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Who is Merln and What is his background?

Hello All,

Shortly, there will be 60,000 different emails that follow this site (Subscribed).  Thank you, I guess.

As always, I do not sell or share any information with ANYONE.  I keep it hard to find this site; it is only for those who are “supposed” to find it.

I posted a Who I am and What my Background is on my technology site; here is a link.

One of the biggest differences between Right-Spinners and Left- is that we (Right-Spinners) have the ability to visualized complex things mentally. We tend to think that everyone can do this, but they cannot and it really messes with their minds.

2021 is getting ready to be a much better year; the second half. Aquarian energies are, finally, taking over. Darkness, and all of his minions, are getting ready to have a very bad, no-good year.

The old 80-20 rule is getting ready to be reversed. It will still be valid, but stacked against the interests of Darkness. Yes, 80% of problems will still come from 20%, but Light will have the 80% position.

Love, Light and Laughter,

Merln/Dave Maxwell


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Am looking for a Consulting position at a Lab or Labs

Dear Subscribers,

Anyone reading this site knows that I have “pulled” technology from many different disciplines. How I operate is to ask questions about if something, anything, can be done or improved on. That’s how I have gone in so many different directions.

I have noticed that my questions about how to do various things have slowed down. I keep asking about things that I am not allowed to bring into this world, yet. There are technologies that are too dangerous for us to play with. Tesla was told that the world was not yet ready for wireless electricity, but he tried anyway. We still don’t have wireless electricity beyond a few feet.

My solution is to help others in getting answers to their questions. I will only do this as a free-lance consultant; I will not be bound by an employment agreement where all of my knowledge and creativity belong to my employer. That is how Edison became so famous, he hired a lot of creative people and took credit for all their ideas. This is the basis for all the labs today; they hire a lot of very smart people to create technologies and they make $Billions. Some of these lab workers are getting smarter and getting a percentage.

I have an incredible talent that I can use to help others. My technology talent is somewhat like Mozart being a composer at six years old; it was God-given.

As a consultant, I will retain ownership of all of my technologies. If the technologies involve others, the ownership of the technologies will be shared. My body of work is well documented on this site.

I will consider being on a Retainer, but will not be constrained geographically for more than 24-hours. I will be bound by Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) but will not accept a Security Clearance that limits me further.

I am healthy and able to travel. I can work long hours when needed but will expect 9 am-5 pm hours five days a week (M-F). I am an English speaker/writer and do not speak/write any other language. Some familiarity with French, Spanish and German; can find my way to the WC and around a menu.

I am a former USAF Intelligence Officer (20 years plus ago) and will not work against the interests of the United States; no Chinese/CCP or Russians. Will be glad to help with US Allies in Japan, Australia, the UK, Ireland, Italy, Austria, Hungary, Romania, and Poland. Not sure about the EU, Belgium, Germany, or France; they seem to be too power-hungry/unfriendly. Will consider the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Czechia. Slovakia, Lithuania, and India as options. Others not listed as well. Not interested in Canada or Mexico or New Zealand; I do not consider their governments/environments to be friendly.

If anyone contacts me for my special kind of help, it will probably be on something that a lot of resources have already been spent on. Perhaps, they have reached a “dead-end” and need a new workable approach. I have many very new and different approaches on this site.

My consultant rates will be depended on the value of the project. Advanced payment for Retention of my Services,  travel, and accommodation will be required. I am able to work remotely on various projects, but may require additional communications/encryption support. I am willing to work with teams sent to my location as well. I have Teams on my PC (with an Office 365 Business account).  I do not trust Zoom, but will consider other connectivities.

Call or email for discussions.

David Maxwell

President, CEO, Owner, Inventor (Sole or Only), Revitae Technologies

St Thomas, US Virgin Islands

+1 (340) 244-9882 (Atlantic TZ -4 (Same as Eastern Daylight))

For sensitive secure Text discussions. I am on Signal and Keybase on the number above.

[email protected]

I am also reached for encrypted emails at: [email protected]



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2021 is a Transition Year

2020 was the last year of the old ways. 2021 is the last year of transition from the energies of Pisces into the energies of Aquarius. Beginning on June 1st, Light or Right-Spin energy will be allowed to operate at 75%. 20% was allocated in January, February, March, and April (for a total of 80%), but only half of it (40%)was available for use. From June, Light/Right-Spin will operate at 60% for the remainder of 2021.

When attacking a fortified position, military planners have long known that you need three attackers for every defender. In the second half of 2021, Light/Right-Spin will have three times the power of Darkness; expect great good things for the world and not so great things for the Deep State. I fully expect that Biden/Harris/Pelosi et al will be gone soon.

On January 1st, 2021, for example, BREXIT happened. The EU has been trying to, somehow, stop the dissolution of the “United States of Europe” ever since, but to no avail. In France, a Military Coup is becoming more likely every day. There have already been several military coups that have taken place recently. Where? Myanmar, Thailand, the Phillippines, India, Australia, the United Kingdom, and, even, the United States.

Whoa. What am I talking about? It has not been reported in the news. Exactly, this information is being actively suppressed. Many of the same Deep State players are still in position, but the militaries have taken over in the background. Who is running GITMO? And, are they doing Military Tribunals there? Have they found anyone guilty of Treason?  Have they executed anyone? Does anyone think Biden would keep GITMO open given that he stole the election?

The Banksters got together with the Intelligence Services and put together the Deep State. They plotted the Pandemic strategy of war and tried it out several times in trial attacks; all from China. It worked and they rolled out the Covid-19 as the way to seize control economically and politically.

The trouble was that these $Billionaires have Billionaire Egos and they pranced around telling us what they were doing and, even, how they were going to do it. We have all seen what “lockdowns” do to our economies and have all had to endure masks and the huge push to get “jabbed.”

So… What if the result? They actually got most of their brainwashed followers to go out and get vaccinated; sometimes three times. If you look at the population of the world, they got the 40% who watch and believe the talking heads in the Mainstream/Lamestream Media. All, or most, of these, have gotten inoculated with something that is killing people by the 1000s (all kinds of blood clots) but not being reported as Vaccine-related. They got a few percentages of the people who watch, but do not believe what the Deep State is selling. More and more of these are joining the 55% who do not watch and do not believe. Any sensible person would wait and watch; the information may take 6 months to a year to get out, but hey, it is just another form of the flu. Covid-19 is the biggest “Con” job in the history of mankind.

Now, it is beginning to dawn on all of those who rushed out to get jabbed that they are in danger; many of them will die in the coming months. It is even becoming clear that their medical and life insurance may not pay out if they have taken the vaccines; remember, these vaccines were experimental and not thoroughly tested. It did not take too long; it is being reported that Vaxed People are “shedding” something infectious to the non/not Vaxed. Soon the Vaxed may be quarantined; talk about shooting yourself in the foot. Yesterday, I read that Pine Needle Tea can be used to treat issues related to Vax Shedding Infections; not sure it is true or not.

It is being reported that the Chinese Military was discussing using biological weapons to fight World War III back in 2015. Maybe, the other militaries of the world picked up on that? Ya think?

Every military has an intelligence branch. The CIA was originally based on the OSS which was a behind enemy lines military intelligence, sabotage, and assassination structure set up to defeat the Nazis. Trouble was, it was kept alive and active by the Deep State. The Deep State has control of the CIA, FBI, NSA, and much of the “Black World” industrial complex in the United States. The same types of organizations were controlled in the UK (MI-5, 6, etc.); even though, MI actually stands for Military Intelligence.

Behind the scenes, the military intelligence branches around the world have been watching, collecting data/evidence, and tracking what was being done and who was doing it. They, even, infiltrated the Intelligence Services (CIA, NSA, GCHQ, MI-5/6, etc.) and the Banksters. Not everyone is a believer in a tiny number of elites having total control over billions of people.

It is amazing how many people can be bought with the idea that they could possibly become one of the elite rulers. The Rothschild Banksters are in total control; unless you have their bloodline, you will never be at the table. The Rockefellers, Clintons, Gates and other billionaires think that they have enough money/power to sit at the main table; not, they are all second or third tier. They are ruthlessly killed off as soon as they are no longer useful. Look at what happened to Epstein; he was a real power player with all of those blackmail videotapes.

The Deep State true believers designed and developed the United Nations and the European Union. The UN was to be the political organization for world domination; it did not work so well,  but they keep on trying. The EU was another attempt; some call it the Fourth Reich.

The militaries of the world had to wait until the Deep State made their move. With the lockdowns and the second- and third-waves of virus infections, the phony testing, and the Vaccine Passports, does anyone think the take-over is not in motion?

The problem is that the fear of Covid cannot be sustained. The flu season is over and there are not enough deaths. The hospitals are empty. Far too few are getting the vaccines. Vaccine deaths and complications cannot be suppressed anymore. There is a huge political backlash over the lockdowns. People must be allowed to earn money to live and enjoy life (what a concept?). Along the way, many/most of us have learned to dis-trust the Media and Government/Health Scare Mongers. We are no longer buying what they are selling. What’s worse, many of us believe the exact opposite.

In the United States, the Military has regained control of the NSA, the Department of Energy, the Department of Agriculture (food storage), Department of Transportation. Much of the rest including the State Department, CIA, FBI, DEA, BATF is in the hands of the Deep State. Homeland Security is currently a battleground but is being won by the military. The Border Patrol is firm with the military.

The Deep State Elites are starting to realize that their take-over of the world has failed. Quiet, behind-the-scenes military coups are taking place everywhere. Add Poland,  Hungary, Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Ukraine to the list. Putin threw out the Deep State in Russia years ago.

China was supposed to take over the world. All of the manufacturing and cash flow was moved there. The CCP Model of a Surveillance State was to be exported worldwide. Donald Trump took it down in just four years. Now, even without the United States, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, the Phillippines, Vietnam, India, and Australia have combined to take on China. France and Britain have sent warship groups to the South China Sea. The Quad Alliance is the basis for a new NATO in Asia.

They do not realize it yet, but all of those Deep State operatives in the Multi-National Corporations, Academia, Big Pharma/Medical, Wall Street/Bankster and the many Lobbyist/Law firms/Politicians have been identified, are being/will be tracked and dealt with in the coming 18 months. They will be “listed” on social media, email threads, and local newspapers. Many will simply just disappear. This will apply to all those who have “retired” as well. They will not even be able to walk down the street or shop locally; the anger and disgust will be so great.

One of the things coming soon is a giant collapse of the “derivative” markets worldwide. Most of the billionaires have their wealth in digital money and when the derivatives get wiped out, all those zeros disappear instantly. Don’t worry, any of their ill-gotten wealth that survives will be seized and moved around in positive ways.

When this Derivative Bloodbath happens, all of the major banks in the world will collapse. Some will be propped up by government payment transfers, but that could be iffy. Get into cash NOW.

You are asking how this counter-coup could have happened? Simple, for the past nine years (four of which Trump was President), Darkness has been losing more and more of its power.  Darkness used up all of its reserve power for stealing the 2020 Election.

There is a deep pocket theory of wealth. It is easy to see when looking at Bezos, Zuckerburg, Gates, Buffet, and Musk. They have giant containers of accumulated money; most of us cannot accumulate much. What happens when their “containers” spring leaks? How fast can all of that wealth run away? This also applies to old, even centuries-old wealth like the Rothschilds.

It has not been much fun to watch thus far, but it will begin to be more entertaining soon.

Love, Light and Laughter,



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More on Creators

Think of a dot on piece of paper as being one dimensional. Think of a line as being two dimensional. Now a line can connect to other lines to form shapes that are two-dimensional, like a square, or three-dimensional, like a cube. But the piece of paper is representative of a two-dimensional space. When we start using a two-dimensional space to create three-dimensional symbols, we put ourselves into a two-dimensional plus space.

Now, expand the concept of a piece of paper to include any computer algorith/program or display; it is still a flat, two-dimensional space, even though it is displaying things three-dimensionally. Next, take that image and display it on a Hologram or print it on a 3D printer which stacks layers on layers to build a 3D object. This uses what we call Relational Databases (RDB); they are flat X and Y grids (also called a Flat File/Table) that are stacked on each other to form our very large databases. Our computers use what is called Binary Code (1s and 0s) to program nearly everything for us; those 1s and 0s are just another form of Xs and Ys.

So, yes, our computers are a two-dimensional space that we are using to get to 3D concepts and things. We are moving into the 3D mind.

What is the 3D mind?

Go back to grade school Algebra; it has the X, Y, and Z axis’. We use the X and Y in our Binary Code and the Z in the form of stacked flat tablesin our RDBs. But this vertical vector is extremely limited; it can go up or down in the stack, but cannot go outside the bounds of the Xs (1s) of Ys (0s) in the flat files/tables (no matter how big these are). It is a Vector, but very limited; it cannot branch/multi branch and go long/short in any direction.

I’m going to get controversial now, even for me. All of mankind (and woman) are creators; all of our Holy Books tells us so.

Just as one-dimensional is a dot, there are Creators among us that are One level Creators; they create their realities, but are very limited in what they can create; think flat symbols (not 3D).  Level One Plus Creators can create one and two-dimensional things. They can read and write and do most things in our world. They can manifest/make many things using 3-Dimensional tools provided by our three-dimensional world (water, wood, food, crops, steel, etc.). Most people on Earth are Level One one One Plus Creators. Think, we use Binary code for all of our computing to produce our images, music, video and drawings.

We can look at a drawing, image or actually hold 3D shapes in our hands; we live in a 3D world and have been making things of wood, stone and steel for a long time. The Humans who were able to “see” in 3D are Level 3 or 3 Plus Creators. Over the past 300 years more and more people have been born with Level 3 or 3Plus Creator minds; able to “see” or create increasingly in 3D mentally.

Humans are the only beings that operate as One Plus Creators  (and above).  Other sentenent beings, like Dolphis, Wales, Cats, and Dogs, are One Level Creators only.

All Humans can create their own realities, but some are more capable than others. We have many ways to test people to determine what they can hold in their minds. Not just memory, but how many moves they have pre-planned or how many options are behind this move. We all know this, even if it is not politically correct.

The people driving our high tech world are all Level 3 or 3Plus creators. These 3 and 3Plus Minds are about 5% of our population (1 in 20). Many of these 3 and 3Plus Minds are very Dark; think IBM, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Twitter and more. These organizations get more and more advanced (technically) by recruiting Level 3 and 3Plus Minds. This is true of many of the advanced labs throughout the world.

To help put this in perspective, Da Vinci was a 3Plus Mind who could bump up into the Level 5 Mind. Same for Nikola Tesla and James Clerk Maxwell (Maxwell Equations). We are on the cusp of getting  Level 5 Minds. As you are reading this here, you will understand that getting to Level 3Plus and bumping up (even momentarily) into Level 5 is related to putting yourSelf into the Cube or on the New Being path. Yes, Einstein was a Level 3Plus Creator/Mind.

Bottom Line:

More and more of the children being born will be coming in as Level 3 and 3Plus Minds. Most of them will be strong Right-Spinners, but there will be strong Left-Spinners as well. As we move into Aquarian energies, starting in 2022, we will experience a massive shift in how we do everything. New ways/technologies/institutions will be established which destroy/dissolve the old ways. Look at learning, the Internet, Banking, Credentials (Certifications replacing Degrees) and even, our governments that are failing so badly.

Again, Aquarian energies support more Freedom, Truth, Choices (Good), Being Self-Reliant/Responsible and Doing-the-Right-Thing. Lying, stealing, taking and corruption will no longer be supported, especially from our public officials. Governments will have to be rebuilt from the local on up. Some things we will hold on to, but much of what we call Governance is very Dark and will be dissolved.


In January, Darkness got its 20%; it will stay at 20% for 1000s of years (if not 100s of 1000s), Light got 20% as well, but was limited to half of it this year: 2021 is a transition year. Lights got 20% in January, February, March, and April, but was limited to 50% for the rest of 2021 (40%). Still, LIght, now, has twice the power of Darkness; expect to see the Dark Foces begin to lose all of their gains over the coming months.

On January 1st, 2022, Light will have a fully operational 80%; many things of Darkness that still remain will be dissolved/destroyed quickly. Think, massive Earth Changes ike the Grat Dam in China collapsing; it may happen in 2021. That will destroy a great bastion of Darkness in our world.

Huge, wonderful changes for the better coming. Centuries old Evil will be washed away or faded into oblivion soon.

Love, Light and Laughter,




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How to Become One with God/Divinity

Big topic. I hope I will do it Justice.

In my last post, I wrote about Meditation.  I wrote about poping through the corner point or going to the center of the cube to find the Still Place. Think of a pair of dice; go to the center of a die or just look at the Home Page moving symbol again.

Once you find the Still Place, just say to yourSelf, “Remember this place!”

What is the Still Place? It is the place where you are one with God/Divinity, but first, you must make it a Still Place. We tend to bring a bunch of thoughts and emotions with us when we get there. You can choose where your Still Place is; mine is a mountain stream down a deep ravine.  There is a flat place next to a deep pool of water. I create a pile of small stones, medium stones, and large rocks. I cannot communicate with Divinity until the voices of thought and emotion are “stilled” and I attach each thought or emotion to an appropriate stone or rock; many of the emotions are large rocks. After a while, everything is Still and I can communicate with God/Spirit directly.

This Still Place is also called the Zero Point Energy or ZPE, the Zero Point, the Zero Frequency, Nothingness or Not. All of our thoughts, issues, limitations, conflicts, programs, and emotions (All) do not have a place here. This is also the corner point or the center of a cube.

I have been going to this place for years. Each time, I clean or clear mySelf of unwanted/unneeded thoughts and emotions. Then I can ask about anything and I write about it. I did not realize that I could do a Deep Clean and just addressed enough to Still my Mind.

One of the many things I have asked about involves a more efficient communications channel between the Divinity and me/I. As Humans, we are always shaking our heads up and down in agreement or side-to-side in disagreement (Nods and Shakes). This is Divinity trying to talk to us, but most of us do not listen. I asked if it was OK for me to tune into the Nods and Shakes to get yes and no answers? Divinity was pleased and said, Yes!!! This can be a tiny, imperceptible Nod or Shake that no one but you can discern. Or, it can be a loud Nod or Shake.

What I did not understand, for all of these years, was that I could get rid of unwanted programs that no longer served me at the Still Place. Wow. I could have asked the Divinity to erase, wipe or flush programs, health issues, money issues, partner issues, or anything, but I did not know and did not ask.

So, recently, I read a book called Zero Frequency by Mabel Katz; get it on Amazon or wherever. This cleaning/clearing of programs that no longer serve you is all about your Subconscious and cleaning out memories of significant emotional events from your life and even, your ancestors. I spoke to my Subconscious for the first time in my life (that I was aware of); his name is “Little Man” and he likes it. These programs will keep sabotaging everything you do until you work with your Subconscious and Divinity to clear them.

Zero Frequency and another book called Firth Phrase by Joe Vitali are all about Ho’Oponopono. These books are well worth the time and money to read. When you get to that Still Place and everything is “stilled,” you can tackle any problem or issue or conflict that you have by using the following Mantra (in any order): I’m Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You and I Love You. This is the essence of Ho’Oponopono.

These phrases tell the Divinity to clean or erase whatever issue you attach them to. They are free to use and attach them to all of your problems – Big and Small.

Ok, what else?

In Microsoft Windows 10 desktop, there is a well-hidden White Board app. Go to the bottom “Taskbar” and  Right Click it. Select Show Windows Ink Workspace Button.  A Windows Ink Workspace icon will show up next to your sound and Internet icons in the lower right. Left-click on this new icon and the White Board app will come up. Click on it to open it.  Wait for it to load. Create a canvas, select the “A” to input text. Write on your Whiteboard; list your problems, issues. concerns, conflicts, etc. Select Menu and hit clear Canvas. Now you have sent all of those issues to Divinity for clearing; right on your PC for free –  already included in Windows 10.

Here’s a suggestion.  I got a Nod from Spirit that I could use the Whiteboard to input my issues. I documented that agreement on the Whiteboard. I got another Nod that the Whiteboard was a tool that I could use. I was being crystal clear. I then went to Menu and Cleared the Canvas. I think I made this Whiteboard (or any other) a tool for clearing stuff for all of us.

As I was playing with this new tool, an image of a toilet flushing came to me; it flushed to the right (RightSpin) what fun. I told a friend and she told me about Mabel Katz’s app on the Google Play Store. It is entitled, “Ho’Oponopono” and is around $3 USD. It is a game that allows you to flush (to the right) your issues away (it has several methods). This is an unpaid endorsement; I have it on my Android phone. Note: I will not have an Apple product – way too Dark/Left-Spin.

Anyway, I am a new proponent of Ho’Oponopono and I have mixed it in with my previous approaches. Please consider reading both books mentioned above. Again, this is an unpaid endorsement; I have read both of them on my Kindle Cloud account.

I was definitely Guided to Ho’Oponopono and these books and tools. Enjoy!

Love, Light and Laughter,


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Happy Easter and an Improving New Year

This year Easter comes on April 4th or 44. I have written about the importance of the number 5 (really 14) and, recently, about the number 3. Both 3 and 5 are Creator Numbers meaning that days that add up to 3 or 5 are days that we can create on. 2021 is a 5 year; that means that every day in 2021 is a Creator Day.  We just left March (3) and every day in March was also a Creator Day.

Why is 3 a Creator Number? We live in a 3-Dimensional world; height, depth, and width. Look at any corner and you will see three different 90º angles (but that relates back to our 3D world. There are other “3s”. If you are a Fire Being (that’s all of us); the symbol is a Tetrahedron. Another way to describe this is to make a teepee out of 3 equal triangles (the 4th triangle is on the bottom). Tetrahedrons are made from 4 triangles; there’s more 3s. Any fire requires air, fuel, and a base to burn on; can’t burn on damp ground. In math, we have the X, Y, and Z axes.

Anyway, the point is that both 3 and5 are Creator Numbers. So May and December are also Creator Months. When you add in the 3 Creator Number (to the 5), we can all create about 2/3s of the time. And yes, November is a Master Number month.

Alright, what about 44? It is a Master Number like 11, 22, 33, etc. On Master Numbers, we are allowed to “run” or “execute” or “make it so” or “do it now.” We can create some very complex creations and hold them in readiness.  Every month has at least 3 Master Numbers; the month number and same-day number (1/1, 2/2,5/5, 12/12), the 11th, and the 22nd.

The 3s, 5s, and Elevenses are all important when we Create consciously.

What about the Rest of the Year?

We are in the last year of Transition from Pisces to Aquarius. That means that Darkness got 10% in January and February (for a total of 20%). Light got 10% as well in January, February, March, and now, April (40% and growing). Over the next four months, Light will add 40% more.

If you notice, the Great Reset plan is falling apart. Everyone is questioning the need for the masks at all and if the masks are actually being harmful to many. Yes, millions of people have been vaccinated, but about 80% of the people either can’t get a vaccine or don’t want it. It is now dripping out that the vaccines may not be safe; after all, they were all “experimental” and brought to us as a “RUSH” Job. The Deep Staters want us all vaccinated and to carry Vaccine Papers; they will try, but there will be too much resistance.

My point here is that Light now has twice the power/powre of Darkness and will be getting much more quickly. By September, Light will have four (4) times the usable power/powre of Darkness. DARKNESS is on the losing side!

Everywhere you look, Darkness is losing; the EU, Brexit, the US Border Mess, our Incompetent President/VP, the start of collapse for many of our tyrannical Governors and China. It started flooding in China last summer and it is still flooding. They have had a winter without heat (for their homes and factories). This is the country that will take over the world? Not.

You will see a clear shift in the loss of their Deep State (DS) agenda(s).  Now, that everyone is seeing how well the UK is doing after it left, many of the EU 27 are looking to leave as well. The UN and the WHO have been unmitigated disasters for the past year or two. Do we, most of us, really care what they are planning, hatching, or talking about at Davos or anywhere else? The Deep State looks like they are back in control, but look what a mess they are making of everything. The Deep State Media have lost the people and make it worse every day. This all tracks back to their amount of power; they cannot keep attacking with only 20%. They have already lost the war and don’t know it.   

Financially, pull your money out of the banks. Go on YouTube and search for safe places to hide money. Be creative. The coming collapse of the Derivatives will have the banks seizing anything over 10,000 at first, but will continue taking down to 1000. Oh, they will give you junk bonds (worthless) in return. If you are in Europe, where is the EU going to get the Trillions of Euros that it needs? Frankfurt? Not. Switzerland? Not. The Germans may be the next one out as they do not want to fund the bailouts.

The Banksters can either give us Hyper Inflation or Hyper Deflation. When the Derivative Balloon pops, we will have massive deflation. The currencies of the world will, likely, return to the buying power of 1900 (think $1 in new, Gold-backed Treasury bills will buy what 40 $1 Federal Reserve Notes (FRN) buy now). Another way of looking at it is that a new $20 bill will buy what $800 FRN buys now. For those of you who have United States Dollars, get rid of the $50s and $100s; you will only get 10% of face value when you try to exchange them (if you can exchange them at all).            

I recommend that you keep your USD in 5, 10, and 20 dollar denominations; you will have a better chance of exchanging them for new dollar bills/notes at face value. How this is going to work outside the United States is anyone’s guess. In the US, it will be likely that $20 bills/notes and below, will be exchanged at face value. This means any cash that you have in 20s, 10s, 5s, and 1s will be exchanged for new bills/notes that buy 40 times as much.  Coins will retain their face value, but will buy 40 times as much; that Quarter will be worth $10 FRN. Silver and Gold will go to 40 times higher as well (likely). Those old rings will really be worth something.

The Euro will collapse and disappear instantly; no one will take them anywhere near face value. German, Swiss, UK, Australian, and US currencies will be what everyone wants. Japanese Yen and Russian Ruble money will be the second tier. In spite of lots of distrust, the US Dollar, as a Gold-backed Treasury Note, will continue to be the World Reserve Currency.               

Germany has already printed the new Marks; look it up. Deutsche Bank will dissolve into nothingness at the start of the crash. Many other large banks will follow. Move your money out of the large banks and into the smaller, well-run regional banks or at home with you.       

We have all lived with constant inflation for more than 100 years. The Central Banks built in a 2% per year inflation; over the past 25 years, our money has been devalued by 50%. One Dollar USD in 1913 is only wor $0.04 now (4 cents) in buying power. Is this Central Bank inflation going to continue? No, the Central Banks (Private) will be busted up. Our Governments will print their own money and use it without interest. Interest rates will go down to a maximum of 7 percent or lower; Usury Laws will be brought back. Our new Gold-backed money will hold its value for decades. Savers will be rewarded again.    

That 400,000 unit will be worth 10,000. That 100,000 car will be worth 2.500. Or something like that. The cost of everything will drop drastically and so will the cost of labor (salaries/contracts).   

When is this coming? The Derivative Bubble can pop at any moment. The EU is doing everything it can to make Britain fail; it’s not working. Where is the EU going to get its financing? They have run out of money in their budget and do not seem able to get the Trillions needed for the Covid Relief. The Germans and Dutch are pushing back and are not likely to fund it.  China is a mess and has been in slow-motion collapse for decades. Again, it could happen at any moment, especially if the Dam breaks. Those are the two most likely ways for the balloon to pop, but there are several other “X” Factors. Notice the increasing EarthQuake activities and the coming Solar Minimum/Mini Ice Age.

Just as the Germans have already printed their new Marks, the US has already printed its new Gold-backed Treasury Notes. If Biden had not stolen the election, Trump may have flipped the switch already. Biden is a very deep Deep Stater and will not do anything to harm the Banksters; the collapse of the EU or China will force his (shakey) hand.     

Get into cash, buy silver and gold, buy reserve food, water, and something to heat your home. It’s not going to be the end of the world, but it is something to get prepared for. Link up with like-minded people, everything will be easier that way.    

The world is changing for the better!   

Love, Light and Laughter,


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What kind of Creator are You?

In every religion on the planet, we are told that we are made in the image of our Creator. OK. Obviously, we as Mankind have been able to change our world to suit us in many ways. We have electricity, running water, plumbing, cars and trucks, trains, planes, and computers/phones; we have definitely changed our world from just 300 years ago.

When we are born, we come into this world as a Fire Being. What that means is that we are all born as “3” Level Creators and have powers over making and using fire like steel alloys, internal combustion, electricity (think electric burners) and computers (think Ohm’s Law – heat). We can use these creations to conquer the Earth, the Air, and the Water.

After progressing enough, some of us have become Earth Beings. See the Rotating Six-Pointed Thingy in a Cube on the Home Page of this site.

Hexahedron One is dedicated to transforming more and more Fire Beings into Earth Beings. So, what happens once you have become an Earth Being? The simplest answer is that you have become a “5” Level Creator. This is the true meaning of moving into the 5th Dimension.

For everyone who has gone through the transformation process on this site, you have moved beyond “3” Level Creating and towards “5” Level Creating. This applies to all of you who have become New Beings (Newomen and Newmen). For those of you who have put yourSelves into the Cube, you are, now, “5” Level Creators. Earth Beings/5 Level Creators have dominion over both Fire and Earth. All New Beings are “3 Plus” Creators and can use “5” Days as well; just with a little less impact.

What does that mean? Not sure yet, but Earth Beings have only been around since 2002 and most of us have not gotten any new powres or capabilities yet. Unfortunately, we have all had to wait until we got through the transition into Aquarius. The Good News is that transition will be completed by 2022.

Having said that, we will have dominion over the Earth. One of the biggest limitations that we have devoted ourselves to is mobility; being able to traverse large distances quickly and with greater comfort. We think nothing of getting on an airplane and flying around the world. There is this concept called “Jumping” and there is even a film called “Jumper.” I recommend that all of you watch that movie. Forget about the bad guys chasing the Jumpers; that is drama.

Mentally, we have to take the progress we have made in traveling to a new level – beyond Fire Being. That is being able to instantly traverse great distances by transporting ourSelves there by thought. Wow, no more airports or customs or restrictions on what we can bring with us. Wow, no jail or detention center can hold us; we will even be able to Jump out of handcuffs and straight jackets. Need money, Jump into a bank vault; just don’t leave notes or fingerprints (see the Jumper movie).

Alright, if we can move ourSelves around mentally? How about other things? We will be able to teleport objects mentally as well. Need something from the grocery store, locate it from somewhere and transport it to yourSelf. It can be gems or coins or food or wine or fuel; whatever. Again, this is overcoming, at a greater level, the limitations we conquered as Fire Beings.

Remember, we are higher level Creators. On my Home Page I write about the days we Create On. I did not realize that I was just writing for Earth Beings. We are also Fire Beings and can also Create on “3” days. Think about it, we live in a 3-Dimentional world; height, depth, and width. A Fire needs air and fuel to combust. We are man, woman and child. We have forward, reverse and neutral gears. We think of ourSelves as young, middle aged and old. “3s” are everywhere in our world.

We are all told that we have the power to Manifest. That is a 3 Level Creator power that most of us have not figured out, but obviously, some of us have; $Billionaires and Hollywood Actors and Prominent Politicians. OK, what is the new 5 Level equivalent? Visioneering or being able to visualize what we want to create. We been practicing it all of our lives by putting an image/photo of what we want on the fridge or bathroom mirror.

That is how we are supposed to “Manifest.” What is the next level up? It includes Teleporting, but also, being able to Replicate or Duplicate or Copy something and then, Teleport it. Say you find something on Amazon that you really want; it could be a new phone or TV or computer or whatever. Imagine replicating it and, then, teleporting it to yourSelf. Is that stealing? Or, it is just getting around limitation of Fire Beings. The same applies to money; need cash, replicate it and teleport it. Need digital money? Again, replicate it or add to it mentally, then teleport it to your bank account or Bitcoin wallet/holder.

Go back and re-read my page on Transformer Now. The ultimate 5 power is being able to take something, anything and, mentally, change it or improve it. That is the power of being a Transformer; we even have movies about it.

Once you put yourSelf into the Cube/Hexahedron, you enter as a Keeper. That relates to preserving our environment and preventing undue damage to our planet and ourSelves. The Keeper will have powers to clean up things that are messy; think Superfund Pollution sites, the Ocean Plastic issue, and the Covid Pandemic.

The next degree is Grower. They will have the power of growing things without chemical fertilizers or pesticides. They will have power over the weather and the amount of sun, water and warm growing conditions in certain protected areas. Perhaps, under new energy shelters/domes. These powers will even extend to protection from floods; the waters will flow around the protected areas.

The next degree is Miner. They will have the power to locate and/or replicate and transport minerals/elements of all kinds that will be needed for the many new alloys with amazing properties that are coming into the world. This is not “Hard Rock” mining; it is the easy Earth Being way. They will also have all the powres of the Keeper and Grower.

That is the bottom half of Earth Being powres. A significant jump in power/authority is achieved at the Smelter degree. They will have the power to mentally create wonderful new alloys using many new techniques that go far beyond the use of heat to smelt metals. Different types of electricity, cold temperatures, and many types of phase changing will be involved. The Smelter will be able to work with the Miners to obtain the needed components and mix/sequence them into new forms. Smelters will be able to replicate and teleport (deliver) these alloys where they are needed. Smelters will be able to teleport very large objects; think full oil tanker ships.

Builders are the next highest degree; they have the powre to build new concepts as working prototypes for people to try. This includes tweaking things, mentally, along the way using “real-time” feedback. Think we ways of building houses, motors, generators, power generation plants, farming, manufacturing, education, courts, police, medicine. Many new things will be coming.

Transformers have all of the powres of the Keeper, Grower, Miner, Smelter, and Builder plus a few that they do not have.

For everyone who is still a 3 Creator, you can create on “3” days (this includes all 5 Creators as well). That means all of the days in March or December are Creation Days for you. The 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th are your Monthly Creation Days. Multiples of 3, like 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, and 30, are also your Creation Days. There are also Month and Day combinations like 1/2, 1/11, 1/20, and 1/29 or 4/8, 4/17, 4/26 or 12/9, 12/18, or 12/27. Your next “3” Year is 2100.

New addendum for 5 Creators: The concept is already there for the 28th day of the month; it is a multiple of 14. Just like for the 3 Creators above, multiples of 5 or 14 are also Creation Days. The 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th and 30th are also Creation Days. May and October are both Creation Months. 2021, 2030, 2039, 2048, 2057 2066, 2075 etc. are Creation Years (every 9 years).

3 Creators have Creation Days about 1/2 of the time while 5 Creators have Creation Days about 3/4s of the time. So, not every day is a Creation Day, but there are a lot for Conscious Creating.

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Ides of March

In my last post, I wrote about the first counter-attack by the forces of Light. This post will elaborate.

There are approximately 100 million people on Earth who are strong or very strong in Dark Power; they are our Shepherds and we are their Sheeple. While Darkness had 80% of the power, this was the way it was.

Now, Darkness only has 20% of the powre and we all are in the last year of transition from Dark Dominance to Light Dominance.

I have written several times about the coming Earth Changes; they are upon us now. Starting on March 15th, 2021, the changes will become visible to all.

The Great Dam in China will, finally, collapse killing 100s of millions of people. This mass movement of water weight will trigger massive rolling, like a roller-coaster, earthquakes throughout China. These, in turn, will trigger a collapse of China into the sea. It will no longer be the South China Sea, but the China Sea. Oddly enough, Taiwan (Formosa) will survive intact.

This collapse of China will trigger massive changes in Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, India. Pakistan, Iran and all of the “Stan” countries west of China. The rolling earthquakes will be incredibly devastating.

Think about it, this region has at least half of the peoples of Earth; perhaps, two billion will perish.

The collapse of China will trigger a massive Cascades Earthquake and Tsunami which will, in turn, trigger a series of giant earthquakes along the San Andreas fault in California and Mexico. Between the quakes and Tsunamis, many millions will be lost there too.

California, Oregon, and Washington State are the complex of Darkness in the United States (along with Illinois and New York); they will be devastated. The Central Valley of California will become a shallow sea; goodbye Silicon Valley (Google, Facebook, Apple, Twitter, et al). The Los Angeles basin will collapse to a depth of 4,000 feet of water leaving islands where Santa Barbara and San Diego are now. Baja California will collapse and the Sea of Cortes will expand northward towards the Hoover Dam/Lake Meade linking up with the Pacific around San Diego island. These Earthquakes will be in the 12-14 on the Richter Scale; no living person has ever experienced these.

The San Andreas Fault extends down to Mexico City and turns east heading towards Montserrat. Mexican cities along the fault will experience Earthquakes in the 12-14 range as well (Guadalajara, Mexico City, Puebla, and Vera Cruz). Monserrat will be nearly destroyed as an island in a massive volcanic eruption.

For whatever reason, Mount Vesuvius in Italy is linked to this. When Monserrat explodes, so will Vesuvius. The Vesuvius eruption will trigger a series of very large earthquakes along the Atlas Mountains. These, in turn, will begin the collapse of Northern Africa into the sea. The sands of the Sahara will be the seabed.

There’s more and all of it is happening in 2021. Most of Central America collapses into the sea and takes most of the islands of the Western Caribbean (Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola (Haiti and Dominican Republic), and Puerto Rico). Western, Central, and Eastern-Central Africa collapse into the sea. Kenya and South Africa will be large islands. All of the Saudi Arabian Pennisula will collapse into the sea; this will include Israel and the Sinai.

For whatever reason, Europe, Australia/New Zealand, and South America are largely spared.

Our world will soon be a very different place.

So, what about the 100 million people who have been favored by Darkness? Light has a special program for them; they will begin to leave on the Ides of March and will be gone (mostly) by July 4th (actually June 15th). This 100 million is spread out among all the peoples of Earth; one third in China, one third in North America, and the last third everywhere else.

I have written about 85% of the people on Earth being 60% or greater in their orientation towards Darkness – Fear, Force, and Control. These are the people leaving; they are no longer welcome to stay. It has nothing to do with how “good” or “bad” they have been; it is all about how much Light they have in their energy mix. And, what they have been doing with their Dark Power; some have been very Evil.

Fear not, we are all “immortal” Spiritual beings who drop our bodies like an old overcoat and return to Spirit to wait/rest until we get a new body somewhere – on one of the millions of habitable planets. Most of these people will not be returning to Earth anytime soon.

It will be a stressful year; it already is. This is analogous to the metaphor of a “broom sweeping clean.” The people of Darkness and the structures of Darkness will be energetically cleared/cleaned. It will be over as soon as possible and we all will begin living in the New “Golden Age.”

Events like these occur once or twice every 26,000 years; mostly once. We do not have any memories of these catastrophic times or even those past civilizations. The shift in energy dominance that is happening now is a large shift that impacts all nine of the local universes in our Multi-verse. We are in the Ninth at the outer edge. Darkness will be limited to 20% in all of them for a very long time – AEONs.

Love, Light and Laughter,


(no longer Apprentice)

Darkness has been “Cut-off”

Everyone knows that Darkness and Light have been battling each other forever. D-A-R-K equals L-E-F-T equals M-A-L-E; yes, politically too. L-I-G-H-T equals R-I-G-H-T equals Female. Many four-letter words are all Dark; fill in the blank. There are exceptions like Love, Just, Care, and Help.

I have written about the hierarchy of Darkness: Decoys,, Vampires, Holders, Worshipers and the Priests/Priestesses. What makes these people different from the vast majority of Dark oriented people on this planet? I mean, if there are 7.000 million people here, 85% of them are at least 60% Dark. Do the math, 10% is 700 million, so 85% is nearly 6 billion (5,950 million). The number of Dark officer ranks listed above, is around 100,000; they are our leaders or the ruling elite. The rest of the Dark peoples are their slaves.

The remaining 15% o the people can be broken into two parts; 10% are in-the-middle and float back and forth between Darkness and Light and 5% are people, oriented towards the Light. Pretty amazing that only one-in-twenty (1-in-20) of us are of the Light (Right-Spinners). These are the people Darkness considers to be enemies; they have free will to oppose Darkness.

So, being an officer of Darkness gets you what? For the tiny elite, all millionaires or billionaires or politicians, judges or CEOs, they get great wealth, power, and immunity for any of their wrongdoings (think Biden and Hillary).

What else? More important than anything else is the direct communications that they have with Demons and Darkness It Self. If you are a Priest or Priestess of Darkness, you are one of about 500 people and you speak directly to the Dark Lord. As you go down in rank, you get your guidance from Demons, but you are guided on what to do and when to continue the Dark Plan.

This may be a new idea to many, but how does one get to be a Millionaire; that is 1,000 times 1,000. And yet, we have about 100,000 millionaires. To be a Billionaire, that is 1,000 times 1,000,000 (million), is much more difficult. You need some real power behind you to get to $Billionaire; most of them are either Priests or Priestesses of Darkness.

I have written about a shift that occurred this year; Darkness is limited to 20% and Light will be getting 80%. Light will be limited to 40% this year (Transition), but will have full 80% next year.

So, now, in February, Light has 30% that it can use against Darkness. One of the things that Light has done is to “jam” the communications between Darkness (and Demons) and the Dark Lord’s elite officers (Priests/esses, Worshipers, Holders, Vampires and Decoys).

Wow, you mean they are operating without instructions now? It will be effective on March 1st (Light will have 40%). The Dark Plan that they have been working so hard to achieve will be rudderless. They still have a very good idea of what to do from past efforts, but will be unable to be told what to do to counter any moves by the forces of Light.

Great! What else?

Light is not only blocking the Dark communications, it is pushing more and more power into those communications channels; think of this as a form of positive mind control. The Dark Officers are all very open to receiving instructions from Darkness; now, instead of receiving Darkness, they are receiving Light. Light is sending Love instead of Hate.

Alright, what is that doing? It’s like shifting to Keto; can’t eat the carbs and must eat a lot more fat. Their steady diet of Dark instructions and inspiration have disappeared. What’s even worse, their protections/immunities have been interrupted; their health, wealth and youthfulness is no longer guaranteed. They can be caught at their lying and cheating and stealing; something that putting more light on the subject always does.

Wow, this is happening to all of the 100,000 Dark Lord Officers on Earth? Yes, starting Monday, March 1st; thinks ides of March.

All of these Dark Elites will become sick. If they already have health issues that they were saved from, things will get much worse quickly. Everything will begin to go WRONG for these Dark Assholes. A better thing could not be more appropriate (other than death).

Think of the old elites who keep on going in good health and a remarkable youthfulness (for their age). Think Soros, Biden, Hillary, Cher, and many others. We may be seeing many of these old people age dramatically (or drop dead) in a few weeks.

All of the Dark Lord’s senior officers drink elixirs to keep them youthful; that is another subject. That’s another thing that is being blocked; the elixirs will no longer work no matter how much is taken. There will be rapid aging.

What has been described above is the first major offensive against Darkness and his officer corps/elites. Light has been stopping the roll out of the vaccines; too many people are dying too soon afterwards. The Dark Media is still trying to tell us all to be safe and get it, but the word is getting out despite them.

To the world, it looks as though Darkness has won the day and the elites will continue to keep all of the power and money. But, just as a jammer can shut down a communications channel in the military, it will be effective against the Dark Lord and his.

Be watchful. Many will be leaving their positions of power and wealth and most of us will be wondering why?

Love, Light and Laughter,


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More on how Darkness Works

We are in the last throws of Darkness being in-charge of our world. They think they are still in charge and that is not going to change. This is how it’s always been and there is no reason for it to change now.

To help us all understand how Darkness works, I am going to describe the rank structure of the Dark Forces. Yes, it is kind of a military rank structure.

Energy Decoys I have written about Energy Decoys; this is the lowest rank of the Dark Officers. They must have enough Darkness in them (at least 85%) to begin advancing. They are kind of apprenticed to an Energy Vampire. They begin sucking/stealing energy from Right-Spinners but in a passive, low volume manner. They do not want to alarm their prey. Even though they are strong in Darkness, they look like they are Right-Spinners; they camouflage or cloak themselves in Light/Right-Spin energies. Gradually, over time, they take more and more energy and become an Energy Vampire. Energy Vampires are active energy suckers; they can drain the energy out of an unprotected Right-Spinner in seconds.

Energy Vampires Decoys and Vampires can be of either sex. There are many Light or Right-Spin people out there. Frequently, Energy Vampires put themselves into positions as bosses, particularly bosses interviewing new help. They identify the strong Light/Right-Spinners and send them to their fellow Vampires. We must understand that we stick out like a sore thumb; we are like a lighthouse on a dark stormy night. The Decoys and Vampires can see us, identify our strength and target us easily. You may think you have picked up an attractive mate for the night, but it is you who have been picked up. Sex is a great way to suck powerful energies.

Remember, 85% of the people on Earth are 60% or more of Darkness. They do not even know there is such as thing as a Decoy or Vampire or higher. So, the very idea that an Energy Vampire exists is not believed by the general public. It is certainly not part of the public discourse. And yet, the concept of a Vampire caught the public eye, why?

Energy Vampires get more and more stolen energy; this gives them a kind of Magic that they use for more money, sex, and power. They use this Magic for advancement along their paths. Many Corporate Vice Presidents are still energy vampires. After they have moved up the scale to 90%, Energy Vampires become the next higher rank – Demon Holder.

Demon Holder Wow, Demons really exist? Yes, but they need a Human host to move around. When an Energy Vampire become strong enough, they are given a Demon. The Demon takes over and begins guiding their host to do more and more work for Darkness. Who are these Demon Holders? Corporate Presidents/CEOs/University Presidents/Senators/Governors and the like; all very senior leaders in our world.

Worshiper As this Dark being gets stronger and stronger, he/she gets more (and stronger) Demons. At some point, these Dark beings are invited into the Dark Temple to be a Worshiper. It is a signal that you have arrived; you have been noticed and rewarded by Darkness. Who are these people? The $Billionaires, Supreme Court Justices, leaders of the House/Senate, CEOs, the most senior bureaucrats, and the like. The next rank is the highest.

Priest and Priestesses All along this path, Darkness is watching and evaluating. It knows what strengths and weaknesses are present. It has been able to give great wealth, privilege, and power. From the ranks of Worshiper, Darkness promotes Priests and Priestesses. We have all heard their names in the Media many times.

Now, you know why our world is so very DARK. Darkness has been in-charge for more than 10,000 years.

OK. If 85% of the people are oriented towards the Dark, how does that work? Do they have some kind of marker? Can we call most of the people on Earth, the Dark Seed? Yes. What percent of the people are Light Seed? 12.5% or 1-in-8 are Light Seed.

Wow, there is an 85% chance that you will marry and have kids with a person of Dark Seed lineage. Yes, if both parties are Dark Seed, their children will be Dark Seed. If both are Light Seed, their children will be Light Seed. If there is one of each, it becomes a matter of chance. Say in a one-of-each union, there are 3 kids; there will be at least one Light Seed child, but possibly all three. Families can be a mix of both Light and Dark Seed members. Do you ever wonder how you are so different from your siblings or a parent.

Here’s the thing. Light Seed and Dark Seed are wired differently. This is not a software or firmware change; it is a hardware change. Is it any wonder that people on the Left do not understand people on the right or vice versa. The amazing thing is that the divide seems to be 50/50. Why is that?\

In 2021, we are in the last year of transition from the Age of Pisces. Darkness had a significant reserve of power that it used in 2020 to steal the election and cover it up. Result? Biden is President of the US. Now, in the new year, Darkness only has 20% of the power. Light also got 20% in January, but will get additional blocks of powre (20% each) in February, March, and April. How Light can use that 80% to 20% in 2021 remains to be seen. In 2022, Light will have the full use of its 80% unencumbered.

Darkness looks like it has won the war, but only won a battle. It lost on Brexit which was a hard-fought battle. Darkness does not have any reserves left and cannot hold all of its positions. The Chinese take-over of the world is not happening. The Great Reset/Global Lockdown is not happening. Too many people know that Biden stole the election and is NOT legitimate. The take-over by the Deep State/Big Government is now being resisted by many states. The failure by the Judiciary has fundamentally destroyed the trust in that institution.

This is not just happening in the US; Europe is exploding in protests against the Great Reset lock-downs. France, Italy, the Netherlands, Denmark, Spain and, even, Germany may leaved the Euro and/or the EU. The Germans have already printed their Marks again.

My point is that the old world where Darkness controlled everything has ended. Big changes are coming. What they are is unclear, but things will get better for everyone soon.

Love, Light and Laughter,


More on 2021

Yes, this is the final year of transition from Darkness Dominance to Light Dominance. And yet, it looks like Darkness has taken over the United States.

I have berating Spirit for allowing this to happen. Why? Is Light an incompetent? Does Light not have the power to intervene?

Here’s what I got as an explanation. New information. On January 1st, this year, both Darkness and Light got a 20% allocation of power/powre. So for January, they were still equal. On February 1st, tomorrow, Light will get an additional 20%. On March 1st and April 1st, Light will be getting the rest of her 80% allocation of powre.

This is a new powre sharing agreement that was imposed on both Darkness and Light. Light will be able to use the additional powre immediately. By April 1st, Light will have its full allocation of 80%. Starting tomorrow, things are not going to go well for Darkness.

Actually, just like the blatant election steal, the Dark Assholes think that they can do whatever they want “out-in-the-open.” Look at what they tried to do to Gamestop, another big steal? It didn’t turn out so well, did it?

The Third Force has also been held up; it got it’s 20% on January 1st, but was sidelined as it was also co-equal with Darkness and Light. It, too, will be receiving additional 20% increments of power/powre in February, March, April, and May; 100% by May 1st.

This 3rd Force can be used in either direction; it can be Left-Spin or Right-Spin. Having said that, there is a huge imbalance in our world after Darkness being in-charge (80%) for 1000s of years; the 3rd Force will be Right-Spin for many 1000s of years to come.

OK. What the hell does this mean? This is technocrat gibberish.

2021 started out equal but will end very unequal. I have written about energy capsules. Each day, week, month, year, decade, century and millennium have their own different energies. For us, the important ones are the months and years. 2021 is the last transition year. 2022 is the beginning of Aquarian rule (rules) for the next 2,151 years; an Age.

With both Light and Spin (3rd Force) teaming up against it, Darkness has seen the last of its glory days for a while; a long while.

Just as they overplayed their hands on Gamestop, they will overplay their hands in many things. They think they can impose the Great Reset but they have literally run out of time and power. The world will have a ringside seat as they tie themselves into pretzels telling us how “wonderful” it will be to give them ALL of the power; you will very happy owning nothing and being totally dependent on their handouts. Never mind individual right; that passe. It’s the collective baby; we’ve all gotta be Safe and to do so, we have to give up everything (all of our Rights).

Not sure what the Plan is, but the Exposure of the Cabal is being displayed to all (who would look).

Be of good cheer. Not sure what is going to happen or when, but when you are in a fight and it is 9-to-1 against you, be prepared for a drubbing.

Happy Right-Spinning,


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The Old World is Crumbling

The old political system and the old industrial technologies are falling off the cliff and they do not know it. It used to be that you had to have coal or fuel oil or natural gas to heat your home (or wherever). Now, you dig a trench grid in your back yard, lay some cheap plastic pipe (down 6 feet) and keep yourself warm in the coldest winter (or cool in the hottest summer) by pumping air through that grid. At 6 feet down (or roughly 2 meters), the air in that grid is a constant 54° F (12.22 ° C); you might have to wear a sweater, but it is a great temperature to start heating (or cooling) from another source.

This is not something new, but it has been suppressed in our consciousness. We always thought in terms of wood for the fire, then coal, then fuel oil and now, natural gas. Of course, there is also electricity, but that is expensive and increasingly unreliable. If we had to, a bicycle could be set up to pump the air. Most of us will stay connected to the Grid and continue to pay huge amounts for our heat, but the option is there and it is almost free.

I just put up a Post on my invention site,, discussing how we can modify radio waves (safe, very low power) to be kinetic and heat up the air. This could apply to houses, apartments, tents, sleeping bags, and vehicles. The batteries to run this Kinetic RF device can be solar charged, just like your phones.

There are many future changing technologies to explore and think about. I highly recommend it to all of you.

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Disappointed, but …

Trump is gone, at least for now. Biden is the creature of the Deep State and he starts with almost no goodwill from the people.

OK. Why is this so? He and the Deep State stole the election and did not care if anyone saw; they wanted the raw power. The Great Reset/Great Tyranny will be set in motion almost immediately.

There’s a problem. People everywhere are rejecting the vaccines; they were all too rushed, no one knows whats in them, there is too much political push to force them and not very many “trust” the experts anymore.

His solution will be “National Lockdowns.” This is not going to fly; too many people know the tests are rigged and are mostly false positives. Too many people know that the number of people dead is the same as 2019, 2018, 2017, etc. The hospitals are empty of Covid patients and, finally, the successful treatments/cures are being reported (they can no longer help Trump).

Law Enforcement has realized that they have lost the support of the people; they went way too far in the force used against the people, EVERYWHERE. But think about it; they are there to enforce the law or force the obeying of the law. Trouble was, it was executive fiat or dictate that they were forcing, not the law. Never mind the right to work or worship or congregate.

The Deep State had their test run of the Reset and they were pleased with the results. Millions of people did what they were ordered to do; stay home, not earn money and not have a life. They actually think that they can make this the new “Normal.”

I point this out as it is fairly obvious to any thinking person. Remember there are two large classes of people; Left- and Right-Spinners. Left-Spinners are focused on fear, force and control; they want to be told what to do and they want to wear the masks, even when they don’t have to. Right-Spinners are oriented towards more freedom, truth, choices, self-reliance, self-responsibility and doing-the-Right(Light)-Thing; they take their masks off immediately or don’t wear them at all.

Unfortunately for the world, 95% of us (19 out of 20) are Left-Spinners. This is why the Oligarchs have been in control for 1000s of years. They treat us like sheeple and, mostly, we comply.

So, has something changed? If so, what?

For the past 10,800 years (the last five Ages), Darkness (Left is Dark) has had 80% of the power in our world. Think the 80/20 rule.

That has changed. We are in the last year of a Nine (9) year transition from Pisces to Aquarius. It started on December 22, 2012, and will be complete on December 22, 2021 (note that there are both Creation Years and add up to 5). 2012 was also the last year of the Mayan Calendar and was indicative of great change coming.

In 2021, Darkness has been reduced to 20%, but, during the transition, Light only has 40%. Up to the end of 2020, Darkness could use saved up/reserve power; it used it up stealing and covering up the fraudulent election. In 2022, Light will have a full 80% share of powre.

Think about that. Darkness cannot make headway anymore; its power is too low. It has shot its wad. Light has twice the powre now and four times the powre next year. Is it any wonder that Joe Biden is having a rocky start to his Presidency?

Things will go from bad to worse for the Deep State, the EU and the CCP. As the Chinese saying goes, “They have lost the Mandate of Heaven.”

The Davos crowd still thinks everything is the same. They are partially correct; the large majority of people are still sheeple, but the energy in the world has shifted.

Isn’t this wonderful news. There is hope for the future with the knowing that fear-based tyranny will not survive much longer.

There’s more good news. We, humans, are evolving. Some have called it moving into the 4th or 5th Dimension and others are focused on the increased vibrational rate and synchronicity.

I will describe it as completing our contract with our 3 Dimensional World. Think about it, we have height, depth and width, man, woman and child, freezing, boiling and steam and more.

But for most of us, we are stuck in a Binary World; just two choices like on-off, male-female, hot-cold, light-heavy, happy-sad, etc. We have made giant strides in technology using binary coding to build all of our programs.

This is too limiting to last. Think about our cars (trucks, trains and planes); they are have a forward gear, a reverse and a neutral (to get back and forth). What about electricity? We know about the positive and negative poles on a battery and the Earth itself (North and South). Is there a neutral there that we are missing?

My point is that our evolution had carried us to the space where we can “wrap” our minds around an inherent third piece of the puzzle. Most people were introduced to Algebraic concepts in early childhood; you know the X and Y grid; it is the basis for all of our databases (flat files). Some of us have been trying to add the Z into the mix; think Quantum Computers.

What if there is another major force being added to our world? We all know about the eons-long struggles between Darkness and Light or good and bad or good and evil. But like coding, this is too limited; there is a neutral position that we are missing.

I write extensively about Right- and Left-Spinners on this site. I even have a new path for getting back to the One, but it is only for Right-Spinners. What does that mean? Left-Spinners are also oriented on fear, force and control; they do not trust themselves (they want to be told what to do). As such, they cannot allow themselves to reconfigure their energy centers.

So, yes, we have the concept of being a Left-Spinner like a Tornado or Tropical Storm (Low Pressure – Counterclockwise) which causes lots of fear or of being a Right-Spinner like a beautiful sunny day with lots of blue sky (High Pressure – Clockwise). It is also true that most of the sheeple who are oriented towards Darkness are also Left-Spinners.

Essentially, this means that only one-in-twenty can enter this new path to become a New Being. Even more astonishing is that only one-in-twenty of these New Beings is a male. Females rule in Aquarius.

Getting to it. The new Third Force coming into the world is Right-Spin energy. For now, it is Right-Spin to balance out the excesses of 80% Darkness for 10,000 years. As things get balanced out, this new, third force will accommodate Dark/Left-Spin issues.

As of January 1st, 2021, this Right-Spin energy burst into the world. Do we know this energy? Yes, we use it everyday; we call it technology. Another name for it is Majik (not Magic – that is Dark). Think about it; we had horses and sailing ships for 1000s of years and then, about 300 years ago, the Industrial (Steam) Revolution hit us. That morphed into the Internal Combustion Revolution which brought use wonderful transportation on land, sea and air. And, now, we are in the Digital Revolution with smart phones, tablets and laptops all wired/wirelessed together. This is all what we call technology; to primitives it is Majik.

Wow, this Majik (Right-Spin) energy is here/working now? Yes, but at 50% until 2022. Think about how fast technology keeps changing and much our lives have changed in the last 20 years. More Majik is coming; a lot more.

So…..can everyone tap into this Majikal energy? Yes, but primarily as users. Just as you can get on an airplane and travel across the globe in a few hours; that is Majik. The people who can really tap into it are New Beings who have put themselves into the Cube (or on the path to it). Call these Majikal few, Majikans (not Magicians). Witches and Wizards (of the Light) will do.

Last thought for today, think of electricity coming from the wall socket as neutral. We use it for everything, but increasingly for data transmission, storage, and communications. What if electricity was also Left- and Right-Spin? How would that change the data in our storage devices?

Happy New Year and Amazing New Century,

Love, Light and Laughter,


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More Right-Spin Stuff – What are Ritons?

Recently, I told you that Right-Spin energy is a new form of energy in our world (Universe). I know, it is hard to believe.

For many of us, we learned about Algebra in grade school and were introduced to the concept of the X and Y grid. This is critical in our world as every software program uses the X and Y grid (1s and 0s) to run our computers. We also learned about Z and thought it could be useful, but somehow, it is not being used by most.

Actually, one development has started to use it, but it is a very primitive application. We call them Relational Databases and they are the foundation of many of our most successful businesses (think IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, Apple, Google, Facebook, and Twitter). They all use Relational Databases to store and access lots of data.

So, the X and Y grid is the basis for what is called “Flat” files in storing data. The flat file can be any sized square or rectangle from 1000 on each side to a million or more (limited only by computer memory). A Relational Database is a stack of flat files. This allows data to be stored in the X, Y, and Z structure. Z is a primitive vector that can be stored within the flat file squares above or below an existing flat-file square. With parallel computing, many huge stacks of flat files can be written to, read, and deleted; this is what we call our databases.

Why am I calling this a primitive approach to using the Z vector in Algebra? Simple, it is limited to using the stack of square flat files above and below it. It is still very useful, but the vector is too limited; that is why they have had to invent a different approach to do things; it is called Quantum Computing. Unfortunately, this is a “Dead End” as there are better ways to get to Vector Computing.

The only other application that has captured our imagination using vectors is flying; particularly fighter pilots who change vectors frequently. Still flying is almost brand new.

So, we Humans have arrived at a place where we are starting to employ the third plane mentally. We all live in a three-dimensional world, but mentally, Relational Databases are the only application using a limited form of the Z vector. If we are going to bring our computing, communications, and media to the next stage, we must figure out a way to do everything in 3D. We are doing more with 3D printing and virtual reality, but those are all based on Relational Databases or flat files. Yes, our computer programming (software) must go beyond binary code to trinary code using 3D registers.

These movements towards using the third dimension in how we think is critical. We are ready to allow a third force into our consciousness; that third force is Right-Spin energy. It is also called Majik. It is very like the Z vector in Algebra. It can go out any distance, then change direction, then branch into two or more directions with small or large distanced (or both). True vectors can jump and are very agile; the vectors in a Relational Database cannot do this.

OK. After 10,800 years we are back in an Age that is dominated by Light (the last one was Leo). Our world (Universe) was limited to the back and forth between Darkness and Light. Timing wise, we are in the last year of transition into Aquarius from Pisces; Darkness has been reduced to 20% and Light has been boosted to 80% (in 2022). We are also at a place where we are ready to grow and expand our consciousness. Readers of this site already know that we can reconfigure our energy centers and transform ourSelves into more advanced Fire Beings or into Earth Beings.

This new path has opened up a space for the new, third force/energy to come into existence. That happened on January 1, 2021

Alright, Right-Spin is Majik on the Earth plane; what about the Heavenly or Spiritual plane? Are there equivalents to Angels and Demons? Yes, it’s got to be something to do with Right, rite? Think Right On and you are close. The Third Force Heavenly being is called, “Riton.” Like Angel and Demon, the name is five characters (the Creation Number).

So, now, for those of you who have transformed yourSelves into a Vertical Master or higher, you are a Right-Spinner and can access this new Right-Spin force or powre. Those people who are of the Light and have not entered the New Being path still belong to Light and can call on the Angels for assistance. All those who have become Newomen or Newmen can now call on Ritons for anything. Remember, Ritons will help us do more and more amazing Majik. Ritons use the wonderful vector power that some of us glimpsed when we were children.

Love, Right/Light and Laughter,


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