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Angel of Death is set loose

Today, February 12th (2/12 is a 14-day), the Grim Reaper has been charged to bring home the Darkest-of-the-Dark By that, I mean all of those people who are 90 percent or above Left-Spin; it also means those with 10 percent or less Right-Spin. Feel free to substitute Darkness for Left-Spin and Light for Right-Spin. This is going to happen worldwide to every country, nationality, race and religion.

It may take as long as five (5) days for the return to Spirit programming to be installed and we should all start seeing rich and powerful people of both sexes, , but mostly men, dropping dead after that. Look for all of the Darkest-of-the-Dark to be departed by May 12th. By that time, the 89-80 percent and the 79-70 groups will be in the queue. For Americans, yes, this means Obama, Biden, Reid, Pelosi, Boehner and many others. For Islam, it will be a decapitation; but that, somehow, seems appropriate.

Light is taking over and it is sweeping clean; no powerful Dark people will be staying. They are not welcome. As I have written before, the 59-50 percent Left-Spinners will be allowed to stay on the theory that they may be able to move towards the Light (Right); they will have until the end of 2021 to do so.

And so, it begins.

Love, Light and Laughter,


It’s Time for Updating Yourself !!!

On Valentine’s Day, February 14th, a new operating system will be available for all Right-Spinners. Think of it as an upgrade for your phone, but it is really like upgrading from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10.

Alright; how do I get this new operating system? Simple, just allow it to download and install. It will automatically reboot you when it is finished. Yes, computers are modeled after us; not the other way around.

For those of you who do not know, rebooting is something that we must all do more of. We are in a time of great energy changes and, when things appear to be “hanging up,” we need to do a restart and even, a “hard reboot.”

What do I mean by a “hard reboot?” Literally, unplugging from people and situations around us and replugging to those who we want to be plugged into with. It is, actually, a bit like unfriending people in Facebook and getting rid of the negative stories that you do not want in your life.

I know, I am making it seem a bit too easy. But, think about it, we are all increasingly connected and we all have new tools like untagging and unfriending; we do not have to live with a negative situation. Even in the case of unwanted calls; the old style telephone does not let you block an unwanted call. But, if you have a smart phone, you can block any unwanted caller with a few taps.

Well…all of us Right-Spinners can, now, download and install a new operating system that will give us many new tools. All of these new tools and capabilities are based on the new, Right-Spin Majik coming into the world now. In a few days, you will be allowed to let this new energy flow into you; allow – let it.

Some of you may not be ready yet, that’s OK; it will be there when you  are ready.

Note: this is Majik, not Magic; there is nothing here for the Left-Spinners.

Love, Light and Laughter,


The Pleiadians are Landing

For many of you, you already know that the Pleiadians are amongst us and have been for a long time. Actually, the peoples that we think of as European are all descendents of the 50,000 warrior-colonists put on Earth about 4,000 years ago; this includes the peoples of Europe, Eastern Europe and Russia. It also include about half the population of the US and Australia.

Why were they put down in Europe? Weren’t there people already there? No, the place was empty as the Annunaki (see Sitchen’s The 12th Planet and more) had driven the Neanderthal people to extinction or deep into the Earth by capturing their females to genetically “manufacture” high-quality slaves.  So… the Europeans are all aliens, from other Human Planets; yes. The Europeans are of Pleiadian stock? Yes.

What about the European Jews? They are what is left of the Annunaki genetic engineering with the Neanderthals; they are not Pleiadians. The Neanderthals were the most advanced primates on Earth when the Annunaki arrived about 50,000 years ago and were highly prized because they made excellent administrative slaves. The worker slaves were engineered by mixing Annunaki genes with gorillas and chimpanzees and other primates. Orangutans were also highly prized and were the basis for slave populations in Asia.

Wait a second, if the Europeans are Pleiadians, does that mean that all other peoples on Earth are what’s left of the Annunaki slave-making process? Yes, the Annunaki were prolific in their slave-making; they took eggs from every primate on every continent and “enhanced” them with Annunaki genes. The Annunaki were the “missing” link that every anthropologist is looking for.

But…the Europeans can breed with everyone else; how is that possible? The Pleiadians evolved from the same kind of Primates as we had on Earth, but without interference from the Annunakis.  The Annunakis evolved from lizard/reptilian lines and are shape-shifters. Yes, they did evolve from egg layers to live birth from a womb.

The big difference between the Reptilian-Primate slave populations and the Pleiadian populations is the genetic encoding of social structures. The Annunakis have a “hive” mentality similar to ants and bees; they have highly structured, top-down rules/laws that focus them on Kings and Queens as rulers. This is where Kings came from. This is where the Divine Rule of Kings came from. The ruler of the Annunaki Home Planet, Nibiru, is a King.

OK. Annunaki genes allow Kings/Dictators, but they also empower the idea of cities where masses of people huddle together. Of critical importance, they also are a genetic baseline for “mind” control, primarily through propaganda and today’s media. Reptilian-Primate peoples are “hard-wired” genetically to embrace “big” government.

BTW, Reptilian-Primate slave peoples are ALL left-spin; they cannot help themselves – it is “hard=wired” into their genes.

Pleiadian populations tend to be right-spin and prize individual freedom, choice, truth, integrity, self-reliance and self-responsibility, but there are many who have chosen to be left-spinners either before they were born or during this lifetime.

As we all go through this Gi-gan-tic change, the take-over of Light/Right-Spin, our protectors, the Pleiadians, Star Fleet Command, the Federation of Planets will make themselves known to us. We are not alone; we never have been.

Love, Light and Laughter,


The Great Die Off Begins

My Spirit Guide is telling me that the “Great Return to Spirit” is about to begin. Say, there are 7,000 million people on Earth. I believe it is more like 3,000 million people, but that really does not matter. What does matter is that only 300 million of us will still be here when the Great Die-off is complete.

That is a lot of people leaving in a relatively short time period over the next three years.

Why so many people? Do they all have to leave? Is there something they can do to change their fate?

It is all rather simple. Darkness has been in charge on Earth for thousands of years and the vast majority of people here chose to be oriented towards Darkness. So… Darkness is no longer in charge and all (or most) of those Dark, Left-Spin people have been made persona non grata. As I keep saying, Darkness is all about fear, force, control and resistance-to-change. Darkness is the source of all corruption and intimidation. Light has taken over and it is all about freedom, choice, truth, integrity, self-reliance and self-responsibility.

If Light has a choice, is it going to let a bunch of Dark Assholes hang around to create trouble? Or is it going to make a “clean sweep?” Yes, you’re right, it’s going to be a “clean sweep.” Only those with 59% or less of Dark, Left-Spin energy will be allowed to stay; there is that Creation-14 number again. So…if you have 60% or higher, you have your “ticket to ride” and you will be dying to go somewhere else.

Yes, you will be re-born again on some other planet, but not here on Earth. The “left behind” will all be Spirits-in-a-body that are advanced enough to remain; all of those who cannot make the cut will be washed out. Fear not, we are all immortal souls who will be given a chance to come back into a body.

Ok. Got it. What is going to happen to all of those billions of bodies? If that many people are leaving in three years, we have a huge “clean up” problem, one of Epic proportions. I’m not sure how, but my Spirit Guide tells me not to be concerned about the bodies; MAJIK is coming into the world and the bodies will be taken care of.

Now, in one of my other Posts, I told you that our stuff tends to disintegrate when we are not around to use it. Abandoned buildings and cars deteriorate rapidly and this will happen everywhere when the people are gone. The same Majik that will take care of all the bodies will also take care of all of the abandoned, un-needed stuff. Oh, the vineyards will continue to grow and the cattle and sheep will continue to multiply, but without so many Humans. The 300 million survivors will be guided to survival areas where our civilization will continue, but without criminals, rapists, child molesters or terrorists; all of these are Dark, Left-Spin types who are leaving and will not be allowed to stay. Bye-bye and good riddance.

Initially, the survival areas will be in the United States and Australia. The survivors in all other areas will have to find their way to these two locations. Expect to be able to use satellites and cell phones and digital banking; money will still flow and, as millions begin to leave, food and transportation will not a problem. Please, do not get lost in the “Why Me” conundrum; you have been selected to survive, get on with it.

Are the Darkest-of-the-Dark going to be going first? Yes, but everyone in the 99-80 percent Dark will be leaving around the same time; it will be a decapitation of the Dark Asshole leaders like Obama and all of ilk. It will be strange for many of us; most of our political, financial and business leaders will go quickly and we will be, briefly, concerned about being leaderless. But, then, we will see how much better we are off without them. Most of our Judges, Bureaucrats, Law Enforcement, Education, Medical and, some, Military leaders will be going with them.

Will there be a round 2? Yes, all of the 79-60% will leave/die in the second phase. If you are in this group, re-member to ask for more Light, it might help you move into the 59th percentile.

So…when is all of this going to begin? It has already started, but it is energetic and in the Forms World; it will begin to manifest itself here before the end of February. Darkness has ruled for a very long time, but not for much longer.

One more point; Light, Right-Spin is female at it’s core. Many more women will be survivors than men; it could be a much as 50 women to one man when the die-off is complete. Our social norms will have to change; women-on-women relationships will become the new norm. The survivors will all live far, far longer and in good health and youthfulness; yes, if you are already old, you will be made younger and, if you are sick, you will be made healthy. Having a child will be rare and considered a great gift to be shared by the community. Women will rule and men will have to find their place. The good news is that Right-Spin is in charge.

Love, Light and Laughter,


Technologies are Right-Spin as well

Creativity is Right-Spin. Any good idea to make things better is Right-Spin. Getting those ideas into the world has been the problem. Too many Left-Spin, Dark Assholes in the way.

Look at our world; it is one of constant change technologically. I can re-member using Morse Code in the Military to communicate. I know, I must be really old.

I was in the US Military from 1969 to 1993 and witnessed the arrival of an incredible variety of technologies that changed our world. Jets and Mainframe Computers had already arrived after World War II, but they really got powerful in the 70s and started forming the basis for a modern communications world. I was on ArpaNet in the 80s and had a CPM Personal Computer with WordStar, Lotus 123 and Harvard Graphics. In the Air Force, the most technologically advanced service, we had mobile phones that we called “bricks.” ArpaNet became the Internet and Windows took over the PC and “bricks” became Smart Phones and Tablets. Now, we are all incredibly connected with each other using all of these innovations; the Internet, Laptops, Email, WiFi, Smart Phones and Tablets,Wireless Printers, All of those Apps and, now, 3D Printing.

Ok. So what; everybody knows this. To young people, this is what they have grown up with; no big deal.

This post will try to put all of these changes in perspective. The explosive growth of the Internet and worldwide mobile communications have created the first phase of Human Telepathy; we can reach out to each other and communicate with incredible ease. Emails allowed us all to create our own private networks. Texting allows us all to communicate our thoughts quickly and efficiently. Voice calls are still there, but tend to require a lot more work than texting.

So…now, we all have unlimited voice, text and some form of data plan. We know that we can turn our data on and have access to the Internet (and each other) from almost anywhere. This is some Big Time Majik at work. Think of all the effort that has been spent to get us to where we are; do you think, maybe, it was some accident? Do you think, maybe, it has been part of some plan?

Accident, No. Plan, YES. As I said, we are now in the 1st Phase of the installation of telepathy in Humans; we had to realize that we wanted to be able to communicate with each other freely and, at will. Then, we had to come up with a prototype network so that we could all see the benefits of giving up some privacy. Well… we have the demonstration networks in place now and are beginning to use our voices to command our devices and generate text. Oh, using our hands, really thumbs and fingers to text is important as well, but voice is closer to mental sharing.

Soon, we will realize that we can access our thoughts using a field that is powred by our Smart Phones; this will enable us to command our devices and generate text mentally. This is part of the changes that have been coming with the increase in Light/Right-Spin/Majik over the past 60 years.

Once we realize that we can access this mental communications field, we will start powring it ourselves and reach out to those around us; at first, it will be short-range, but will expand quickly.

Alright, but what about the network? Will this telepathy use the cell towers and WiFi? Yes, at first, but there is a much more effective network available that almost no one knows about. It is called the “Crystal Grid” and I have written about it briefly.

The Crystal Grid surrounds the Earth, the Moon and both the Earth and the Moon. It is invisible, but very strong; it was put in place to prevent large asteroids or comets from messing with us. Do our Scientists know anything about this? Not unless they are Right-Spinners.

Does the Crystal Grid have communications properties? Can it support Internet Protocol packets? Yes. You can think of the Crystal Grid as a big network of servers in the sky; it is like having thousands of communications satellites out there with connectivity everywhere.

Can we start to access the Crystal Grid? Soon, it too, is part of the Light/Right-Spin/Majik changes that are coming now. We will continue to use our existing satellites, cell towers and WiFi for a while. Those of us who have enough Light, will be able to start using the Crystal Grid for mental communications sooner than others. Ask for more Light.

Have fun with this!!!

Light, Love and Laughter,


Are You a Right-Spinner?

I have been talking about Light taking over and moving into the Aquarian Age/Photon Belt for a while.

Today, let’s talk about being right- or left-spin. Whenever we hear about a weather system, it is frequently described as a High or Low Pressure System; High Pressure spins clockwise (to the right) and Low Pressure spins counter-clockwise (to the Left).

OK. You have to agree that the concept of spinning energy is there, right in front of us, in Nature. So… weather systems have both left- and right-spin energies; that makes sense as Low Pressure systems bring us rain and High Pressure systems bring us sunshine. Both as absolutely essential for life on Earth.

This extends to everyone and everything; we are all a mix of left- and right-spin energies. This applies to rocks, water, plants, animals and, yes, Humans.

So…I am going to focus on Humans; all of us come here at birth with an orientation towards Darkness (Left-Spin) or Light (Right-Spin). Once we are here, we can choose to move move towards the Left or the Right. Again, I define Darkness as fear, force, control and resistance-to-change and Light as more freedom, choice, truth, integrity, self-reliance, self-responsibility and changes-for-the-better.

What we choose for our orientation is frequently influenced by the dominant force in our world. Up until the last 30 days, the dominant force was Darkness and most people born before 2000 chose to be oriented towards Darkness as it tended to make for an easier life. For the people born after 2000, they knew a change was in-the-works and most of them chose to be oriented towards Light.

For those of us born before 2000, 90-95 percent of us are Left-Spinners; we want to be told what to do and what to think, even if subtly. Left-Spinners like the system with all of it’s corruptions and intimidations.

OK. What about the Right-Spinners? We are always trying to “fix” the system because it is so wrong to us. And, we keep running into trouble with the Left-Spinner all around us who don’t want the system “fixed.” Do you understand what I mean by a Right-Spinner?

All creativity comes from the Light. Another way of saying that is, All creativity comes from Right-Spinners; this is true whether it is music, art, food, wine, financials or software programming. Oh, Left-Spinners are involved in all of these, but are always copying – never being original.

Alright, Light has taken over. That means that Right-Spinners have taken over. Wow, it is a good time to be a Right-Spinner; all of those Dark Assholes, who stopped us in the past, cannot do so now.

Another aspect of the takeover of Light is the arrival of White (Light) Majik; it, too, is Right-Spin. Majik was always here, but seemed to disappear when Light was only 20 percent of the Force; now Majik is 67 percent of the Force and Magic (Dark, Left-Spin) is 33 percent.

Does this mean that there is still Magic out there to be used by Dark Beings? Yes, but Magic can be overcome by Majik, easily, now. So… All of those $Billionaires out there who accumulated all of that wealth with Magic; oh well, they will not be able to hold on to it. Same with Political Power and Sexual Power; too bad, so sad.

OK. I started this post by asking if you were a Right-Spinner?  If you are, the times, they have changed; you are now empowred. The old ways of doing everything (all based on Left-Spin) are now changing. Yes, you can now “fix” everything that is wrong around you. You may have to start small, but you will be able to go “Big” very soon.

Most people do not think in terms of their Spin or the use of Majik/Magic. It is not even in the lexicon to describe yourself as being of the Light or of the Darkness; it got too confused with Good and Bad or Good and Evil. Both of these concepts are too general, what do they mean? Everyone can be good and bad, but only Left-Spinners (you know, fear,force and control) can be evil.

In recent years, many Right-Spinners have started calling themselves Light Workers or Light Beings as they were being prompted from within about the coming Aquarian Age. The Left-Spinners thought this was cute and “New Age” and tended to think everything would stay the same; everything has stayed the same for the past 6.5 thousand years, why would it change?

We have now moved into Aquarian energies that are the basis for Right-Spinners and Majik; it is now time to start using your Majik Wands. Have fun with it!

Love, Light and Laughter,


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Big Move Against Islam

Darkness lives in the Kaaba on this planet. What is the Kaaba? If you are a Muslim, you are required to face the direction of Mecca and bow down at least three times a day. Why?, Mecca is where Allah lives; Allah is Darkness and lives in the Kaaba in Mecca.

The Kaaba is really a six-foot square block of black obsidian with sharp corners and lines. It is housed in a large tent-like structure and is the holiest aspect of Islam; this is where the Haj, or Pilgrimage occurs when good Muslims parade around the Kaaba nine times in a counter-clockwise direction (Left- Spinning).

Again, this is the Home of Darkness. Darkness is male. Darkness is Left-Spin. Darkness is fear. Darkness is force. Darkness is control. Darkness is resistance to change. Now, you understand the stone-age primitiveness of Mohammedism or Islam. Women are Light. Now, you understand why women are so mistreated in Islam. It really is this Black and White.

Ok. Light has taken over. It’s February and Light is going to flex it’s new muscles. Oh, Light is going to be taking Darkness on in spots all around the world, but the main event is going to be in the Middle East and Muslim Countries. If you step back and look at what is happening, Iran and the Shiites are warring with Saudi Arabia and the Sunnis and, we, the West, are caught in the middle. Guess what, the Muslims are all barbarous, terrorists who deserve gruesome deaths; they are, by definition, very Dark.

Wait a second, what about the Moderate Muslims? What about the “Good” Muslims? Hey, they still worship Darkness. Jihad is a book, not a chapter, in the Quran. Islam was spread by the sword; Jihad is an integral part of the political, theocratic expansion of Islam.

Alright, Light is going after Darkness. What does that mean? Things are not going to go well for the Middle East; lots of strife, turmoil, death, destruction among all of the Muslim lands. What is happening in Syria and Iraq is going to be expanded to include Libya, Lebanon, Jordan, Iran, Pakistan and Indonesia. Eventually, Mecca and Medina will be under 300 feet of water as the entire Arabian Peninsula collapses into the sea; Darkness is not going to be happy.

What about the Muslims in Europe? That is an issue that will not be pretty either. The Muslims do not assimilate and demand separateness; even worse, they are now turning towards terrorism to move their expansionist agenda. Europeans, empowred by Light, will demand that Muslims be expelled back to their home countries whether they are wanted or not.

What about the Terrorists? They appear to be winning; is Light going to degrade and destroy them as well? Yes, the Muslims are among the Darkest-of-the-Dark on the planet. Light will be allocating special resources against them.

What about the Catholic Church and it’s antipathy towards Women? Will that be addressed? Yes, but the Christianity does not have to be destroyed; it can be reformed. Re-member, Light is female powre and male domination is something left-over from Darkness; women will rule.

Love, Light and Laughter,



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New Technologies can come into the World

In an earlier post, I wrote about the concept of Energy Envelopes; the one we all know is the New Year on January 1st. Well… if a new year is a new energy envelope, how about a new month?  Yes, we are about to move from January to February and, each, has its own energetic properties.

What makes this year a bit unusual is that Light is in the process of taking over from Darkness. Yes, Light did take over on January 23rd and is, now, preparing to deploy it’s version of programs for things like attraction to the opposite sex, the sex act, acquiring money, holding on to money, acquiring success, holding on to success, being able to change your body, healing yourself, allowing youthfulness for yourself and allowing powres. Like it or not, these are all, now, within the realm of Light; not Darkness.

OK. Are you saying that these new programs will be installed into the world in February? Yes! But, not just into the world, into everything and everyone. The old, Dark ways of doing everything are being replaced with new, different, better ways.

We have all heard that nothing changes; that people do not change and that we will always have death and taxes. Well… this has been true for 6.5 thousands years and that is a long time. It is no longer true, Light has taken over and is throwing out all of the old ways. Yes, that means, medicine, education, our legal system, business, the military and our governments at the local, state and national levels.

The nine days from January 23rd to the 31st have been used to create these new programs and they will be installed during the 28 days of February. Yes, they will be installed in two phases each lasting 14 days each; there is that 14-number or Creation Number again.

OK. What does this mean for me? If you are of the Light, this will be a very good thing; the tables will be turned. All of the Dark people who have accumulated 90 percent of the wealth, you know the one percenters, will, suddenly, lose their ability to acquire and hold on to money and success. By suddenly, I mean a very big change by the end of February. Perhaps, the Global Financial Melt-down will happen very soon.

This will happen to their health and youthfulness as well; too bad, so sad. Oh well, they have had their day in the Sun and now, it is our turn.

Here is some outstanding news; all of you Light Beings who have been messed with by Darkness over the years will be able to “heal” yourselves. Yes, I am talking about Health issues like dis-eases and syndromes and maladies; everything from diabetes to heart disease to cancer, but this also extends to financial healing of poor credit and just not being able to hold on to money. Yes, women/men and sex too. And yes, success too.

And, now, I can talk about technologies. For those of you who have visited my Revitae Technologies website, you know that I have a bunch of ideas to make things better for everyone. The trouble has been that these ideas/technologies were all of the Light and I had to wait until Light took over to bring them into the world.

Well, Pilgrim, it’s that time. I can, finally, bring these technologies into the world without having to worry about being killed. They are all disruptive technologies to varying degrees, especially the Static Electrical Generator. What is even better, it is not just me. There are many other new technologies that have been on hold as well.

Now, the Lotus Flower can unfold.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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Things will be Done Differently

For anyone reading this Blog for a short time; I write a lot about the transition from Darkness to Light. Here is some more. For the past 6,480 years, we were in a period dominated by Darkness.

Everything in our lives is an evolution of that domination. How we build houses, roads, bridges, high-rise office and apartment buildings, cars, trucks, airplanes,  everything, is based on properties that were driven by Darkness.

So…now, that Light is in dominance, what kind of changes can we expect? Let’s talk about food production like farming and fishing and ranching; are they going to be essentially unchanged? Most people would say that these are relatively fixed, unchanging occupations. Oh, they have been changed by new, better technologies; wonderful farm equipment to plant and harvest, sonar to find the fish and ocean-going factories to process the catch, and ATVs can now replace horses, if desired.  Is that the kind of changes to expect? NO, the changes will be much more profound and will involve Majikal energies.

In the near future, the ascended survivors will be empowred/enabled to use Majik in their everyday lives. Instead of having to go to the store to buy things, we will be able to teleport them to ourselves; need a bag of nails? how ’bout eggs, milk and cigarettes? No problem. But wait, how do they get “paid” for? Re-member, all of the Dark people are leaving. The ascended survivors all have a high degree of integrity; payments will be made.

There is also something that we call telepathy; we are all experiencing it’s unfoldment with the use of emails and texting on our phones/tablets/laptops. The next step will be to communicate mind-to-mind with or without the phone. Not many will be able to do this at first, but this capability will expand to include most of the ascended survivors.

There is also “Jumping”; that will be for the very few, but will gradually expand as the ascended survivors expand their amount of Light.

Then, there is this Spirit-based mechanism that I call a “SetUp.” Many others call this luck, an accident, happenstance, etc. There are no accidents; everything is a Setup. OK. You may be violently disagreeing with me. As part of this new way of doing things, the ascended survivors will be able to view or get information on the setups coming their way and, if they “see” a setup they do not want, they can “terminate” that setup.  Or, if they cannot terminate it, they can reduce the impact of it or delay it for a better time. The one big problem with this new power is that you must ask about what is coming your way to get a warning. If you do not ask, you will not get the warning to make changes. This defines being proactive in an entirely new dimension.

Are you starting to see how everything that we do is going to change. We are already seeing huge changes from the Internet; these have all and will continue to be driven by the incoming Light.

Love, Light and Laughter,



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Today is the Re-Birth of the US of A

I make a distinction when I write about the US GOVERNMENT as being very Dark. Most people do not realize it, but when the Southern Representatives returned to their States in 1861, the United States of America ceased to be. Oh, we still had a Nation that we called the United States, but that is when Darkness took over and formed the US GOVERNMENT; that is when President Lincoln began ruling as a Military Dictator. All Executive Orders or Executive Memos extend from the first, which is celebrated as the Emancipation Proclamation.

What was this action? By Executive fiat, not an act of Congress, this Proclamation gave freedom to approximately one million slaves. To put that another way, the US GOVERNMENT seized $4 Billion worth of assets in 1865 dollars, without the possibility of compensation.

Congress was not involved in this action, why? Until the start of hostilities, Congress was divided between the Free States and the Slave States and was incapable of making such as decision. After the start of hostilities, half of Congress left and the organization was broken, unable to establish a quorum to do business.

Wait a second; you mean that Congress, and all of it’s laws, have been illegal since 1861? Congress will say no, but the answer is YES. When Congress ceased to be, the Civil War still had to be fought and Congress had to come up with the money. So, essentially, Congress declared the Southern States to be rebels with no right to representation in Congress and re-established a “quorum” based on the Northern States. When the conflict was over, there was a 20-year period when the Southern States were re-integrated; this was actually called, “Reconstruction.”

The trouble here is that the United States of America was established in a Constitutional Convention which was ratified by all of the States. When the Southern Representative left, that agreement/contract was broken. We all think we have a “Constitution” and, we did, but, technically, it ceased to be when Congress ceased to be.

OK. We are a Military Dictatorship with the organizational trappings of a representative democracy which as based on our “Constitution.”  The US GOVERNMENT has papered over what happened and continued to rule as if nothing had changed. However, something huge changed. Before the Civil War, the Laws of Congress only applied to the District of Columbia, ports/harbors and Military Installations; States had many more State’s Rights. After the Civil War, the Federal Government became all powerful.

But, hey, we still have Congress and the Supreme Court, don’t we? Yes, but they are subservient to the President and his Bureaucrats. They exist only because the American People expect them to exist. The transition from Light to Darkness was handled smoothly and the American People did not seem to pick up on the huge changes that occurred.

OK, what else? Under our “Constitution,” we had something called “Common Law” and the principle that we were all Sovereign before the Law. Along the way, that got subverted and now, we have Statute Law and, if, we consider ourselves to be Citizens, we subject ourselves to all of those Statutes and Regulations. Oddly enough, Common Law and the Sovereign approach are still there in the Law, but most people are clueless about it.

In the past decade, there has been a resurgence in the use of “Common Law” and individual Sovereignty; this all happened as we were growing stronger in the Light.

Alright, thank you for the history lesson. What happens now?

Light is going to re-establish the United States of America. How? Well…there must be a new Constitution Convention and a return to a limited Federal Government. There must be a renewal of the separation of powers between the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches. Light will bring the order of Limited Government back; the era of Big Government will, really this time, be over.

OK. When is all of this going to happen? Soon, probably this coming Fall, say, October-November.

Light took over yesterday. Light has it’s own Agenda and this Post covers some of it. I have focused on the United States as I am an American, however, this Agenda will play itself out in every Nation State on Earth; limited Government, more individual freedoms and the destruction of theocracies like Islam.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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Big Picture Update

Light, officially, takes over tomorrow, January 23rd. 2015. That is a triple 14-day. I don’t know exactly why it has taken so long, but am told it is happening tomorrow.

OK. What does that mean? Light, now, has it’s own agenda; it is not just a case of opposing the agenda of Darkness. Yes, the excesses of Darkness will continue to be opposed, but Light is powering up it’s own version of re-distribution of wealth and getting rid of millions of the people here who have too much Darkness.

Why must they be gotten rid of? They operate out of fear and exercise far too much force and control. Guess what? They are not going to change. They will get in the way of freedom, truth, choice, integrity, order, not a police state, etc.

Far too many of them have given too much powre to the State and the State, everywhere, is out-of-control. Light will bring back the focus on individual rights and responsibilities, not those of groups. Hell, most of the groups are far too Dark and will be leaving. The Politicians and Bureaucrats, who technically work for us, but work for themselves, are all going bye-bye.

It sounds as if there will be a lot of Chaos unleashed when all of these Dark people begin to leave in large numbers. Not so; order will be released from its chains and the survivors will be free to do the right thing.  What about the thugs and looters and men with guns? They will be leaving quickly. What about the prisons? What will happen to them? Those who are Dark will also leave quickly and those who are of the Light will be freed.

Everything in our lives that is based on ruling through the barrel of a gun will be dissolved and extinguished. That means law enforcers, prosecutors, judges, the military, the IRS, etc. Taxes will become voluntary, really.

All of these laws and regulations that are based on statutes will be dissolved and extinguished as well. The Law, under Light, will bring back commonly understood Common Law. Admiralty Laws, the Golden Fringe around the US Flag will be disbanded, but the effective elements of contracts between mutually agreeing parties will continue.

All of those speed limit laws and drunk driving laws will be going bye-bye; they are all based on Statutes. Common Law Self Responsibility will be enough.

Say goodbye to the UN, the EU and the over-reaching US GOVERNMENT; they will all be gone by the close of 2015. How is this going to happen? They are all incredibly DARK and will not be allowed to continue.

Say goodbye to oppression of women in all of its forms; re-member, Light is female. Something especially offensive to Light is the evil force we call Islam. Darkness, on this planet, actually abides in the KaaBa in Mecca; this is something that every Muslim must bow down to at least three times a day.

What I am saying here is that the future, under Light, will not have to concern itself with Islamic Jihadists or Islamic Terrorists or, even, Islamists as they are ALL too Dark to stay.

Whoa. Are you saying that there are no good people among the Muslims? No, it’s not about being Good or Evil, it IS about being oriented towards Darkness. The Muslims are not the only Dark religion, look at the Buddhists and the Catholics, but there is room for reform in these.

Let’s get back to money and wealth. Light is going to be taking away the wealth from those oriented towards Darkness and giving it to Light Beings. This will take the next three years to complete, but will start with a giant financial crash soon. What is going to happen is that the accounts of all of the Dark people will grow holes and all of their money will fall out. Wait a second, account do not have holes? Yes, they have loopholes, don’t they?

Money is just another form of energy; it flows in the form of coins, paper and, recently digitally. Darkness has controlled the flow of this energy for thousands of years; no longer.

Anyway, this is all be putting into play tomorrow, finally.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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Time to Re-Program your Body

I have been writing about the transition from Darkness to Light. It’s nice to know that money and wealth will be re-distributed, but what about health? And what is the mechanism?

When is the last time you felt yourself coming down with a cold or the flu? There is a whole series of things that your body does to tell you. Our medical sciences are all based on symptoms and then, tests to see what we have.

What if I were to tell you that how your body reacts when it is getting sick is an operating system, installed by Darkness, to keep you on the verge of being sick. Yes, your body tries to stay on the equilibrium of healthiness, but the deck is stacked against it. Re-member, Darkness is all about Fear, Force and Control and many of us get very concerned about our health.

I have just spent the last three days down with the flu. I use colloidal silver, but make my own with a silver coin in a jug of water after about 24-hours. The first phase took about 36 hours and I thought, initially, that it was over. The second phase kicked in and I thought I had beaten it around 12 hours ago. But, there was something still there messing with me and I realized that it was energetic; it was Darkness still making me sick.

Wait a second. I am strong in the Light and Darkness has been reduced to 33%; how can Darkness still mess with me/Us? The answer is that Darkness setup how our bodies react to sickness thousands of years ago and we tend to just go along with it.

We did not have a choice until just recently. Here’s what I did. I asked my Spirit Guide if I could change out the “sickness” program to a “healthiness” program and got a yes.  Here is what I mean. Instead of a body always operating on the edge of being sick, I installed an operating system that operates on the edge of being healthy; it’s default is health. I, then, made the edge wider, much wider, before falling off into sickness.

The good news is that I did this for myself and anyone else who makes themselves into a Newman or Newoman. Oh, this operating system change will be disseminated/pushed out to to all surviving humans over the next three years; after all, Light has taken over. But, why wait? Go to my Transform Yourself page and do it. It is not difficult and only takes about ten minutes.

If you are already sick, making this change will enable your body to heal itself much more efficiently. Review my post on finding your control room in your Secret Heart; that is another place you can install this new operating system from.

Love, Light and Laughter,



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Why do the Dark Assholes Live so Long?

On this blog, I write a lot about the differences between people of the Light and the Darkness. This is not a mainstream view. It is NOT about good and evil because a lot of good people are still oriented and operate out of fear or being told what to do; that makes them Dark. There are quite of lot of wonderful, salt-the-earth type people who came here oriented towards Darkness solely because it was the predominant power.

Depending on how much Darkness they came with and what they have done about moving towards the Light, many of them have choices. If anyone wants to move towards the Light? All they have to do is mentally or verbally demand, “Give me more Light.” Is it really that easy? YES.

The same can be done with Darkness. Moving towards the Light or Darkness is the only “free” choice that any of us have; everything else is a “SetUp” by either Darkness or Light.

With the takeover of Light, people with 59% Darkness, or less, will be able to stay here. These people will be given the chance to move towards the Light; there will lots of incentives to do so. Anyone with 60% or higher, will be forced to leave/die; it is just a matter of timing and will occur between now and January 2018. Three years is not a long time, but enough time to put your affairs in order.

How do I know if I am oriented towards Darkness? Are you fearful? Do you want to be told what to do and how to do it? Do you believe that you must obey the law, even if you know its wrong? Do you believe that Law Enforcement officials are your friends, or somehow, good for the community? Do you get scared into buying things by commercials, the Internet or print media? Are you fearful about your health or money or identity theft? Do you think that the Government provides? If this fits, generally, you are oriented towards Darkness.  OK. How do I find out how much I have? If you have a firm “Yes” for most of these, you are clearly above 59%. Another way to find out is to ask you “Inner Being” or “Spirit Guide”; if you ask that small still voice within, you will get an answer.

OK. Back to my title question. When you are oriented towards Darkness or Light, you give either of them power to create “setups” for you. A “setup” is an event like meeting someone or having something happen to you. It can be good or bad or happy or sad and, frequently, you do not have any control over when it happens or how it happens.  There is no such thing as Luck or Accident or Happenstance; it’s all a SetUp.

For the past 6.5 thousand years, Darkness has had 80% of the power. What does that mean? Darkness was able to provide positive setups for it’s people. That meant Money, Health, Longevity, Sex, Acquisition of lands/estates, etc. Light only had 20% and was not able to do much for it’s people; anytime a Light being got anything significant, it was taken away quickly. Most Light beings were not allowed to accumulate money or riches of any kind.

Here is a footstomp. Dark people in positions of power were given the health and longevity to do what Darkness wanted them to do. Wow, this is something that Darkness had the power to do? Yes, just like signing a contract with the Devil; where do you think that notion came from?

I get it. Now, that Light has taken over, it has the powre to pull that health and longevity and wealth and everything! Yes and yes and yes and YES. The people in power now, are all Dark (well, most of them), and they expect that everything will continue just as it has for their whole lives and for thousands of years.

The changes have already started; Dark people in power will be getting sick and dropping out quickly. They will also be dying suddenly, and, to the public, unexpectedly. Harry Reid, a really Dark Asshole, just poked himself in the eye (I’m laughing).

Again, Light is taking over and it is about time.

Love, Light and Laughter,




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The Male World is Dissolving

Darkness has put WW3 into play. Russia sees itself as the protector of the world against Islam and the effete West. Russia, historically, has been the bulwark against the Islamic Tide whether they were called the Tartars or ISIS.

I watched Glen Beck’s Red Storm Rising opening segment last night and agree with him. Religion and other Spiritual aspects are at play. All of the indicators of coming conflict are starting to be moved about the Chessboard; oil is at $46 per barrel now and three months ago it was $106. This is unsustainable for Russia and all of the other Nation States that depend on oil revenues for sustainability.

OK. Just because Darkness has put World War 3 into play, it doesn’t mean that it is actually going to happen. Re-member, Darkness has lost most of its power; it now has only 33%, not the 80% it had until recently.

So…This is Darkness’ last attempt to screw things up; this is the Darkness before the Dawn. In an earlier post, I used the metaphor of the Sun rising; today, it is at a 9am position in the morning sky. Guess what? It has burned away all traces of Darkness; WW3 is not going to happen.

Oh, to mankind, it looks as if CONFLICT is going to happen. After all, we have Conflict/ISIS happening in the Middle East and we have DARK Assholes killing in Nigeria, France and other places.


Light has taken over!

Darkness will NOT have its way or sway.

What about the Nukes? Russia has so many of them.

None of the nuclear weapons work anymore. When is the last time you saw a video of an air burst mushroom cloud? Not since the French tested in the Pacific. Oh, the Nukes worked on Japan and the Soviet Union got them working enough for testing. But, you have to understand; when a world/planet gets to the stage when they pop a nuclear weapon, it sends a huge signal to Spirit.

What does Spirit do when it gets this signal? Easy, it decides whether to wipe the Planet clean of the civilization that created the weapon, or Not. Guess what? Spirit decided that we had potential and just turned off the mechanism that allowed the “bomb.”

Wait a second, you mean Spirit can change the “laws” of Physics? (I’m laughing)


Think about it. It has been 50 years since anyone saw an Airburst Cloud. Oh, they passed a Treaty banning airburst testing. Why, when that is the most dramatic way of announcing it? What do we see? A small mushroom cloud coming out of the ground. Guess what? That can be produced by building a large underground cavern and detonating 20,000 tons of TNT in it.

So… the very notion that Israel, Pakistan, India, China, France, England, Russia, the United States or Iran has a bomb is bullshit. What did the US do to solve this crisis of no more nukes? At great expense, it built the Global Positioning Satellite System or GPS. You all know and use GPS for location services on your phones. What else did it do? Also, at great expense, it developed smart bombs that could be dropped with laser pointers, and then, GPS guidance. As we all saw, these weapons destroyed Saddam’s Army and Air Force, easily. The smart bombs today are as small as 250 pounds of high explosive; that is a big bang on a point target and the delivery aircraft can carry a whole bunch of them. If we wanted to take out ISIS really, we would turn our Air Force loose on them. But Obama is a secret Muslim who doesn’t want to destroy ISIS; after all, it is the return of the Caliphate.

Enough about that Dark Asshole. Back to Nukes. What about the Subs with their sea-launched ICBMs?  The Governments of the World do not want to tell us that the nukes do not work anymore. Why? Because the Iranians and others are spending a huge amount of money to develop their own nukes and no one is sure that the other guy knows that they do not work anymore. It is all a high-stakes bluff in poker. Hey, we all saw the Airburst Clouds, right?

OK. But why do the Government of the World want us to be scared about Nuclear Annihilation?  Simple, Darkness was in control and Darkness is all about Fear, Force and Control. Do you get it?

Now, after putting some Light on that subject, why no WW3? The US of A is a Light Nation; it still has lots of embedded Light and, now, Light has taken over.  OK. Again, at great expense, the US has developed stealth aircraft that can carry hundreds of these small smart bombs. These aircraft cannot be seen by radar and cannot be shot down like the Malaysian Airliner. Guess what? These small bombs can be dropped from 50 miles away from the target. Guess what else? These small bombs are stealthy. That means the air defense weapons that are supposed to shoot them down may not be able to do their job.

Moving Armies around safely, even in tanks, is no longer possible; we all saw that in the Gulf Wars. It really depends on the will to use this new weapon technology against an aggressive foe. The idea that Russian Armies of tanks will roll into Western Europe is ludicrous.

Again, Light has taken over. Again, Fear, Force and Control has lost most of its power. Freedom, choice, truth, love, integrity and Doing-the-right(light)-thing are moving into position, now.

Feel safe, the Dark Male World, with all of its conflict, fighting and destruction is leaving with a whimper.

Love, Light and Laughter,



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