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Try “Evicting” Them

The old Dark energy was used for fear, force, and control. Frequently, when it was opposed, people were just killed. That was just the way Dark energy was used.

Now, we are moving into new energy which is based on Order with more freedom, truth, good choices, integrity, self-reliance, self-responsibility, and, generally, doing the right things.

The old energy approach was to club us all with fear and if we resisted, hit us financially or have us killed in many ways. That worked for the past 10,800 years; this is why our world is so messed up.

We cannot just kill people anymore; that approach is no longer supported by the new energy. We must come up with a new methodology for removing the Dark/Left-spin leaders who are still trying to rule us using fear, force, and control. I have already written about using negative Setups; that will work, but it is not an energetic replacement for killing them and getting them gone quickly.

We can EVICT them. That is a very powerful 5-letter word. Like Setup, it turns the details of the action over to Spirit/Universe but is more direct in terms of rapidity of time and scope. When we use Evict, we are taking their power away (political or group) as well as wealth, money, or position. But hey, if you want to get rid of a Dark Asshole in your life, Evict him/her from your life; they will have no choice but to disappear or just fade away.

If it does not work quickly enough, keep trying at the start of a new month; August 50%, September 60%,, October 70%, and November 80%. Your Eviction Spell will be getting stronger over the next four months. But hey, we have 40% now which is twice what they have; try it, you may like the results.

When I say use Evict, I am not just talking about evicting them from a house or apartment. I am talking about evicting them from a job (your boss), a company, or a political position. Think about it, Russia, China, and the EU have largely been evicted from the family of nations. When I can, I will evict Putin, Xi, Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, McConnel, Arden, Alibressie, Trudeau, and more. Can’t forget Clinton, Soros, Gore, Bush(s), Zuckerburg, Fauci, and other HiTech Tyrants. This also applies to judges, bureaucrats, and generals that are on the Dark side. Hell, if I can, I will evict the entire Deep State/WEF/Davos.

Evict will only work for Light/Right-spinners; the Dark assholes do not have the power they used to (only 20%). Like using negative Setups, their seeming luck will change for the worse, but quickly. Again, there is no luck, it has always been Dark/Left-spin or Light/Right-spin power/powre. They kept on telling us there was so such thing as magic, but they were using it to amass wealth and power constantly. For fear, force, and control; how does one become a billionaire without magic/majik. Now Majik has 80% of the powre and the gain/volume is increasing (November).

Yes, they will try to steal the elections again, but they do not have the power to do so anymore.

To the sheeple, people will die of accidents, diseases, poisons, bullets, and more. No such thing as accidents.

If you want to use your powre to evict any of the above Dark Assholes, pile on.

Love, Light and Laughter,


Are you a Free Wheeler?

I write about people who are Left- and Right-spin and they are very different from each other. Today, I will break everyone into three more categories; people who are guided all the time, people who are guided part-time, and people who are not guided at all. I call the unguided Free Wheelers; they can go in any direction or do anything. They can even change what they are doing or where they are going suddenly in the reverse or in a totally new direction.

I keep writing about talking to yourSelf using nods and shakes. The first step in doing that is to ask if your Angel or Spirit Guide wants to talk to you. For some of you, you do not get an answer. This is puzzling; why would you Guide not want to talk to you?

Perhaps, you are here as a Free Wheeler. If so, you are free to do, or say, or go anywhere; there are no consequences (from a Spiritual perspective). You did not come here to do any heavy lifting or, even work of any kind. For Free Wheelers, this lifetime is a vacation from work; they are here to play. We all know about these people; they do not take anything seriously. They are here for fun. They are fair weather friends; no work, please.

If you are a Free Wheeler, you are not being guided at all. How many of us are Free Wheelers? This may be a bit shocking, but 50% of us tend to be Free Wheelers. Just like being Left- and Right-spin, we are a mix of being totally Free Wheelin and being part-time Guided. When a part-time guided person is not being guided, he/she is Free Wheeling. For most of the 50% of Free Wheelers, only 10% are partially guided (lightly guided).

For those part-timers who get pushed a bit harder, they have work to do, but still, have lots of playtimes. The work and playtime are more limited than the Free Wheelers. As the amount of work increases (and the playtime decreases), they move towards the guided group. Part-time Guided people make up 45% of us. The Guided Group is only 5% or 1-in-20.

Say you are a part-timer and you want to move to the guided group; can you do that? Yes, you start talking to yourSelf and state your Intent to pick up more work. If you are doing any work at all, your Guide will speak with you. This applies to Free Wheelers who are doing any amount of work as well. They will have to set their Intent to be taken seriously by their Guide for the conversation to take place.

So, it’s not just Left- and Right-spinners, but being guided or not. Being guided applies to both the Dark Force and the Light; there have always been good and evil people. And, most of us in the middle. You can be a wonderful Human Being that is listening to guidance from both Darkness and Light; being both fearful and wanting more freedom. We tend to think about the Angel on one shoulder and the Devil on the other.

Think about it, how did Jesus, Bhudda, and Mohammed happen? How about Hitler, Putin, and Stalin? Or Gengus Khan? How about Alexander the Great? All of these people were guided. Nothing (No Thing) that happened to them was accidental or luck or happenstance; everything was a Setup.

My major point here is to inform you that you can move in the direction you want by exercising your Intent; you can consciously create. If you want to get off the merry-go-round (Free Wheeling)? You can. If you want to get more purpose (more work)? You can. We are all put here to make choices. Most of us do not know we have these choices; there are no instruction manuals on being Human.

Sometimes, it is very hard being a Free Wheeler. They are always looking for greater/more purpose. But equally, it can be hard to start working.

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The Dark Forces have run outa Luck!

Everyone should have their heads on a swivel; keep watching for the massive changes happening all around.

I have written about the shift in energies that are transpiring this year. On July 30th, Light/Right-spin will have 50% of the powre in the world; Darkness/Left-spin only has 20%.

OK. What’s changing? First, there is no such thing as Luck or Accidents or Happenstances or Coincidences; everything is a Setup by Spirit. Yes, you can call it synchronicity, but Setups are more direct. What is a Setup? It is a series of events, people, or transactions arranged for you by your Angels or Spirit Guides.

Hopefully, you will believe me about Setups. Here’s why. If you know that Setups are being deployed around you or with you in the center, you can ask about your Setups. You can ask about positive and negative Setups. I would start with the Negative ones first. I try to remember to ask about negative Setups once per week. Knowing they are coming allows you to prepare in advance; you know, change something to avoid it. But, even more important, you can ask if you can delete, modify (lessen), or delay the negative Setup. If you know about it, you can take action to avoid/lessen the negative experience(s). Hey, if you’ve got positive Setups coming, you can look forward to them or even ask if they can be quickened or increased in scope. How does one ask about Setups? Yes, use the nods and shakes. And yes, put your hand on your heart if you want to validate truthfulness.

We all have Setups as individuals, groups, companies, political parties, and nations. And yes, you can ask about Setups at all levels. So, in August, Light/Right-Spin will be able to give (or start to) negative Setups to dark/left-spin individuals (especially billionaires/political leaders), groups, companies, parties, and nations. Think Putin and Russia, but many others come to mind. What I am saying is that many people and organizations will be given many new negative Setups; their Luck will appear to have shifted to Bad. Instead of winning their agenda issues, they will lose and the losses will get worse and worse.

We have been watching the collapse of Globalism for several months, but it will quicken. Germany cannot continue as it was; just not enough natural gas coming from Russia. The same will apply to most of Europe, especially next winter. What about food? Fuel? Electricity? Heating? Cars/Trucks?

Something positive now. All of you Right-spinner out there will be able to give positive or negative Setups to others. This may not happen until the end of August (60%), September (70%), or October (80%), but it will happen this year. It will also depend on how strong you are in Right-spin power (70s, 80s, 90s percent).

Here’s something positive to do right now. Take any situation that you are thinking about. You can ask for an MBO; a Most Benevolent Outcome. This is a way of turning a negative Setup into a positive one. You can give MBOs to others. It is more powerful when you give them to other Right-spinners. This is kind of putting a positive Spell on someone/something. Setup and Spell are both 5-letter words.

Anyway, our world is just now coming out of 10,800 years of being dominated by darkness/left-spin powers that brought us massive amounts of fear, force, and control. With the many negative Setups being pumped out, that dark world will start to implode rapidly. Hand out the positive Setups and MBOs to people who are makers and givers. People who smile in their eyes and with their hearts. People who are thoughtful, kind, and considerate. People who provide service(s) to the rest of us. Service people always find a way to push beyond themselves.

You can also hand out the negative Setups. Instead of trying to kill someone, hand it over to Spirit or the Universe to come up with the most appropriate Setup; this is a great way to avoid any Karma issues. Who knows? They can become ill or can slip on the ice. You can give out as many negative Setups as you feel necessary; again, the execution is up to the higher realms. Setups are not limited to a single issue. We tend to think of them as money, love, health, or possessions, but can be all-in-one. You can help the Universe with your intent for positive and negative Setups or MBOs.

Be sure to give yourSelves positive Setups/MBOs when it comes to enough food, fuel, shelter, electricity, and transport. Do this at least once per week unless you can make them last longer. Ask for help from like-minded people; survival is a group sport.

Love, Light and Laughter,



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The Shift is Happening

Look around. The world is getting more (and more) restive. A massive uprising is going on in Sri Lanka. Why? Their government could not pay its debts. Now, it will have to depend on charity; no food, no fuel/gasoline, no electricity, no capital for lending, no credit cards. Back to the Stone Age. Guess what? This is going to happen to 100 more countries around the world. Everyone went a little nuts when debt went to zero interest; now, it is going back to norms of 3-5 percent and defaults are happening everywhere. Not just governments, but companies and individuals as well.

Marry that with huge increases in food, heating/cooling, transportation, and shelter costs. Guess what? We are running out of money collectively. The last time this happened was in the 1930s – the Great Depression; what makes a depression different from a recession is that all the money disappears, for years. Never mind the digital money, that will gone in “poof”; trillions of it. I am talking about cash; THAT is going to disappear.

Yes, we are all concerned about inflation now, but what happens when none of us can afford the basics? Demand dries up; that is called demand destruction. The price of everything will suddenly drop/crash; it will deflate like a popped balloon. Remember, cash will become very scarce. Build up your cash and coin reserves; they will come in very handy. Use your credit for everything. Hold your cash to the end, it will become very much more valuable.

Our old world is disappearing. Russia is already starting to collapse; most of the Russian military has been sent to Ukraine and Central Asia is revolting/exploding. Russia is losing in Ukraine; what’s going to happen to it? What will Germany do when the lights go out? It too will collapse. And when Germany collapses, the EU will as well. Will the German be allowed to repeat Hitler? China is having a very hard time; the real estate segment has crashed to 10% of what it was a year ago. In China, that is where 70% of investments go. That is driving bank runs and the collapse of the banking system. The Chinese stock market has already collapsed. Same for the bond market. China is actually worse than Sri Lanka, but the world has not figured it out yet; it is just so big. How are the Chinese going to be able to import all of the food, gasoline, coal, etc? Imagine China like 1820 in less than a year. China’s woes will spread to Europe and the world fairly quickly.

Now, look around and imagine that your location may be going back in time as well. It can not be avoided; all of us are heading for difficult times. Surround yourselves with dependable people; we are going to need each other. Move to the country; the trucks/lorries will not be coming. Start growing food; indoors and out. Canned food does not expire; you know when a can is bad by the pressure bulges. Keep pickle juice or fermented foods like sour kraut around for food poisoning issues; they work wonderfully well. It’s what our ancestors did before refrigeration.

This is the last year of the old energy and things are changing rapidly. Out with the old and in with the new; most of the old ways will be leaving. Yes, we will still have computers and cell phones, but most of us will not have the time we used to; we will be too busy trying to survive. Eventually, like in the 1930s and 40s, things will get better, but it may take 15 or 20 years. Everyone is in this mess. And no, the new energy will not support more world wars; Ukraine and Russia are fighting out one-on-one (yes, much help is being sent).

The end of the New World Order/Liberal World Order/Globalism/WEF/EU/UN/World Bank/IMF/WHO/WTO etc., is happening. Again, out with the old. Russia-Ukraine is just the catalyst for pushing the old structure over; Covid and Supply Chains had already started killing it/them.

Right-spin people are makers and givers; both men and women. Left-spinners are takers. Push them away, even if they are family. They will always put themselves first. Narcissists, sociopaths, and psychopaths are all left-spin energy suckers/vampires/takers.

As part of this shift, women will become the dominant decision-makers. Men will still be valued (because we think differently) and will still be needed for children. No one will have to wonder what a woman is.

What about the takers? You know, the people living off the government/taxpayer? Not talking about the helping-hand people or pensioners, but the types who feel they are entitled and don’t have to work. In the coming months, they will be pushed away and be forced to fend for themselves (or not). These too, are left-spinners; me, me, me, take, take, take.

With this shift in energy, many changes are coming.  After the great die-offs, there will be far more women than men; about 20-to-1. Let that sink in. We will all be given extended lifetimes of 300-500 years in youthful, healthy bodies (I know, hard to believe). Children will not be needed as replacement bodies (not as much) and will become rarer; they will be treasured and raised by the community. Women will be head of households with or without men. This new energy will be 80% Light or Right-spin; more freedom, choices, truth, integrity, self-reliance/responsibility, and doing the right things. Men will find their place, but it will be very different.

So, part of these massive changes coming are new capabilities for both Humans and NewBeings. We have called them occult powers like precognition/telling the future or having magical powers like witches (both good and bad). Some of us have a sixth sense about different things. All of these powers will be amplified or empowered in this new energy. Not only will power or capability be broader or more generalized, but the gain (or volume) of function will be greater. Some will be able to start fires or purify water or make it rain; all using mental intention. Some will be able to move things around mentally; a few feet, a mile, or 1000s of miles. Some will be able to duplicate or replicate things (all kinds). Some will be able to make things heavier or lighter, or bigger/smaller. Some will be able to create electrical fields to do many things; this is what we used to call Spells. Remember there is good Majik and bad Magic. People will be able to jump themselves (and others) to far distant locations instantly (see the movie “Jumper”).

All of the survivors will receive additional powres. That is how this new energy will work. Many powres will be weak at first and will require effort for greater strength. Some powres will not be revealed until a baseline powre is achieved. Over time (and effort), everyone will get stronger while maintaining their youthfulness and health. The new path is one of Spiritual Growth but with better choices and time/health to achieve them.

This is what a Golden Age is; we are on the cusp of entering one. Unfortunately, we cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs. Earth Changes are nearly upon us.

Love, Light and Laughter,



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Re-Programming YourSelf?

We all have issues in our lives; we are too short or fat or just don’t like ourselves for whatever reason. Hopefully, we all have things that we like about ourSelves. Here’s some help with that.

OK. Can we change ourSelves? Yes.

Go to the Transform YourSelf – A Guided Meditation page on this site. Figure out how to get to your Inner or Secret Heart. That is where you can re-program yourSelf. Once you find the entrance to your Inner Heart (it will open for you), tell yourSelf to go to the Control Room.

Perhaps, this is a new concept, but you can ask if you can change things in your body or life. You may get some NOs, but you will definitely get some YESs. OK. Work on the YESs. Ask if the limits are ON and OFF, like a switch. Can you flip the switch? Frequently, the limits will be a range, like 0-9 (that is really 1-10). If this is the case, find out where you are; are you turned ON or OFF? or, are you nearer to 1 than 9?

Be patient, it has taken you all of your life to get to where you are now; it will not change overnight. I know, I know, you have tried to remove the blocks many times before, but not by going to your Secret Heart’s Control Room. Try finding out what issues are controlled by the ON/OFF switch; do them first. When you flip the switch either ON or OFF, set your intention to Lock the switch until you change it again.

This process is one of asking questions and getting answers from within your Heart. If you are unsure of your answers, put your hand on your heart while you are asking the questions. Set your intention that you will only get the truth for your specific questions; you will get better at asking questions over time; it is like asking the Internet, keywords are very important.

Frequently, you will get a YES when you ask if you are being blocked in some way. That Block may be a simple ON-OFF switch; if so, an easy fix. But, it may be more difficult to fix if you are a 1 and want to move towards a 9.  You may be limited in how much you can move the dial with this effort and how frequently you can move the dial in subsequent efforts. What I am saying is that it will probably not be a one-and-done effort.

You may be able to move the dial from 1 to 3 or, possibly to 5. I have found it is more effective moving up in odd numbers. If you are on an even number, go to an odd number before trying to move 2 or more in one jump. Once you begin this process, things that you got a NO on, may be changed to YES; it takes INTENT which is a combination of Focus and Willpower. It also takes EFFORT.

BTW, your thumbs are your Intent. Call them Mudras; your forefinger is knowing (Knower), middlefinger is thinking (Thinker), ringfinger is being (Be-er or I am), and little finger is doing (Doer). Mix one or more of your fingers with your thumb; that is another way of changing your programs; this works well with the Inner Heart approach. Ask about it and you will be told. I was a Boy Scout; the oath was grabbing my little finger with my thumb in my right hand; my Doer and Intent. Very powerful, especially when repeated many times. How we touch each other’s hands is very powerful. A caress? Strong handshake or limp? Think about what finger do we use when we flip the bird? Or, I know that/you?

This is something that we all know and use. Just like nodding and shaking our heads. We must learn to tune into this. Ask your Inner Being/Heart if it wants you to communicate your Intent in this way? You know, the nods and shakes routine.

The above knowledge can be used by anyone who can find their Inner/Secret Heart. For Right-Spinners, we have increased/increasing powres to make the changes we want. Ask about your health, your youthfulness, and fixes to your body like vision or hearing or getting slim and fit. If you have any dis-eases, can they be healed?

Ask about your Powres? Do you have any yet? Are they coming? Are they within your Pre-Now or extended Pre-Now? If so, do you have the powre to heal yourSelf (and others)? When healing others, always ask if you can/may heal them; you will be told NO when they have chosen to leave this way.

Again, check where you are on the dial; you may be a healer, but your setting is down around 1. You may have to work to get it up to 9 but that would be an awesome capability. This also applies to vision, hearing, balance, skin, hair, and how tall you are. I am not saying that you can get taller, but you can find out if you can and take the steps to do so. Same for money, success, and sex.

It is always good to find out if an issue is fate; fates can be changed. Destinies cannot be changed.

Again, change is hard. You have spent your entire life getting to who, what, where, when, and how you are.  Some switches will be easy and some hard, but this is a far better approach than positive thinking and affirmations. They may actually work, but only incrementally; not going to move from a 1 to a 5. Besides, they do not work very well for most of us.

As I am writing this, I am being prompted that I have some significant work to do as well; this was their way of telling me. My process is to ask questions, but if I do not ask the “right” questions, how do I get the “correct” information/knowledge?

I have been questing within for more than 20 years and am very good at zeroing in on any opening. Any insight we get is a key to opening the lock(s) for other insights. We are in the dark fumbling around; we need light like a match and a key. We turn that key and open the door (or window) and pick up another key and another light (match, candle, flashlight, whatever).

Going to your Inner/Secret Heart is a huge KEY. You can turn on the light as bright as desired in YourSelf.

Light, Love and Laughter,


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What is Your NOW? How about Pre-Now?

Start, Quest (as in questioning), and Powre are all 5-letter power words. As of July 10th, 2022 (7+1+6=14), New Being powres have started to be pushed out. It will be little things at first; pay attention. Your intentions will be a bit more robust; that parking space will be there or that line/queue will be small/gone. Good thing(s) will start to occur more often.

Use the tool with the hand-at-heart (nods and shakes) to learn more about Your Powres. Everybody will be getting some kind of a shielding powre first. By that, I mean, you will be left alone; you will not be hassled/bothered by the authorities. Set your intention for More; good choices, freedom, truth, integrity, money, and, generally, good stuff happening. Remember to use the power word, APPLY. Start using Apply after anything that you think you want; it is not just thinking, but triggering.

When we try to Manifest (or Visioneer), we tend to assume  (dangerous word, ass-u-me) that we are creating something for our Now. That is where most of us have our problems. You know, when Spirit tells us a when and it does not happen. Try sending it to your Pre-Now; that is where all of your Setups go; Apply works strongly for your Pre-Now.

Use the hand-at-heart technique to find out what is in your Pre-Now; if it is there, it will be happening soon (within hours or days). If it is not there, it is not coming to your Now. Note: if you have been told that something is coming (from your heart), it will come, but you will have to wait for it. If your head is telling you, it is probably misinformation; try again with your heart.

Part of finding what is in your Pre-Now is to ask whether you have any Negative Setups coming to you. Wow, you can find out in advance? Yes, and you may be able to cancel them. To cancel them, you must know about them before they are applied. You can also ask about Positive Setups. This is a great quest(ion) to ask every week.

Another great quest is to find out what your Now is. Is it 5 days, or 3 or 1? Is it 12 hours, or 6 or 3? Is it different for money or sex or food or shelter? Spirit loves simplicity but combines them until it can become complex. For example, things like rent or car payments (monthly) could easily be 14-days. Once you find out what your Nows are, can you change them? Yes. Use your intention and Apply; it is Your Now. You can simplify your Now down to one value, but get your Heart to agree.

This is another example of Conscious Creating. Use the 14 number (or 5) for consciously creating; it is the Creation Number whether we use it consciously or just allow good (and bad) things to happen by accident, luck, or happenstance (Unconscious Creating). There is no such thing as accident, luck, or happenstance; everything is a Setup being run for you by your heart. Review my Home Page. Be creative in using all of the numbers on any given day; for example, 7-10-2022 is a triple 14-day, but the 1 can make three additional 5s using the 2s in 2022. 28 is two times 14 so it is a double 14-day each month. Using this technique, you find that you have many more Creation Days than you thought. Whatever you do, do not continue to drop into negative self-talk; use I can instead of I can’t. Even without using Apply intention will set your Pre-Now with enough repetitions.

Math and numbers are a gift from Spirit. Even though they are purely mental constructs, they have huge powre. They work whether we are aware (consciously) or not; 1+1 is always 2 and 3 x 3 is always 9. Do not dismiss numerology as some hocus-pocus, mumbo-jumbo fraud; there is great powre in numbers.

Think about it; we have a thumb and four fingers twice, a big toe and four little toes twice, a torso with two arms and two legs. That is the number 14 five times. We also are born with 32 teeth and tend to lose four of them “Wisdom” teeth; that leaves us 14 up and 14 down. Last point; water freezes at 32℉, boils at 212℉, and live steam is at 221℉. These are all different states of water; they are all different creations. Anytime you can make any numbers add up to 5, that is a 14 (even if it is made up by 3 and 2).

Any multiples of 5 (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50, 100, 500, 1000) are that many additional Creation Numbers. You wonder why our money is like that?

Love, Light and Laughter,


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How to talk to Your Heart; Not your Head

We have all experienced our Hearts telling us something different from our Heads; is there a way to tell what our Heart is telling us? Yes.

I have written before about tuning into our Nods and Shakes; you know when your head nods for yes and shakes for no. I realized that I needed to be more specific on how to make this work.

Take your dominant hand and place it on your breastbone. If you are not sure which is the better hand, place them both on the breastbone (above the breasts in the center).  Now, ask yourSelf if it wants to talk to you. You should get a distinct head nod Yes. Because you placed your hand near your heart, you have set your intention to talk to your heart. ,,,,,,,, Ask your Heart which hand it wants to use.

Now, verify with your Heart that you can get the truth using the head nods or shakes. That Truth will be coming from your Heart. Next, ask if you can get head nods and shakes from your Head; the answer should be a Yes. Wow, how can we deconflict the info from our hearts and head? Simple, put your hand on your heart when you ask the question; your head cannot interfere in that communication.

It is easy to get information using nods and shakes, but remember some of that may be wishful thinking from our heads (you know logical). So, if you are going to act on this kind of information, always check it by hand at heart.

OK. Now that we know how to get the Truth from our Hearts, you can ask about anything; people, sex, location, job, whether to take that job, whether to marry that person, whether that person is an energy vampire/sucker, whether you should move to get away from danger, etc.

When you use the hand-at-heart approach, you will not be lied to or misled. If you are not getting an answer, ask it a different way. If you are still not getting an answer, your heart does not want to answer (or cannot). Your heart will not give you a string-along answer, especially, if you tell it that you do not want string-along/when answers that are not part of your Pre-Now. If it is part of your Pre-Now, the SetUp is in place and is being applied (Apply is one of the strongest powre words).

Remember, Light/Right-Spin has taken over; it is at 40% now and will be at 80% on November 1st. That means that more freedom, truth/integrity, good choices, and doing the right things are moving towards us. Your heart is always stronger than your head, but is even stronger now in the dominant Light/Right-Spin forces.

Fear, Force, Control, and Chaos are all of Darkness/Left-Spin. Order is of the Light/Right-Spin; we all need rules or structure, but not too much. Tyranny comes with too much force and chaos.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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How the Shift Works

None of us alive have experienced a Shift of the Ages; moving from Pisces to Aquarius.

I initially thought it was a straightforward process; NOT!

When we entered into Aquarian energy back in December 2012, you know the end of the Mayan Calendar, it wasn’t Aquarian energy yet. We entered into a kind of neutral transition between the two Ages. This transition takes nine (9) years and will be completed on December 21, 2022. Counting the 9-year transition, each Age lasts for 2,160 years.

What happened in these last 9 years is unknown; these transitions include extended, negotiated agreements between Dark energies and Light. Of course, none of us know anything about those agreements. The one thing we know is that Aquarian energy will emerge as dominant after the transition. In Taurus, Aries, and Pisces, Darkness had 80% of the available power in our world/Solar System/Local Universe; this explains why Fear, Force, and Control have played such a dominant role in all of our remembered/recorded history. The Male dominated the past three Ages; thus his story (history). In Aquarius, the Female will dominate, Aquarian energies will support more Freedom, Truth/Integrity, Choice (Good ones), Self-Reliance/Responsibility, Individual Rights over Group/Collective Rights, and doing the Right things.

During this transition period, we have seen positive and negative swings back and forth; Covid was a huge negative happening, but it has allowed many of us to wake up to tyranny and be able to see the wrongness of many decisions our Elites have made for us. Think Climate Change and Global Warming. Think Globalism and Globalization. Think WEF/Davos/Bilderbergers/Rothschilds. Think killing coal, oil, nuclear power, and total dependence on natural gas (from Russia?).

Yes, we are all experiencing the war in Ukraine; it is horrible and Russia has become a Priya nation. But hey, worldwide sanctions are killing the Global World Order; that’s a good thing.

We are in the last year of the transition.  By January 30th, Darkness got 10% of the power. By February 28th, Darkness got 20%. That was all for Darkness. In March, April, May, and June, Light got 10% for each (40%). This will occur for July, August, September, and October for 80% of the powre.

So, now, on July 4th, Independence Day in the US, Light has twice the power of  Darkness. We are in the last half of the year as well. The Rules of Engagement (ROE) are, seemingly, that Light could not use its powre against Darkness until July; although it may have jumped the gun at the end of June (the Supreme Court wins).

My point is that the forces of Big Government, the Deep State, WEF/Davos/Bilderbergers/Rothchilds/Central Banksters, the EU, and the UN have all lost the War. They may still win a few battles, but 20% does not trump 40% or 60% or 80%; their losses will become larger and larger. Think about it; are Russia and China forces of Darkness? YES. Are they winning? Have they gotten any of their major objectives? No, some small ones maybe. Wait and see what will happen to these Dark countries. This will apply to Dark regions and states. Light has been blocked, limited, suppressed, and stomped on for the past 6,480 years (or more); being strong in Darkness will be an invitation for attack. US States that are very Dark include New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts. Rhode Island, Illinois, Washington, Oregon, and California; these all have significant pain coming. Through in Delaware. Maryland, and the District of Columbia (DC) as well. In Europe, London, Paris, Berlin, Minsk, and Moscow are all on the Dark Side of the Force.

Today, it was reported that the 3 Gorges Dam has three (3) major cracks; it will not be long. After major upheavals in China, massive earthquake activity will kick off a Cascadia Earthquake and Tsunami that will hit the US West Coast (Vancouver, Seatle, Portland, and San Francisco). That will trigger the “Big One” along the San Andreas and California will become the Isles of California. Washington State, Oregon, and California are among the Darkest Regions anywhere on Earth. Parts of New York and Illinois are not far behind.

Light will be fully empowered and moving against Darkness on New Year’s Day, 2023. We are moving into a several 100-year Mini Ice Age. We have food shortages that we can clearly see coming. We have energy shortages that we can clearly see coming too. This coming winter will be a bad one; very cold. How bad will things be in 2024, 2025, 2026, and out? Our growing seasons will shrink; learn how to grow food indoor or out.

We are already seeing mass migrations of people with the refugees from Ukraine. What will the coming cold and food shortage do? Will it be worse? The world that we all know so well is falling apart. Supply chains are broken, energy and food are getting very expensive; many of us may have to choose between being warm and eating. Buy those middle layers of warmth. Recommend Marino Wool. Don’t forget the socks and gloves. Buy extra blankets, quilts, and sleeping bags. Get that food that does not expire; rice, beans, pasta, lentles, split peas. Get a small, portable stove that burns wood. Find a place in the country; leave the cities soon. We are already seeing what happens when the trucks stop delivering. Cities are collective entities; they are hive-like and are very dark. Collective rights are wanning; become more self-reliant.

Be a survivor; prepare now. It is not a matter of “IF”, but “When” the Shit will hit the Fan (SHTF). It is coming. The Earth Changes have already begun and they will be worse coming.

Light, Love and Laughter,



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Battle for the American Mind

Great new book that I can recommend. It’s actually at the top of the New York Times Bestseller List. Written by Pete Hegseth; a Fox News commentator and a former military officer.

Many people know that the Federal Reserve, the United States Central Bank, was formed about 100 years ago. The Progressives came to power under Woodrow Wilson. We call Progressives Woke today. Back then, they also saw a need to take over the education of our children. They were meticulous planners and set about taking over the Teaching Colleges/Universities, establishing a government monopoly for teaching, created a nationwide teachers union, established control over textbook content, and, even, created the Federal Government’s Department of Education.

This was a 100-year plan like slowly boiling something with a low heat source. All of our teachers have gone through THEIR schools. They controlled the accreditation of those schools. They controlled the curriculum of those schools. They realized that if they could control what is being taught and how it is taught, they could control the minds of the upcoming generations. They took God out of the schools and replaced Him/Her with secular experts. You know, follow the science……….

The idea was to train everyone to be a cog in a wheel/gear; you know, the worker bees. The Elites would send their children to the best colleges and universities and they would be the technocrat experts. This system of education teaches our children to never question the science. Smarter, more well-connected people would decide that for us.

The Brits have an interesting question: “What is an expert? An X is a has-been and a spurt is a drip under pressure.

Our problem is that the water is now boiling. Our young people have mostly been turned into woke idiots who cannot think for themselves. Social technologies make them eager to follow the trend, any trend.

Buy the book and read it. Take your kids out of the public school system and put them into schools that share your values or in a cooperative for homeschooling. Even, if necessary, start homeschooling.

So far, this is about the United States, but the Progressives have pushed this agenda into most countries of the world. People everywhere have been exposed to the poison being taught to our children. Because of the Pandemic Lockdowns; parents got to see what all the teachers were pushing. It did not matter whether you were in a low- or high-income region, the same ideologic shit was being pushed. This is why, suddenly, our world is full of wokeness. We wonder where this craziness has come from? It is what the Progressives (atheists, socialists, communists, Marxists) have had on a slow boil for the past century.

How bad is this? Perhaps, 90% of our kids have been ensnared by the Progressive World View. You know, what is a woman? It is OK for men to compete in women’s sports. It is OK for men to shower with women at school (because they identify as a woman). It is OK to start pushing transgenderism for 3 years olds. It is OK to have a teenager decide whether to change their gender with surgery. God and Faith and goodness and gratitude and trying to do the Right things have, somehow, been left behind/dropped.

I write about Light and Right-spin taking over from Darkness/Left-Spin. Yes, that is true; it is actually happening. But, OMG, Darkness has created a horrendous mess for us. Parents are waking up and trying to seize control over what is being taught to their children, but a lot of damage has been done. Everything they have been taught (since they were 5 years old) is a lie, but they believe it. It will be next to impossible to de- or re-program them.

We must try to save those we can. This entire generation (or two) of young people have gone down the Dark rabbit hole. They think everything that we know is wrong; their teachers told them so.

So, what is going to happen? Simple, their Woke worldview has already started to collapse. Disney and Netflix. Transgender athletes. Global Warming. Doing away with coal, oil, and nuclear. Embracing solar and wind as THE solution. But, they cannot replace hydrocarbons. Embracing electric cars even though the supply chain comes from 30 countries. They were all taught that globalism and Elite control by the WEF was good; trouble is that Globalism is dying/dead. They were all taught that we live on a peaceful planet and we can buy anything from anywhere; free trade is wonderful until it isn’t.

Unfortunately, many/most of these young people are running into a mental buzzsaw; they have spent all their lives believing just the opposite of what the world is teaching them. Yes, hopefully, when they go out into the real world, they will be awakened (Wake Up) and adjust their worldview. Do not count on it.

These young people are already starting to realize that they have been lied to all of their lives. There is already a backlash against the Progressives. Sure, many will hold to their beliefs even though gun control is dead, the abortion right is dead, and you can actually pray in school again. They are starting to experience the phrase, “Go Woke, Go Broke.” Woke companies, organizations, and colleges/universities are all being rejected by the people who are paying the bills; parents. These Wokesters have degrees in basket weaving and cannot pay back their student loans. They are all being told to get a certification (that proves they know something) or get a skill like electrical, plumbing, or welding.

Here’s a good question, “Is Light, when it takes over (soon), going to have much use for these Woke Babies? Not. Perhaps millions of these Woke Children will suffer from severe mental health issues; everything they thought was true is proven to be a lie. It is sad, but many of them will leave by suicide. They won’t be able to hold a job, pay down their student loans, afford a car, afford rent, or, even, afford food. Many of them are already living with their parents even though they are 40 years old. Are they having children? Can the parents retire or must the Woke child be thrown out? Maybe its for the best.

Dark/Left-Spin people are 85% of the world’s population. They will not be allowed to stay in a world that is 80% Light/Right-Spin. Like the Woke people above, they will not be able to cope in a world with so little fear, force, and control. If there are 7000 million people on Earth (not sure that’s true), nearly 6000 million (5950) will be leaving. Wow, that’s a huge number. I give you these numbers again to help with the large quantities of people leaving from all sources of death.

Fear not, man and womankind will survive and prosper. Our advanced technologies will continue, but we will do many things differently and, mostly, better. The world will be a much better, more positive place with more freedom, truth, integrity, good choices, and doing the Right things. After all of the departures, there may be 19 women for every man; wow, that will be different. In Aquarius, women rule.

The take-over of Light is accelerating; many changes coming. Tune into yourSelves (use the head nods and shakes); ask about extended lifetimes and younger, healthier appearing bodies. Ask about more stuff. Ask about more capabilities or powres. All this, and more, is coming.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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The Energy Shift just moved into High Gear

I am an American. I have served in the US Military for 20 years; retired after 16 in the Air Force and 4 in the Navy (Vietnam era). Yes, I was in Intelligence and did not kill anyone (that I know of). I have been guided by Spirit for most of my life; I was sent there. Nothing/No thing happens by accident or happenstance or luck. Somehow, I have been allowed to bring insightful knowledge into the world and come up with a new path for Spiritual advancement; New Beings, Newomen, Newmen, Earth Beings (all more than “normal” Humans). If you found this site, you were sent; I do not do anything to promote this site using search engine optimization tools. There are more than 70,000 subscribers now so I must be doing something Right. This information is not for everyone; people are sent here only if they are ready to receive.

If you are concerned about shortages of food or energy, go to my other site at Revitae Technologies. All of these new technologies have been delayed; waiting on the new Aquarian energies. The wait is coming to an end.

OK. I have been writing about the energy shift happening as we move further away from Pisces energies. Wow, this past week we were treated to three amazing examples of what I am talking about; first, the dark forces trying to take guns (self-protection) away were stomped on. I know all of Europe, the UK, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia (and many other places) have severely limited possession of firearms; only the police and criminals have them. Are the police there when you are attacked? No, of course not, they are just a deterrent. How is that working out? Of course, we are all watching Ukraine fight for its life against Russia. Are the Ukrainians glad that they have huge supplies of guns and ammunition? Do most Europeans want guns again? We all need the means to defend ourselves when required. Having a knife or club is not going to do it. Second, the US Supreme Court struck down Roe vs. Wade which has become abortion on demand. Now,  the lives of children in the womb will be more protected. Instead of nine judges, the decision has been pushed down to the people (all 50 states). The world is running out of people as it is; we need more children, not less. Third, Darkness put a block in place decades ago. Somehow, there had to be a separation between Church/Faith and State. This was necessary for secularism to take over; other names include Deep State, Big Government regulations, the Welfare State, Globalism, WEF, etc. We used to take care of all of these in communities of faith. So, now, in the United States, we can pray again in schools and at football games. Wow, this is the biggest energy shift of the three; it is the beginning of the end of secularism in the public square.

Note: all of these happened in June. Darkness got its allotment of power in January and February; 20%. That’s all it is getting in Aquarius. Light started getting its allotment in March and will get 10% per month until the end of October (just before the Mid Term Elections). So, now, today, Light has 35% to Darks 20%. On June 30th, Light will have 40%; 5% on the 15th, and 5% more on the 30th. By November, Light will have 80% of the powre in our world.

So, with just over one-third of the powre, Light is showing us these amazing defeats of Darkness. Watch for it, this is just the beginning. The Left (Dark) will be losing to the Right (Light) massively. More and more are returning to traditional values, customs, religions, tribes, and regions and rejecting  Globalist imposed immigration and nonsensical, unworkable, bureaucratic governing; the EU. Open trade was good, but the EU was a replacement for the failure of communism; the EUSSR. It did not get far enough so they trotted out Global Warming (another replacement); how is that working out? Same for the United Nations; it just represents the Globalists and their corrupted officials.

Things are moving very quickly now. Many of us will not recognize our world by New Year’s Day, 2023. The great threats coming from Russia and China will be gone. Same for the rogue threats coming from Dark Forces in the United States. Not sure how, but they too will be defeated. Darkness will fight, but they cannot win against 40%, 60%, or 80%; they will be pushed back into a corner (20%). They have stomped on us; now it is their turn.

The new technologies in Revitae will not all come at once and we may have to wait until 2023, but much better tools for generating electricity at extremely low costs are coming. Not wind, solar, nuclear, but better. Also, not coal, oil or natural gas. Just imagine, being able to make food from natural gas; not just starches, but fats, and proteins as well. The old Dark Forces that would have stopped me have been greatly diminished.

We will all continue to use our traditional forms of energy (coal, oil, gas, and nuclear, along with solar, wind, and wave). Electric cars/trucks are coming, but their supply chains are much more complex than gasoline, petrol, and diesel vehicles. Global suppy chains are breaking down rapidly; it’s not just chips. Globalism is Darkness and it will no longer be supported.

Don’t worry about Global Warming or Climate Change; Carbon Dioxide is essential for plants. Start worrying about the coming Earth Changes. Not just worrying, but preparing mentally (and in every other way).

Love, Light and Laughter,


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Russia is Losing, but so is Globalism

Depending on your news source, Russia is winning. Nonsense, it is mostly a standoff for now. The Russians already controlled much of the Donbas since 2014 and their annexation of Crimea. Yes, in the early days of the invasion, they captured a land bridge to Crimea and have been able to hold on to it.

But they failed stupendously in attacking Kiev/Kyiv (along with the Belarussians). Also, mostly failed in attacking Kharkiv; they are still there but are being pushed back to Russia.

Why is Russia losing? Their military is a hollowed-out force. Their officers are not well trained or battle-hardened. They do not have a Non-Commissioned Officer structure and their training is abysmal. Through in lack of food, fuel, and ammunition (logistics); an army fights on its stomach. It seems that the Russians are recruiting their retired military to fight; a pilot was captured after his plane was shot down; he was a retired Russian AF Colonel flying as a Contractor/Mercenary. That means that their pilots do not want to fly over Ukraine (too much fear) or they do not have enough trained pilots (or both). Russian fighter aircraft will not fly high in fear of being shot down by Ukrainian S-300s (Russian Air Defense systems) and when they fly low, they are being shot down by Manpads (Stingers, etc.) Modern air forces use standoff weapons (smart) from high-altitude precision strikes; the Russians have run out of these. They did not build so many of them as they did not have the chips due to sanctions from 2014. Their planes are using camping/hiking GPS units which are not accurate or robust enough for military use. This applies to their artillery and tanks; they are shipping 1000s of T-62s in to fight the Ukrainians. Why? Because they are so old that they do not have chips. They also have much less armor protection, require one more man, and smaller tank guns; this is not going to turn out well for Russian troops.

The Russians are using massive amounts of artillery shells. So much so that they are running out. Guess what, they are having massive problems making new ones. What are they doing? Pulling the shells out of long-term storage; they are firing shells made in the 1960s and 70s and many do not work anymore. Artillery is how the Russians fight; they do not care about destroying civilian infrastructure. Force people to leave as refugees; those who are left are fighters and can be hunted down and killed on sight.

Russia was never going to stop with Ukraine; Moldova, Romania, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia were on the target list. Now, add Finland and Sweden. This is why the US and NATO have pulled all the stops out to kill the Russian Army in Ukraine. NATO planners still think that Putin has Nukes and will use them; all the Nukes have expired. The Plutonium/Uranium has degraded so much that they will not work anymore. Think about it, making them all was hugely expensive in terms of communications, computers, and infrastructure. All of the infrastructures have decayed and Russia does not have the communications or computers now. Does anyone think that Putin would not have used one or more tactical nukes on the Ukrainians; by now? The world is laughing at him and his Army.

So what has changed? Two big things; unmanned drones are being used to attack, but more importantly to locate targets and provide precise target information for long-rang artillery strikes. That’s the other thing, the West is/has provided longer-range artillery to the Ukrainians; the Russians can shoot out 20-22 kilometers while the Ukrainians can shoot out 25 miles or 40 miles with rocket assistance. 10 miles is 16 kilometers; do the math. It has taken a while for the Ukrainians to get the new artillery systems, ammunition, and completed training, but these systems are being used against the Russians now. So, if the Ukrainians can hit targets with great precision out to 64 kilometers and the Russians can only hit massed area targets out 22, who is going to lose? The Ukrainians have started using these weapons to target the Russian ammunition depots and have destroyed 4-5 of them this past week. That is not just artillery shells, but also tank shells and all of the small arms stuff. Fuel depots are next. Also food and clothing warehouses. Time and technology have turned against the Russians.

The Ukrainians will recapture  Kherson first; they have almost done so already. This will allow them to send their forces to Crimea to stop Russian resupply. The Russians resupply primarily with railroads which are only coming from Crimea. Long-range artillery will be able to destroy this railroad resupply even before they take Crimea. When the Ukrainians take Kherson, that is the beginning of the end for Putin. When the Ukrainians take Crimea, that is the end of the Russian Black Sea Fleet; no more docking, supply, and repair facilities.

Putin will try for a cease-fire soon and the Globalists will all pile on demanding that Ukraine give up territory; this is absolutely necessary to stop (or turn back) the ongoing destruction of global supply chains for energy and food. Is it likely that Ukraine will stop after all the Russian destruction? Particularly if they have the military advantage? The Ukrainians know the Russians cannot win and why.

The big question is, will the Ukrainians stop after they have driven the Russians out? Will they attack and subjugate Belarus for their enabling attack on Kyiv? When the Russian Army collapses, what happens to Putin? Will Poland attack Kaliningrad? Lithuania? What is going to happen to Belarus? Will the Fins attack the Russians to regain lost territories? The Russian Federation will collapse and twenty ethnic regions will become independent states (sort of). At least more independent, but many will depend on the former Russian rail infrastructure. These regions are where the raw materials that the Russians exported come from; oil, gas, wood, metals, food, and more. With the drawdown of Russian troops in these areas, there is pent-up demand for more independence even now. None of these regions want to send their young men to Ukraine to be killed.

The old, very Dark, World Order (Globalist, Liberal, Colonial, UN, EU, etc.) is collapsing. It is being replaced by populists, traditionalists, and people who are religious and/or culturalists. Tribalism is coming back. People want to escape from the control of the liberal/left-leaning big cities that overpower the rural/country vote. See Britain (Brexit), France, Poland, Hungary, and more.

Texas, in the USA, was an independent country before it joined the United States. Its constitution allows it to form five (5) different states or, leave the US Union and become independent again. That may actually be happening; Texit. The US Southern Border is a disaster and many Texans think Biden is illegitimate as President and that Washington DC is too corrupt/can’t be fixed.

What will happen to the Russians in the Baltic States? Moldova? Kaliningrad? Will they be forced to return to Russia as refugees? What will happen to the Russians in Russia when all the suppressed peoples revolt? The Russian Army is a hodge-podge of these ethnic peoples; it will not be pretty.

Light/Right-Spin is taking/has taken over. The Dark Side of the Force is collapsing/fading away. This is the Darkness before the Dawn.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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The Collectivists are getting Desparate

Recently, the WHO tried to get a Treaty where they ruled the world during a Pandemic. That only made sense to a Globalist and failed. But, hey, the Globalists are realizing that all of their efforts are failing. They are trying to cobble together a United States of Europe and drag the UK back into Europe; that too will fail.

What else, THEY realize that Russia is killing/has killed Globalism. They are now telling Ukraine that it MUST Accept a negotiated settlement where it gives up land/territory to Russia; this war in Ukraine must be stopped. It is destroying all of their plans. Is Ukraine going to stop fighting and give the Russian invaders any land? Likely NOT!!!!!

The financial world has watched China roll out its digital currency. What have they done with it? They shut down the entire Chinese economy with draconian Covid Lockdowns; no one could work to earn money and all the factories were shut down. No exports. The ports were all shut down. Worse, the imports of oil, coal, natural gas, food, fertilizer, and iron ore were shut down as well. So, what did the Chinese do? They created billions of Yuan by pressing a few buttons; massive inflation instantly. This new digital currency allowed the CCP (the Communists) to track every Yuan spent; who, what, where, when, and why. There is no possibility of privacy by anyone in China.

The Japanese are doing the same thing. Reread my post on deflation; the Japanese are pushing their economy into deflation ahead of everyone else. Both China and Japan will be a step ahead of the US and Europe. Will it make a difference? Not really; the US Dollar will be the only currency that will be exchanged everywhere. The US has very fortunate geography; large oceans on both sides, a huge road/river system, good rain. large crop areas, a consumption economy, and we make most of what we need. Until recently, we were energy independent, but will be again soon. No other country has these attributes/pluses. BTW, the US Military is the most formidable and we do not have to worry about being invaded by Canada or Mexico (except for the migrants, but they are cheap labor). The US will be the most desirable place to live and will attract all (most) of the available capital in the world. Same for the smartest people.

What the Chinese have done is what the Deep State is going to try to do in the USA and the EU. They will demand that we must all turn in our currency notes (our money). They will also demand that we turn in our silver and gold. It may also get to turning in our title deeds as well. It is all about seizing control of all of us with no possibility of dissent or resistance. Whatever you do, DO NOT surrender your bills/notes/currency in either fiat paper money, coins, or valuable metals. Or Bitcoins; they will be worth $100,000 soon. The Deep State is trying to get everyone to sell them. Why? To buy them up cheap. Hold on to them; the stupid people will surrender them all; the bills you hold on to will become scarce and thus, more valuable. People will realize that the only way to have any privacy will be to use the old currency. You cannot put it in the banks, they will send it in for destruction. Coins of all kinds will become incredibly valuable. Bartering will make a huge comeback; you must develop a worthwhile skill or start hoarding things that will be difficult to find/buy (or both).

Remember, we are in an energy shift. The Dark Forces (Deep State/Globalists) are losing; they only have 20% of the power now. The Forces of Light have 80% of the power. So, worry not, it is just too late for the Dark Forces; they will fail. Think WHO Treaty. Think about the rapid decline of the Biden administration and the destruction of the Democrat Party in the upcoming Mid Terms. They will try to steal the election again, but will not be able to do so. And yes, the Russians are losing in Ukraine; they have run out of smart missiles (no chips) and also artillery shells. A mysterious explosion destroyed their ability to make the explosive needed for their shells and they are running out. The chip shortage has stopped the manufacturing/repair of tanks, armored personnel carriers, and modern artillery pieces. Their main artillery shoots 20 kilometers while the new Ukrainian artillery shoots 25 miles; it is just a matter of time before the Russians break and run back to Russia. The Ukrainians will take back everything including Crimea. What will happen when the Ukrainians invade Russia? Will they seize the gas and oil pipelines as reparations?  How about the Russian wheat and other exports? Russia will be destroyed as a country soon. Will Finland be seizing its lost territories back? How far will the Fins go before they stop? Will Belarus survive? Or will it be divided between Lithuania and Poland? What will happen to Kaliningrad? Will the million Russians there be forced to flee to Russia, or what is left of it? That is what the Russians did to the Germans who lived there in World War 2.

Eventually, Ukrainians and Russian refugees will be welcomed in Europe and everywhere. The Globalist world encouraged us all to have far fewer children and most places are in demographic decline. Most places will need these women and children to keep civilization alive. The deal will be for complete assimilation; language, culture, and citizenship. The Russian language and culture will be terminated largely.

The 3-Gorges Dam will fail soon. It was Hubris to build in the first place. Its collapse will destroy China as we know it and the destruction will spread far and wide.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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The Collectivists are Losing!

I write about Left- and Right-Spinners. Other terms also apply; Left-Spinners are of the Left-leaning politically. They are also on the Dark Side of the Energy (frequently, very Dark). Most people tend to think that Communism and Socialism are on the Left; both of these ISMs tend to push the rights of the many over any individual rights. That is collectivism over individualism. Another term for that is Hive Primacy. Still yet another term is Globalist or One Worlder or Deep Stater.

Think about it, cities aggregate people; they pile them on top of each other. Cities are hives for humans. The politics of cities trend toward the Left or the collective; we have all seen the primacy of labor unions, teacher unions, and government worker unions with corrupt rules and regulations that can be fixed or bought off.

We are all seeing a mass exodus from cities everywhere. Why is that? To control us, the Left brought Covid, lockdowns, masks, and vaccinations. They also let the criminals run wild while at the same time imprisoning us in our homes. Now, they want to take our cars away; just more control. Darkness or the Left is all about fear, force, and control; same for collectivism. If you are Free and can act freely, then you are not under their collective control.

One of the reasons they keep trying to destroy the United States from within is to dismantle the Constitution. Why? Because it is all about protecting individual rights; the Bill of Rights. That is why they are so intent on censoring any information that conflicts with their narrative (1st Amendment – Freedom of Speech). Same for the 2nd Amendment; they want to take our guns away; how can you protect yourself without weapons? Can the police stop someone from harming or killing you? No, but you can if you have a gun. Countries that have taken guns away from their people know that only criminals have guns; they don’t much care about laws. Google the American Bill of Rights; it is an interesting read. It is a foretaste of what is coming.

The Globalist world is collapsing. The supply chains have already collapsed from Covid lockdowns. Companies could not make products that depended on parts (chips) made in far-flung places. Just in time logistics used to work, but not anymore. Whatever faults the Russians have, they set in motion the destruction of the Globalist World Order; now everyone is thinking about defending their country, customs, and traditions. They are also worried about food and energy shortages. They are also watching the impossible solutions (for everyone) that the EU/ECB are trying; the EU will splinter or shatter soon. Inflation will get worse and worse; it will get so bad that no one will be able to afford the minimum essentials. Demand will collapse; inflation will turn into deflation and deflation will turn into depression. All of that digital money will vanish with the collapse of the derivatives and markets. Cash will be king and worth far more due to scarcity. Get your cash out of banks; they are no longer safe. Get the 20s, 10s, and 5s, not 50s or 100s; they will make you a target. Get common coins; they too will appreciate in value many times. Yes, get silver and gold coins as well; focus on the smaller sizes like dimes, quarters, and ⅒ once Gold.

I think most of us can see that our world is changing. We are all resisting tyranny more; we all got to see what it was. No more masks, lockdowns, or jabs, certainly not mandatory by Government edict. This is all part of a pattern; we have left 1000s of years where Darkness (the collective) was in charge. If you left the herd, flock, or school, it was dangerous or fatal.

We are moving/moved into energy where individual rights have primacy. Look up (in the night sky) and watch the Great Alignment of the Planets; that is a huge sign from heaven. We are in Aquarius, 2022 is the shift year. The energies are shifting; for some reason, more and more of us are rejecting the edicts of the bureaucracies (Left or Dark or collective) and seeking our own truths. Forced immigration (on us) is being resisted everywhere; how do you deal with foreign customs and traditions that do not harmonize? Islam is very Dark; Allah is also Baal and Maloch.

Aquarian energies will be dominated by the female; not the male. The symbol of Aquarius is a woman at the top of a mountain with a water jug. Think of the mountain as being a cone with the apex point up.  The water poured from the jug can do down the mountain in any direction; each droplet can find its own way. That represents a major shift in energy; we do not have to follow the herd anymore. The new energy supports each of us in going our own way; within order, not force, control, or chaos. We do not have to belong to the “right” club, school, or elite group; credentials will be less and less important. Apprenticeships will be making a comeback; we must still know things. Certifications will replace college degrees for most. This new energy will support more freedom, truth, integrity, good choices, self-reliance, self-responsibilities, doing-the-right thing, and individualism/individual rights. Collectivism has gone from 80% of the power to 20%; they have lost. Lies, corruption, theft, taxes, and redistribution will still exist but will fade significantly. Giving to each other will become much more important. Self-reliance and responsibility will also become more important. The new energy will support makers or givers over the takers (all 5-letter words).

Yes, stock up on long-lasting food, candles, fire-making tools, warm clothes, and bedding. Get your camping gear ready, you may have to Bug out; think about it, plan for it, and test it. Remember to bring fishing gear. In a Depression, it is much easier to survive in the country. It is much easier to gain the trust of people who can help you (as long as you can help them).

If you make yourSelf into a New Being, you will have additional powres/capabilities that most others don’t. New Beings will be getting those powres during the rest of the year. When you can do something new or different, ask yourSelf about it/them. Use your head nods and shakes to get information about anything.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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Deflation Coming

What is Deflation? It is where/when all the easy cash is, suddenly, gone. No One has any money. No one has credit. This is what the Great Depression of 1929 (and the 1930s) was all about. Not only did money dry up, but the jobs as well. Note, the world was in this depression for about 10-12 years and only pulled out of it during the significant arms build-up (for World War II). Europe was already fighting in 1939.

People were able to get credit, but only if you were a local who was trusted; strangers tended to be unwelcome. People tended to move out into the countryside to survive. Everyone left the big cities (just like now) with high costs and taxes. Everywhere people grew “Victory” gardens just to feed themselves (and their families/fellow survivors).

Wait, you say. The issue is Inflation, not deflation. Yes, we are all experiencing higher costs of food, gasoline/petrol, heating fuel, and everything else. With the war in Ukraine, there is likely to be food shortages which will push the cost of food even higher. How are the Central Banks going to handle our situation? Simple, raise interest rates, right?

What will that do? It will put us in a recession and force the closure of many companies (no credit for loans). This will force layoffs. People will run out of money to buy anything but essentials (food, shelter, heat, and minimum transportation). Demand for everything will collapse; no one has any money. The cost of everything will come down; they will be giving it away almost for free. Interest rates will drop to near zero. This will last for years. Everyone will have to dig deep into themselves for inspiration/endurance; life will not be easy.

This is how to cure Inflation; too much money chasing too few goods. Raise interest rates to cut the supply of money. If this is not done well, inflation turns to deflation on a dime. Options for getting out of deflation take time; it’s a very different mindset and most of us a struggling to survive.

This is likely to happen in 2022. When everybody has no money, the prices of everything will come down. Essentials will always be in demand. Will our phones and internet and gaming be essential? Interesting!

A depression is coming. Food shortages are coming. Staying warm in winter will be more difficult. Getting around will be more difficult. What else?  We are, just now, entering a long mini ice age (which could last 100s of years); much shorter growing seasons (more food shortages and heating costs). Changing rain/snow patterns, jet streams, and more floods/flooding. This also means more cosmic rays which brings more volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, and what could be called Earth Changes. The large eruptions could actually make the Earth colder with all the dust blocking the sun. GLOBAL WARMING is Not the Issue.

This is all closely related to the shift of energy happening; the Shift of the Ages.; The old Dark energies are being ended. The old ways are going away. The old world is going away. Yes, it will be that big.

We will be experiencing earthquakes above 10-12 on the Richter scale with aftershocks of 8-9. Not everywhere, but in many places. There will be giant tsunamis and land subsiding into the sea. This has happened before; we are finding underwater cities in many places.

Is all of this going to happen in 2022? Some, but not all. Most of it will happen in the next 5-10 years.

Learn how to be an electrician, to solder, a plumber, a welder, or an engine mechanic; you will always be welcome and well-fed. Add blacksmith and farrier to that; horses are likely to make a comeback. Add making cloth and leather for shoes and saddles. Modern high-tech skills will still be important, but the need will be fewer. Learn how to fix/repair phones, tablets, and laptops (see Add memory devices. Yes, solar, flowing water, and wind generation of electricity will be in great demand. Build hardcopy and digital libraries of how to do stuff; you can carry a lot in your phone. Get the tools you need and guard them well. Make yourself more valuable/valued than you are.

One of the best things you can do is to put yourSelf on the New Being path; see the Guided Meditation.

Love, Light and Laughter,
