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New Templates allow better choices

Earlier today, I posted a way to improve your health by changing how your Insulin works. As part of that post, I realized that changing your Insulin was a new capability for those of us who are strong in the Light.

I live in the tropics and am much loved by every Mosquito (really Mosquita) that happens to be anywhere near me.


Today, I asked if there was anyway that I could stop attracting the Mosquitas and got a big, loud YES. Hmmm, the implications were Huge. After that conversation, I have not been bitten by a Mosquita in several hours even though they are around me.

My next question was about attracting Money. I got an equally loud YES and asked about SUCCESS, SEX, WOMEN, HEALTH, YOUTHFULNESS and POWRES. I got YESES for all of them. I, then, asked if these changes in my physical body programming were now possible only because the Aquarian Light Templates were now active, even if only partially powred-up?

Again, I got a big, loud YES.

If you know you are strong in the Light, this is the time to go in and change your Physical Body programming; the FORCE is with You.

The Shift of the Ages has just begun, finally.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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You can Turn-Off your Insulin Production

I have been writing about the new, Aquarian Light Templates; they are in place and powering-up.

All of the new templates were fully installed on November 22nd and will be powered-up fully on December 22nd of this year (2014).

This morning I was guided to a video that talked about Insulin as the producer of fat; that is its primary function in the body. The entire intent of this video was to sell me information about foods that shut-down the production of Insulin to allow my body to burn it’s already stored fat and to stop producing more fat. So, at the end of the video, I asked my Spirit Guide if I was supposed to buy this information? I got a loud NO and started asking more questions.

I am being told that Insulin production is an optional thing in the new templates. I am being told that I can install a program to limit production of Insulin to only when my body fat falls below three (3) percent. I can also limit Insulin spikes entirely by allowing the Insulin to restore any needed fat gradually, at low levels.

I am not overweight, but am not slim and trim either. Insulin does more than make us fat; it also drives how much energy we have; it sucks all of the energy from our food into making fat and leaves our bodies feeling low on energy. You know, that feeling before coffee in the morning.

What does this mean? With this new, internal program, I can eat carbohydrates, which means sugars, without producing a normal “sugar spike” in Insulin that diabetics measure as an A!C spike. By changing my Insulin program, I can eat whatever I want without triggering a make fat response in my body; this is a wonderful piece of news.

My suggestion is to have an Internal Conversation with your Self and see if you, too, can change this debilitating program. Think about it, we all know people who can eat anything and stay slim and trim. How do they do it? Simple, they already have programmed their Insulin production to be zero or low.

When you change this Insulin program, you will begin to lose weight and inches rapidly as you will not be making fat anymore. If you do not trust your Self, Google foods that limit the production of Insulin, like Kale or do both.

Have fun with this.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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The Pleiadians are Coming to Help

Hopefully, you have Googled the “Photon Belt” and, now, understand the Elite’s need to build underground shelters. I am told that the Elites have come up with a chip that is put in the hand and that is how people will be able to access these underground “hidey holes.” No chip, no access. Increasingly, this chip is/will become the new, high-tech passport and will also be used to transfer wealth between borders (or under them).

OK. The Elites are busy as Beavers preparing for a long time underground. To help you understand, we are not going into an area of space with many giant asteroids, but millions of small iron asteroids and they will fall like raining steel balls; anything or anyone caught out in the open will be killed.  Our rooves are designed to keep rain, snow and wind out; not iron pellets traveling thousands of miles an hour. The hardy will still be able to grow crops and fish, but many of the crops will be destroyed and being out in the open anywhere on the planet will have huge new dangers. Being a surface dweller will be far more dangerous than it has been.

What is the timing of this? It will start in about 5 years, sometime in 2020 according to my internal information.

OK. This is what “we” think is happening and how “they” are preparing for it. I have written about the new Templates extensively; they are very real. These new energy templates are being powered up and will be fully empowered on December 22nd, 2014. We are already seeing shifts in power as represented by the US Elections and the increasingly obvious battle between Sunni and Shia Muslims.  The US has no business being involved in this fighting, but Obama is a Muslim and cannot help himself.

The new Light Templates will turn the focus on freedom, choice, truth, self-reliance and change for the better in the new year. Look around yourself; 13 out of 14 of us will no longer be here in 5 years; that is a lot of people dying. In China, India, Indonesia/Malaysia,  the Middle East and Africa, it will be more like 99 out of 100. For more perspective, see my ebook, Reptilian Wars: a 50,000 Year Update.

Most of the population on Earth is based on the slave making activities of the Annunaki where they mixed their DNA with the DNA of various primates that were in development on Earth. Yes, Black people were made with Gorillas, Arab people were made with Chimpanzees and Asian people were made with Orangutans; this is what scientists call the “missing link.”  All of the Annunaki Slave Races have genes that drive them towards a “collective” or Hive mentality; this is why there is such a great divide over the rise of Big Government. It is not just a question of politics, but of genetics as well.

In ongoing warfare between the Reptilians/Annunaki and a group of Human Planets that call themselves the Pleiadians, large groups of Humans from several planets were deployed here on Earth as warrior/colonists in what we call Russia, Eastern Europe and Western Europe; they are what we call the White or Caucasian Race.  This started happening about 4,000 years ago. The only race of man that did not come from somewhere else on Earth is Big Foot who fled the Annunaki by going underground. The Neanderthal branch of Man was exterminated by the Annunaki because they were too intelligent and made great administrative slaves; too many females were caught and used as “egg” resources during the initial artificial insemination period. The remnants of these administrative slaves are what we call Jews today; you know, the Chosen People.

The Pleiadian Forces, also called Star Fleet Command, have driven the Reptilian/Annunaki Forces off Earth and out of this area of Space with the exception of a small group of Annunaki and Administrators/Worshipers who migrated into the Hollow Earth. Zora is the Chief Annunaki who calls himself “Father God” and the Worshipers are one of the lost tribes of Israel.

The Pleiadians have a PROBLEM; the Reptilians and Annunaki have created billions of people who have genes that drive these people towards a collective and communications via mind control.  To them, this is a huge ENEMY population issue. At the same time, their warrior-colonists have been successful, spread out and multiplied many times.

What to do? Intervene? With Bacterial/Viral Warfare? Fortunately, they do not have too. Our Elites are doing it for them and the new, Light Templates will be sending everyone who has 60 percent or higher of Darkness back to Spirit which includes everyone who has active Reptilian/Annunaki Genes and those with Implants.

Fear not, there will still be millions of us left, but there will be some major changes. First off, women will rule everything. Why? Because 49 out of 50 survivors will be women. Men will have to struggle to keep from being sex slaves. Other changes include having Light-related Majikal Powres; men will get some aggressive powres to even the odds. Other changes will include far fewer births and extended lives to around 1,000 years, but in young looking, healthy bodies.

All of this is just around the corner.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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The Photon Belt and the Aquarian Age

Way back in the late 1950s, our astronomers were able to see something that they called the Photon Belt and we were moving towards it. They saw that the Photon Belt was an area of intense light and that it had lots of comet and asteroid activity.  The Photon Belt is a toroid, like a dough-nut, and has its own gravity and system of comets and asteroids; it is also the Aquarian Light energy were have just moved into.

We, our Solar System, will be in this Photon Belt for the next 2,158 years/orbits and we will encounter meteor showers where millions of iron meteorites that weigh up to 5 pounds/2.2 kilograms will hit the Earth. This is why the ancients went to great effort to build underground cities; it was a matter of survival.

Read Immanuel Velikovsky’s books Worlds in Collision and Ages in Chaos for an account of what happened when we were in Leo at the other side of the torroid.  It rained both meteorites and petroleum; the Bible says it rained fire.

It is going to happen again and that is why the elites are building underground shelter complexes with many miles of tunnels. They know that in a few short years, people will not be able to survive on the surface; with the meteorites falling, our rooves will collapse and fishing and farming will be difficult. Unfortunately, our satellites will be destroyed unless they are “hardened”. There may be no warning of when and where the falls will come.

There is another solution. Many of us can migrate to the Inner or Hollow Earth. Google it and educate yourselves about it.  There are two polar entrances to the Inner Earth and its seas are fresh water seas. What about sunlight? The Inner Earth has an Inner Sun; that is where our Planet Goddess, Gaia, lives.

I know, our Earth is supposed to be solid with in inner core of nickel and iron and the Journey to the Center of the Earth is just fiction just like the Nautilus and the trip to the Moon. These are all fanciful notions from Jules Vern and H. G. Wells, the first science fiction writers.

Believe it or not, there are passages down into the Hollow Earth and there has been interaction with the Hollow Earth peoples for thousands of years; it has been very limited to select groups of advanced surface dwellers. There is a passage in Europe and one more in North America.

Again, I must return to my main flow of information; the Photon Belt is intense Light energy and the Light templates are taking over from the Dark templates. It really does not matter what the elites do to survive as they will be leaving despite their best efforts. They are building survival shelters that can be used if needed, but the best approach may be to have the surviving Light oriented people migrate into the Hollow Earth until the danger is passed.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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Ebola’s not the Killer, a 1918-type Flu will be

First off, there is a plan underway to kill off much of our World’s population. Ebola has been used to scare us all into getting the vaccinations when they are available. Don’t do it as the vaccines will be used to kill many of us.

DARPA has developed a plasma mining tools that creates miles-long tunnels and the elites have been digging their hidey holes and stocking them with food, water and everything else they need. Ebola is a manufactured crises and “They” want us to rush to get vaccinations.

Wheat the elites are not planning on is the arrival of a Killer Flu that is going to carry them away with many of the over-population that they are planning to kill off.

I have been writing about a shift from Darkness to Light and the arrival of the new, Light templates.  These Light templates will be fully powered up on December 22nd, this year. On November 22nd, they will be at two-thirds power and they are, roughly, at half power now.

These templates are the underlying energetic foundation for our world and everything in it. That includes everyone in it as well. Most of the people in our world, roughly 90 percent came here configured to work with the dominant Dark power that has been in charge for the last 6,480 years. What these people did not count on was the shift from Dark, Piscean power to Light, Aquarian powre over the past two years; that shift started on December 22nd, 2012 and will be complete on December 21st, 2014. The mid-term elections in the US are a fore-taste of what is to come when Light takes over from Darkness; yes Left is Dark and Right is Light in politics as well as everything else.

Whether we like it or not, the energetic support for about 77% of the people and many of the organizations on Earth is going away. That means that billions of us will be leaving, returning to Spirit, dying. Fear not, there will still be hundreds of millions of us here who are oriented towards the Light or have at least 41 percent Light.  All of the people who have 60 percent or more Darkness in their individual makeup, will be leaving; bye-bye.

Guess what? That includes all of the Elites and all of their children and grand-children and cousins; the Elites are among the most Dark and will be among the first to leave. It is those Light oriented people “left behind” that will inherit Heaven on Earth.

Light, love and laughter,


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Timing is Everything!

I have been writing about the Templates; this is the energy behind everything. Anything solid is just slowed down energy. There are templates for everything in our lives; beds, tables, cars, planes, computers, smart phones/tablets, businesses and organizations.

Yes, there is an individual template for the United Nations and the European Union; they are almost the same template stemming from a large, Dark, Multi-national organization template. The point is that both of these organizations are based on old, Dark templates left over from Pisces energies.

To recap, in July, August and September, new, Light, Aquarian templates were installed. Yes, it took until the end of September; nine is the number of completion. Notice, I said templates; that means all of the templates for our world to include both books and ebooks, stainless steel knives and forks as well as plastic and all kinds of networks to include WiFi, Social and the Cloud. The point is that all of our templates are now based on freedom, choice, truth and change-for-the-better. Now, all of those disruptive technologies that were resisted by the old energies, can be brought into the world (see my Revitae Technologies site).

Ok. So when do these new templates clearly take over. Everything takes more time than we Spirits-in-a-body want. The new, Aquarian templates are being powered (powred) up over the next three months; October, Novermber and December and will be fully powred up on December 22nd, 2014.

The financial world is very concerned about a new recession in Europe and a potential collapse of China. Guess what? It is going to happen as part of the powring up of the new templates.

Ok. This is a site dedicated to transforming yourselves into Newmen and Newomen. In October, the Newmen/women template has been being installed; the Fire-being template will be completely installed by October 31st. Happy Halloween!

What does that mean? It means that all those who have transformed themselves into Adepts, Masters and Mahatmas will have Aquarian, Light powres to draw on starting in November.  What powres? Increased abilities in telepathy, speaking mentally with animals, better manifesting, especially moving digits around; think bank accounts and other baby powres. Teleporting objects will come in December and Jumping in January. There will be a slow, but steady, increase in our powres and capabilities over the next 90-days.

Those people who have transformed themselves into Earth-beings will begin to get those baby powres in November; think Thanksgiving. By Christmas, all of we Newmen and Newomen will have given ourselves a wonderful set of Gifts with more coming in 2015.

Love, Light and Laughter,


Why Now? Why 2014?

Hopefully, you have visited my Home Page and understand the importance of the number “14.” It is the number that we are allowed to use to create things. Yes, the number “5” is also “14,” but, is less powerful.

We can create on “14” days, but we can also “run” or “execute” on these days. We can also do “mid-course corrections” on these days.

The most powerful “14” days are the triple 14 days like tomorrow, 10/6/2014 which breaks down to 1+6+7 or 14.

When it comes to years, most of us just drop the 20 part and use the 14 part as we all know that we are in the second thousand years since the commonly accepted calendar was started. Spurt drops the 20 as well and this is the first, and only, natural “14” year in the 21st Century.

This is the year that Aquarian Light energies are taking over from Piscean Dark energies and we all had to wait until the end of September which is the 9th month. Nine is always the number of completion.

Are there other important years in the 21st Century? Yes, 2023, 2032, 2041, 2050 and so on separated by 9 years; these are all “5” years, but in reality they are “14” years. They are powerful, but not quite as powerful as this year; 2014.

So… What important things are Humans creating this year? The most important creation is the diminution of Fear and Force and Control; I frequently describe this as Darkness. For all of us on Planet Earth, the way things have been for thousands of years is losing its grip; the expectation of greed, corruption, crime, crooked politicians, crooked judges, the good-ole-boy network and the domination by males in our society is changing.

Aquarian energy is symbolized as a woman standing at the top of a mountain with a water jug; this woman is seen to be pouring water onto the conical tip of the mountain and each water droplet is allowed to find its own way down the mountain. Notice, it is not a man holding the water jug and each water droplet can go down its own way.

Contrast that with the energies of the last three ages we have passed through; the Taurus symbol is a bull, but really represent herds of cattle; the Aries symbol is a ram, but really represents flocks of sheep with a male Shepard, or course; and Pisces has two fish representing a school, but as we have all seen over the past 2,160 years, the schools of thought were dominated by males and their hierarchical structures.

So…Now that we are, finally, being influenced by Aquarian Light energies, what does that mean? Have you noticed that a college degree is becoming more and more worthless; not worth the huge debt to get? Have you noticed that we are all losing our faith and trust in our governments, especially big government programs? Do you think Social Security or other old age pension systems will be there?

If my information is correct, most of the people on the planet will not be allowed to stay; because of their Darkness, they will be forced to leave. Whether there is 300 or 500 million left, it is not going to be the 7,000 million that we keep being told about. If this is true, there will not be enough people to pay for all of these government programs and if Fear, Force and Control are going away, how will they be forced to keep giving Big Government all of their money that it demands.

If each droplet of water can find its own way, that means that there will be much more freedom to do things differently. New technologies, like those on my invention site, will be allowed to come into the world. For the hierarchical structure types, this will mean a huge loss of control and they will view our world as CHAOS. Literally, they will not be able to stand the coming changes.

It is time to bring out all of those changes that you have been trying to do, but couldn’t. The time of resistance to change-for-the-better is over; that too, was Darkness.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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Many will begin to Use Their Powres Today

The new, Light templates were installed from June to August; these templates were Powred-UP in September and, now, Fire-being powres are being given to all, ALL, ALL people who have at least 70 percent Light in their energetic make-up.

OK. What does this mean? Remember, if you have 70% Light, it still means that you also have 30% Dark which means you still have a lot of fear. So… Today, many, perhaps as many as 300 millions people on the planet, will start to get “Hero” type powres as in the TV show.

Now, I am not saying that millions of you will be able to fly today, but maybe by the end-of-the-month. What I am saying is that many millions of people ARE getting powres (or powers) and the world WILL be changed. Just imagine, all of these millions will no longer be powerless and they will all have a significant orientation towards freedom, choice, integrity, self-reliability, self-responsibility, truth, love and change-for-the-better. Review my post on Majik Wands; they will now begin to work.

People will begin to get Adept powres today and by the end-of-the-week those people who have transformed themselves into Mahatmas will have those powres.  For those people who have transformed themselves into Earth-beings, those powres will be installed and operating by 10/10/2014.

So… Many, many of us are getting Adept powres, even those who have not transformed themselves (see my Transform Yourself page). Those who have transformed themselves into Vertical Master, Horizontal Master or Mahatma will get additional powres and those who have transformed themselves into an Earth-beings (Keeper, Grower, Miner, Smelter, Builder and Transformer) will receive astonishing new powres.

We have had to wait until Aquarius Light was able to assert itself over the remnants of Piscean Darkness; that happens today, October 1st, 2014. Following the Schools of Thought is no longer required; go your own way Light Being.

What I am talking about here is a HUGE revolution in Human affairs; there will shortly be a large minority of Light Beings who cannot be pushed around by the authorities. All of the authorities are Dark beings who still think that they can rule through the barrel of a gun or the court systems; you know, law enforcement. They are going to make you – force you to obey their laws. NOT. Review my post on Newman Manifesto.

Now. Please wait until you can crawl, before you can walk, before you can run. Most of your will, but some will push their energetic envelopes and get themselves in trouble. Don’t despair, just think of the fun you can have messing with the jails. Your powres will continue to grow and you will be able to get yourself out, even if we do not come to get you out.

What do you think is happening in Hong Kong now; this is the beginning of Aquarian Light in motion.

Love, Light and Laughter,


The 99 Percenters are Leaving

One of the themes of this site is that all of us are made up of a combination of Light or Right-Spin and Dark or Left–Spin energies. In our world, both are required to make things happen. As an example, high pressure weather systems spin clockwise or to the Right; they bring blue skies and lots of sun. On the other hand, low pressure systems spin counter-clockwise or to the Left and they bring much needed rain. But, they also bring lots of wind; sometimes in the form of tornadoes, tropical storms and hurricanes.

OK. I am one of those who is 99% Light or Right-Spin. I have some Left-Spin energy, but it is less than 1 percent. Most of us have at least 5 percent of either Darkness or Light and the “normal” is at least 20 percent.

I have written about the the new, Light Templates that are being powred up; they will be fully operational on October 1st. We think of October as the tenth month as in 10, but the root word in October is Oct which is eight; energetically October is a combination of 1 from the ten and eight or the number 9. Nine is the number of completion. If you go back in history, stock market crashes happen frequently in October; now you know why. It is hidden in plain sight.

OK. The new templates are fully operational; so what? The old, Dark templates will be dissolved; the old ways of doing things and expecting outcomes based on past performance no longer apply. “This is the way it has always been,” no longer applies.

The old, Dark structures like the US GOVERNMENT, UNITED NATIONS, EUROPEAN UNION and Government (in General), as we know it, will disappear.  There will still be Order, but without the fear, force and control that we have now. Light is Order and is taking over.

I started this post by saying the 99 percenters are leaving. I am not referring to myself or others like me who have lots of Light. I am referring to all of those beings here on Earth who have 99 percent Darkness or Left-Spin. As you might guess, there are not too many of these beings walking around; there might be as many as 10,000 out of the billions of people here. Most of them are men, but about 2,000 of them are women.

These are the leaders on our planet; they have acquired wealth, position and political power. These beings are the oligarchies or leading families in every nation; sometimes they are out in-the-open, but, generally, they prefer to rule from the background using puppets.

These are beings who have worked the hardest to advance fear, force and control in our world; they are the enemies of Light. Guess what? Light knows who these beings are and they will be the first to be given a ticket to ride. Ride where? Into the Sunset, Die, baby die. GOOD RIDENSE!!!

It will start with the 99 percenters and move quickly down to the 80 percenters and take about 5 years to get to 60 percent. By that time, there will only be 300 million of us remaining. The beings “Left Behind” will all be beings with at least 40 percent Light; we will still have Dark Beings, but they will not be leaders. Someone has to be around to do the cooking, cleaning. and lifting.

Light, Love and Laughter,


More about the Templates

I’ve written about the new templates that were installed over the summer. Yes, the installation was completed on August 31st and yes, the template are being powered up during September.

My problem is that I am not seeing any changes in my own little reality and I have been fussing with my internal information about why.  Here is a clarification that I have received.

The templates that are being powered up first are the collective templates; the big picture templates. We are seeing one result of that in the vote today on Scottish Independence. That is a definite break with the past, Dark, Status Quo, whether the vote is yest or no.

Look at the indecisiveness of the US Government over the Southern Border and ISIS/ISIL. How about Ukraine and the seeming stalemate there?

This powering up of the collective templates will continue through the end-of-the-year and the power of the US GOVERNMENT, the EU, the UN, the Russian Federation and other One-World Organizations will be greatly diminished. Rule through the power of a gun or sword will no longer be supported by the new energetic templates.

OK. What about powering up our individual templates? What about more money, success and stuff? That starts on October 1st and will be complete by the end-of-the-year as well. This applies to all of you who are oriented towards the Light. As the new, Light templates are being powered up, the old, Dark templates are being powered down.

There is going to be a huge transfer of wealth from the old, Dark beings to the new, Light beings. That correction of 10% or more in the stock markets of the world is going to happen, but, it will be more like a 90% correction; remember, Light now has 67% control of the powre in the world and will use that in all areas of Human activity very soon. The DOW will drop to 3,000 or lower and deflation will set in; a loaf of bread will be 25 cents, not $5; a gallon of gas will be 25 cents, not $5; cars will sell for $2,500 or less; homes will sell for $15,000-$50,000. Expect these price thresholds to drop even more until stability is reached.

This is not just about a crash in the stock markets; all of the central banks are going to default on the impossible debt  that has been wreaked up. Yes, the $17 Trillion that the US owes will be defaulted on and yes, interest rates will go up to 5% soon. This will be a major player in the debt defaults. This includes the EU, China, Japan, Germany, England and all of the rest.

The college degree is worthless and will not be important in the future for a long time; technical certifications of knowledge will become the new credential. The concept of Insurance will no longer be supported by the new templates; cooperatives will replace it/them.

There will be so many people dying of disease that confidence in our Health Care System will be destroyed; this too, is not being supported by the new templates. Embrace alternative health approaches.

The courts, police and jails/prisons and lawyers are old, Dark energy and they will not be supported by the new templates. What to do with all of these “bad” people? They will all be leaving because they are too “Dark” and cannot stay. This applies to Muslims everywhere.

If you are living on government transfer payments like welfare, food stamps, social security, these “safety net” programs are not being supported by the new templates. Too many people are leaving and all of these programs are/will be unsupportable. Ask your Inner Being for grace, not your Government.

Love, Light and Laughter,


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Obama IS the Anti-Christ

I am not at all religious, but there is prophesy out there about the End Times and the existence of the Anti-Christ.

These are the End Times and Barack Obama is the Anti-Christ. Obama is a Sunni Muslim who bowed/s down to the King of Saudi Arabia. He funded and trained ISIS, which he insists on calling ISIL (Islamic State in the Levant) which includes the entire Middle East.  He pulled all US Forces out of Irag and purposely stood by and did nothing while ISIS grew in strength and numbers; incomprehensible, unless he had an Islamic agenda. He refuses to call Islamic terrorism by its name and insists that we are not at war with Islam. When someone kills in the name of Mohammed, he calls it work place violence.

He has done everything possible to weaken the United States’s place in the world by withdrawal from the Middle East and North Africa, cutting the strength of the military and sowing discontent and division among Americans. This man is pure Evil.

He is the in one of the most powerful positions to be in and he isn’t even a Christian. What a great position to be in if you are the Anti-Christ. Increasingly, everyone in the world is seeing how great a Liar Obama is; another great attribute of the Anti-Christ.

OK. What do you mean about this being the End Times? I have written extensively about the coming Earth Changes. We have moved out of 6,480 years of domination by Darkness and we are seeing the end-game plans of Darkness being played out, especially in the Middle East (where Darkness/Islam is the strongest). More importantly, we have moved into Aquarius/Light energy and Light has, finally, taken over.

I am not sure how, but Darkness, Obama and his ilk will not succeed, even though it looks as if they are. Remember, the new Light oriented templates have been installed and are being powered up. What this means is that Darkness is about to start losing its battles with Light; Obama will look increasingly small and incompetent and his scandals will only grow worse. He will lose control of the Senate and will be removed from power before the end of 2015. He is being abandoned by the US Military and Homeland Security apparatus; he is too obviously working against USA interests which are also Light interests. The United States of America was created by Light and Darkness has had 200 plus years to try to destroy it. Obama is doing his very best, but even he, will be unable to do enough damage.

Do not fear nuclear weapons; they do not work anymore. Not for the US or the Russians or the Chinese or the North Koreans or the Iranians. Why do you think the US spent all of that money on GPS satellites and all of those “smart” weapons. Governments of the world will still trot out the fear of nuclear weapons for any number of reasons, but they were too expensive to manufacture and maintain and have been too difficult to detonate. Note, there is no air blast tests anymore; just underground tests where they detonate 20 or 30,000 tons of TNT/Dynamite to achieve a tiny “Mushroom” cloud.

I am not sure of this, but Putin is making Obama look small, weak, indecisive and, generally, incompetent. Is it possible Putin is a tool of the Light?

Love, Light and Laughter,


Islam is DARKNESS; it Must be Rooted Out

In the West, we have this belief in “freedoms” or speech, assembly and religion. We believe that what God you worship is your business as long as you do not try to impose your religion on others. We call this Civilization.

There is a problem here. Islam is not just a religion, it is a set of political laws called Sharia and embedded in Islams Holy Book, the Que ran, is a chapter on forcing non-believers to convert by the sword. This is called Jihad and this is where the Jihadists get their inspiration and “Holy” guidance. This is not an aberration or a radicalization, but is part of being a Muslim.

In the Christian Bible, there are two chapters related to St Paul called Corinthian and Thessalonian which were two Christian cities in what is now Turkey. Why are they no longer Christian,? Because the Islamites arrived and forced everybody to convert to Islam or die; just like ISIS/ISIL is doing now in Northern/Eastern Syria and Western/Northern Iraq.

Islam is also called Mohammedanism. Focus on the last three letters, ISM. Think of other ISMs like Socialism or Communism or Feudalism or Capitalism. These are all political structures and Nations have gone to war over the imposition of these ISMs. In fact, the West has already gone to war with Islam several times; they were called the Crusades and were wars of massive cultural differences. We are now at war with Islam again, but this war is everywhere a Mosque is. Wherever the Muslims go, they bring their Sharia Law with them and demand it be imposed even if it goes against existing Western Laws and cultural norms.

Anyone looking at Islam from the West must wonder what on Earth makes the Sunni Muslims feel like it is OK to kill Shia Muslims and vice versa while they are both trying to force Unbelievers to convert. Hold on to your shock factor! Shiites believe in the Second Coming of Mohammad and call this being the Mahdi. This is why Iran wants to develop nuclear weapons; they want to give these weapons to the Mahdi who is supposed to be arriving soon.  Here is the shocking part; Shiites believe that the Mahdi will be born from a man, not a woman. The Sunnis know about this belief and consider it to be blasphemous in the extreme. Sunnis do not treat their women well by Western standards, but Shiites hold women in very low regard as the Mahdi will not even be born of woman.

Islam is not a religion; it is a political ISM and cannot co-exist with other religions or cultures.

OK. This is a spiritual blog and I will add the Spiritual piece now.  I write a lot about the struggle between Darkness and Light. In Mecca, there is a structure that every Muslim must face and bow down in prayer to several times a day; it is the Qua Ba.  What is the Qua Ba? It is a meteorite that fell from Space many thousands of years ago. It was worshiped by Arab Tribes long before Mohammed. It is a black obsidian cube that is 6ft x 6ft x 6ft that supposedly fell to Earth as a cube with sharp edges and points. The Qua Ba is the home of Darkness on this planet. Praying to Allah is praying to Darkness; it really is that simple. Darkness is fear, force, control and resistance to change; does that not describe Islam well.

There is no room for Islam in the new Light templates.  Bye bye.


Its 9/11 and also 7/11; a Significant Date

The Twin Towers and Benghazi both happened on 9/11. The world was supposed to take notice of this date as a significant date. Well, here we are again and something important is happening today.

Just like the two previous 9/11’s mentioned, today is a day of destruction; it is time to destroy the old Order. Whoa, that is a tall order. What do you mean “destroy” the old Order?

Energy flows in waves for the collective. It ebbs and flows between Darkness and Light. Most recently, the flow has been in the direction of Light and new templates have been established that are heavily weighted towards Light. These are broad changes that need triggers to actually make the change(s).

Today, 9/11, is a trigger day. Light/Spirit has taken great pains to prepare those of us who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear and the in-sight or knowing to use. Everyone on the planet has heard of some reference to 9/11 in recent years and many are watching and waiting for some destructive event or events to happen today. It may or may not be what is expected, but today is a trigger day.

The new templates are all being “executed” or “run” today; they are like programs or apps that must be run at the appointed time to achieve the desired effect. The old Order which was dominated by fear, force, control and resistance to change is being swept into the dustbin of their story’ a new, much nicer story is emerging rapidly.

It is the story of freedom, choice, truth, self-reliance and change for the better and that program has been installed and will now, run.

What is this program being run on? In our case it will be run on the entire planet on both the surface and the hollow, interior world. But it is far more extensive than that; it will also be run in our Solar System and the other star systems orbiting the same sun as we do, Alcione, and the other star systems  that Alcione orbits.  This called a local universe and there are nine of them in our Milky Way Multi-verse (we are the furthest out, Ninth Universe). And yes, there is a Central Sun or Star-Body that everything orbits around.

What changes will this bring? And how long before we start to see them? Fear will start to lose its grip on people, organizations, institutions and states starting today.  Go away and leave me alone will grow in power. The Power of Governments and rule through the power of a gun will be diminished greatly by the end of the year. The Sovereign Power of Individuals will increase; those who cannot handle that sovereign power will leave in large numbers. This is not a reflection on goodness or badness, but how much Light they have; those with too much Darkness (fear, force and control) will be very glad to leave as quickly as they can.

Happy 9/11!!!

Love, Light and Laughter,


LIGHT has taken over; Have Money, Success & Stuff

Those of you who have found this site are all oriented towards the Light. You may be down in the 60-70 percent range or higher, but you are at the right place.  If you want more light, ask for it; it is really that simple. 

In my last few posts I wrote about the template changes that were being made.  In September, which is the 9th month, but really means the 7th month, Light is pouring a lot of energy into its new templates.  One of these new templates is the Newman/Newoman template for powering up the new approach to Fire- and Earth-Being Powres. Some of you have transformed yourself into Newmen and Newomen years ago, like me, and we have all been “told” that powers/powres are coming and we continue to wait.

Finally, the waiting is nearly over. I am receiving my powres now and soon, so will you. I am a Dragon and am also getting my Dragon powres as well. This is a great question to ask of yourself; are you also a Dragon?  Or perhaps, a Dragon Rider? Dragons can make themselves any size from very large to very small, they can be undetectable, not just invisible and they can “jump” wherever they want to go instantly. And yes, they can emit fire; they are not to be messed with. If you are a Dragon Rider, you can do all of these things with your Dragon.

My new powres include enhanced manifestation which includes manifesting things digitally (using bits and bytes), teleporting things, jumping and transforming things. Shortly, I will be able to transform this 65 year old body into what appears to be a fully functional, 27 year old and keep it that way for a very long time.

Majik is, finally, coming into the world; it is the source of all of these wonderful new powres. Majik has not been seen in our world since the end of Leo, 10,800 years ago; that is how long the legend of Merln has lasted. AMAZING.

Love, Light and Laughter,
