out between China and Taiwan? Yes, and that will be the end of all exports leaving China and all of the imported oil, natural gas, coal, iron ore, and computer chips (when it can get them). A six-month war over Taiwan would collapse China faster than it is already collapsing.

Again, Russia and China are both failed states and, again, neither of them have any working nuclear weapons.

Globalism has failed politically in Europe and the US; we had Brexit, Trump, Bolsanaro, Modi, Morrison and many European countries are moving towards the Populist Right (Culture and Tradition). Politics used to be about Labor and Capital, but now it is about Globalism/ists and Culture/Tradition. Many supply chains are moving/have been moved back from Asia. Immigration has become a problem; not a solution. The EU is collapsing while NATO has been revitalized; all thanks to Russia’s invasion. The EU has always done the bidding of Germany; the Euro is not working out for Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal. The breach between the North and South is not getting healed (or even addressed).

Yes, Biden/Harris/Pelosi are Globalists/Deep Staters, but they are failing badly. Everyone knows that they stole the 2020 election and that time will fix it.

I cannot end without saying Globalism is old, negative (Darkness) energy that is a holdover from Pisces energies. How Aquarian energies will deal with Russia and Ukraine will be interesting. The Great Reset had already failed, but Putin’s invasion killed Globalism dead, dead, dead. Some of them just do not know it.

Interesting thought: if $Billions can be seized from Russian Oligarchs, can $Billions be seized from the Banksters/Deep Staters/Covid Monsters?

Love, Light and Laughter,


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The Despots are Isolated!

Putin has been the absolute ruler of Russia since 2012. Same for Xi Jinping.

What does that mean? They had all/much of the power and made themselves (and their families) immensely wealthy. They bought the loyalty of a group of cronies around them by making them (all) immensely rich as well; we call them Oligarchs or Mandarins.

What is the common denominator here? Massive corruption. These groups started by taking the cream of the top, but they wanted the lives of Billionaires and all of the fame, sex, and hangers-on that come with that.

Fast forward 10 years, what is the result? Let’s talk about Russia first. I will focus on the Russian Army first, but this applies to all of the functional entities within Russia. These CORRUPT forces were not happy with just skimming off the cream; they took the top half. So, the once-great Russian Army bought cheap tires, equipment, arms, fuel, food, and did not provide enough funds to maintain/fix them. They did away with a professional Army and replaced that with conscripts or draftees that were not well trained (training is expensive). They spent millions on the train network they inherited from the Soviets but did not buy many trucks. Why bother, as they moved everything by train? They spent lots of resources on bringing out weapons that were cutting edge, but could only build a dozen or so. They did develop “smart” weapons, but again, did not make enough of them for war use. Their existing high-tech weapons, especially those that required integrated processors/chips, were allowed to atrophy. The sanctions from 2014 had hit hard; Russians had stopped investing in education and technology. With the help of the West, they were pumping Billions of dollars, pounds, yuan, and euros worth of natural gas and oil; they could afford to buy the best technology available whenever it was needed.

In any Army, the logistics supply portion is always the place to look for corruption; someone has to buy all of those bombs, bullets, fuel, food, etc. This applies to the Russian Army especially; the Supply Corps (and supplies) was for show only. Wars are won by the side with the best logistics; Russia does not have logistics; there is no supply tail.

Many wonder about the Russian Air Force? The planes do not fly reliably; not enough fuel/parts. The pilots are not trained to use even the existing technologies as so many chips are missing. Most planes are leftover from the Soviet era and some have been upgraded. Russia invested heavily in air defense systems for foreign sales primarily. Also, it was a much less expensive defensive strategy.

The Russians have many 1000s of tanks and armored personnel carriers; again, most are leftover from the Soviets with some upgrades. Their new Armata-14 tank is supposed to be the best tank in the world; they have built just 14.  Again, these are not well maintained. There is not enough fuel, food, and ammunition. Again, not enough trucks to supply a moving army.

We are all watching the collapse of the Great Russian Army in Ukraine now. They do not know how to coordinate attacks using tanks and artillery. They lead the attacks with tanks instead of infantry; this is stupid against modern anti-tank missiles, but the conscripts have not been trained. They do not know how to plan/communicate with their air force; it has been missing in action. They sent a 40-mile convoy of essential resupply items and it ran out of fuel; their fuel trucks have all been blown up.

We keep hearing about Russian equipment being abandoned. What good is a tank that is out of fuel? It turns into a very cold hunk of steel without heat (fuel). The conscripts are walking away; they have no faith in their corrupt officers. They are foraging for food among the Ukrainians; very dangerous. Where did Russia get the fuel trucks it needed for the invasion? Belarus, but now, it does not have enough trucks either.

Just imagine that you are a Russian soldier; poor leadership/lies, not enough food or heat, your armored vehicle/tank is being blown up around you, your helicopter is being shot down, loaded with troops, and the Ukrainians that you were supposed to be liberating are hunting you. Even worse, they have better weapons, leadership, and a will to fight.

How did this happen? Putin (and Xi) have surrounded themselves with corrupt Yes-men. They have, sometimes literally, shot the messenger so many times that no one wants to bring them the bad news. Putin was told that his Army could invade Ukraine and they would be welcomed as liberators.  He believed that his forces could capture Kyiv in three days and he could install a puppet government; it was supposed to be that easy!

This has not turned out well. Putin knows that he has been systematically lied to. What can he do? He has committed 75% of the Russian Army in the Ukraine fight; he still does not have the logistics (mostly fuel/food where he needs it) to win.

Putin has lost and he knows it. The same corrupt system has permeated his Navy and Nuclear Forces; they are just as dysfunctional as the Army and Air Force. None of the nuclear weapons work anymore; he would have used a small tactical weapon by now if that was a choice. The Russians are not going to go into the cities and fight block by block; they will use rockets and artillery to level large areas; try to win by terror. Never mind being war criminals.

Even that is not going to work; not enough artillery shells. Again, like the fuel and food, ammo must be transported by truck. 500 Russian soldiers just surrendered today; that means they surrendered to a superior force. Just as in the Battle of the Bulge, German troops ran out of fuel and walked back to Germany; the same is going to happen to Russian troops. The question is whether the Ukrainians will let them off that easy.

Everything I have written about Russia applies to China, but the corruption in China is even worse. Xi, seemingly, was unaware of the shortage in coal to make electricity for much of 2021. This is despite his embargo on Australian coal.  Oh well, there was always Mongolia and Indonesia, and Russia. But, Indonesia stopped selling coal to China over South China Sea issues, Mongolia demands payment in US Dollars/will not accept Yuan, and Russian coal (or gas/oil/wheat) cannot be shipped from the Black Sea; its a war zone and ships cannot get insurance.

It has not been a great year for China; Covid has shut down the shipping ports, rolling blackouts (coal) have destroyed the manufacturing, lack of gasoline /diesel has destroyed transportation. All of this has culminated in no dollars coming in from China’s customers; yet, natural gas, oil, coal, food, iron ore, and computer chips must be bought (using dollar foreign reserves).

Even the natural gas coming from Russian Siberian fields is now in question. These gas fields depend on high-tech processes and people supplied by the West. With the Russian sanctions, those people are gone. What if the flow of gas in the pipelines cannot be maintained; wellhead, storage tanks, pumping stations, storage tanks, to Chinese pipelines? Oh, shit.

Like in Russia, corruption in China is coming to a head (like a boil). The financial system is based on property development corruption with provincial governments and state-owned enterprises. The property development bubble is, finally, crashing; people had to pay in advance for housing to be built. No housing, no one is buying anymore; the debt bubble/system has popped. Property development employs more than 10 percent of China’s workers and is 50% of the GDP when building materials, local governments (land sales), overexposed banks, and bond sales are factored. China’s real estate sector is at $62 Trillion (62,000 billion) without the local government or state-owned enterprises issues; with them, call it $100 Trillion. The real estate bubble is popping quickly now; it has already lost 60% in value and is moving towards complete collapse. We are looking at a $90 Trillion or $90,000 Billion loss (or more) in China; that will collapse much of the world’s economies. This is a financial tsunami that most of us will not be able to avoid.

Remember, China’s GDP is $14 Trillion per annum and the US is $21 Trillion; China has already lost (approximately) $60 Trillion worth, but the Chinese CCP is suppressing that information.

One last point, just as in the Black Sea, when the shooting starts in the South China Sea, all commercial shipping will STOP. So, any attempt at invading Taiwan will result in no imports of oil/gas/coal/food/raw materials/chips or exports of finished goods; China will cease to exist as a country in 3-6 months. It could break up into as many as seven different regions/countries.

One last, last point. Japan or India or Vietnam or Singapore or Malaysia or Indonesia or the Philippines could start sinking or seizing Chinese energy ships easily, even without the US Navy. Add Australia to that list, maybe. Again, all it takes is one or two and all commercial shipping will be stopped/disappear. China absolutely depends on imports and exports. Same for Russia.

Again, both China and Russia are FAILED STATES; we must spend less time worrying about them. Again, neither of them has nuclear weapons. China could have nuked one of Taiwan’s small islands long ago; would Taiwan have resisted? Does anyone think Xi Jinping would not have used these weapons if he had them? Or Putin?

Love, Light and Laughter,



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Net Zero is Globalist driven!

We are all seeing the Globalists pushing for a wider war with Russia. They were all saying that we could not sanction Russian Oil and Gas; Europe had become too dependent on the Russians. They are pushing for Poland to send its Mig-29s to Ukraine to fight Russian jets; never mind that Russia would see that as an act of war by NATO.

Putin has claimed that the severe economic sanctions that were imposed on Russia are an act of war, but he is being ignored. 17,000 more anti-tank missiles and many additional anti-air have been shipped to Ukraine; these defensive weapons are destroying the Russian invasion plan. Russia is losing and 1000s of bodies are coming home. Russians were not told/sold on the Ukraine war beforehand and sanctions are crippling the Russian economy. Putin is in trouble in Ukraine and at home.

So, what has happened to Russia? The Ruble is toast; one pundit claimed that it was worth around one penny (USD) or less. That is 100 rubles per dollar. This is not just inflation, it is hyperinflation. Russians are rediscovering barter; they have no choice. What else? Naval warfare has broken out in the Black Sea; suddenly, all shipping has lost whatever insurance they had. Result? No commercial shipping will even sail to the Russian-Ukraine coasts; no grain or oil/gas shipments to the world. Never mind whether the US/EU/NATO sanctions Russian fuel, none of it is getting out via ship. That leaves the pipelines? Yes, but many of the pipelines have been damaged by destroying the pump stations and large sections of the pipe; Ukraine is trying to prevent Russia from selling its gas/oil to Europe. Makes sense, doesn’t it? So, all of a sudden, the West is going to sanction Russian oil and gas; that is political BS, they cannot get it anyway.

Suddenly, Europe is doing an about-face; everyone realizes that nuclear power must be turned on again. Yes, those coal mines will have to be reopened. Oh yes, they will have to drill for oil in the North Sea and allow fracking. What most people do not realize is that it takes time to turn on nuclear power plants again. Same for coal mines; got to have miners who know what they are doing. Traditional oil wells take years (several) to bring online; it’s not just the well, but the distribution infrastructure. The Greenies destroyed that.

Good news, if the politicians can be made to allow it, fracking can be brought online in less than a year; it is based on existing oil wells.

How did the West become so dependent on Russian oil/gas? Another great question, how did all of the manufacturing get sent to China? Or, how did all the vaccine and medical supply manufacturing get sent to China/India? This has all been part of the Great Reset plan; making the world totally dependent on global supply chains for food, fuel, heat, electricity, and essential goods. The entire bogus Global Warming/Change narrative was concocted to shut down nuclear/coal energy; it would force us to spend billions on unreliable sources of energy; yes, wind and solar. We did that but realized that we must supplement that Green Energy with Natural Gas from Russia. How did we get to be so STUPID? I know, we were sold on how fast the alternative technology was coming and bet the farm. Now, we are holding the empty bag.

I know, hard to believe. A small group of wealthy elites has actually been planning this for 100 years; we call them the World Economic Forum (WEF) today. Other names for them include Central Bankers, Rhodes Scholars, Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission, and, generally, the Banksters. Yes, Davos too. Pay attention to who the young WEFer are; they are being groomed for future leadership roles, like Justin Trudeau.

What else is part of their plan? The entire pandemic to include the lockdowns, the vaccines, the vax passports, and, generally the massive medical tyranny. That shut down the economies of the planet and made the masses more dependent on government handouts; that is more control. What else? They took the guns away from most of us; the only place that anyone can buy a gun now is in the United States. It is still legal there, but they keep trying to take the guns away. Criminals and terrorists can get guns anywhere, but law-abiding people cannot.

If you are in Ukraine now, you can get all the guns that you could want; the authorities are handing them out by the dozens with massive amounts of ammunition. All of a sudden, borders matter, even to the Globalist EU/ECB.

Let’s not forget the Multinational Corporations; they are all owned/controlled by the Globalists. They have no allegiance to any nation and push open immigration to keep labor costs down; never mind the destruction of culture/tradition/religions. The political landscape has changed to address this; it is no longer labor versus capitalist, it is Globalist versus Populist.

The Great Reset was formulated around the use of Emergency Powers to dictate what people had to do and how they had to do it. Even peaceful protests like in Canada were crushed by massive state force; dictators must be obeyed. Millions of people heard about vaccine dangers, but were forced to get vaxxed twice and then boosted twice more; what ever happened to the right to choose?

Fortunately, the pandemic has died down and people have realized (or are starting to) the degree of freedom they have given up in the name of safety. The tyranny came out into the open and far too many people began to be awakened. Those still asleep we call Woke. Many “movements” of the 20th Century were inspired by the One Worlders or Globalists who expected to be in charge. One of their underlying tenants is that we have too many people; too many useless mouths. Look up the Georgia Stones (the state) where they proclaim that Earth can only support 500 million people; we have 7,000 million people (or more). Wide acceptance of abortion and the pandemic were both outgrowths of this philosophy. These Evil People are still planning to get us down to 500 million; think about that.

Back to Net-Zero. This makes no sense at all. It continues to force the West to keep investing in wind and solar. Meanwhile, we are not allowed to invest in new/more oil and gas wells. Result? More and more dependence on imported energy and much more costs to the average consumer. Fracking is banned as it is improved technology for pulling more gas and oil out of the ground and using your own energy.

As we are all watching, if something unexpected, like a war, happens, the Globalist Plan gets disrupted. It is not going as they planned it. Now, nuclear and coal are being embraced again; of necessity. Yes, we will keep the wind and solar farms going because of the great sunk costs; alternative energy is free after massive investments in infrastructure but has not proven to be reliable.

Again, I will go back to the Energy Shifts that are happening on our planet; we are just now, moving into the Age of Aquarius. It has far better energies than our recent past Ages; much more love, freedom, choice, truth, and much less fear, force, and control. The Globalists are going to hate it.

Even though we are moving into these new energies, we will be moving into great changes that will be difficult for all of us. Still, we have much to look forward to.

Love, Light and Laughter,



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The Changes are Here; not all Nice

Russia invaded Ukraine. None of that is what any of us would call positive. Russia has committed 92% of its Army to the fighting in Ukraine; that is astonishing; it appears to be losing. OMG, what if Ukraine defeats the Russians?

Russia has around 90 million people mostly in the “European” part of Russia; Ukraine has 45 million. Russia has an economy the size of one US State (Texas); $2 Trillion; think Austria in Europe. Russia is important for the oil/gas and wheat it exports; also other things like potash (for growing food). But Russia is a small economic power and can collapse easily; what happens if Russia breaks apart?

OK. What happened? Russia got sanctioned much more than it thought; they cannot sell (or buy) things from the world. That means gas, oil, wheat, and potash, among others. Their currency is getting worthless and Russians have had to go back to bartering to survive. Even worse, an Estonian ship was sunk; that means that no one can collect insurance on lost ships. That means that the Russians and Ukrainians cannot ship wheat to the world; no ships to carry it. That also applies to oil and gas and potash. This will apply to any shooting war around China; it will end all imports/exports. What would that do to Vietnam, Korea, and Japan; Holy Sh.t!

The last time the Russians stopped shipping wheat was in 2010. Much of the Russian wheat goes to the Middle East; wheat got 3 times more expensive (300%) and the world got the ‘Arab Spring.” This going to be even worse.  The significance of Potash is that it is a commercial fertilizer and Russia/Ukraine supplies most of it to the world. The Chinese supply another key fertilizer ingredient; they have stopped shipping it. The third key ingredient is nitrogen; it comes from natural gas. So, it’s not just the flow of wheat across borders, the world is losing its ability to grow a lot of food.

So……., we are not just going into an energy crisis, but a food one as well. Stock up. For Russia, it is going to go from bad to worse; China has stopped buying coal, oil, and gas; SWIFT sanctions. The ruble is falling so quickly in value, Russians will be happy to take Yuan, but that will take time. The Chinese are already in a food and energy crisis; the pandemic has shut down Chinese exports and they do not have the dollars to buy food, coal, oil, natural gas, or iron ore. China lost most of its pig herd to Swine Flu and has acquired much of the world’s grain supply to rebuild the herd. The cost of food is going to sky-rocket.

The world has already changed hugely. China and Russia are both failed states and will soon be of little consideration. India has flipped-flopped and lost the trust of the West. NATO has been revived and will be the basis for a European security plan moving forward. The US has refocused on Europe (away from China) at least for now. The Chinese military has watched the Russian failure in Ukraine and realized that Taiwan would be a similar disaster for them.

What’s going to happen to Russia? Russia does not have the industry to support a continuing war effort; the logistics/supplies (food, fuel, ammo, and spare parts) are not there. Putin will be deposed soon and a new democracy may emerge. Much of their coal, natural gas, and oil revenue will be used to pay reparations to Ukraine. Russia will cease to be a threat; it will have a tough time hanging on to its borders.

The world order has collapsed; the two new poles are collapsing (Russia and China). But also, Globalism has collapsed; industry/manufacturing is being re-shored very rapidly. India will not become the new factory of the world. The EU is also collapsing; they are trying to make it a superstate, but the 27 (or less) will not allow it. With Russia gone and so many different national priorities, the EU and NATO will have difficulties in surviving. Germany has not adjusted to technologies and depends on exports of cars that are not electric; it has also resisted the digitization revolution. Germans were stuck between two difficult choices; natural gas and oil from Russia or exports to the United States and Europe; they tried to sit on the fence, but have come out the loser in both.

The WEF Great Reset, which is Globalism 2.0, is also collapsing. The Plandemic has failed; their medical tyranny has not lasted. The EU cannot survive the sudden expansion/success of Britain and the German/French power grab; again, Russia is going/gone. Supply chains are being reset back. When the US stops patrolling/protecting the Persian Gulf (soon), the free flow of oil/natural gas will cease and become much more expensive (on top of the Pipeline/Pumping Station/Black Sea issues). What happens when the Saudis and Iranians start shooting at each other? Oil tankers?

In just two years, our world has changed incredibly. We all know what tyranny is and are all getting a taste of what WAR is again. We are all getting a taste of what massive inflation is; food, gasoline, natural gas, coal, etc. We all know what supply chain shortages are. Our world has changed for the worse; it is not the same world that we have become used to. Much of our population are old and retired; they are very valuable as they know so much. Someone will need to watch/educate the children while we all work to survive.

This is not the time to do things alone; begin building a group around you that you trust and can depend on. Stock up on food that does not need refrigeration/freezing. Buy lots of candles/tea lights while you can. Move out of the cities; it takes time to build trust in small cities/towns. Start thinking about more changes coming at you; they are coming closer/here.

Food shortages always create mass movements of people. Mass movements, in turn, create pushback against refugees, especially if they are different. This is not going to be pretty.

Earth Changes are coming. They will be larger and more impactful than the changes described above.

Learn how to check your six; situational awareness. Be on the lookout for dangers; the world is much less safe. Become more prepared.

Love, Light and Laughter,


The Tyants are being Punished

Russia (Putin) did not think the Invasion would take too long. Believe it or not, he sent his troops into Ukraine with three (3) days of supplies; food, fuel, and ammunition. That was a brain-dead plan. Putin never expected that the largely Russian population of Western Ukraine would rise up against Russian troops.

Even if the Russians waited longer, they did not have the logistics and resupply to send their forces with much more; it had to a be a Lightning War.  The Russians could not hope to win a war that lasted two weeks, let alone a month. This is not going to be a Forever War.

I’ll get a little weird here. We are in the midst of a huge energy shift. What if, the Universe has intervened and has the higher vibration people out of Russia and into Ukraine? After all, Ukraine is on a path to greater freedom in many areas; yes, it’s still massively corrupt, but that is a left-over from the Soviet days. The corruption will fade; it is no longer supported ANYWHERE.

Despite what Putin thought, Ukraine is a nation today, and its people are defending its Motherland. The resistance is massive and growing stronger. NATO/US has just provided another 1000 each of Stinger (air defense) and Javelin (antitank) missiles. The bogged-down Russian forces will be hit ferociously. And yes, they are already running out of food, fuel, and ammunition; they must conserve whatever they have for defense, not attack. The Ukrainians are using drone warfare very effectively against the Russians; against their tanks, airbases (even in Russia), and supply lines. Again, something new in warfare that is a force multiplier for Ukraine; the Russians do not know how to fight against these new weapons. They are quite stealthy, difficult to see, and difficult to shoot down; they also carry significant weapons. BTW, they are operating out of stretches of straight highway; not airbases. Yes, they fit under the overpasses and use them as hangers.

Putin never expected the Sanctions to be this bad. Russian people are lining up to take their money out of the banks; we may actually be having a bank run throughout Russia. What will happen in Belarus? In Kazakhstan? Will there be bank runs there as well? They are both using the Russian Ruble now but will be “dollarized” quickly. Russia as well. It is only the 5th day and massive protests have broken out in major Russian cities; the bank runs will not help.

Russia closed the pipeline into Ukraine which feeds Germany and much of Europe. Putin did this to punish Ukraine for its resistance but has really pissed off the Europeans. This has been such naked aggression that the Europeans are all waking up from their sleep; NATO has been revived. It will be interesting how the European organize their own defenses moving forward; not the EU, not Germany, and probably, not France. Who? The Baltic Defense Pact led by Poland/Sweden. Germany may have a minor supporting role.

Arden (another Tyrant) in New Zealand has been stopped by the courts. Trucking Trudeau has, suddenly, called off his Emergency Edicts; his support dropped off to very low levels. Putin is supposed to be talking to Zelensky; I think Zelensky will ask Putin to stand down his forces and surrender. Belarus is being asked to send its forces into Ukraine; Putin is that desperate. This Ukraine event is going to be a “Two for”; we get rid of Putin and Lukashenko in the same incredible situation.

When Putin threatened to attack Finland and Sweden, NATO deployed its 40,000 man Rapid Reaction Force to Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. This is the very first time, this reaction force has been deployed by NATO. How long are the Europeans going to tolerate the continued existence of Kaliningrad – the Russian Enclave?

Everyone is still afraid of nuclear weapons. Did the Indians use them against the Chinese? Or the Chinese against the Indians, or Vietnamese? Has Pakistan used them against India? Has North Korea used them, even though they are starving? Stop being afraid, the Universe made the decision that we, Earth, was worth keeping; we are evolving into something better/greater. The Nukes were turned off and they will not be coming back. Yes, Russia and the USA still find it useful to use it for saber-rattling but how long has it been that anyone popped a big airburst mushroom cloud? I know, the treaties. BS, does Putin or Xi care at all about limits that their enemies try to impose on them. No. Not. Nyet.

Isn’t it odd that Nuclear Power Plants are also being turned off everywhere? Yes, they have issues, but carbon dioxide was not one of them. Yet, they are lumped in with coal and oil, and, less so, natural gas. Maybe a better replacement is coming; be sure, it is not wind and solar. They are nearly free, but not reliable. Their biggest issue is the gigantic upfront costs.

Everyone can see that Russia’s invasion is a catalyst for change. Not just the geopolitical shift, but the financial one as well. These tough sanctions may be the push that collapses the Euro and Wall Street. Bumbling Biden is a failure on so many levels that the Americans will have to/must do something; he cannot be allowed to continue his charade. Perhaps, the courts will overturn the 2020 and we will get Trump back. With revolution in the air, who knows what will happen in Canada, New Zealand, Australia, or, even, the United States. Yes, Russia, Belarus, China/CCP, and more are included.

The Tyrants have all exposed themSelves to the world. They actually thought that they could make their Tyranny permanent; they were trying to keep their dictatorial powers forever. That was the Great Reset being advocated by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and Davos.

We are watching the energy shifts play out. Our world is going through a massive set of systemic changes. We are becoming a New World, but one not ruled by the Elites.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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The EU is Dead and Germany No longer a Leader

In my last post, I was a bit too hopeful for Ukraine; NATO is not helping in the air (not yet). Everything else will play itself out in the coming weeks.  Ukraine could not hope to go head-to-head with the Russians; their strategy was to draw the Russian tank columns far enough that they would be difficult to keep re-supplied. Using Stinger missiles to knock the helicopters down and anti-tank missiles to knock the APCs (armored personnel carriers) escorts out, Ukrainians can prevent much of the needed fuel, food, and munitions from getting to the frontline Russian tanks. Keep these in short supply and the Russian attack formations grind to a halt. Run out of fuel no one moves and there is no heat in the dead of winter.

Putin does not have the military infrastructure for a long war. Yes, he had all the oil and gas he could want, but he does not have enough trucks to get the gas (and munitions/food) to his tanks in Ukraine. Even in Russia, the Russian Army does not have enough trucks and depends on train/rail transport. Big problem: Russian trains do not work in Ukraine (wrong gauge – the Ukrainians changed them).

Now, body bags will become an increasingly difficult problem for Putin. The Ukrainians have resisted fiercely and the Russian dead and wounded are much higher than planned for. This is getting worse and worse by the hour. Russia does not have a military age replacement population; it’s too small. Any significant losses in Ukraine will be catastrophic to Russia.

Ukraine has a population of 45 million; half of Russia’s. But…..Ukraine has a large population spread throughout its territory; all of them are fighting the Russians. This is not about Kiev.

It gets even worse, yes, Russia has many missiles, fighter jets, and attack helicopters, but they are mostly unreliable as they all use semi-conductor chips that Russia cannot buy in enough numbers. Warfare has gone high-tech and Russia does not have the technology; they must import everything. Remember, there is a great shortage of chips worldwide and Russia was sanctioned (kept from buying them) after their invasion of Crimea (8 years ago). Does anything in the Russian military work the way it is supposed to work? Obviously, their tanks do.

 Like the Armada 14 tank and the Su-57 “stealth” fighter, only a dozen have been built. Same for their hypersonic missiles. Russia does not have the Military-Industrial Complex to make large quantities of these and other high-tech weapons. The Russians are fighting the Ukrainians like it was World War 2.

All the Ukrainians have to do is to keep destroying Russian trucks; that can be done by men with guns and grenades. Unless the Russians get the Ukrainians to surrender (completely) in 10 days, it becomes a hopeless war for Putin. The Ukrainians will be getting more anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles to attack the extended supply lines; even from NATO.

What happens? Russian armies get stalled and surrounded with no food, fuel, or munitions; they are too far away to be rescued. Any relieving tank columns would suffer the same fate. Ukraine is just too big to gobble up quickly; Putin bit off more than he can chew.

So, what was Putin going to do next? Simple, build up his forces in Ukraine and Belarus and attack Poland from three sides (Kaliningrad as well). The Baltic States and Romania would have been after that. NATO did nothing and Putin is convinced that it will collapse. He even warned that he would attack Finland and Sweden if they joined NATO. Putin has told the world that NATO must pull its forces out of Poland and Romania. That includes Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Putin is going to rebuild the borders of the Soviet Union if he can. Does NATO think Ukraine, is it?

Fortunately, that is not going to happen. Ukraine can trade territory for a winning strategy. Both Napolean and Hitler lost because they had indefensible supply lines that were too long. It is ironic that Russia has fallen into the same trap.

What about the EU? It has been totally toothless in this crisis. There is no benefit to being in the EU when Russia is aggressive. NATO, yes, maybe, but the EU, no. What about Germany? It is the leading state within the EU and, frequently, decides on what and how things are done. It does not control NATO. France plays along, generally, as the second fiddle. Both of these states have shown that they would not stand up for Ukraine; neither of them sent armaments to Ukraine. Germany had hoped to become an ally of Russia to obtain energy independence and as a market to sell its products (cars, etc) as it is getting harder to sell to the rest of Europe. Germany is trying to force further centralization of the EU with Germany as its chief State. That would require a military and France was pushing that. Who would want a Germany running its 4fth Reich?

That is unlikely now. The Ukrainians have stopped the flow of natural gas and oil from Russia; that will hurt Russian finances. The  Germans just killed the Green Tax; they must turn to coal and nuclear power again. Nord Stream 2 is, likely, dead; even from Russia. France is already going back to nuclear; they did not have any choice either. The Green Energy sources are just not reliable enough yet and they are incredibly expensive to set up. The world stopped investing in oil and it will take 3-6 years to bring oil wells back online; as I said, no choice about coal and nuclear.

Germany is the big loser in Europe; they were seen by everyone to be in the Russian camp. After the Invasion, Russia has become a Priya, and Germany has been tarred with the same brush. Germany will not be in a leadership position for a while and, probably, neither will France. The EU will, essentially, begin to unravel quickly; Norway and Iceland first, then Poland and Hungary, then Denmark, Sweden, and Finland. The Baltic States will be leaving soon as well. Perhaps, these will all form a version of their own NATO.

What about Belarus? The Russian troops have left. People of Polish descent make up 25% of the Belarussian Army; they know that Putin will attack Poland next. There will be a coup and Putin’s stooge will be deposed. The truly elected leader will return and throw the Russians out. There goes the supply chain for the army invading from Belarus.

When the Ukraine Invasion fails, what happens to Russia? Putin will be deposed quickly and take most of the Russian Oligarchs with him; they all got rich with Putin. Perhaps, a more representative government can take root in Russia; one based on tradition, culture, and religion. Russia will still have huge oil and natural gas reserves if it can hold on to them. A future less-threatening Russia could be an ally to the Baltic States, Finland, Poland, Ukraine, and Romania. The Three Seas initiative could take hold.

After Russia’s defeat and humiliation, Poland will march in and seize Kaliningrad; Russia will not be able to do anything to stop it. Siberia is up in the air; if there is a land grab, the United States and Japan will, probably, be big winners. What will happen to the “Istans?” That is a huge question. Russia and China are both collapsing. Perhaps Central Asia will turn to India and a revived Turkey. When China collapses, India is likely to become the next major factory in Asia, but supply chains are returning quickly to Europe and North America; Mexico is a big winner.

Russia is, demographically, unable to replace the retiring/dying people running things. It really needed Ukraine but as a willing partner. When the Soviet Union collapsed, Russia stopped funding higher education; for 30 years,  Russia has not trained its engineers and scientists. They do not have the replacements to keep the lights on and everything running.  BTW, this is also true for China, but a little differently.

As I have said in other Posts, our world is changing faster than any of us realize. The energy shift is ramping up over the first 90 days of 2022; Jan – 31 days, Feb – 28 days, and March – 31 days. By April 1st, the full 80% of Light/Right-Spin power will be available for the forces of Good. The Deep State-sponsored war in Ukraine is not going to develop into a World War; Putin will not be attacking NATO. The Deep State Plandemic has failed; not enough people have been killed by the virus and vaccines.  THEY really wanted a war to distract people away from all the people dying from vaccines. The Deep State Global Warming – Climate Crises has been alarmingly successful; it got us all to kill coal, natural gas, oil, and nuclear in favor of unreliable wind and solar energy sources. Now, everyone is paying the price; it’s going to be cold in Europe and no gas is coming from Russia. Perhaps, the Ukrainian pipeline can be re-opened quickly and Nord Stream 2 activated by a new Russian regime; but not Putin or the Oligarchs.

The Globalist New World Order was formed when the United States decided (Deep State) to allow everyone, everywhere to trade on the seas. This was free-protected trade by the US Navy. Result? China was able to expand its trade beyond the First Island Chain and become a global manufacturing and exporting power. All the manufacturing in Europe and the United States was transferred to China; it hollowed out all of the Western Countries. Another result? Multi-national companies that had no allegiance to/with any country (yes, Deep State). Just like Fascism failed and Communism failed, Capitalism was supposed to fail; it was to be replaced with the New World Order; a dictatorship of the Elite. We were just too stupid to be allowed to run our world.

In the US and Canada, we are all watching the collapse of the New World Order that has brought us all vaccine mandates, racism,  wokeness/ism, and crazy policies like Zero Emissions by 2050. A World War, from the Ukraine crises, was supposed to enable their Great Reset. This is NOT Happening. The Deep State figurehead, Biden, is crashing and burning; his approval ratings will be in the 20s soon. The Truckers are coming! The Canadians are not revolutionaries, but guns are easy to get from the USA; the Globalists took everyone else’s guns away.

It may take until April, but the Globalists/Deep Staters are failing/collapsing/dissolving everywhere. That includes the UN and the EU. Where are the Billionaires going to hide? How about the World Economic Forum (WEF)? The Davos-ers? They have purposely killed millions of us. It was never personal, just about getting more control. Hang them High!!!

Love, Light and Laughter,


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What’s going on in Ukraine?

Russia has tried to de-capitate the Ukraine leadership; it failed. Tanks rolled, assault helicopters went in and fighter aircraft went in. In every case, the Ukrainians repelled them. The tanks were forced back after heavy losses from the Javelin anti-tank missiles, the helicopters were shot down by Ukrainian fighter jets and Stingers, and the Russian fighter jets flying over Ukraine were shot down by US Air Force F-22 stealth jets which they did not even see on their RADARS. The Russians have their own Airborne Early Warning RADAR aircraft flying over Russian territory; they did not see the F-22s either. Neither did the S-400s/S-500s,

So, NATO is not putting ground troops into Ukraine (at least not yet), but is keeping the Russians from getting air superiority over the battlefield. Oh, BTW, those Javelins can and will be used against any Russian air defense equipment as a priority over tanks.  The Russians fight with the doctrine of air superiority; they realize that they cannot protect the tanks and everything else without effective air defense.

My info has been that Russia would not invade, but it is now not Invade Successfully. Russia has lost more than 1000 young men in the first hours of fighting; it is not going to get better. The Russians are still fighting like it was World War 2; roll the tanks and punch through your enemy; that no longer works. Out of 50 tanks in one attack, 35 were knocked out by Javelins; the 15 left retreated back to their starting lines.

I was a military intelligence officer for 20 years, so I know something of this. Say you have 200,000 troops deployed, many of these will be support troops. It is called the tooth-to-tail ratio; how many of those troops are logistics, intelligence, medical, transport via truck/train, fuel and ammunition supply, food, water,  heat, equipment repair, etc.  It is likely that the Russians only have around 67-75,000 front-line troops and the military infrastructure to re-supply them is not very robust. That is when they are still in Russia. When they move into Ukraine, the Javelins and other anti-tank missiles will be used to attack the fuel, food, and ammunition trucks; things will grind to halt quickly and it is still very cold. Another BTW, the Russian military does not have enough trucks, even in Russia. How are they going to re-supply in Ukraine? Captured trucks/fuel; that is not a good plan.

An army must have food, fuel, and ammunition or it ceases to be effective. It must also have replacements for the men and equipment lost. Russia does not have the logistics to support a long war. It does not even have the Military-Industrial Complex to support a medium war. This is why Putin just tried the lightning war approach. When the body bags start going back, support will crumble rapidly; 25% of the Russian population is Ukrainian and, possibly 10-15 percent of the Russian Army is as well. How is that going to go?

So, yes, all of those tanks lined up on the border are scary to anyone, but actually using them is a very complex dance, especially when there is someone fighting back. Putin was trying to reach his objectives by intimidation; it did not work. Now, unopposed rolling into Russian-held areas and the Lightning War/Air Assault; these did not work. Putin has no choice now; he must achieve some worthwhile objective or he will be ousted as the Russian leader. He will send the tanks in again; he must take a lot of territory fast. The only way to do that is through tanks. That approach has already failed, but, hey, maybe the Ukrainians will run out of anti-tank missiles. Not very likely, is it?

The armies of the world already know that tanks can only shoot 2-3 miles (4-5 kilometers), but missiles can kill from 25 miles (the newer ones). Even the US Marine Corps has gotten rid of their tanks in favor of new anti-tank and anti-ship missiles. The Russians are moving as fast as they can in this area, but they no longer have the industrial base to make enough of these new weapons, particularly anything using computer chips; that includes missiles, fighter planes, submarines, and ships.

In other posts, I have already addressed Nuclear Weapons; there are none. Not Russia, not the USA, not China, or anyone else; the Universe just said no one day. None of them work anymore. Why do you think the US Military has spent so much treasure on smart munitions that are smaller, can go farther, and still kill with pinpoint accuracy day/night in any weather? Nuclear warfare is no longer an option and Russia does not have the smart munitions.

So, yes, the Ukrainians cannot go head-to-head or tank-to-tank with the Russian Army, but they do not have to. The Russians will soon look to be a Bear Cub. Wow, will NATO even be needed anymore? Or the EU?

Our world is changing. The energies have shifted. In the past, this would have escalated into a major European or World War. The Elites/Banksters/Military Industrial Complexes always want wars to make extend their control and make incredible amounts of money. The technologies of warfare have changed, but the Russian military did not change with them. BTW, neither did the Chinese military.

In the US, only 26% want to get involved in the Russian-Ukraine war. Biden’s approval numbers are around 33% in many states and less than 40% nationwide. He is a failed President; his push for war is not working. People, suddenly, are much more difficult to manipulate; wonderful.

What a shock for everyone. The Russians attacked, but somehow, we did not all go to war. Again, somehow, their huge overwhelming force has not achieved what it was supposed to. Oh Shit, oh Dear. What has changed?

2022 is a year of vast changes for the better.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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Putin made his big move

Russia is moving its forces into the Russian separatist enclaves in Eastern Ukraine. Technically, this is an invasion similar to Crimea and like that situation, Putin has declared them to be independent states and allies of the Russian Federation. They too will be annexed into Russia.

This is a salami-slicing strategy. Russia successfully did this in Kaliningrad, Moldova, Georgia, and Crimea: why not try it again in Eastern Ukraine? This time, the Ukrainians are prepared and already fighting the separatists, so a massive show of force was required. Putin is moving his military into these Russian separatist areas; yes, it will be a full-scale military takeover and Russia will claim and defend its airspace. Like Crimea, the world will not recognize the Russian seizure of parts of Ukraine, but it will be another fait accompli.

Like all the other gains, Russia wants these to be relatively bloodless. If you look at Syria, that too was a salami-slicing gain. Yes, many have died, but not Russians.

The question will be, “What about Sanctions?” The Europeans are divided and will not present a united front; any sanctions coming out of Europe will be weak and ineffective. Europe is largely dependent on Russia for oil and natural gas and will cave to Putin. The UK has a treaty with Ukraine and its sanctions, related to finances (City of London) will have more teeth. Biden is weak and will do nothing.

Ukraine is not part of NATO and no one is on the hook to defend it. A massive invasion would have been a tripwire that Poland and the US could not ignore. So, lots of posturing and the gobble up of Russian areas of Eastern Ukraine. Ukraine has come together as a nation and is much stronger; further salami-slicing will be more difficult.

What’s next?  Russia is much more secure with these acquisitions; the invasion routes from Ukraine are more under Russian control. Not fully, but much more. Now, Putin will turn his attention to Poland and the Baltic States; that is the last invasion routes not under Russian control. Big issue, they are all in the NATO Alliance and it is likelier that Sweden and Finland will join as well.

Germany and France can no longer be trusted, but they will not trust each other. Italy, Spain, and Greece are all big question marks. The EU is collapsing. Belgium and the Netherlands will probably link with the UK for security. Turkey will never be on Russia’s side. If NATO survives, it will be based on the Nordic and Baltic States (except Germany); Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and, perhaps, Romania as an outlier. The US and UK will maintain their special relationship and be a backstop for the Nordic Alliance. Romania may have to link up with Hungary, Slovakia, and Austria in their own Eastern Defense/Security Block. Bulgaria seems to be pro-Russian; it will be thrown out of NATO along with Turkey. Moldova may link up with this Eastern Block or become part of Hungary (the non-Russian part).

Ukraine will be forced to adopt a neutral stance towards Russia while keeping its democratic approach to Europe; this will be difficult. Back in 2010, Demographers were saying that Russia could cease to exist as a country in 20-30 years. These predictions seem to be on track. If true, Russian issues will cease to be a concern soon.

NATO survived, but cannot survive a German-Russian alliance. The United States is no longer willing to be the guarantor of peace in the World; it has been going into a period of isolation for a while. It grows its own food, is self-sufficient in the production of goods, has a wonderful transportation system (air, roads, and water), Mexico to the south, and two oceans as moats for protection. Canada is breaking up and will become part of the US fairly quickly. It will take longer, but Mexico will as well. The deserts in Southwestern US-Northern Mexico will become well-watered grow zones as part of the changing Jet Steams/Mini Ice Age. Corn and wheat production will shift south. Mexico is nearly a failed state struggling with its drug cartels.

The old world is changing rapidly. The old status quo no longer applies. For carbon’s sake, we have become reliant on wind and solar energy which are not up to the task. Now, we must endure brown/blackouts while we ramp up natural gas and nuclear power again. Coal will still be important in much of the world.

This post has been focused on European geopolitics.

The world does not know it yet, but China is already a Failed State; its economy and finances have failed, it cannot keep the lights/heat on, it can no longer buy the oil, gas, coal, raw materials, and food it needs; not enough foreign dollar reserves. Seventy-five percent of Chinese people’s investments go into real estate which is nearly 30% of their GDP. China’s real estate sector is a $62 Trillion asset that has lost 50% in value; that’s$31 Trillion and it is going to get worse. Everything in China is going bankrupt; the banks, the stock markets, the provincial governments, the state-owned enterprises. There is not enough money to maintain and/or operate their military. There may not be enough food to feed their military. China is likely to break up into as many as seven entities; the Han Chinese are losing/have lost their grip on the non-Han peoples.  Taiwan is a non-Han people and will resist Han domination fiercely.

Formosa/Taiwan has traditionally been controlled by China’s enemies; frequently Japan.  Together with Japan, this is called the First Island Chain and it has been used to bottle up China’s access to world trade for 1000s of years. The only reason China got rich was free trade to the world provided by the US Navy; everyone was free to trade with anyone else guaranteed by the US after World War Two. That is where Globalism came from and the hollowing out of manufacturing in Europe and the USA.

For whatever reason, call it Covid or failed supply chains, Chinese exports have been halted. The ships are not sailing. The supply of dollars has been stopped and everything is falling apart. 1000s of companies are leaving or have left China. Foreign investors are fleeing; at least those with any sense. Yes, 100s of ships are waiting to unload, but their cargos are three months late (or more) and have missed their sale windows; this will force massive discounts and not enough dollars flowing back to China.

If a shooting war breaks out in the oceans around China, all shipping would stop suddenly; that would mean the end of Chinese exports and the inability of importing oil, gas, coal, food, or other raw materials (iron ore, etc.). I bring this up for those who think China can use its Navy for anything but its version of salami-slicing in the South China Sea. Even if the US stays out of it, Japan, Australia (perhaps), India, Singapore, Indonesia,  Vietnam, and the Philippines would not (again, perhaps). How hard is it to sink oil tankers with missiles from a long ways off? Or seize them?

So, yes, the world is a very different place than it was two years ago. Amazing isn’t it? It is the Energy Shift that is doing this!

Love, Light and Laughter,


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Its Noisey, but the Old World is Collapsing

Russia, Russia, Russia. Canada, Australia, New Zealand, China/CCP, Israel, Germany, Belgium, France, Austria, and more are all experiencing massive protests; the people have had enough and have begun to say “NO”, loudly.  It has also been happening in the United States but is about to get louder. The Tyrants are ratcheting up their responses, but that is making everyone even madder; it is not going to end well for THEM. This is the darkest part of the night, just before dawn.

As I have written, Russia is not going to Invade Ukraine. Ukraine is a nation of 45 million people. If the Russians were to try to take over and keep Ukraine, it would take a 2 million man army and would be a quagmire. Russia does not have that and their population of young men of military age will not support it; Putin cannot afford even 10,000 casualties. If he can keep Ukraine out of NATO and make it more respectful to Russia, that will have been worth the costs of the military buildup/threat. Same for Romania, Poland, and the Baltic States, but his threats have revived NATO and are pushing Sweden and Finland into the Alliance; not what he wanted. Europe will have to spend much more on defense; the US is, already obvious to many, withdrawing to the North American continent. Free trade and Globalism are dead and will not be revived. Trade will no longer be free; the shipping lanes are being abandoned by the US Navy. The number of US Allies will drop to less than 10, perhaps as few as 5.

People are astonished about Canada; the tyranny is over the top.  Wonder why? The Deputy Prime Minister Freeland is the Grand Daughter of the Director of the World Economic Forum (WEF); think Davos and their Great Reset. Trudeau is just a puppet creature of theirs. The Globalists almost pulled it off, but EVERYTHING is falling apart; they are getting desperate. The common man (and woman) were rising up and derailing the plan; not just in Canada, but everywhere.

China is a failed state and does not have to be considered in this discussion; it cannot keep the lights on or feed itself and everything is bankrupt. Corruption is out of control. The Davos types are losing $Trillions in China; wonderful.

This is all happening from the massive energy changes happening on our planet (actually in our Solar System and beyond). It looks very dark now, but the energy shift has just started and will be accelerated throughout this year. By this time next year, most of us will not recognize our world; it will change for the better that fast.

Please do not dwell on the negative or fear images being pushed by the Lame Stream Media and the Elites. Fear has been their method of control; reject it. Don’t watch it or listen to it. Get the news feeds that you want; there are alternatives out there.

Unfortunately, the Elites are pushing hard for a war; Biden is their creature as well. It is not going to happen; the energies no longer support it.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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How is our World Changing?

There are more than 500 thousand people who have become NewBeings; Newmen and Newomen. What does that mean?

They have gone through the Guided Meditation on this site. They have re-configured their energy centers or Chakras in their Inner or Secret Hearts. They have begun the process of moving beyond Human into Newman. The Guided Meditation has been shared 1000s and 1000s of times; it is very powerful Spiritually.

OK. Say there are just 50,000; what then? There are more than 66,000 subscribers to this site, so it is reasonable to use 50,000 NewBeings as a baseline.

We are in new energy. We are seeing it change things all around us. The old dominant energies of Fear, Force, and Control are losing their MoJo; they aren’t working anymore. Even where they are, they are provoking massive outrage and, soon, massive blowback by the awakened citizenry. Does anyone think the Tyranny being displayed in Canada is, somehow, going to be rewarded by the people? Payback at the ballot box is coming, if not before. The old Fear-based solutions are not working for much longer. Just think about the penalties being imposed on the Truckers and they continue with their protests against the Vaccine Mandate. Most countries of the world have already seen the Light and dropped the Covid BS. Obviously, to the Elite, this is an insurrection; their power is being challenged by the masses. Cannot have that!!!

A chord has been struck and the entire world is rising up against the Tyrants. Guess what? Our Permanent Political Class is terrified; they see another French Revolution happening to them. They are increasing their security and getting ready to flee to their hidey holes, but can they trust their security staff? Has the shift happened too quickly and gone too far? Unknown to them.

Magic is a form of power that has been used in our world for Ages; our Elites have been using it to acquire wealth, property, and political powers for 100s of years. Many of the same families have been ruling us for generations spanning many lifetimes. THEY have been telling us that Magic did not exist; only for show and most of us believed them. Question: How does one become a $Millionair? That is too difficult for most of us. A $Billionaire is 1000 times a $Millionaire. No one can wrap their mind around that much money and how much it can buy. Do you think that anyone can become a $Billionaire without using Magic? The answer is NO.

So, THEY have been using Magic to control us for more than 10,000 years. Is it any wonder how fearful our world is now? OK. Got it. Has anything changed?

YES. This year, 2022, is the first year of a major energy shift. January was the initial ramp-up of this new energy. February is a continuation of the ramp-up, but with more power. The ramp-up will be complete by the end of March. It used to be that THEY had 4/5ths of the Magical power in our world; that explains everything, doesn’t it? Now, they only have 1/5th (20%); their world is falling apart.

Oddly enough, with this energy shift, Light and Right-Spin energies have gotten the 80% share (4/5ths); this can be called Majik. Same useful powre, but cannot be used to compel. Spelled differently with different, more loving properties; more freedom, truth, choice, goodness, etc. As I have written elsewhere, technology is just another name for Majik; if we were to time travel back 100 years with our cell phones we would be called Aliens and be greatly feared.

This new energy is very different from the old energy; we will all be able to do most things differently. Many of those new ways will be better as they will be coming from more freedom, choice, truth, and love (much less fear, force, and control). Just think, this new energy will no longer support the concept of MANDATES of any kind. Big Government coercion and limits will be replaced by reasonableness and choices. Our representatives will no longer be corrupt, dishonest thieves spending most of their time lining their pockets and doing the bidding of the corporations and Elite class.

I know, mankind does not change its spots. That has been true for 10,000 years, but the energies have changed. Mankind will be ruled by Women in this new energy. Just imagine how that will change our world alone. But it gets better; this new energy will no longer support the concept of credentials or joining the right club or party; everyone will be supported in going their own way. The individual will be supported more than the collective; Individua rights will trump. This gets back to the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights (Individual).

The old energy was male-dominated and everyone had to follow the herd, flock, or school for safety; if you left the collective, it was frequently deadly. That entire approach is no longer supported. Wow!

New Beings are new. Newmen and Newomen are new. Fire Beings have never gotten to Vertical Master, Horizontal Master, or Mahatma before. There were no Earth Being before. This path is a new path; just since 2002. This is not accidental. It is all part of the PLAN.

Normal Humans will be able to use this new Aquarian energy to do many things they have not been able to do in the old energies. NewBeings will be able to do much more whether they are advanced Fire Beings or Earth Beings. Everyone will be able to tap into Majik and do Majikal things; how we grow food or catch fish or tend our livestock will change. How we treat each other will change. How we learn and heal will change. How we do business, banking, making things, selling things will change; over the past two years, all of these have changed already, massively. Get ready, more huge changes are coming.

The old ways of doing things have been based on the old energies; they no longer apply and will fade away sooner than we think and in more ways than we can imagine. We all know about people who can foresee or foretell events or who can move things with their minds or bend spoons; these have been rare.

In the new energies, these and others will not be so rare. People will find that they can do many things, with some intent and practice, mentally. They will be able to move things, fix things, make things grow faster, heat things up or cool things down, start fires, teleport things and/or people, fly around like Superman. How about replicating something mentally and sending it to yourSelf; need a quart of milk or a dozen eggs? How about that car part for those who can’t fly (yet). Yes, what about money? It is going to be an interesting world.

Remember, dishonesty and corruption and taking what does not belong to you will not be supported in this new energy. Being a gang member or bandit or thief/embezzler or any kind of crook will not be supported. Just imagine, most politicians will no longer be supported.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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